Putting things in order in the bathroom, most housewives faced with the same problem: the wash showerTo make it look like new. Depending on personal preferences and financial capabilities, you can use ready-made, or folk remedies. We offer to meet with the compositions and the characteristics of their application.
Clean up pollution is not so easy
Read article
1 Than household chemicals can wash shower: proven formulations
2 Folk remedies for cleaning showers
2.1 Citric acid and vinegar as agent for cleaning the shower
2.2 How to wash your shower at home: help soda, vodka and toothpaste
3 What are the best detergents for washing parts and certain types of showers pollution
3.1 The better to wash glass and plastic walls shower: effective options
3.2 How and what better to wash trays, shower cabin, depending on the production of material
3.3 What and how to wash the shower of lime deposits: looking for a proven way
3.4 How to remove traces of mold: choose a suitable composition
4 How to clean the shower from clogging
Than household chemicals can wash shower: proven formulations
Manufacturers develop their own part of the proposed household chemicals. Each detergent for showers is focused on the removal of certain types of pollution. It can be implemented in the form of a cream, gel, spray or liquid. When choosing a suitable option note:
«Cif». Cream, with which you can cope with all types of dirt, formed on the walls;
«Cif» - effective in any situation
"Mister Muscle". Spray designed specifically for cleaning glass surfaces;
"Mr. Muscle" - brilliance and purity of glass
"Akrilan". For applying the liquid atomizer is used. Included in the components can eliminate not only stubborn dirt, but also mold;
"Akrilan" removes dirt and mold
«Tilex». Effectively removes plaque soap. It has antibacterial properties.
«Tilex» - Effective Solution
In addition to these, there is a large list of other funds focused on cleaning bathroom. We offer to get acquainted with the housewives who have already used them.
Review of Amway L.O.C. means
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2470529.html
Feedback on cleaner with antibacterial effect Astonish
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_418152.html
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
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«Stop using compositions containing abrasive particles they scratch the glasses. "
Folk remedies for cleaning showers
The lack of suitable commercially available products makes us think about how you wash shower at home, in order to achieve the desired result. In this case, you can use folk remedies. We offer to meet with them.
Efficiency proven folk remedies
Citric acid and vinegar as agent for cleaning the shower
Vinegar - one of the means for cleaning the shower, allowing to get rid of lime deposits. Use it to bring back the shine chrome elements and completely get rid of most bacteria. For this:
preparing a solution of vinegar and water mixed in a ratio of 2: 1;
agent is sprayed over the surface. It is advisable to use the spray. In contaminated areas deposited over the solution;
Expectant maximum of 15 minutes;
rinse with water.
With strong soiling resistant exposure time and concentration of the solution can be increased by mixing vinegar and water (1: 1). Soaked cloth lay on the surface to be cleaned and left overnight. An element that is removed is placed directly into the solution.
Attention! Work with aggressive formulations it is necessary to wear gloves.
Vinegar is effective enough
For low-cost formulations is attributed citric acid. To wash the contamination, it is necessary to half a liter of warm water to dissolve 100 g. Spraying on a cleaning surface, wait 10-15 minutes, and then wash with water.
Tip! lemon slice add gloss chrome elements.
Lemon and pineapple - loyal aides
How to wash your shower at home: help soda, vodka and toothpaste
Vodka helps to scrub all the deposits and disinfect the surface. To this end a soft cloth soaked in a solution consisting of two parts water and one of vodka. Wiping the problem space and removing dirt, wipe dry wall. Consider how to wash the shower at home toothpaste. Her applied thinly, waiting for some time and then removed with a sponge and rinsed with water.
Help clean up blemishes quickly and effectively
Soda - good means for cleaning showers. To this, a solution, and then treated wall. Given that the soda is an abrasive material, use it directly should be very careful.
It requires careful use - otherwise you run the risk of enamel stortuyu
What are the best detergents for washing parts and certain types of showers pollution
Universal cleaners for showers does not exist. Should one use for some compositions, other well to wash all the elements - others. Consider how to wash windows, pallet and remove specific contaminants.
Wash all surfaces should be correct. The main thing is to study the manual, do not forget, any cleaning agent to some extent harmful to health
The better to wash glass and plastic walls shower: effective options
Deciding what wash the windows shower in the cockpit, it is necessary to prefer special compositions. It is also possible to use ammonia, spreading a tablespoon per liter of water. After he did not remain divorces. Used means "Antirain 'for a shower enclosure which prevents rapid emergence of contaminants.
Review polishes for glass Hi-Gear «Antirain"
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3080943.html
There are other tools for showers of drops. The use of "antirain" for transport should be abandoned, because the manufacturer does not recommend to use it indoors. Caring for the shower glass is much easier. Plastic wall harder to clean. They can not wash the compositions containing formic acid, formaldehyde, solvents, since the surface characteristic may lose luster. Purification in the home can be performed using steam cleaner.
Glass is easy to restore lost luster
How and what better to wash trays, shower cabin, depending on the production of material
To know exactly what to wash the shower tray, it is necessary to find out what it is made. Acrylic and to clean dental enamel can paste or powder. Often use a spray or cream Acrylik Cleaner, Comet and Cif. Porcelain tiles do not need special care. It should only be wiped periodically. With mud on this pallet copes well Mellerud, designed to plumbing.
Wash tray can be a variety of means
What and how to wash the shower of lime deposits: looking for a proven way
Lime deposits are removed with great difficulty. Many do not know what to clean shower of lime deposits, so as not to damage the surface. Use vinegar solution, citric acid, vodka, hydrogen peroxide. If these compounds appear to be unreliable, and the question of how and what to wash the shower from lime deposits, is still open, it is worth paying attention to household chemicals. The manufacturer's instructions indicate always uses advised, therefore, to choose the composition of the cellar.
Tip! To spend less time cleaning in advance to find out how to care for the shower and how often.
To wash limescale deposits, will have to make an effort
How to remove traces of mold: choose a suitable composition
Coping with mold and ready to help people's money. From the last used soda, vinegar, ammonia, glycerol, toothpaste, citric acid, vodka.
Fight with mold should be immediately
How to clean the shower from clogging
If water is poorly drained, it is necessary to know how to clean the shower from clogging. First you need to remove accumulated dirt from the siphon. For this purpose it is necessary to disassemble. If this is not an option, use a plunger or a metal cable.
You can also fill the inside drain household chemicals, "Mr. Muscle», «Tiret» and other compositions. From folk remedies you can use baking soda and vinegar. First poured soda, and then poured vinegar.
If you know, what else can clean shower of lime deposits and other dirt, share in the comments. We are interested in the details of the process.