- Why do they starch the dress?
- Where to start?
- How to decide on the technology?
- What things can not be starched?
- Types of starch fixing
- How to starch a dress at home?
- How to starch a dress in a washing machine?
- Alternative to homemade paste
- Vintage methods of starching
- How to starch a wedding dress at home?
- How to starch a baby dress at home?
- How to iron a starched skirt?
- Important moments in the process of starching:
Do you have the solemn moment of the first matinee of the child in the kindergarten? Or are you, your eldest daughter, a girlfriend getting married? And the dress, for some reason, after washing is sadly hanging on the shoulders and the usual iron does not help the cause? Use in this case starch. If you still do not know how to starch a baby dress at home and how to give a more magnificent and festive look to your wedding dress, then this article and many other things will help you figure it out.
to the contents ↑Why do they starch the dress?
For a very long time, the method of starching is used to give things a steady form, a neat and solemn look. Our grandmothers could, with closed eyes, prepare the right solution for the treatment of a particular dress.
Important! Probably all of us paid attention to the dainty dresses of dancers, on how they keep their shape, and what they have a snow-white appearance. Not everything depends on the cut and design of the dress. To achieve this effect, you need to be able to correctly starch things at home.
Starched dress lasts longer and retains its freshness and curvy shape. This is due to the fact that during the treatment of products with a solution on things a thin film forms, which has the following properties:
- Does not allow the product to be kneaded, since the fabric becomes stiffer.
- The dirt on the dress is not absorbed, which greatly facilitates the process of removing stains during washing.
- The yellowed dress after the starch will again acquire a white, sparkling appearance.
- The dress lasts for a long time and keeps a presentable and fresh state.
- With the help of starching, it is possible to emphasize or highlight such details of the product as collars, cuffs, ruffles, bows.
Where to start?
Before starching the skirt at home, you should get rid of all the stains that are present on the product. Do this as follows:
- Take 3% hydrogen peroxide.
- Apply to a soft, clean cloth.
- Scrub the problem areas and leave for a few minutes. The spots will begin to disappear right before your eyes.
In this way, not only yellow spots, but also stains from coffee, tea and wine are removed.
Important! During the process of starching, the fabric becomes less breathable. Therefore, light summer things are not desirable to starch completely.
to the contents ↑How to decide on the technology?
Depending on whether you want to get the result from starching: strong or slightly hard fixation, you need to use a certain concentration of starch.
Fabrics from which clothes are sewn differ in the composition of the yarn, color and density. Therefore, you should know what kind of starch solution you need to use to process the tissue you have chosen.
Important! For example, under the influence of starch, a knitted dress acquires a number of positive qualities:
- Becomes more presentable.
- Less stretched.
- The position of the threads becomes more even.
- Drawing is clearly distinguished on the product.
- The color becomes more intense.
What things can not be starched?
There is also the second side of the coin: not all things can be starched. On some of them, the effect of starch affects negatively. List of similar products:
- Underwear. Under the influence of starch, air passes less than the air, so it is not hygienic to wear such linen.
- Things are dark or black. When your clothes are completely dry, white streaks may remain on it.
- Synthetic or semi-synthetic dresses. Such tissues are not easily amenable to starching.
Types of starch fixation
Depending on the desired result and the concentration of the active substance, the following types of starch fixation are distinguished:
Soft starchy
With this solution, you can starch summer chiffon or batiste sarafans, bed linens and curtains. Also an excellent option will be this way to starch a baby dress at home. Thin flowing fabrics will take a hard shape with a small amount of starch:
- Take 1 liter of water and dilute in it 0.5-1 teaspoon of starch.
- Stir until a uniform mixture is obtained.
Medium stiffness starch
To collar and cuffs on a man's shirt, flounces in a dress and artificial bows, tablecloths and napkins had a steady beautiful outline, prepare the following composition:
- In the enamelware, pour 1 liter of water and add 1 tablespoon of starch to it.
- Stir until mixture is free from lumps.
Rigid method of starching
With such a concentrated solution, it is possible to starch only individual areas of clothing: cuffs in a shirt, a bald dress-up, dance packs for ballerinas. Products become tough and retain their shape for a long time. The procedure is carried out in accordance with the following rules:
- To give the product a special shine, add 1 teaspoon borax( boron salt) to the prepared liquid, stir well and let stand for a couple of hours.
- 2 tablespoons of starch dilute in 1 liter of water.
- Mix all ingredients until smooth.
Important! Regardless of which type of starch you have chosen, it is very important that there are no lumps in the raw materials. They will negatively affect the final result.
to the contents ↑How to starch a dress at home?
To prepare a starch solution you will need:
- Starch and water.
- Deep enamel or other heat-resistant cookware.
Important! Perhaps, the raw material will have to be heated on the .
- Spoon or shovel for stirring.
Important! To prepare the mixture, you can use absolutely any starch: rice, corn, potato or wheat. Experienced housewives prefer to use potato starch. It can easily be purchased at the store. It has a snow-white color, excellent thickens, which can not be said about cornstarch.
To starch the dress at home, follow this algorithm of action:
- Before you drop things into the received liquid, they need to be washed and remove all stains.
Important! Starch has the property of bleaching, so all unobtrusive spots after the procedure of starching will disappear.
- Pour cold water into the enamelware and add the necessary amount of starch. Stir the raw material thoroughly.
Important! The amount of water and starch depends on the way of starching and the type of fabric of your clothing.
- In the mixture, pour a thin trickle of hot water. You need to increase the amount of starch liquid to completely cover the product.
Important! The dress that needs to starch should not float freely in the starch liquid.
- Make sure that the product has a consistency of thick sour cream, it was transparent and free of lumps.
Important! The cloudy solution should be boiled for 5 minutes.
- In order for the starch to absorb the fabric better, it can be diluted with a little water.
- Wait until the resulting solution has cooled to room temperature.
- Lower the product into the resulting paste.
- Leave for 30 minutes to impregnate with starch.
- To evenly starch the clothes, turn it several times in the container.
- Remove the dress, remove excess liquid from the product, straighten the creases and creases.
- Spread dry at room temperature in a horizontal position or hang on the shoulders.
- Drying must be done away from the battery or heat source.
Important! Having dried on the battery, the dress will be difficult to smooth out and give it the right shape.
- In order to iron the fabric of the product well and give it the desired shape, it must be ironed when wet.
- If you like the effect of starching, repeat it with each wash.
How to starch a dress in a washing machine?
Now there is a washing machine in almost every house. In it you can not only wash and rinse, but also starch fabric products. To do this, the following actions are required:
- Dilute starch with water in proportions corresponding to the desired fixation result and type of tissue.
- Pour the starch solution into the air conditioner compartment and set the desired washing mode in the machine.
Important! If you prefer washing with the use of a softener, conditioner, then during starching it is worth noting.
- In order not to damage the washing machine, run it idle after starching.
- Wipe the drum and door with a dry, clean rag.
Alternative to Homemade Adhesive
Today during the technical progress it is not necessary to prepare a starch paste at home. In shopping pavilions or large supermarkets, you can purchase starch products in the form of a spray, liquid or powder.
A similar form of starch fabric is very convenient to use. This is especially true when you need to starch only individual areas of clothing: collars, cuffs or frills on the dress. All you need is to spray the product on your clothes while ironing.
Powder or liquid starch
Such things as tablecloths, curtains, tulle, a dance ball dress and other dimensional things, it is very difficult to starch by hand. Therefore, often use a product that is specifically designed for a washing machine.
Important! Before using any magazine tool, read the instruction manual and follow it.
to the table of contents ↑The ancient methods of starching
Earlier, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers found a way out. For this purpose, they often used sugar, gelatin, and a little later, in some cases, and PVA glue.
- A tough form of clothing is given thanks to a syrup that is brewed in a ratio of 100 ml of water to 200 g of sugar.
Important! It is very important not to digest the syrup. Otherwise - your thing will get undesirable yellowness.
- Prepare the starch solution and pour in the cooled syrup.
- Stir this mixture thoroughly.
Important! If there are lumps, you can strain the paste through gauze.
- Lower the product and leave it soaked for a while.
- Press out excess liquid.
- Place to dry in a horizontal position.
Important! Under the influence of water, clothing will lose its shape and stiffness. Therefore, make sure that the product does not come into contact with water after starching.
Adhesive PVA
This method is ideal for knitting or embroidery. To make things stiff and correct position of threads, in order for the pattern on the product to look more expressive, prepare the following tool:
- In a 1: 2 ratio, dilute the PVA glue with water.
- Put the product into the prepared paste.
Important! If you need to process individual parts, apply the product with a brush.
- Leave to dry in a straightened form.
Get gelatin in the grocery store and prepare the following solution:
- One tablespoon should be diluted in warm water until complete dissolution.
- Pour 200-250 ml of water into the resulting gelatinous liquid.
- Put the dress in the resulting composition.
- As soon as it is impregnated with gelatin, squeeze it and spread it to dry.
How to starch a wedding dress at home?
A wedding dress can consist of several layers of skirts. If you starch all the layers of the podsubnik, you get a gorgeous lush dress.
Important! To achieve a slightly lush skirt, starch only a few layers of podsubnik. Thus, your dress will have a hard bottom, which will hold all the other parts of the skirt, and the dress will acquire a gentle airy look.
You can not damage such a beautiful and costly outfit, so proceed as follows:
- Prepare a paste for a rigid method of starching.
- Treat it with the lowest skirt.
Important! The topmost skirt of a dress is never processed with starch.
- Do not wait until it dries. Iron it with a warm iron.
Important! To the fabric does not stick to the iron, you need to iron it through gauze.
- All subsequent layers of the podsubnik handle starch of any hardness.
How to starch a baby dress at home?
Elegant baby dress after washing can be quite unhappy. The fragments and bows after the "water procedures" become drooping and pretty crumpled. To give a solemn and neat look to this product, perform the following actions that will quickly and correctly starch the baby dress at home:
- Prepare a paste for hard starching. Starchmalite individual details: collars, ruffles, bows, podsubnik.
- Smooth out the warm iron with a damp cloth.
How to iron a starched skirt?
There are several rules, observance of which is necessary for the thing to have an excellent appearance:
- The skirt is slightly humid ironing. With this approach, all folds and creases can easily be smoothed without damaging the shape of the product.
- You can not use steam during the ironing process - the skirt may lose its hardness.
- If the product is still dry, drizzle it with water or cover it with a slightly damp cloth and iron it.
- Do not use a hot iron. As a result, yellow marks may appear on the clothes.
- To skirt does not stick to the iron, you can add turpentine to the starch.
Important points in the process of starching:
- The table salt added to the paste will give the dress a unique sheen.
- Extra gloss, can be obtained if a few drops of stearin are added to the solution.
- Do not leave starched things in the cold. With this drying, the product will not become stiff.
- Clothing on which there are elements of embroidery threads of mulina can not be starched, since the threads lose color and stick together.
- Knitwear can not be dried on a hanger, they should be placed in a horizontal position and secured in the desired shape with sewing pins.
With the help of simple starvation actions, your little daughter will look like a little princess in her magnificent outfit, and a starched wedding dress will give the bride a gentle, airy look. Using simple tips from this article, you will learn to give your things a special gloss and beauty.