Fishing - one of the most popular men's studies, which allows the soul to rest in harmony with nature in complete silence, contemplating the float. There was even a stable expression - we go "fishing" and not "for the fish." My name is Olga Ivanenko. I am a rare exception, it is the wife, a friend, who with her husband and hiking, and fishing goes.
That's what I decided to write, I learned from his grandfather and father. They I are avid fishermen. One day, sitting by the fire and trying to insert their "5 cents", I was very surprised that many have never even heard of such tricks. That is why I was born the idea to present some of them. After all, he and the experience of previous generations, to learn on it, adding to it and passing on. Of course, the modern high-tech devices to many may seem more efficient, but I'm such an opinion can not agree. Let's get started.
Read article
- 1 The trick №1: samopodsekayuschy float
- 1.1 Preparation of foam cut to work
- 1.2 The operating principle of the float samopodsekayuschego
- 2 Super-feeder float rods from the cover
- 2.1 Adding a load on the plastic cover
- 2.2 Vdevaem leash in the knockout holes-trough cover
- 2.3 The principle of operation, the feeder cover on the example of
- 3 Preparation of goods for Donkey: how hard it is
- 3.1 Preparation forms for casting weights
- 3.2 Fill in the form of lead, the production of goods
- 3.3 Final processing of goods, preparing them for fishing
- 4 Final part

The trick №1: samopodsekayuschy float

Indeed, today many have heard about the rods, which are themselves hooking the fish in time poklovki. In fact, and this "gadget" came from the distant past, when it was called a "machine". But now it's not about him, but about the float, which is itself podsechot fish, if a man with a fishing pole gape or did not have time to do anything. You do not need any special materials or devices, everything can be done literally at the knee, right on the lake. I must say that all the following work was carried out, my husband and I honestly everything is fixed and describe to you :)
First, we need just a piece of foam, conventional sliding float (fishing line with him to shoot optional), and a lighter. Styrofoam is necessary to cut a small platformochku. For clarity, we have support from the chicken.

Just I want to warn that such a foam tonkovat and strong poklovke it can simply tear off the float. Therefore it is better to choose something thicker. Although an experienced fisherman in the drawer is always a similar material.

Preparation of foam cut to work
Now the center is necessary to make a hole. If possible, it is better red-hot in the fire melted the wire and extend to such the diameter of the foam is placed on the upper part of the float is quite tight, but it slipped on it. By the way, foundered foam will be much stronger than the one that just punctured float.
For these purposes it is better suited polystyrene. It is also called Penoplex on the company that manufactures it. Material hard, but at the same time extremely easy.
So, when the platform is made, we put it on the float and heats the plastic tip of the upper rod, then flatten it. The resulting "fungus" will not allow foam to get off the float.

The operating principle of the float samopodsekayuschego
Next, look at how the resulting device operates. When the float is at rest, the foam does not interfere. The same thing happens when the fish is only slightly twitching twine. The victim also feels no resistance - because foam float is free to move on. But it is worth it to drag the float under water, foam, stopped "fungus" at the end of the float, it creates a strong opposition, with the result that the fish is cut down "on their own". The principle is simple, but it is so trouble free.
Such alteration of the float, I personally have repeatedly checked on the waters where the fish are too choosy. It brings forth the small twitching, ensuring that the fisherman goes out himself and pulls the bait earlier than necessary, or dulled his attention, and he misses a jerk. We can only look at the bare hook and stick the worm again. In such cases, a small piece of foam helps out, leaving the fish is absolutely no chance.

Super-feeder float rods from the cover
For the first time such a manger "with surprise" I saw my father as a child. True it was made of a conventional metal cap on the bottle. Already some of them can not imagine that the plastic was not at the time. Her only problem was that the metal could damage the line. I'll show all on more contemporary material.
First you need to take a subtle drill or the same red-hot wire and make 2 holes in the sides, one against another. I do not think that it can make any difficulties. The main thing that was neat holes. That's why I prefer their "drilled" a thin drill, which is always with us in suitcase with summer gear and winter in a box.

Adding a load on the plastic cover
Now we need to make sure that the lid is always fell on the bottom, under any circumstances. This will require a common coin. We used pyatirublovuyu, but we can take a little bit easier. With conventional coin superglue is fixed to the rear of the cap. Although as adhesive You can use anything. The only problem is that the other glue will dry much longer. By the way, one of our acquaintances adapt himself to stick a coin on the cover using the double-sided tape. And that is also a good option!

Vdevaem leash in the knockout holes-trough cover
Now we need to take a regular leash, which already has a hook and sinker. The part on which the loop is threaded through two holes in the plastic cover, followed by production of feeders "Surprise" can be considered completed. We can see that no matter how fell into the water cover the bottom, she will go strictly coin down. Once again, let me remind you all devices that I describe are intended for fishing in stagnant water in the ponds and lakes. On the river like gear will not work.
After-feeder cover was at the right place, you can attach a leash to the main line.

The principle of operation, the feeder cover on the example of
Before you throw in the cover with a small slide stuffed bait diluted in advance to the desired consistency - it is this, which is usually a fisherman throws a bobber. On the hook, as usual, is pushed worm. This is where the fun begins. Hook with worm bait is hiding in the hill in the lid. It turns out that at the end of the line is only visible with a small loop feeder line and sinker. It is in this situation and made a throw.
Consider how this tool helps the fisherman. First, falling to the bottom shiny coin attracts predators like perch. After she falls to the bottom, if predatory fish after it did not go, the bait starts to carp, and carp. Fish fits and starts to smell of "suck" porridge in the manger until gets to the worm. Naturally, it is for her a desired trophy, which is also quite calm. As a result, the victim swallows the hook, but at the slightest movement a little prick on the spearhead and jerks to the side. Again, the load does not allow the fishing line to go free, with the result that the fish is cut down spontaneously.

Preparation of goods for Donkey: how hard it is
Many are trying to acquire floating loads to donk in the store. But if you need a decent weight, manufacturers and prices pose significant. But to make such a small weight is pretty simple on their own. You just have to have on hand a couple of planks, 6 screws, Tile, and end-of-age of the battery from the cars or motorcycles. Now Let us examine in detail how to produce the goods.
First you need to pull the 2 plates with screws. For example, we have taken the first two of those caught by the arm of wood, but if you do not want after the casting of the workpiece, it is better to find a plank of solid wood. At the same time, and they will last a very long time. They are not enough for a single casting.
Another secret. The smoother the surface will come into contact, the better. Before as screw the screwsWorth Drill holes for them - so they are harder to pull together.

Preparation forms for casting weights
When drilling is best used machineBut if it is not, you can do the usual vices. We should be careful - Drill should include exactly between two connected halves. It makes sense to first use a delicate instrument, and only after that by the size to be shipped. If you get skewed, then get inside a frozen lead will be difficult - have to spoil the shape.
Once the lead has cooled down, it will still need to be cut to the required parts, so zasverlivatsya worth a little deeper, but without fanaticism, not to go through.

Fill in the form of lead, the production of goods
After the mold prepared for the pouring of extracted lead battery components. Obstuchal they need to beat out of the cells of lead dioxide. After this remains pure lead in the form of a fine lattice. It needs to be put into a metal (preferably enameled) container and put on the tiles. Lead melts pretty quickly, but will float on top of the trash diverse. It can not pay attention - when filling in the form, he will not fall (especially if it is not to push).
After the molten metal, the capacity is taken pliers and accurately mass is poured into molds, with all precautions. The fact that the molten metal temperature is very high.

Final processing of goods, preparing them for fishing
Now it remains only to wait until the lead has cooled. After that, the screws are removed, and the mold halves are separated. The resulting rods should be treated. They are cut into desired pieces hacksaw. Lead - a very soft metal, and therefore amenable to treatment easily. Zasverlivayutsya cut part of the center, after which they can be used for its intended purpose.

Final part
Of course, all the tricks and subtleties of the fishing business in one article it is impossible to fit. To do this, even books are not enough. But what I said today, will help novice fishermen are not left without a catch, many of the secrets we tried with her husband together in practice. The main thing to remember that fishing is the most important - communication, the atmosphere and catch... so as lucky.
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