๐Ÿฝ Tumbler drier, from simple to sophisticated models

Drainer - a thing absolutely necessary. Even if you have a super-modern Dishwasher and fashionable kitchen setWithout this utilitarian little things you did not do. The range of these designs is quite large, and in this edition HouseChief material gathered for you a lot of useful information on the selection of a suitable model.

An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
Tumbler drier is often a place to store things that you use every day

Read article

  • 1 Dishwashing Dryer: principles of separation by type
    • 1.1 by design
    • 1.2 by material
    • 1.3 On a functional purpose
    • 1.4 According to the number of tiers and a method of fastening
  • 2 Alternative: mat dish
  • 3 The selection criteria for drying crockery
  • 4 The nuances of the drying Dishwashing
  • 5 Popular models and their cost
  • 6 Stylish options for dryers

Dishwashing Dryer: principles of separation by type

In specialty stores these accessories is presented as that the eyes diverge. You can choose the model cheaper, more expensive. Complex or extremely simple structure. As defined in this variety?

For starters, let's see in the types of devices, but they are divided on several grounds.

by design

This is one of the main criteria for the selection of the dryer. What options are available?

Dryer cabinet. There is usually a pair of gratings for mounting cups and plates, as well as a pallet of aluminum or plastic.

Such kits are inexpensive, versatile and easily matched to the size of your shelf
Such kits are inexpensive, versatile and easily matched to the size of your shelf

Desktop dryer - this is another easy option for the installation of open type. Such devices are usually put directly on countertop Near sink.

Usually, they are more "elegant" than those that are designed for a closed cabinet. They may be further equipped with lateral shelves for spoons and forks, and the hook under cutting boards
Usually, they are more "elegant" than those that are designed for a closed cabinet. They may be further equipped with lateral shelves for spoons and forks, and the hook under cutting boards

mounted dryers. Such structure is fixed to roof rails or directly above sinkOr next to it. Can be hung under the drying cabinet or, if desired, to fix inside the locker.

When spring cleaning such items may be removed
When spring cleaning such items may be removed

Corner drying. Convenient economical approach to the use of space, but usually contain small dishes.

These dryers are also can be hung in the work area, or hide in the closet
These dryers are also can be hung in the work area, or hide in the closet

retractable design. Very convenient solution for contemporary furniture. Suitable for use in the lower cabinets. Such dryers prefer older people, which is inconvenient to reach for the top rack.

Convenient slide with a soft course provide an easy to open, extract and put the dishes
Convenient slide with a soft course provide an easy to open, extract and put the dishes

Built in dryer. These models are equipped with anchorages system and are made to order by size furniture.

Usually such designs each tier has its own tray, which does not allow water to drain to the lower tiers of the dishes
Usually such designs each tier has its own tray, which does not allow water to drain to the lower tiers of the dishes

by material

In addition to the design, the essential factor is the choice of the dryer fabric. What can today be found in the sale?

steelworks. these models painted or galvanized. Paint peeling off usually after a year of heavy use, and the bars are covered rust of constant contact with water. Zinc-coated models are more resistant, but after two or three years of yellowing.

An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
It is considered the most durable chrome grille that when caring for will be attractive to look ten years

Dryers made of stainless. These designs are considered the most durable, so they are not afraid of water and do not need a tint or mopping.

They are not cheap, but it's a fair price for the lack of hassle
They are not cheap, but it's a fair price for the lack of hassle

plastic models. Cheap and bright plastic products look attractive in the desktop version. They are not afraid of water, and do not absorb it, they are easy to wash.

Because of its fragility, the model is not very durable and, after a couple of years to lose its original color
Because of its fragility, the model is not very durable and, after a couple of years to lose its original color

wood dryers. It is the impractical option that makes sense to buy only if required by your interior.

Wood absorbs water, it may be covered with mold and deformed to darken
Wood absorbs water, it may be covered with mold and deformed to darken

On a functional purpose

On this basis all dryers are divided into two types:

  1. cymbal - it has a trapezoidal or triangular lattice for easy installation of dishes.
  2. for cups - usually straight shelf with borders, which put the cup upside down.
Rarely who prefer to use only one form. Usually dryers have both kinds of shelves
Rarely who prefer to use only one form. Usually dryers have both kinds of shelves

According to the number of tiers and a method of fastening

Depending on the number of shelves for dishes, dryers may be available as single bunk.

Single-stage models can only accommodate trays or cups, they usually do drawers
Single-stage models can only accommodate trays or cups, they usually do drawers

Two or more tiers are suitable for installation in enclosures for desktop placement. These dryers are more popular.

fastening method may be removable or fixed. Fixed construction is firmly attached to the walls of cabinets and shelves, they securely hold the dishes. But such models are difficult to wash. We'll have to remove the entire shelf and unscrew fasteners. Removable drying in this respect is more convenient.

Alternative: mat dish

If you are usually a bit of dishes, or if you, on the contrary, it is necessary to dry the dishes after the party, but she does not fit into dryer - come in handy mat for drying dishes.

Such articles are manufactured from a material absorbs moisture or having a ribbed surface which will collect water drained, leaving the dry plates and cups
Such articles are manufactured from a material absorbs moisture or having a ribbed surface which will collect water drained, leaving the dry plates and cups

The selection criteria for drying crockery

We brought you the possible options. How to choose the right? For optimal solutions you need to decide on a few points:

  • what is the amount of dishes that you need to place in the dryer;
  • where you plan to place this device: in the closet, on the table, Suspended or withdrawable;
  • how much you are willing to allocate to this task.
Almost all designs that you will find on sale in the finished version, are available in standard sizes. Their width varies from 40 to 80 cm, and depth - about 20-30 cm
Almost all designs that you will find on sale in the finished version, are available in standard sizes. Their width varies from 40 to 80 cm, and depth - about 20-30 cm

When you purchase is necessary to pay attention to the distance between levels, it must be such as to put a plate without difficulty. If you use a large crockeryThis is especially important.

The second important point - the convenience of pallet extraction. It will have to be drained and washed more often.

The nuances of the drying Dishwashing

Removable dryer set is simple: they are simply collected and put into a shelf or on a countertop. But a model with a sliding mechanism, suspended or embedded require a special approach. In such kits typically include standard fasteners.

If they for some reason do not fit, use screws with a coating resistant to moisture
If they for some reason do not fit, use screws with a coating resistant to moisture

At installation pay attention to the cabinet doors open and close completely. Dryer should not disturb them.

Remember that a shelf for cups is located on top, for dishes - from the bottom.

Fitting Algorithm described in this small video course:

Popular models and their cost

We selected a few models that are popular and appreciation Yandex buyers. Market:

Modeltype of instalationMaterialPrice as of May 2019, rub.
Art moon DESERT
Art moon DESERT
DesktopMetal, plastic2081
Bohmann BH 7330
Bohmann BH 7330
Table, in the closetMetal, plastic1275
plastic Center
Plastic Center "Lily"
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
Esprado Platinos 0014426E212
GiPFEL 2413
GiPFEL 2413
Table, in the closetMetal, plastic5470
Table, in the closetMetal2200
Umbra Sinkin
Umbra Sinkin
Table, in the closetMetal, plastic2500
joseph Duo
joseph Duo

Stylish options for dryers

Guided listed selection criteria, do not forget that the dryer should organically fit into the interior of your kitchen. Sometimes it is this condition is the most serious competitor of practicality. See what can be stylish these utilitarian designs, if required by design:

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An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications
An indispensable thing in the kitchen drainer and its modifications

And what kinds of dryers do you prefer? Maybe you have a good or bad experience similar buying? Share them in the comments!