Top 5 products for emergency repairs on AliExpress: when it is very necessary

Very often, the trouble happens at the most inopportune moment. In this case, we help out friends or acquaintances at hand who found appropriate tool. Today we offer you useful gizmos with AliExpressWhich will help you on their own, without the help, to get out of difficult situations. So, Top 5 products for emergency repair of AliExpress.

All sorts of trouble may lie in wait for you at every shaguFOTO:
All sorts of trouble may lie in wait for you at every step

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  • 1 Tire repair kit
  • 2 Lena insulating silicone
  • 3 A set of screwdrivers with ratchet
  • 4 The magnetic fixture for repair in confined spaces
  • 5 Universal toolbox

Tire repair kit

There's nothing worse than a wheel puncture, when with no spare wheel. In this case, the rescue emergency repair kit. Special suitcase does not take up much space in your car.

Suitable for bicycle repairs and to repair the car shinFOTO:
Suitable for bicycle repairs, and for the repair of tires
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Lena insulating silicone

for urgent repairs come in handy masking tape made of silicone. It will quickly localize the leak and to cope with the flood before the arrival of the master.

The cost of a cheap tape, but this simple little thing will help to keep safe your and other people's property, preventing the flood. PHOTO:
The cost of a cheap tape, but this simple little thing will help to keep safe your and other people's property, preventing the flood.
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A set of screwdrivers with ratchet

this set screwdrivers It will help in many situations. Compact, versatile, easy to use, it will help to solve many problems. You can not just screw screwBut also to change the wheel of the car.

set cost - about 700 rubleyFOTO:
set cost - about 700 rubles
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The magnetic fixture for repair in confined spaces

Is attached to any surface, it has a large angle lighting. Economical, it runs on batteries. It can be bent at a right angle. An ideal tool for assembly work in darkened and small spaces.

Let there be light, even where it otklyuchiliFOTO:
Let there be light, even where it turned off
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Universal toolbox

And at the end of our review - set instrumentsWhich contains all the necessary tools that should be present in every home. It includes 16 items.

All that will be required under the rukoyFOTO:
All you need is at your fingertips
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