This online calculator will eliminate the basic errors that often creeps into the calculations, if they are performed by simply summing the wattage electricalSupplied from the line. After all, if you make a summation, calculating the total consumption, the end result will be significantly different from the real one. This happens due to the fact that the unaccounted for are two factors, namely:
- Possible consumption of electric and devices, an electric circuit which comprises it, reactive power, which is difficult to calculate;
- Inrush currents exceeding the nominal value at times.

To calculate the load characteristics stabilizers simply enter the desired values in the appropriate field. With multiple users, such as lightingIs inputted their combined power consumption. But here it is necessary to understand that not all devices will operate at the same time. You need to determine which ones will be included, along with a greater probability.
The same advice applies to the power tool. After all, the simultaneous operation of three drills, electric jigsaw and hand saws It is not possible (if it is not manufacturing facility). So you can define two tools, which is higher power than the rest of them on the corresponding box online calculator - it will be enough.

The following data must be entered - an indicator of the mains voltage. This parameter depends very much, including the transformation ratio. The magnitude of the power supply voltage will increase in the long run, the final output. After complete calculation calculator will make this calculation automatically.
The last thing left to do after you have entered all the data - is to click on the "Calculate the required power stabilizer." The result will be displayed in standard units of measurement - Volt / Amp. Based on these data, you can choose stabilizerSuitable for all characteristics.

Calc'd correct data allow us not to be mistaken with the choice of equipment. The stabilizer is suitable for all parameters will increase the service life appliancesAnd he will work smoothly for a long time. After all, if no one is safe from electrical surges on the line, then protect them from appliances and equipment is quite possible.