To prepare the ground for finishing, On the surface primed deep penetration. As a result, it manages to increase the strength and surface characteristics to improve adhesion properties. We offer to meet with existing types, popular brands and manufacturing procedures with their own hands.
At roughened adhesion surface above
Read article
1 Scope primers deep penetration
2 Principle of operation
3 What can be a primer of deep penetration: major variations in composition
4 Guidelines for choosing the deep penetration primer
4.1 In composition,
4.2 At the place of application
5 leading manufacturers
6 Popular Deep penetration primer
6.1 Ceresit CT 17: Rating 4.8 / 5
6.2 Optimistic G 103: rate 4.5 / 5
6.3 Prospectors: rate 4.5 / 5
6.4 Tikkurila Euro Primer: rating 4.3 / 5
6.5 Knauf Betokontakt: Rating 5/5
7 Surface treatment primer composition
7.1 Preparatory work
7.2 Consumption rate
7.3 Application Instructions
8 Instructions for the production of primer deep penetration with their hands
Scope primers deep penetration
The porous base structure can adversely affect its characteristics. Application of deep penetration of the composition provides a pore filling, so that the base good resistance to external influences. As a result, increase the base strength characteristics.
Solid foundation last longer
Application of the composition to increase the adhesion finishing materials. Without preparation concrete will have low absorbency, but because paint base and plaster it will be impossible. After applying solution deep penetration easier paste over the wall with heavy wallpaper.
Preparation for painting and wallpapering is mandatory
Primers deep penetration are widely used in areas with high levels of humidity. The application of the composition in the kitchen or the bathroom to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew. By applying the composition of increased water resistance base.
Attention! The compositions are applied to the deep penetration of various substrates: concrete, wood, plasterboard, plywood, plastered surface.
Composition deep penetration protection against moisture from the outside
Principle of operation
Primers used for deep penetration processing friable surfaces, and do not possess sufficient density. Included in the binders with microscopic particles get inside the material and begin "Glue" from the inside, thus increasing the strength characteristics, providing an antiseptic and antifungal impact. On the surface of thus formed protective film having moisture resistant properties.
Composition deeply penetrates and strengthens the foundation
What can be a primer of deep penetration: major variations in composition
B may be depending on a main component:
acrylic. Its basis is an acrylic polymer. It can be applied to brick, concrete or wooden base. Is water-based. It dries quickly and has no odor;
quartzContaining sand. It is used to enhance adhesion characteristics of the base. Harmless to humans. Applied to the wetted surface;
mineral. The binder acts cement. It is applied on concrete or brick. Drying over 2 chasa;
alkyd. The introduction of phosphorus and zinc chromate to prevent corrosion of the base. It can be applied on various substrates except for concrete and drywall. For drying inflicted layer required 12-15 hours;
antifungal. Used to prevent mold and mildew. Promotes adhesion of the base;
universal. It can increase the density and base to remove accumulated dust;
concrete-contact. The adhesive composition containing silica sand. It improves the surface roughness, and as a result, its adhesion.
Composition deep penetration of the soil may differ significantly
Guidelines for choosing the deep penetration primer
Selection of a suitable embodiment depends on a number of factors. We offer to meet the criteria, deserve attention in the first place.
The choice of the composition is carried out taking into account a number of criteria
In composition,
The characteristics of the base material have a major impact on the composition of the selected primer. For absorbent surfaces should buy or acrylic alkyd primer. The best choice may be Betonokontakt. If the base is made of wood, you should pay attention to the oil antiseptic impregnation. Brick antischelochnym treated composition, tile - antifungal.
Composition deep penetration of the soil depends on the type of base
At the place of application
The choice of the brand depends on the performance of the jobsite. For surfaces located outsideShould choose compositions with high frost resistance. The best option would be a silicate or acrylic primer deep penetration.
For interior work should be acquired compounds odorless. Ideal and acrylic latex primer. In environments with high humidity levels should apply antiseptic ground.
Place of work - an important criterion
leading manufacturers
Choosing a suitable option, you should pay attention to the products released under the following trade marks:
Ceresit. Absolute leader, has long been producing quality products with advanced technology. The company not only offers deep penetration of the soil, but also the primer-concentrate;
Knauf. German manufacturer for a long time produces high-quality mixture. Active innovative technologies contributes to the improvement of the process and characteristics of produced primers;
Knauf - excellent German quality
Tikkurila. The Finnish company has more than a century, with production in 7 countries. It offers versatile formulations, as well as adhesion and moisture barrier properties;
Tikkurila - primer, time-tested
Caparol. Initially, the products are made in Germany and is now in demand all over the world. The manufacturer offers a primer for interior and exterior use;
Vetonit. Products manufactured by Weber, a member of the Saint-Gobain group;
IVSIL. Domestic manufacturers to produce products more than 20 years. It offers versatile compositions and deep penetration;
"Prospectors". The output is carried out since 1992. One of the leading producers of concrete offers primer-contact, universal and designed for highly absorbent surfaces.
Domestic producers can compete with foreign analogues
Popular Deep penetration primer
With a large variety, some primer deep penetration are very popular. We offer to meet with the most popular brands, and reviews of real customers.
Ceresit CT 17: Rating 4.8 / 5
Acrylic on water-based dispersion used to strengthen the base, reducing the absorbency of the surface. penetration depth - 10 mm. Average flow - 100-200 ml / m². For drying inflicted layer requires 2-4 hours. Suitable for interior use. Widely used for treatment aerated concrete with high porosity.
Review of the primer Ceresit CT 17:
More on Otzovik:
primer Ceresit CT 17 deep penetration
Optimistic G 103: rate 4.5 / 5
Composition with high penetrating power is used to strengthen the base. It can be applied to various surfaces, except metal. It contains silicone and antiseptic agents. It prevents the appearance of mold. Average flow - 100-250 ml / m². It penetrates to a depth of 10 mm. For drying takes an hour.
Review of Optimist primer G 103:
More on Otzovik:
Primers, deep penetration Optimist G 103
Prospectors: rate 4.5 / 5
Acrylic primer. It can be used for working inside and outside the building. Suitable for rooms, operated under high humidity conditions. It can be applied to penogazobeton, gypsum plasterboardAnd a base with varying absorbency. Average flow - 100-200 ml / m². Penetrating ability - 5-15 mm. Drying for one hour.
Review of Prospectors primer:
More on Otzovik:
Primers, deep penetration of miners
Tikkurila Euro Primer: rating 4.3 / 5
Acrylic primer suitable for interior and exterior use, for dry and wet rooms. It contains special additives that protect against mold and mildew. It can be applied to wood, including with a loose structure. The flow can be 200-700 ml / m². It is supplied in packages of different capacities. It penetrates into the ground to a depth of 12-15 mm. Allocated layer dries for about an hour. Before applying diluted with water in ratio 1: 3. If the substrate strongly or grinding work is performed outside, the composition is applied in concentrated form.
Review of the primer Tikkurila Euro Primer:
More on Otzovik:
Primers, deep penetration Tikkurila Euro Primer
Knauf Betokontakt: Rating 5/5
Used for the preparation of aerated concrete base. It penetrates to a depth of 5 mm, increasing the adhesion characteristics of the basics. contains quartz sand. The average flow rate is 0.25-0.4 kg / m². Drying 12 hours.
Review of the primer Knauf Betokontakt:
More on Otzovike:
Surface treatment primer composition
To form a high-quality layer, it is necessary to read the instructions written by the manufacturer. It is painted in detail the requirement to the base, the average consumption and the order of application. We offer to meet with each step in more detail.
Formation of a continuous layer necessarily
Preparatory work
Before applying the primer deep penetration should prepare a base. For this purpose the surface is removed with the dust and debris. Cleaned oil stains. If there are metal elements should clear them from the resulting rust.
The primer should be applied to the cleaned surface
Consumption rate
Flow primers deep penetration depends on the composition, concentration and substrate conditions applied substance. It is considered that the average flow rate of 50-350 ml / m².
Application Instructions
roller can be used for applying the deep penetration of the primer, paint brush or spray gun. Tool selection depends on the quadrature-treated surface. Works are performed at a temperature above + 5 ° C.
different tools can be used for the application of
If the substrate is highly porous, have cracks and crevices, a primer layer is applied 2-3. The application of each subsequent layer begins after the complete drying of the previous.
We offer watch the following video to better understand the work performance technology:
Instructions for the production of primer deep penetration with their hands
If you purchase the appropriate structure did not work, it can be made with your own hands. For deep penetration primer need soap (200 g), hydrated lime (3 kg), linseed oil (100 g) and water (7 l). Composition is made in the following sequence:
rub soap, put it in 3 liters of hot water with drying oil;
in another container in 4 l of boiling water lime fall asleep;
mix thoroughly prepared solutions;
we filter;
after cooling of the composition may be applied to the substrate.
More detailed information on the process of making the primer can be found in the following video:
Share in the comments, a primer of deep penetration you used and why.