Normally fences mark the boundaries land, Stand guard against the penetration of unauthorized persons and animals. With the advent of various materials on the market have the opportunity to establish many interesting fencing that could decorate a suburban area. And then there are the fence for Bedded, Fences for zoning space, fencing for animals, decorative Fences for cottagesWhose photos are full of a wide area network. Therefore, the desire to build a strong and at the same time attractive fence is quite natural.

Read article
- 1 Types of fences to testify in design
- 2 Fences for dacha: photos finished fencing
- 2.1 Original and economical fence from scrap materials with their own hands
- 2.2 Installing a wooden fence in the country with their own hands: photo designs
- 2.3 Variety of metal fences to give
- 2.4 The wealth of forms of plastic fences for the cottages: photo gallery
- 3 Fences for dacha cheap: prices and photos of popular species
- 4 fence decoration: original ideas
- 5 Output
Types of fences to testify in design
No matter what is the function of the protective structure, its structure consists of two elements:
- bearing pad - fixed in the ground, vertical pillarsHorizontal purlins (joists), gates;
- sheathing - material filling the spans between the pillars.
Carriers fence elements bear most of the load and are responsible for its strength. They are selected on the basis of soil characteristics, wind load areas and styling suburban area. sheathing materials give a decorative look throughout the construction and may be of wood, Metal, plastics and other products.

Tip! Strong winds often occur in open plain areas. At these places the fence lining experiencing enhanced load. In this case, it is recommended to fence in the country inexpensive lumen in the casing. A more sophisticated variant - to establish a strong foundation for the pillars.
Depending on the design fulfills the function of the barrier is of several types:
- Open. The fence is installed in order to avoid the adverse effects of environmental factors: from the arrival of vehicles, the care of children from the territory of a summer residence, creating an unauthorized landfill, etc... Open the fence has large gaps and provides shade. Beside him well planted culture, needs sunlight. It can be both high and low.
Forged fence - the standard of grace and elegance - Deaf. The fence of this type - high capital structure without any light gaps. He is raised in order to protect from prying eyes, the invasion by unauthorized persons and stray dogs. Pluses massive structure - reducing external noise reduction roadside penetration of dust, possibility of shade-planting plants. Usually vacationers along a fence planted with fruit, pine and ornamental trees.
Solid fence - good protection from the road - Combined. The fence of this type combines the decorative details, open and blind elements. It is being built in order to continue the stylistic ideas and suburban area apartment building. The construction can be both simple and complex, both low and high. Different technologies and materials of various kinds can be used in the construction.
Fence made of brick with wrought
Fences for dacha: photos finished fencing
Each owner of the garden there is a desire ennoble their possessions, To create comfortable conditions for recreation. The first stage of these actions becomes fence portion. Properly chosen not only decorate the fence chalet buildings and give them complete, but will perform its function.

Options there are too many obstacles. There are fences high and low, massive and symbolic made of metal or plastic scrap materials. And how to answer the question, what to choose cottage fence? To give importance to the requirements of the fence are its strength and durability. And they depend on the load-bearing pillars, and cladding materials.

When choosing a holiday barrage important factor is legislation that must be considered before installing the fence. For example, should not be raised too high and solid fences, as they will give a shadow on the neighboring plot of land and garden owner. In the same wall is not necessary to protect the territory of a small area of garden. From the outside it will look ridiculous.
Original and economical fence from scrap materials with their own hands
Cottage - this is the place where you can be creative imagination when installing a fence. Using available materials, it is possible to get a cheap design. The consumption taken the most ordinary objects: sticks, logs, plastic bottles, remnants of building materials, twigs of trees. The result is a creative fence to give. Cheap, with their own hands created, it will attract attention and will be the subject of a fine summer cottage decor. And thanks to the variance, fencing, and exterior garden, you can change as much as necessary.

Very stylish looks hedge of tires. Arranged in a checkerboard pattern at a certain height, they form small protrusions. In each such interval is poured soil and planted plants. Properly thought-out arrangement of flowers and herbs will turn a dull gray "wall" in a colorful fence.

Laborious, but simple work is a fence netting of twigs of trees, straw or reed. Wicker fence will be a spectacular addition to the country-rustic design. To create such a fence require dry material of different thickness. A fence made of willow, wicker or hazel with proper care will delight over 5-8 years. Woven of reeds and cattails will decorate the cottage 3-4 years. Of twigs and branches can also build a fence to beds, Flower beds, gardens tracksAnd recreation areas.

Tip! To wicker fence has served long enough, it is necessary to process wood material antifungal composition, cover the paint and varnished.
Another budget option suburban fence - a fence of slab. This material is cheaper than the processed board and its easy to get to the wood-processing enterprises or sawmill. The procedure for the construction of the fence is very simple: untreated board nailed to the cross beam is attached to the vertical pillars. To preserve the natural beauty of slab undergoes a varnish treatment.

Made from scrap materials cheap fence on a suburban site look impressive. In general stylistic execution, they create an atmosphere of tranquility, comfort. Options for creating such barriers, there are many. Home handyman willing to put up photos of fences with their hands out of scrap materials on the Internet. After studying them, we can figure out how to make the fence cheap. But there is one caveat - the life of such a relatively small fences.
Installing a wooden fence in the country with their own hands: photo designs
AT landscape design Wood is the best material. It is inexpensive in cost, environmentally friendly, easy to work, is available for sale. If you correctly choose the wood grade and pick up the necessary construction fence, it is possible to build a strong enough fences with his hands low and long operating life.

Tip! Without proper treatment of the wooden fence will dry out, rot and gradually disintegrate. Avoid the appearance of cracks and crevices helps processing protective impregnation and regular painting. In this case, the appearance of damaged elements of the fence is inevitable, but they can easily be replaced or repaired.
From the tree to give you can make dozens of options decorative fences with his own hands. Photo openwork wooden fence, colored white paint, demonstrates the attractive appearance.

Such a fence on the plot applicable to the zoning or as a decoration element. Strength is no different, but the allocated ease of manufacture. The fence is created by crossing the narrow strips.
A classical embodiment a wooden fence garden fence, a fence. He quickly erected and well delineates the plot that perfectly demonstrates the photo fence made of boards with their hands:

Its design is very simple - it is vertical boards that nailed to the horizontal prozhiliny. Through the board well into the light, so that it can be planted near the different cultures.
To create a wooden fence in the course can be put boards, slats, timber, Straps, supports a wide variety of shapes and sizes. In order to understand how to make their own hands in the country fences of these components, you should consider the design.

Variety of metal fences to give
Not less popular options protections for metal cottages. It spans forged, fences, mesh, netting, design of rebars and sheeting. Such structures have a high strength and durability, long time did not require repair. Unlike wooden fences metal fences complicated to install and cost-consuming. Thus, forged fences manufactured forge or plant in the form of individual sections and their installation requires considerable effort and additional equipment.

The list of popular materials for the manufacture of corrugated board includes fencing. Photos of fences to testify of him quite often invested in the network. Advantages of such protections - blank design does not allow unauthorized considered suburban area, and resistance to weathering. Profiled sheets come in different colors, may differ in texture and size of the waves. A simple fence made of this material can be found easily, but it looks dull. For the solid type is better to install profiled in the bar foundation between the metal or brick supports.

A good alternative is a professional flooring metal fence. Fences for dacha from this material have a translucent appearance and look much better. They are easy to install and do not apply to high-value goods. Fence on the market in a wide range of colors and a variety of forms. In accordance with the design of a metal portion picket fence can be mounted on a concrete foundation or attached to the metal poles.

The wealth of forms of plastic fences for the cottages: photo gallery
Fences made of PVC in the construction market appeared not so long ago, but today they took a worthy position. This contributed to the practicality of the material, attractive appearance and ease of installation. Sales plastic fences are presented in a variety of colors.

The advantages of plastic enclosures:
- a light weight;
- weatherability;
- the ability to combine with other materials;
- a variety of decorative forms;
- high performance.

Buy plastic fence to give you can not only for the protection of the territory, but also to decorate the front gardens, flower beds, playground etc. Issued fence PVC as finished composing sections which can instruct each other. There may also be multi-section representing a single product for use in flight.

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Fences for dacha cheap: prices and photos of popular species
In view of the specifics of the villa area in many home gardens built some species fences. Focusing on their own needs, the owners of country houses are paying attention to the definition of the boundaries, the reliability of the material, appearance and mix with garden landscape. But when you buy the emphasis falls on one point. For example, if you only need to fence the area with your hands cheap fence for the garden (photo from the table), you can choose a lightweight design. If the prevalent security issue, then you need a strong and massive construction. But in any case the fence should look aesthetically pleasing and decorating section.
Overview inexpensive fences to testify: prices include installation of protecting constructions
Picture | Title | Description | Material | Average price, RR. |
![]() | A fence made of wood | Production of fences: a dull type of fence, shutters, picket fence | dry board | from 700,00 |
![]() | Rabitz | Sold in rolls, the price affects cell size | steel wire | from 400,00 |
![]() | A fence of corrugated board | Indicating the cost of the fence of corrugated board, the price per square meter | Profiled metal sheet | from 700,00 |
![]() | Fence of 2D and 3D welded mesh | Ready-section of the welded rods | Galvanized steel bar | from 500,00 |
![]() | Evroshtaketnik | On sale there are some ready-made sections and shtaketiny | Metal strips of different shapes | from 45,00 |
![]() | A fence made of plastic | continuous fence section with Shtaket | PVC | from 3300.00 |
fence decoration: original ideas
Modern cottage for many owners is a place of rest and solitude. Therefore, each owner seeks to adorn its territory. The decor of the fence is an essential link in the decision. After all, modern room at the fence will be concise conclusion suburban landscape.
It will look at the fence climbing plants very effectively. To grow from year to year, they will look better. Misgurnus decorate fence of any kind, except for the low: wood, forged, plastic, brick. Suitable for planting a girl's grapes, ivy, hops, climbing roses, sweet peas. On the side of the yard along the fence can be planted tall flowers.

Wooden fence, fence from time to time need to varnish or paint the paint. Why not paint with bright colors? With a good imagination multicolored fence becomes an art object.

Dull mesh or trellis fence will be transformed if it is "sew" bright ribbons. To do this, special skills are required. It suffices to find the pattern and take up weaving. As the burn pattern of colored ribbons is quite possible to change. A deaf fence can be decorated with multi-colored plastic caps from under the bottle, laying one on mosaic pattern type.

Every summer resident certain there will be unnecessary plastic boxes, containers, old boxes, rubber shoes, children's buckets. Of these things are easy to construct and shelves for flowers and even flower flowerpots. Nailing them to the wooden fence of the yard and spread them on the plant, get a non-standard fencing decoration.

Ideas for decorating the fences there are so many. Below are photos of fences for the cottages, which are decorated with effectively and without major costs

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Build a simple fence in the country with their own hands at all easy. They will cost is cheap, and time to spend a little erection. With a certain skill and creative thinking, you can create a unique design. But if you can afford it, then you can entrust this work professional artists and designers.