- Do I need to clean the oil?
- How to clean the butter in the forest?
- How fast can I clean the oil at home?
- How to clean the oil? Useful tips for housewives:
Many of us like to eat in soups, pies, meat casseroles and other oily dishes. But before using mushrooms in this way, they must be pre-processed. How to clean the buttery quickly and correctly - do not know everything, and therefore this process in most mushroom pickers takes a lot of time. It is not so easy to clean an elastic and slippery lubricator. In this article you will learn simple but effective ways to quickly clean this fungus.
to the contents ↑Do I need to clean the oil?
To ease the task, some people, just by washing the butter, start to prepare them. At the same time, many mushroom pickers treat this mushroom before cooking, not only by removing sand and debris, but also removing the film from the cap. Is it necessary to clean the oil, or is it an optional procedure? Let's look at this in detail.
Why clean the oil?
- The film during the growth of the fungus absorbs all the smells and harmful substances that are hovering in the forest. Therefore, it is desirable to remove it, so as not to be at risk of poisoning.
- Not cleaned film from mushrooms can give a finished product a bitter taste.
- Oils without a film are more gentle.
- The film, which covers the mushroom cap, becomes "snotty" when wet. As a result, preparing mushrooms can stick together in one lump and look, to put it mildly, not appetizing. A particularly similar problem is relevant for marinating.
- Oily without a film turns out beautiful and white, the film spoils the appearance of the finished product.
Whatever these arguments look in favor of cleaning the oil in your eyes, it is mandatory to clean such mushrooms.
Important! Avoid the fate of cleaning can only small mushrooms, remove the film of which it is almost impossible.
to the contents ↑How to clean the oil in the forest?
You can clean up the oily mushrooms right there in the forest after they are collected. If the day is sunny, then it will be much more convenient and pleasant to process them immediately in nature, because you will save your house from excess dirt.
- Gently break the tip of the cap.
- Use the knife to collect the mushroom crop, pick up the edge of the film.
- Pull it off the bonnet. The fresh film is separated easily enough - its cleaning does not take much time.
Important! You can clean the film from the oilcan not with a knife, but with gauze. To do this, you need to press the gauze quite hard against the mushroom cap, then pick up the edge of the oil film adhered to the fabric, and pull the edge of the gauze.
However, if the weather is rainy, then this way in nature will not do. Moistened mushrooms become very slippery, such a harvest will have to be taken home and pre-dried.
to the contents ↑How to quickly clean the oil at home?
The most simple and effective way to remove the film from the cap of the oil can is the method using boiling water. With it, you can greatly facilitate the cleaning process.
- Boil 2-3 liters of water.
- Put half a mushroom into the boiling liquid.
- After this, cool the crop. Remove now the film will be easy.
- Grasp the edges of the film with a knife and pull off the cap. It should be easily and smoothly removed from the mushroom, like a peel from boiled potatoes.
Important! Another option of this method is to hold mushrooms over boiling water for 30 seconds. In the case of a thick, solid steam, the effect will be the same as when cooking oil with boiling water.
to the contents ↑How to clean the oil? Useful tips for housewives:
- You can clean immediately the mushrooms that were collected on a dry day. If they were gathered in the rain, then before cleaning the oil, they should be dried. You can do it in the open air under a shady canopy or at home, spreading the harvest on newspaper sheets.
- Some housewives spend drying in an oven at a low temperature.
Important! If there are many mushrooms, then it will be necessary to carry out the procedure in several stages, since all of them will not fit into the pan.
- If the mushrooms are collected for drying, then it is not necessary to remove the film from them. To prepare them for drying, you need to take a fairly hard brush and sweep away all adhering branches, sand and other debris from the butt and cap of the oil can. If the mud is eaten thoroughly, then use a knife and either scrape or cut off the affected area. After that, it will be enough to wipe the mushrooms with a clean soft rag and send it to dry.
- Everyone knows how unpleasant it is in the process of cleaning the oily film sticking to the knife and hands, leaving behind an ugly brown trace. Such an effect greatly complicates the work. To avoid this, you can lubricate the cutting object and hands with vegetable oil. So you protect the skin from the dyeing mushroom pigment and prevent sticking of the film.
Important! If you plan to clean mushrooms in the forest, first take an oil soaked with a cloth. It can be put in a plastic bag: it takes a little space, and harvesting will make it quicker and more comfortable.
- If the dark mushroom juice is already absorbed into the skin of the hands, then you need to know how to remove it. To do this, use lemon juice or a solution of vinegar( table vinegar must be mixed with water in equal proportions).After treating the skin of the hands with a sour substance, it will be easy to remove the plaque with a pumice stone or a hard brush.
Important! After removing dirt from the skin, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
- Do not soak them before cleaning oil. The thing is that the mushroom cap has a tubular structure, so it is very easy to get water. At the same time, the mucus-oily film, which covers the cap, quickly swells. In such a state, it is impossible to clean a slippery mushroom.
- Large oil masks are cleaned much easier. They need to be cut to a thick film, and then pull the halves in different directions. Sticky peel easily and quickly retire from the cap.
Maslata is a delicious mushroom, it is easy to prepare, and there are many recipes for tasty dishes. However, in order not to get poisoned, so that the food looks more appetizing and beautiful, and that the ready mushrooms are not too slippery and slimy, it is recommended to clean them from the film. Using useful information on how to quickly clean the oil, you can effectively remove the unnecessary part of the fungus, even in the forest, without dirtying your skin.