Mold in the washing machine: how to get rid of signs of fungus and unpleasant odor at home


  • Causes of mold occurrence and effective preventive actions
  • Cleaning rules for the machine, special application of
  • special tools

Removing and preventing odor Many owners think that mold in a washing machine is a natural phenomenon that inevitably occurs with the systematic use of a household appliance. They do not even try to get rid of it, preferring to introduce aromatic additives during the washing process, trying to disguise an unpleasant smell.

Actually, the appearance of black or greenish spots on the surface of the appliance elements indicates a violation of the rules for its use, neglect of the elementary recommendations for care. If the education is very fresh, you can try to clean the machine yourself by using some proven folk remedy. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace individual elements of the device and even its professional repair.

Causes of mold occurrence and effective preventive actions of

Before cleaning the machine, it is worthwhile to think about the causes of the problem. In some cases, the approach method directly depends on the provoking factor.

Fungus development can be triggered by the following reasons:

  1. Abuse of short-wash mode or low water temperature. If this does not use a special anti-scale agent, a little rinse aid or bleach, the risk of fungal growth increases dramatically.

Tip: Washing clothes in water, the temperature of which exceeds 60 ° C, provides the necessary level of disinfection, prevents the formation of mold and kills pathogenic spores. It is not necessary to use this mode constantly, but at least a couple of times a month it is recommended to clean the unit in this way.

  1. If softeners are used in the washing process, it is mandatory to perform a high-quality rinse of the laundry. These drugs are able to linger on the walls of the unit, forming a plaque in the form of mucus. From it is very difficult to get rid of, because.most often it covers elements in hard-to-reach places.
  2. Mold loves heat and high humidity, so after washing, the room must be ventilated. The bathroom is not the best place for a washing machine. If it is not possible to put the device in another room, you need to take care of the quality of the hood.

Specialists recommend after each operation of the household appliance to check its internal state, if necessary, it is possible to clean the walls of the drum independently of the remaining water or plaque. During the processing of laundry you need to use only high-quality detergent and special additives.

With special care apply gel means, it is not necessary to exceed their declared dosage. Immediately after washing, the laundry should be removed from the chamber, and the powder trays should also be cleaned.

Rules for cleaning the machine, special application of the

special tools To clean the machine parts of the mold by yourself, it is not enough to rub the visible affected areas with bleach, acid or a professional product. Most often, most of the parasitizing substance is hidden from the eyes and is outside the zone of direct access. This can be understood by the persistent smell of dampness, even from a cleaned device. In this case, one of the multi-stage approaches can help.

Method 1.

  • First, prepare a very weak vitriol solution. We use the agent to process the rubber cuff and wash it off after a day, using any detergent composition.
  • Next comes the turn of the drum. We fall asleep citric acid in a tray for giving of a powder, we establish the highest temperature of washing, we drive the cleaner at least one hour. Then rinse the tray and after a few hours evaluate the results.
  • If cleaning did not give the desired effect and the unpleasant odor still remained, then it will be necessary to additionally clean the filter and dirt from the plaque and dirt. It must be removed and all visible problems manually eliminated. Ideally, this stage should be entrusted to a professional.

Method 2.

  • Set the maximum possible washing time at the highest temperature. In this case, in the dispenser for the detergent compositions, pour a liter of bleach.
  • As soon as the temperature rises to the maximum possible limits, suspend the cycle for a couple of hours.
  • The machine must necessarily finish washing.
  • Then pour into the dispenser a couple of glasses of 9% vinegar and run the machine in the rinse mode.

It is strongly recommended not to combine the listed methods or to mix the claimed reagents. This will certainly help to clean the machine parts from mold, but at the same time the risk of irreparable damage to individual elements is too high.

If you manage to get rid of the problem, it's worth thinking about the next prevention. In addition to compliance with the rules of the process of washing, experts advise to adopt the following skills:

  1. At least once a month, the machine must be run in the washing mode with boiling, while adding bleach and powder.
  2. At least once every six months, you have to treat the machine with citric acid or vinegar at a temperature above the average. This will remove all mold spores and stop the development of the pathological process at an early stage.
  3. Rinsers, conditioners and balms should be used only if necessary. After them it is difficult to clean the elements of mucus, which is an ideal medium for the reproduction of microorganisms.
  4. Filter and hoses must be inspected regularly. If necessary, clean the accumulated dirt by hand and carefully dry the elements.

The washing machine is cleaned only if the room is thoroughly ventilated, otherwise the vapors of aggressive components will reach a concentration that is unpleasant and even dangerous for a person.

Removing and preventing odor of

Sometimes it happens that even intensive cleaning does not allow you to get rid of persistent putrefactive odor. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Pieces of dirt are lagging behind, but settled on separate details, especially often when trying to clean the car with citric acid. In this case, the device must be empty in the digestion mode for at least an hour.
  2. The drain hose is often clogged. Clear it by hand is almost impossible. But it is not so expensive, you can just completely replace the element.
  3. Dirt can collect on the heating element. But in this case, do not try to remove it yourself. Only a specialist can help here.
  4. Even prolonged storage of dirty laundry in the drum of the machine can provoke the appearance of a persistent unpleasant odor, which is not eliminated even after cleaning all the elements of the unit. For this purpose you need to purchase a special basket.

Obviously, it is very difficult to clean the mold machine, carrying out available preventive measures will bring much less trouble. Even before purchasing home appliances it is recommended to make sure that it contains all the regimes necessary for carrying out preventive or restorative cleaning.