The best adhesives for eyelash extensions

Not all nature has endowed with long fluffy eyelashes, but with the help of modern beauty technologies it is possible to build up even them. And how it will be reliable and safe, depends on the chosen glue. It should not only be tenacious and convenient in work, but also hypoallergenic. After all, even the most luxurious "fan" does not stand swollen eyelids and constantly watery eyes. So, we should carefully look at the assortment of glues and choose only the best of them, so as not to lose customers.


  1. Adhesive for eyelash extension which company to choose
  2. Best adhesives for instantly set eyelashes
  3. Best adhesives for eyelash extensions with medium speed of coupling
  4. Best adhesives for eyelash extension for beginners
  5. What adhesive for eyelash extensions to buy

Adhesive for eyelash extensions whatfirms choose

Eyelash extensions - a painstaking and lengthy procedure that requires great attention and accuracy. The main factor that ensures a long toe is the chosen glue.

The highest quality and safest formulations are manufactured by the following brands:

1. Vivien

2. Sakura


4. Lovely Perfect

5. Macy

6. I-Beauty

7. Lidan

8 Dona Jerdona Corporation

9. Ardell

Do not be surprised that most of these brands come from South Korea. In fact, it is there that they make the best artificial eyelashes and materials for their growth. Even European and American manufacturers purchase from Koreans raw materials for their "original" products.

The best adhesives for instant eyelash extensions

It is better to entrust a complex salon procedure at once to the stylist-woodmaker. This process is long and time consuming, and the result depends not only on the experience of the master, but also on the quality of the glue. Here we need cyanoacrylate agents, which will quickly and reliably grasp - the so-called instantaneous compounds. They will provide a long-lasting toe of artificial eyelashes, but require a master of good skill.

Sakura Champion

The Japanese glue for pomerynichnogo build-up gives instant coupling( 0,5-1 seconds) and guarantees the wear time up to 8 weeks. The glue has a liquid consistency, so it quickly freezes. Available in black, when worn, does not cause discomfort. Sold in bubbles of 5 ml.


  • Gives a minimum of harmful fumes;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Does not form lumps;
  • Can be used for lower eyelashes;
  • Convenient dispenser - prevents cost overruns;
  • With sufficient humidity it works well even in hot weather;
  • The longest sock.


  • The low elasticity of the composition makes it very fast.

This glue( as well as all Sakura products) does not have any complaints from the masters or their clients. So he deserves the first place in our TOP.

Vivienne Elite

Liquid agent with the same instantaneous coupling( 0.5-1 sec), although in the Vivienne line itself there are several types of glue having different pouring rates. All products of this company are hypoallergenic and do not cause problems in work.

Black Elite adhesive is developed on the basis of cyanoacrylate, elastic enough and provides high coupling reliability. The maximum strength he accumulates within 2 days. Suitable for Japanese and bulk build-up, sold in bubbles of 5 ml. Pros:

  • Hypoallergenic, does not irritate the eyelids;
  • Term of socks from 5 to 8 weeks;
  • Does not thicken during operation and does not leave lumps;
  • Optimal consistency and medium elasticity;
  • Virtually devoid of odor.


  • High price;
  • Low elasticity - requires a lot of experience.

Lovely Perfect

Another instant glue for long socks( up to 8 weeks), but with its features. It is suitable only for pore-size build-up, and its contact with skin is highly undesirable. But even after drying, the black Lovely glue retains its elasticity. Dosage of vials: 2, 5 and 10 ml.


  • High quality;
  • Keeps color and elasticity during socks;
  • Does not give any side effects due to lack of contact with the eyelid;
  • Resistant to environmental influences;
  • Do not get stuck in the air;
  • Gives a minimum of evaporation.


  • Over time, thickens directly in the bubble;
  • Narrow temperature range of storage and use( +18. . + 23 ° C).


This universal adhesive is developed on the basis of natural resin of high quality and has a natural black color. Recommended for piece and beam enlargement, fixing 2D and 3D eyelashes. Provides a long nose, resistant to high humidity and low temperatures. Quickly grasps and freezes.


  • Very elastic;
  • Do not glue adjacent eyelashes;
  • Not afraid of water;
  • Suitable for sensitive eyes;
  • Holds until the "native" eyelash falls out;
  • Affordable price.


  • Faster than the others withers after printing the vial;
  • With aging, there is a heavy smell.

Best adhesives for eyelash extension with an average speed of the

Coupling For those who can not yet work with professional instant grasps, compositions that give a head start for at least a couple of seconds will do. This is enough to properly lay every artificial cilium, not too increasing the total build-up time.

Sakura Queen

Very popular glue "semi-professional" use. It freezes in about 1-2 seconds, so if you already have several builds on your account, it's time to move on to this tool. Provides eyelash toe from 5 to 7 weeks.


  • Optimal coupling time;
  • Minimal risk of allergy;
  • Not too demanding for the temperature in the room when building;
  • On sale there are vials-"probes" for 2 ml;
  • The smallest amount of vapors;
  • The drop does not thicken for a long time;
  • The nose on the bubble is not clogged.


  • If the air humidity is low, it is covered with a film.

Vivienne Bomb

This adhesive in the manufacturer's line is positioned as a tool for masters with average experience. Nevertheless, 6-7 weeks after the extension of the cilia will last for him, and the time for leshmeyking will take a little - Bomb takes only 1-2 seconds to grasp. The glue is made on the same cyanoacrylate base as the Elite version, but has a black-gray shade.


  • Quickly glues eyelashes, leaving time to guide them;
  • Very elastic;
  • Economically consumed;
  • Suitable for Japanese technology and bunching;
  • When alternating with other adhesives does not cause allergy.


  • Demanding storage conditions.

Vivien Bomb is often used in training centers, so girls who are just starting to practice with a familiar tool will get involved in work faster.

Macy S

Adhesive is recommended for professionals, has a good setting speed( 1-2 seconds) and a high degree of fixation. Masters note that the actual period of wearing eyelashes with him exceeds the promised by the manufacturer, so the declared 5 weeks should be considered as a minimum, tied to the "lifetime" of natural eyelashes. Black acrylate adhesive has a liquid consistency and is primarily designed for Japanese build-up. The volume of the bottle is 5-10 ml.


  • Quickly sets;
  • Long-lasting toe;
  • Does not cause allergy;
  • Fits well - no lumps;
  • Economical.


  • There are small evaporation;
  • Rapidly thickens in a drop.

I-Beauty Ultra Super( with a green lid)

A fairly popular brand for leashmakers, which they liked because of the minimal risk of allergy in clients. The speed of the coupling is not more than 1-2 seconds - it is optimal that the master of the middle arm makes the build-up as it should. Sufficiently flexible and resistant glue, oriented to the "Japanese" technique of piece-fastening.


  • Suitable for use on sensitive eyes;
  • Virtually odorless;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Eyelash socks - stable from 4-5 weeks;
  • There is a pro-package of 10 ml;
  • Adequate price;
  • Closed, it is stored a little longer than others.


  • The drop dries quickly;
  • On poor storage conditions, it reacts with a serious reduction in the coupling.

The best adhesives for eyelash extension for beginners

The glue for "home" build-up and the first samples has a long drying time, which allows you to adjust the position of artificial eyelashes until they are seized tight. True, long-term toes here can not be counted.

Ardell Lashgrip Adhesive Dark

Designed for traditional beam building, but can also be used to attach false eyelashes. The basis is latex resin, which does not cause allergies and is not afraid of water. It catches quickly and holds relatively long. The volume of the tube is 3.5 g - for home use and 22 g - for the professional. On sale there are black and colorless compounds.


  • Water resistant;
  • Easy to use;
  • Suitable for all types of eyelashes( except for Japanese technology);
  • Holds from 1.5 to 5-6 weeks;
  • Easily removed by a debonder of the same brand;
  • Grabs for a long time;
  • Low price.


  • For professionals long dries, especially if it's a transparent composition;
  • Not everyone is suitable, can cause allergies and at first slightly pinch eyes.

Sky Glue

Here, high quality and reasonable price are supplemented by other advantages. The composition of the glue has a moderately-liquid consistency and for 7 weeks retains its adhesive properties( the native eyelashes are replaced earlier).Seized 3 seconds after application. Glue is ideal for beginners. Sold in bubbles of 5 and 10 ml.


  • Optimum curing speed;
  • Holds eyelashes for a long time;
  • Elasticated;
  • Hypoallergenic and moisture-proof;
  • Minimum odor and vapors;
  • The drop can be updated less often - in about 30 minutes;
  • You do not need to dry every processed cilia - they do not stick together.


  • Not stored long after printing 1-1.5 months;
  • Too sensitive to room temperature( optimum +20. . + 22 ° C).

In our market there are several types of Sky glue, which differ in the color of the cap. Leshmeykerov among them even have their pets, but in fact under the multi-colored lids is the same glue for the eyelashes. Although someone notes that the "blue" dries faster, and the "black" is dense.

Dona Jerdona

This resin-based adhesive is also available in two versions: black or transparent - for the extension of colored lashes. The coupling time is relatively long( about 5 seconds), which allows you to correct inaccuracies in the process of work. However, the term of socks because of this, it is reduced to 3-4 weeks. Nevertheless, for inexperienced craftsmen, who are still "shaking hands", this option is great.


  • Convenient in work - gives time for revision of flaws;
  • Virtually devoid of odor and vapors;
  • Completely can replace glue for 3D-build-up;
  • Slowly freezes in the vial;
  • Able to live up to the planned correction;
  • Adequate price.


  • At first it can tingle your eyes a little;
  • Pretty viscous - reaching for the eyelash.

In the range of Dona Jerdona there are also quick-setting professional glues, but according to reviews, they are more allergenic and can harm both the client and the master.

What glue for eyelash extension to buy

1. If you are superprofi in eyelash extension, the best choice for you will be Vivienne Elite.

2. The customer wants to get the maximum time of socks? Take for work Sakura Champion.

3. Those who have studied building courses with Vivienne Bomb can continue to use it in their work - this is an excellent composition.

4. For Leshmakers with good speed, the best option for the price and quality will be the Macy S glue. Slightly more expensive, but Sakura Queen will be more convenient in operation.

5. If the cabin has a cool place to store your trains, safely take Lovely Perfect. Those who have not tried this glue before, you can buy a mini-bottle for 2 ml.

6. For professional 2D or 3D woodworking, professional Lidan adhesive is best suited.

7. For those who have a lot of clients with cosmetic allergy, for Japanese buildup it is worth taking the safe Ultra Super composition from I-Beauty.

8. Just stuff your hand and do not have time to "mature" acrylate glues yet? Take for training Sky Glue - with any color of the cap.

9. Completely beginners in forestry making start better with the "long-playing" means of Dona Jerdona. Moreover, he has a hypoallergenic composition that will not cause problems.

10. To increase eyelashes by beams or glue overhead "fan" directly at home it is possible and independently - with glue Ardell Lashgrip Adhesive Dark.