πŸŽ„ How to decorate the room for the New Year: New Year's a lot of bright ideas for your interior.

The time has come preparation for the grand meetingThat everyone is waiting for the whole year: everyone's favorite New Year's holiday is at hand, and should invite him to his house. So now is the time to decide how to decorate the room for the New Year, along with tips from HouseChief.ru edition: there are many ways to design rooms!

πŸŽ„ Exciting ideas and solutions: how to decorate the room for the New Year

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  • 1 Comfort and beauty of winter in ideas for decorating the room for the New Year
    • 1.1 Hallway: I shut the door - and ended up in a fairy tale
    • 1.2 Living room: the focus of New Year celebrations
    • 1.3 A children's room where the feast waiting for the most
  • 2 A phased approach to decoration: decorate your own hands by New Year different parts of the room
    • 2.1 How to decorate the walls
    • 2.2 Decorating the space under the ceiling
    • 2.3 Windows and doors also need to decorate
  • 3 How to decorate a room for the New Year is especially beautiful: different thematic compositions
    • 3.1 Pine garlands and wreaths in the decoration of the room
    • 3.2 Various winter composition with needles
  • 4 Christmas decoration of the room LED garlands

Comfort and beauty of winter in ideas for decorating the room for the New Year

Decoration Rooms at the New Year with their hands does not require the indispensable presence of fantasy. Not everyone can boast of luxurious imagination, so it makes sense to explore and spy ready tips Festive decoration of the premises.

Selection of decorative elements depends on the overall style of the room, and desired a Christmas theme, as well as the function room. In the hallways there is no reason to use a large amount of jewelry, turn this place into a fabulous area and can be small forces. Children decorated brighter and more colorful the other rooms, but the main requirement here - safety decor.

Select the appropriate ideas and bring them to life!

Hallway: I shut the door - and ended up in a fairy tale

To go to work from the festive hall dressed up easily because the mood is good, but want to go back too soon, as the feeling of comfort and promise of fairy tales do not leave the person all day.

Jumps in ladder beautifully drawn Christmas trees and toys at the edges of the stairs.
Jumps in ladder beautifully drawn Christmas trees and toys at the edges of the stairs.
LED decoration often solves the problem of the transformation of the hall. Garlands can be somewhat, the main thing - do not hang them in the places where they obviously will interfere with the movement. If every morning to get confused in the decor, it will not add to the mood, but only spoil it.
LED decoration often solves the problem of the transformation of the hall. Garlands can be somewhat, the main thing - do not hang them in the places where they obviously will interfere with the movement. If every morning to get confused in the decor, it will not add to the mood, but only spoil it.
Bypassing the tradition: free hallway corner well padded tree branches, and not pine. A pair of gnomes or Santa Claus will make a picture before New Year's ideal.
Bypassing the tradition: free hallway corner well padded tree branches, and not pine. A pair of gnomes or Santa Claus will make a picture before New Year's ideal.
Hanging LED garlands will not interfere if they hang high above the head of the person in the house. But you can hang garlands and long - on the edges of the corridor.
Hanging LED garlands will not interfere if they hang high above the head of the person in the house. But you can hang garlands and long - on the edges of the corridor.
Entrance hall, turning into stairs will look particularly solemn, if the place where a small Christmas tree with boxes, to decorate a gift box.
Entrance hall, turning into stairs will look particularly solemn, if the place where a small Christmas tree with boxes, to decorate a gift box.

Living room: the focus of New Year celebrations

Decorate the living room a must in a special cozy: here people bring guests here, most likely, will be held solemn part of the New Year's Eve, and simple evening in the New Year and poslenovogodnie days will be much more pleasant to hold in the beautifully decorated room.

Room in white and black design perfectly complement the dΓ©cor of pine fir branches, wreaths and garlands.
Room in white and black design perfectly complement the dΓ©cor of pine fir branches, wreaths and garlands.
Christmas tree in the center of the room remains traditional symbol of the New Year.
Christmas tree in the center of the room remains traditional symbol of the New Year.

First, set the Christmas tree, decorated it in the style, and then move across the living room, complementing its compositions, harmonious decorated Christmas trees.

Textiles in itself is a party to the decor. Blankets, pillows in traditional Christmas colors and prints well play a role.
Textiles in itself is a party to the decor. Blankets, pillows in traditional Christmas colors and prints well play a role.

The color scheme of the New Year, which has withstood more than one generation: red, white, green, gold. And if the living room is white, it remains to complement the other three colors, and is half done.

Wall decorations will bring the look of the living room to perfection.
Wall decorations will bring the look of the living room to perfection.
πŸŽ„ Exciting ideas and solutions: how to decorate the room for the New Year
Decorate the living room can be any style: each has its own themed toys and nuances.

Living Rooms in high-tech style and minimalism not spoiled by modern creativity: here perfectly fit non-standard trees of different materials, minimalist compositions, LED clearance without an abundance of different colors.

Provence and his tender analogs can remarkably be augmented Christmas tree in vintage jewelry.

For the classics will approach everything that does not cause dissonance with the familiar look of the room.

πŸŽ„ Exciting ideas and solutions: how to decorate the room for the New Year
Warm light garlands traditional decor is associated with comfort and warmth.

A children's room where the feast waiting for the most

Decorate the children's room with his hands in the New Year? Easily. We eliminate all sharp or breakable decorations, for the rest of the decor of the entrance is open. Christmas tree in the nursery is optional: it successfully replace the small wall picture New Year tree or its stylized imitation. Welcome festive composition with which a child can safely play and not break them at the same time. The windows are decorated with children's by any means: it designs, fairy lights, vytynanki, composition windowsill.

Of course, playing the role of the age of the child. Teenage premises benefit from a dose of creativity, and the kid's room can be framed by a tree and balloons.
Of course, playing the role of the age of the child. Teenage premises benefit from a dose of creativity, and the kid's room can be framed by a tree and balloons.
Bags with gifts adventovskogo calendar may use or Catholics. It's a good idea to decorate and daily detstkoy occasion for joy.
Bags with gifts adventovskogo calendar may use or Catholics. It's a good idea to decorate and daily occasion for children's joy.

Registration is to do with the children: they are able to do much with your own hands, if adults can help them in this. Children under force to make different snowflakes, Christmas decorations, Garlands and Christmas figurines. All this will serve as a decoration for a child's room.

The child often install a small artificial Christmas tree, which is not afraid to leave alone with the baby.
The child often install a small artificial Christmas tree, which is not afraid to leave alone with the baby.
There are fans of minimalist tendencies: not everybody liked the abundance of bright Christmas decorations.
There are fans of minimalist tendencies: not everybody liked the abundance of bright Christmas decorations.
Adventovsky calendar herringbone: nice and safe.
Adventovsky calendar herringbone: nice and safe.

A phased approach to decoration: decorate your own hands by New Year different parts of the room

View photos of beautiful Christmas decorated interiors good, but everything turned out to the upper class, it is necessary to focus on narrowly focused advice. We study the recommendations and decorate the room for the New Year

How to decorate the walls

The walls in the room will create a festive atmosphere, when used in the design. The problem is not to beautify vertical surfaces - you need to consider to what will hold the decorative elements. On painted walls serve as a good double sided tape, but with the wallpaper that number obviously will not work. To help decorators are stationery cloves, self-adhesive hooks (not an option for wallpaper), the line stretched along the wall.

Someone dares to fasten to the wall composition of the branches.
Someone dares to fasten to the wall composition of the branches.
Stickers in form vytynanok best glue on colored walls.
Stickers in form vytynanok best glue on colored walls.
There are a variety of stencils with New Year and Christmas theme. They can be attached to the wall studs stationery.
There are a variety of stencils with New Year and Christmas theme. They can be attached to the wall studs stationery.
Homemade decorations also looks original and beautiful.
Homemade decorations also looks original and beautiful.

Decorating the space under the ceiling

Not all are eager to stretch across the room to hang on the line and she snowflakes, although the idea remains the same good. Now ceiling in apartments decorated by the chandelier.

Sprigs of spruce will look great on the chandelier.
Sprigs of spruce will look great on the chandelier.
All toys that are hung from the ceiling, must stick very firmly - this is a question of security of those who pass under this canopy.
All toys that are hung from the ceiling, must stick very firmly - this is a question of security of those who pass under this canopy.
Feathers from the pillow will make the image of a magical chandelier, and need to complement it with hanging Christmas decorations.
Feathers from the pillow will make the image of a magical chandelier, and need to complement it with hanging Christmas decorations.
Christmas-tree balls immediately turn the chandelier into something bright and beautiful.
Christmas-tree balls immediately turn the chandelier into something bright and beautiful.

Windows and doors also need to decorate

The door is not necessary to decorate the two sides - it's overkill. It is better to choose the side of the door, the room where it is obviously required. The optimal solution would be wreathBut also the door decorated with Christmas tree balls, Posters, festoons and stickers.

Crafts here can be very useful.
Crafts here can be very useful.

window space - a wide field of decoration. Starting with the decoration on the curtains to the sticking stencil-vytynanok: tips many, the main thing - to start to follow them.

The combination of patterns Christmas trees and garlands lampochnyh looks simple and stylish.
The combination of patterns Christmas trees and garlands lampochnyh looks simple and stylish.
To cut thin delicate patterns using a knife cutter.
To cut thin delicate patterns using a knife cutter.
Windowsill as if created for placing on it of the thematic decor.
Windowsill as if created for placing on it of the thematic decor.
We go into action cones collected in the fall.
We go into action cones collected in the fall.

Cones were stained vybelivayut converted into toys: All this splendor good decorate any window.

All window decorations should complement the basic idea of ​​design of the room and not contradict it.
All window decorations should complement the basic idea of ​​design of the room and not contradict it.

How to decorate a room for the New Year is especially beautiful: different thematic compositions

You can walk the beaten path and designers to choose the decor that will make your heart beat faster in anticipation of New Year miracle. Here include fine composition as winter flowers and ornament with the use of needles.

Pine garlands and wreaths in the decoration of the room

Pine garlands can be both artificial and real. It is a matter of taste and possibilities. And it is easy to make yourself a wreath and garland. To relate the twigs useful conventional jute twine or thin wire.

Entwine garland LED products, hang them toys, cones, ribbons, bows. This is a great decoration for the finished stairs.
Entwine garland LED products, hang them toys, cones, ribbons, bows. This is a great decoration for the finished stairs.
Fireplaces without garlands and wreaths, and not half so beautiful.
Fireplaces without garlands and wreaths, and not half so beautiful.
Needles and LEDs - a lovely couple.
Needles and LEDs - a lovely couple.
Wreaths adorn not only the door.
Wreaths adorn not only the door.
πŸŽ„ Exciting ideas and solutions: how to decorate the room for the New Year
That's for sure - the atmosphere and the feeling of New Year!
Small Christmas trees will be a perfect complement to the main coniferous decor.
Small Christmas trees will be a perfect complement to the main coniferous decor.
Wreath can repeat the style of the Christmas tree.
Wreath can repeat the style of the Christmas tree.
The perfect wall decoration trivial wreath of twigs of arborvitae.
The perfect wall decoration trivial wreath of twigs of arborvitae.
Garlands decorate the arch stands and walks into the room.
Garlands decorate the arch stands and walks into the room.

Various winter composition with needles

When you look stunning photo of beautiful Christmas songs, I want to also put the house such a beauty. It is a perfect solution of how to decorate the room for the New Year and every day to admire the special design for the first time.

Master and shops offer a large selection of ready-made compositions.
Master and shops offer a large selection of ready-made compositions.
The composition of the branches of fir, artificial snow and a flashlight, candlesticks can be conveniently located on the windowsill.
The composition of the branches of fir, artificial snow and a flashlight, candlesticks can be conveniently located on the windowsill.
Interesting and difficult decision to turn trees into a miracle.
Interesting and difficult decision to turn trees into a miracle.
candle decor - occupation is very exciting and even romantic.
candle decor - occupation is very exciting and even romantic.
On creation of such Christmas trees, flowers takes a very long time, but the result is worth it.
On creation of such Christmas trees, flowers takes a very long time, but the result is worth it.
If you do not grow the poinsettia - is a serious omission: a flowering plant at the end of December brings the spirit of Christmas and New Year.
If you do not grow the poinsettia - is a serious omission: a flowering plant at the end of December brings the spirit of Christmas and New Year.
Desktop composition for a long time cause admiration silent guests.
Desktop composition for a long time cause admiration silent guests.

Christmas decoration of the room LED garlands

It completes the decor of the room for the New Year lighting design. It is an unconditional companion of this holiday, a sea of ​​muted flicker, it promises a mysterious and magical performances. On garlands save pointless - why deprive yourself and your family a Christmas fairy tale atmosphere?

Wall stylized tree must be decorated with lights.
Wall stylized tree must be decorated with lights.
Glass bottles shine better than lanterns purchased if they fill in LED lights.
Glass bottles shine better than lanterns purchased if they fill in LED lights.
Light focuses on the little things.
Light focuses on the little things.
A well-known way to make a room shine and shine.
A well-known way to make a room shine and shine.
On the table, which is located a light-coniferous composition. It will remain in the spotlight at the New Year feast.
On the table, which is located a light-coniferous composition. It will remain in the spotlight at the New Year feast.
Lamps which are used for the decoration style loft, and wonderfully suited for New Year design.
Lamps which are used for the decoration style loft, and wonderfully suited for New Year design.
Hanging from the luminous window have become traditional classic garland.
Hanging from the luminous window have become traditional classic garland.
Today we can buy electric garlands of different shapes, such as lighting and different mileage. Indeed - for any taste.
Today we can buy electric garlands of different shapes, such as lighting and different mileage. Indeed - for any taste.
Small garlands decorate the important areas of the room.
Small garlands decorate the important areas of the room.

Give your family the magic, it's so nice!