Dacha - the cherished dream of many people. Some people like to rest here at barbecue among friends, and others - to spend time beds or in the garden. The editors of the online magazine HouseChief.ru offers to get acquainted with interesting life hacking, which will be useful for both novice and experienced gardeners.

Read article
- 1 Life hacking β1: Β«pot in a pot"
- 2 Life hacking β2: Container beds
- 3 Life hacking β3: diapers in the service of gardeners
- 4 Life hacking β4: Β«MagicΒ» Water
- 5 Life hacking β5: shlakoblochnogo bed
- 6 Life hacking β6: do not throw the egg shell
- 7 Life hacking β7: banana peel - in business
- 8 Life hacking β8: bed perfectionist
- 9 Life hacking β9: the use of stumps
- 10 Life hacking β10: homemade bracelet for a mobile phone or MP3-player
- 11 Life hacking β11: bed-bed
- 12 Life hacking β12: Coffee can not only drink
- 13 Life hacking β13: savings seedling containers
- 14 Life hacking β14: inviting to help beneficial insects
- 15 Life hacking β15: storage of gardening gloves
- 16 Life hacking β16: refuse container of tires
- 17 Life hacking β17: honing in storage
- 18 Life hacking β18: defending from wasps
- 19 Life hacking β19: Tomatoes and baking soda
- 20 Life hacking β20: eco-friendly flower pots
- 21 A few words in conclusion
Life hacking β1: Β«pot in a pot"
Not all vacationers like to completely change landscaping your site every year, but sometimes really want to change. However, there is a trick that will save a lot of time and effort in the transformation of his dacha. Dug into the ground a few plastic containers and put them in pots with seasonal plants. When they ottsvetut, they can be easily replaced. This will maintain your life hacking flower beds in a flourishing condition, and smart.

Life hacking β2: Container beds
Not everyone has a large enough garden plots, but this does not mean that you will not be able to grow on beds everything you want. You can purchase or rent an old plastic container and land in it vegetables or ornamental flowering plants. In order to facilitate a mini-beds can be placed at the bottom of the tank lutrasil. This method of growing plants are also great for the owners of city apartments, which can accommodate a miniature garden at the balcony.

Life hacking β3: diapers in the service of gardeners
It turns out that baby diapers can render a good service to gardeners when growing flowers. Some gardeners offer to lay them on the bottom flower pots. The trick lies in the fact that the material used in diapers, holds moisture well, but the roots of it does not rot. Such a life hacking - the best solution for growing annuals, requiring frequent glaze. Resorted to this trick, you can be assured that your flowers will wither, especially if you do not very often in the country.

Life hacking β4: Β«MagicΒ» Water
It is not necessary to pour the vegetable broth, as it contains a lot of nutrients that are needed for good plant growth. He is perfect for watering the garden and horticultural crops, as well as for decorative potted plants. However, you need to use only lukewarm broth.

Life hacking β5: shlakoblochnogo bed
Creature high beds or flowerbeds requires certain skills. Will facilitate the use of breeze blocks with large holes. Because of this building material can be a high bed of virtually any size and shape. In addition, the plants can be planted not only between the blocks, but also in the special holes.

Life hacking β6: do not throw the egg shell
What we often do with egg shells? That's right - throw away! However, it can be put to good use in the household. The fact that grinded shells of eggs is an excellent fertilizer, significantly increases the yield of vegetable crops.

Life hacking β7: banana peel - in business
Who does not want to be at his dacha luxuriantly blooming flower bed? To achieve good results, it can be used as natural fertilizer on the banana peel. It can be frozen for a year, and then grind or added to compost. After use of this fertilizer your plants will bloom the envy of all the neighbors.

Life hacking β8: bed perfectionist
Plants planted at equal distance from each other and in a straight line, looks beautiful and pleasing to the eye. But do not take well to a landing ruler or tape measure. It is possible to make a device of the egg tray or board with wine stoppers located at equal distance from each other. It is enough to loosen the earth, to put pressure on her device - and you get the perfect beds.

Life hacking β9: the use of stumps
Dry tree we usually Cut down. But what if i do not want to mess with the clearing of stumps, which is a heavy and tedious job? You can turn them into original flower beds. It is enough to remove the core, fill in the recess fertile soil and planted colorful flowering plants. Such improvised beds will be a perfect decoration of your suburban area.

Life hacking β10: homemade bracelet for a mobile phone or MP3-player
The older generation did not have mobile phones or MP3-players, and not to think how not to lose or stain new-fangled gadgets while working on beds or in the garden. But sometimes she wants to listen to music or to be constantly in touch, weeding vegetables or trimming branches. Quite a bit of work - and from an old sock can make a comfortable device to hold the gadget, which can be worn on the arm. Now you can not worry that you will lose or stain your phone or player while working in the garden.

Life hacking β11: bed-bed
Very original look the beds where vegetables are planted interspersed with flowers. In addition, the sharp smell of some flowering plants and spices perfectly deters garden pests. Well established wormwood, calendula, garlic, mint and nasturtium. Such a method would eliminate some types of chemicals for spraying plants.

Life hacking β12: Coffee can not only drink
Coffee lovers often simply thrown away the thick, although it can be applied, especially if you cottager or Florist. Sleeps coffee, added to the soil would be an excellent fertilizer for ornamental plants and scare away insects. However, we must remember that before storing the coffee grounds must be dry, otherwise it zavedet mold, and it's not good for the plants.

Life hacking β13: savings seedling containers
special containers used for growing seedlings, you can use only 2-3 times, then have to buy new ones, and it costs money. However, you can save money and at the same time to increase the planting area by using old plastic bottles of water. It's enough to cut the container lengthwise into two equal parts, cover with soil and planted seeds for germination.

Life hacking β14: inviting to help beneficial insects
Pest control sometimes use beneficial insects, but how to attract them to your suburban area - and it is at the right place? It is necessary around the plants affected by pests, pour sugar syrup, which attract bees, ladybugs and bumblebees. Gathered for a sweet smell, they will at the same time to deal with pests.

Life hacking β15: storage of gardening gloves
Often after working in the garden or in the beds we remove dirty gloves, put anywhere and then can not find them. Well, if they are torn and they do not mind, but if they are more suited to the job? To gardening gloves will last longer and thus always at hand, you can do for them special hanger with clothes pegs, which are carefully relate to the material and do not tear it, unlike by hooks.

Life hacking β16: refuse container of tires
Usually in the country for waste collection using old metal or plastic barrel. But if you do not, you can use the old road ramps. You must install them on each other and put inside a large garbage bag. You can make a 2-3 design and paint each in a different color to avoid confusion when sorting garbage. So, some work, you get a few original garbage bins for different types of waste.

Life hacking β17: honing in storage
Rust and lack of sharpness - the eternal problem of storage of garden tools after the winter. To solve these two problems by using a simple method. It is necessary to fill a box or a barrel of sand or small river pebbles and paste them in garden tools after use. So it will always be clean and dry, and will be constantly sharpened.

Life hacking β18: defending from wasps
Stings of wasps - a thing quite unpleasant and painful, and if they gave you at the nest site, it's a catastrophe. To get rid of them, you need to take the used plastic bottle, fill it with sugar syrup or beer - and the trap is ready. Some insects are caught, while others prefer to look for another place of residence.

Life hacking β19: Tomatoes and baking soda
Want to grow tomatoes, sweet and tasty? Once a week, sprinkled soil around the plants with a solution of water and an ordinary baking soda. It is an excellent fertilizer, making the acidity neutral soil.

Life hacking β20: eco-friendly flower pots
You are a fighter for the environment and the enemy of plastic pots for seedlings? Then you can make environmentally friendly container from the cardboard rolls from toilet paper. We need to do a few notches on the cardboard so that it is easily formed. Give the blank form of the pot, sprinkle the soil and planted the seeds.

A few words in conclusion
Every summer resident secrets and learn them all is difficult. We hope that life hacking, shown in this review will help you in the country. If you have your own chalet tricks, then share them with us and our readers in the form of comments.