Dressing Room: layout with dimensions, photos of the best ideas

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size apartment do not tend to change, but not so on wardrobe. It grows every year. It "settled" is not only necessary things, but also things that are expensive as memory, or intended only for special occasions. At some point, all this is no longer fit into the traditional Hanging cupboard. There is a logical question: whether the dressing room is needed? Planning with the size, types of wardrobes, especially lighting and many other details - in this material.

Dressing Room: layout with dimensions
Luxurious dressing room will delight any owner

Read article

  • 1 On the types of dressing rooms of small size
    • 1.1 Chipboard (particleboard)
    • 1.2 Metal and mesh
  • 2 Where can I find a place for the wardrobe
  • 3 Spacious dressing room: layout with dimensions
    • 3.1 filling the space
    • 3.2 Drawings, diagrams and photos wardrobe with his hands
  • 4 What is important to consider when planning
  • 5 How to organize the lighting
  • 6 Tips: How to save money on the project custom wardrobe
  • 7 Design projects are small dressing rooms: a photo gallery of the best ideas
  • 8 How to beat a dreaded wardrobe
  • 9 summing up

On the types of dressing rooms of small size

First of all, it should be said that there is no universal version locker room. In each case, this space is individual and meets the needs and tastes of its owner. Our task - to consider ideas to help you decide on your own configuration of the object.

Wardrobe does not have to be large, the main thing - the competent rastanovka shelves and hanging
Wardrobe does not have to be large, the main thing - the competent rastanovka shelves and hanging

First of all, it has a wardrobe unlike conventional cabinets that can enter into it. Boxes, rod for hangers and shelves are placed on the walls of the room, each of storage locations must be easily accessible. Besides clothes in the room store small appliances, ironing board, room ladder and more.

The cost of creating the home locker room is largely dependent upon the choice of materials. Consider that you can use for this purpose:

Chipboard (particleboard)

It is cheap and durable. Furnished our room for the storage of ParticleboardShould consider in advance all the features of arrangement of shelves and hangers.

After finishing work nothing can be changed, because at the same time serve as a solid plate structure frame
After finishing work nothing can be changed, because at the same time serve as a solid plate structure frame

Another nuance - from wardrobe Particleboard It must be securely protected from moisture. Slabs will swell and deform when they will get water. On the other hand, this stuff is good in that for fastening the shelves do not have to drill the wall. All storage areas can be assembled from separate modules that are not attached to the wall. So do not get to save space, but can be rearranged as needed shelves.

Tip! Duvets and pillows are conveniently stored in vacuum-packed, they significantly reduce the volume of products.

Benefits wardrobes of chipboard:

  • relatively small in the arrangement costs (especially if you are using domestic materials);
  • a wide range of textures and colors material;
  • the possibility of using inexpensive fittings and accessories;
  • clearly built storage system.

Metal and mesh

To arrange storage of metal partsIt requires professional services welder. His work will cost a significant amount. The design is an unusual, but very attractive, especially if you use chrome.

Metal structures are reliable and stable
Metal structures are reliable and stable

That things do not fall from the shelves, use a mesh fence.

Pros like dressing:

  • the ability to move and change the height of the shelves (if previously provided space for them mounting);
  • the contents of the shelves will be well ventilated;
  • such designs are not afraid of moisture.

Where can I find a place for the wardrobe

Happy owners of large multi-room apartments can afford to spend a whole wardrobe room. Everyone else will have to conduct a thorough audit of all Available square meters.

Examples of photos dressing room out of the closet with his hands:

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Walk-in closet
Walk-in closet
Walk-in closet
Walk-in closet

Location can be placed in the pantry for storage, under the stairs in a private house, at basement, on attic or to allocate for this purpose part of a large room or hall. Most often under the wardrobe of the bedroom are separated by means of Sliding door coupe.

wardrobe design bedroom photo:

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Walk-in closet in the bedroom
Walk-in closet in the bedroom
Walk-in closet in the bedroom
Walk-in closet in the bedroom

Locate partition you can across the room, or diagonally.

Places for outdoor seasonal clothing conveniently positioned close to the entrance of the house, here is convenient to store the skates, skis, sledges, bicycle, Umbrellas, fishing tackle and other items needed for activities on the street.

Tip! If stored wardrobe wool and fur products, provide a means of protection against moths.

Wardrobes with baby clothes, conveniently located directly in the nursery.

In this room, you can provide a place to put the boxes with toys
In this room, you can provide a place to put the boxes with toys

Location internal shelves - a purely personal matter. It should take into account the growth of the owner of the wardrobe and place the shelves in such a way that it is possible to reach conveniently located on their subjects.

Spacious dressing room: layout with dimensions

Without which it is impossible to imagine a storage room? If any of the required components?

filling the space

Each shelf and drawer in the wardrobe has its own purpose and suitable dimensions. Consider filling dressing room details:

Filling Picture Description
hangershangersSwipe hangers for clothes adult - about forty-six centimeters. The distance from the bar to the floor should not be less than one meter in order to hang a shirt, a hundred and forty centimeters - suit and meter eighty centimeters - long dress. For every item of clothing on the rack will need to allocate not less than seven centimeters. To save space, you can use a special lift mechanisms (lifting barbells).
shelvesshelvesThese parts of the wardrobe can be stationary or movable. If the shelves are deep, comfortable, when they advance forward and make available items stacked closer to the wall. To the contents of the shelves do not fall out, they should be limited to the walls.
boxesboxesTo easily put forward boxes, special mechanisms are installed on them. Closers help effortlessly slide smoothly into place capacity. Small items in a box is not to be mixed and spread on purpose, if the inside of the box divided by partitions. Pull-out boxes made of different sizes. In large - store linenIn small - jewelry and other small things.
ObuvnitsyObuvnitsyFor shoes heels provide slanted shelves with bar, for which cling to heel. Training shoes are conveniently located on the shelves horizontal width of about thirty centimeters. Boots have special compartments of the required height. Shoes stored in boxes or on open shelves. Particularly useful withdrawable obuvnitsy.
basketbasketThese perforated boxes are suitable for storage of bulk items, eg, pillows and blankets. The dimensions of the cell allow the stored things well ventilated.
Special holdersSpecial holdersThese accessories include special arrangements for hanging trousers, ties, umbrellas, hooks and supports for hats.

Drawings, diagrams and photos wardrobe with his hands

Schemes shelf placement:

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Placing shelves
Placing shelves
Placing shelves
Placing shelves

Wardrobe systems with their own hands: photo examples:

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Related article:

The ideal dressing room: planning with dimensions and arrangement of the secrets of the important nuancesThis article describes what a quality dressing room with his hands. Drawings and diagrams, photos and additional materials will help to realize the most complex ideas with no errors and unnecessary costs. Even when the decision to give the order to execute the art, this information will be useful at all stages of the project from the wording of the job prior to acceptance assembled structure.

What is important to consider when planning

  • Each family member must have its own compartment in the locker room, it will help avoid confusion.
  • It should consider separate storage space for items that are rare or frequent use. For example, bags and sleds better away clean and underwear put closer.
  • The room should be planned in such a way as to spare space left in it.

Tip! Many things, for example, suits and evening dresses, best kept in special covers.

  • In the allocation of the storage places should consider first, which will be positioned long hanger. Everything else is placed around them. Footwear usually put at the bottom, the cap placed on top.
  • The width of the passage between the shelves can not be less than sixty centimeters.
  • Boxes to comfortably advance, provide to them a free space of at least half a meter.

How to organize the lighting

We have considered what should be the plan with dimensions. Dressing room seldom has a window for natural light. Therefore, it is important to consider the quality and convenient illuminations.

Tip! Light in the locker room should be as close to natural. In this case, the room can be used as a dressing room.

Proper lighting will quickly find the right thing
Proper lighting will quickly find the right thing

Ceiling lights evenly distribute light throughout the room. If the dressing rooms are small, 2 square meters (see photo below), it is better to use spot lighting devices or tape with LEDsAdhered under the shelf covers.

Spotlights in the wardrobe
Spotlights in the wardrobe

Another option directed set - bulbs on clothespins with flexible legs. This lamp is convenient to turn in the right direction, if necessary.

The best option - a combination of ceiling and wall lamps.

The mirror in the wardrobe should be issued a soft light
The mirror in the wardrobe should be issued a soft light

Tip! Use a light with a motion sensor. This eliminates the need to search for the switch and save on electricity costs.

Tips: How to save money on the project custom wardrobe

Reduce the cost of the order by following simple guidelines:

  • Give up the rear wall of built-in shelves and cabinets doors.
  • Select cheap materials shades, white or black, give up the special treatment lacquer. All this is not so important for the protected room.
  • Select the simple details and mechanisms without unnecessary "frills" like the inside backlight or electric door closer. It is not necessary to save only quality fittings.
  • Do not use expensive materials. Glass and chrome look attractive, but very expensive.
The price of the equipment storage system depends on the masters qualification. This article is not worth saving costs
The price of the equipment storage system depends on the masters qualification. This article is not worth saving costs

Design projects are small dressing rooms: a photo gallery of the best ideas

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How to beat a dreaded wardrobe

The most common problem is a dressing room in the nursery - fears its small owner
The most common problem is a dressing room in the nursery - fears its small owner

Many familiar situation when, after visiting the children's wardrobe parents baby begin sleepless nights. The child comes at night in the master bedroom, tormented by the fear that someone is in the closet. When planning a storage place for the baby, immediately warned that moment. Hang in the closet bright garlands, equip, or a place to hide and seek games, often entrust the child to lay things out there.

So scary closet become a part of the game space
So scary closet become a part of the game space

summing up

We have considered the options wardrobe rooms, planning with dimensions and the basic requirements of their filling. If the home is a space appears, you can release the rest of the room by cumbersome furniture and thus extend their living space.

Competently plan the storage systems hide from the eyes of all the necessary and not so necessary things, including household appliances and sports equipment
Competently plan the storage systems hide from the eyes of all the necessary and not so necessary things, including household appliances and sports equipment

Keep your wardrobe in order and according to the magic of Feng Shui in the house reign prosperity and well-being.