Top 15 most common spelling mistakes

According to UNESCO, the population of Russia occupies the 15th place in the world in terms of its literacy level. Someone will be pleased with this result, someone will find it depressing. But the literacy of Internet users - the topic is completely separate.

Search engine "Yandex" in 2012 launched a mini-project called "Work on bugs", which collected the most common errors that occur on the network. The service does not offer to learn the rules of spelling, but it shows the correct version of the word, as well as a list of the most popular incorrect spellings.

At the same time has been compiled Top-15 most common spelling errors , which we now offer to your attention.

The post is designed to overcome mass illiteracy, and the best way to do it is to read a lot! And if you do not want to lie on the bed with a book, then on this case there is an online library with books of different genres and directions.


  • 15. "official" instead of "official".
  • 14. "Russifier" instead of "crack".
  • 13. "polyclinic" instead of "polyclinic".
  • 12. "Russian" instead of "Russian".
  • 11. "download" instead of "download".
  • 10. "Rosii" instead of "Russia".
  • 9. "schedule" instead of "schedule."
  • 8. "download" instead of "download".
  • 7. "program" instead of "program".
  • 6. "call back" instead of "feedback."
  • 5. "create" instead of "do".
  • 4. "Calculate" instead of "Calculate".
  • 3. "agency" instead of "agency".
  • 2. "Thailand" instead of "Thailand."
  • 1. "classmates" instead of "classmates".

15. "official" instead of "official".

The most popular query containing this, it seems, is a simple word: "official website".

14. "Russifier" instead of "crack".

Software crackers are designed to make the use of software simple and straightforward. By the way, in response to a search query with an error, both Yandex and Google produce the required result.

13. "polyclinic" instead of "polyclinic".

Many people failed to learn the rules of using double NN at school, and, apparently, they insert it for any convenient case.

12. "Russian" instead of "Russian".

It's strange that at the same time the "crack", for some reason, is written with two C. And in the users' requests the word "Russian" is most often found in combination with the words "standard", "language", "express" and "alphabet".

11. "download" instead of "download".

There are few users who at least once did not download anything on the Internet. Fortunately, the search engines immediately correct the error in this word.

10. "Rosii" instead of "Russia".

For this word it becomes somehow especially offensive. Most often they are looking for the "Russian national team", "Russian anthem", "map of Russia".

9. "schedule" instead of "schedule."

It is logical that most often this word occurs in requests for trains, buses and aircraft.

8. "download" instead of "download".

Well, everyone does not remember that "CHA" and "SHCHA" are written with the letter "A".By the way, this is the second variant of incorrect writing of the unfortunate verb.

7. "program" instead of "program".

How do you like the "download program" option? And by the way, so write hundreds of users of the Runet.

6. "Callback" instead of "Feedback".

As in other variants, the search engines independently correct the request for the correct one.

5. "create" instead of "do."

The most popular query with this error: "create your own site".

4. "Calculate" instead of "Calculate".

This spelling mistake is one of the most popular not only according to the Yandex version, but also according to the school teachers of the Russian language.

3. "agency" instead of "agency".

Most often, users are looking for a "real estate agency", as well as "agencies for organizing celebrations."

2. "Thailand" instead of "Thailand."

Perhaps the most forgiving mistake of all. Yes, the name of this country is written through "I", but hundreds of tourist sites offer "tours to Thailand", what to require from users.

1. "classmates" instead of "classmates".

Hit this word in the leaders of Top-15 most common spelling errors Runet speaks in favor of the popularity of the same social network.