To human health, especially a child, is not enough to respect, to eat right and take vitamins. It is also important to engage in sports and it is advisable to start doing it since childhood. However, it does not always have the opportunity to go to the gym or arrange it at home and place it in a variety of exercise machines. Therefore, the perfect solution would be Swedish wall to children in the apartmentWhich could replace some basic sports equipment. In this review, we consider that this is a simulator, its types, methods of installation, popular models and their prices.
Swedish wall - purpose sports simulator for small apartments
Read article
1 What is the wall bars
2 Types of children's Swedish walls
3 Materials for fabrication and dimensions Swedish walls
4 How to choose the wall bars for child
5 Mounting methods: fixing the Swedish wall to wall and ceiling
6 Acquisition of Swedish walls for the child-teen
6.1 Wall bars with horizontal bar for home
6.2 Sport wall bars for children with
6.3 Swedish wall to pear
6.4 Additional equipment
7 Wall bars for kids
8 Children's wall bars for home: safe operation
9 Can I make a wall bars for children with their own hands
10 Buy wall bars for children in the apartment: an overview of models and prices
11 Wall bars for children: consumer reviews
12 Swedish walls in the interior of children's rooms
13 A few words in conclusion
What is the wall bars
Swedish wall or a staircase, was created at the beginning of the XIX century by Per Henrik Ling therapist for exercises system developed by him. Popularization of sports equipment, including in Russia, helped the son of a doctor - Hjalmar. In the post-war period in the Soviet Union, the Swedish wall was present in all school gyms.
Swedish staircase - one of the oldest sports equipment
This sports equipment - a universal simulator, which thanks to its compact size can be installed even in a small apartment. Swedish wall may be supplemented by attachments (horizontal bar, rings, punching bag, etc.) that It will make an exercise more varied and give you a load of almost all groups muscles.
Types of children's Swedish walls
Swedish walls are divided into several types depending on the installation place, structure and method of mounting. These sports facilities can be home and outdoors. First Embodiment - sufficiently compact construction, which can be made both from metal and wood. Swedish ladders for outdoor sports sites They have a large number of attachments and large dimensions. Outdoor systems are made only of metal, since this material has good resistance to moisture, sunlight or temperature extremes.
Types Swedish wall at the place of installation
According to the Swedish design ladder are:
I-shaped. These are the two uprights, connected by a rung. This simulator is compact, but it is not designed for mounting of additional equipment;
L-shaped. Simple design, equipped with horizontal bar at the top of the ladder;
T-. This sports complex, consisting of the Swedish ladder and horizontal bars extending in both directions and to which hinged additional sports equipment;
U-shaped. Multi-functional sports equipment for large rooms, which is mounted on a large number of accessories for sports:
"Corner". Ergonomic sports equipment with high functionality, takes up little space in the room. Due to the design features of this sports simulator can deal with a few people at a time.
Photography Swedish walls of different designs
By way of fastening wall bars are divided into autonomous (-standing, wall-mounted and vraspor between the ceiling and the floor) and children complexes mounted on bunk beds.
Pristennaja Swedish metal staircase with additional attachments
Materials for fabrication and dimensions Swedish walls
Swedish walls are traditionally made from environmentally friendly wood - mostly pine and beech. Such complexes have an attractive appearance and fit perfectly in virtually any interior. Wood has antislip effect, and blows on it less traumatic than the iron structure. However, before you make a choice in favor of a wooden structure, you should know about existing shortcomings:
fragility. Wood quickly rassyhaetsya, wear, cracks and breaks;
injuries in case of insufficient processing material;
withstand less weight, in contrast to metal structures.
Swedish wall of wood
Swedish metal ladders are characterized by high strength, durability and ability to withstand a load up to 200 kg. Such complexes are well withstand external adverse factors, which is why they are mostly installed on the street sports grounds and exercise rooms. The rungs of metal structures have a smaller diameter than the timber simulators, which makes them more suitable for use by children. Among the disadvantages of metal simulators should be noted:
a higher risk of injury compared to wooden structures;
coldness material;
slippery surface.
Wall bars for all the family
Swedish walls are produced by many manufacturers, and each of them is trying to make their models unique. However, there are standard sizes of sports and recreation complexes, to be followed by companies manufacturing sports equipment. We list the main parameters of the Swedish walls:
the distance between the uprights - 800-900 mm (600 mm allowed for children simulators);
the distance between the centers of beams - 150 mm (for adults be 220-260 mm;
in constructions for adults diameter spokes to be 40 mmAnd for children depending on their age - 24-30 mm;
distance from the floor to the bottom crossbar - 150-220 mm;
the number of spokes in adult structures - 12-18 pcs. and 10-15 pc. in children's simulators.
The dimensions of the wooden wall bars for children and adults
How to choose the wall bars for child
By the choice of the Swedish wall must be approached very seriously. When buying a trainer, consider the following:
dimensions and characteristics of the premises in which is installed a simulator;
It's designed sports complex - only for children or the whole family;
a set of exercises is planned to carry out on the simulator.
For small rooms is better to buy T- or I-shaped structure or model of the transformer. If the wall is bought for a child, you should give preference to wood simulators, and for the whole family the best solution is the sports complex of the metal. Assumed exercise program will impact on the need to purchase additional equipment.
Spacer U-shaped wall
If the wall bars made of metal, it is desirable that it has a special anti-slip on the bar coating. Rings, handles and bars should be lined with a soft wear-resistant material, and wood elements carefully handled to avoid any possibility of injury - splinters. It is also necessary to have reliable fastening and carbines coupler assembly.
Mounting methods: fixing the Swedish wall to wall and ceiling
As we have said, home wall bars has two mounting options: trim and spacer. Construction differ Pristennye ergonomics, resistance and reliability. They are mounted on the bearing wall using special fasteners, The bundled with the simulator. The disadvantage of this method of attachment - necessity of using an electric drill or punch and the relative complexity of installation.
Pristennaja wooden structure
Swedish wall with the spacer installation method are easy to install, easy to understand and can be quickly moved to another room or another sector of the room. However, such designs can not be installed in the rooms with tension ceilings.
The simulator of the spacer type
There is a third method of fastening simulator - combined. In this case the construction is fastened to the wall and further arching between the floor and ceiling. This is the most reliable installation option, but not always applicable.
Combined attachment method
Related article:
Children's sports complex to the apartment. Materials manufacturing sports facilities for children in the apartment, the standard sizes of children's sports complexes for the house, sports equipment for the town house, how to choose children's sports complex for apartments, the recommendations of experts - read publication.
Acquisition of Swedish walls for the child-teen
Swedish wall itself is a very effective piece of exercise equipment. However, additional equipment makes it more functional. Installing an optional attachment is executed, depending on the age and needs of the child. The simulator can be supplied:
horizontal bar and mats;
gymnastic rings;
more stairs;
basketball ring;
punching bag;
horizontal bars;
rope ladder;
swings and many others.
The more additional attachment, the greater functionality of the simulator
Wall bars with horizontal bar for home
Horizontal bar - a crossbar to perform pull-ups and Visa. These exercises allow to strengthen the muscles of the back and arms. Horizontal bar is fixed (by design simulator) and half (moves easily and can be installed at any height). A stationary beam pull-up can serve as a basis for hanging accessories.
Wall with a fixed horizontal barThe design with a removable pull-up bar
Sport wall bars for children with
Bars - two parallel beams, designed to pull, Visa and exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and arms. As a rule, the boards do mounted, and some models are foldable. This additional equipment is set as children and adults on the wall bars. Boards for the convenience can be equipped with soft armrests, backrest and arms.
Swedish wall with bars, handles and armrests
Swedish wall to pear
Punching bag - a sports equipment, driving range, exercise response, the back muscles and arms, as well as for the release of negative emotions. Usually done in mounted version, and its purchase is suitable only if the child is engaged in boxing or martial arts.
Swedish wall with pear - multifunctional simulator, driving range
Additional equipment
In addition to these additional hinged shells, wall bars can be completed as follows sporting equipment:
stairs, Mounted at an angle to the main simulator that allows you to vary the workout;
horizontal bars - represents a ladder located in the superstructure parallel to the floor surface. The design is intended to move by hand and generally mounted on the T- and U-shaped wall bars;
gymnastics rings rope suspension. Designed to perform a variety of exercises and training of the back muscles, arms and abdomen;
rope ladder and a "gladiator" grid - designed for climbing, developing coordination and dexterity, as well as for use as game props;
bench to strengthen the press and bench press barbell;
swing - help train the vestibular system in children and leg muscles;
basketball backboard the ring is designed to develop accuracy.
The greater the additional equipment, the better
Wall bars for kids
Swedish walls for the smallest to be produced from environmentally friendly material - wood (ash, pine, beech) and be designed for high loads. This sports simulator will enable the child to acquire health and provide an outlet for boundless energy. Usually, wall bars equipped gymnastic rings, ropes, rope ladders, swings and a "gladiator" grid, which diversify children's games and to distract the child from the TV and computer.
Manufacturers offer a wide range of different sports game complexes for children. The models differ in material, structure and configuration. On the number of additional sports equipment hinged largely depends on the price of the children's Swedish wall.
Swedish wall as part of a game set for kids
Children's wall bars for home: safe operation
That by exercising on the Swedish side of the baby received only benefit, you need to adhere to certain safety rules to help avoid injury and damage to the sports complex. In particular, be sure to:
to comply with weight mode - simulator, designed for a load of 50 kg, can not engage in adult 80-kg man;
a small child does not independently engage in the wall bars without supervision by a parent;
that the child was not able to climb the highest rungs, you need to install special limiters;
to reduce the risk of injury should be used gym mats;
We can not allow a child to employment during acute illness;
sports equipment to be used only for its intended purpose;
you must choose exercises according to the child's age, health and level of physical fitness;
fitness machine must be securely fastened;
Regularly inspect your home sports complex and monitor his condition: the handle and not the beam must be slippery or sticky, all items must be periodically cleaned with a damp cloth, and then dry.
Parents should always be there as long as children are doing on the wall bars
Can I make a wall bars for children with their own hands
Swedish wall structure is not complicated, and in the presence of an appropriate tool, drawing material and free time is easy to make it by hand. The creation of this sports equipment is necessary to follow the following algorithm:
Drawing up a drawing with all dimensions (can be easily found on the Internet open spaces).
The dimensions of the design should match the dimensions of the room.
Determine the materials (only use quality wood or metal).
Selecting the mode of attachment (trim or expansible).
Preparation tool.
Gathering in the drawing.
Drawing wall bars with dimensions
Video explains how to assemble wall bars with your hands.
Buy wall bars for children in the apartment: an overview of models and prices
Now there are a lot of sports equipment manufacturers, and they offer all kinds of models of the Swedish walls that can be constantly doukomplektovyvat attachments to perform a wide variety of exercises. simulators cost depends largely on the configuration, structure and material from which they are made. Please find the most popular models of the Swedish wall.
Children's sports and gaming complex "Pioneer 10 CM"
model name
Design type fastening material and
The permissible load, kg
The average cost, rubles. (As of May 2018)
ROMANA Carousel Comet-2
L-shaped, spacer and metal.
7 100
babysport town
T-shaped, spacer, metal + tree.
5 000
Kampfer Swedish Wall
L-shaped, wall, wood
8 800
pioneer S1N
L-shaped, wall, metal.
5 200
Kampfer Helena Maxi
L-shaped, wall, wood + metal.
15 000
TMK PRO Leader With
L-shaped, wall, metal.
3 800
young athlete
L-shaped, wall, metal.
3 000
Midzumi Hoshi Kabe
L-shaped, wall, metal.
6 200
ROMANA Transformer
Transformer, spacer, metal + plastic.
9 800
pioneer S4SM
L-shaped, wall, metal.
10 500
The price of the Swedish wall can influence the presence or absence of delivery of goods by the seller. As a rule, it is stipulated at once. The cost depends on the manufacturer and a complete set of sports and gaming complexes.
Wall bars for children: consumer reviews
The choice of the wall bars should be on the basis of the analysis of price bundling, manufacturer, size premises, and based on feedback from consumers who have already purchased and had time to try out training apparatus.
Review on Children's sports complex Carousel "Comet 2ยป
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Swedish walls in the interior of children's rooms
1 of 21
A few words in conclusion
Swedish wall - a great way to do sports in his apartment, especially since manufacturers offer compact enough trainers model. This inventory will help teach a child to sports and strengthen their health. We hope our article will help you in choosing a suitable design. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments, and our experts will be happy to answer them.