🏒 Interior bedroom apartment: decoration, furniture, decor, style

Each time, undertaking apartment repair or at home, we are faced with many problems: what to choose materials, plumber, furniture and who will be the executor. However, most of all concerned about it, how it will look in the end housing. In this review, we describe how to create a modern design one-bedroom apartment, what materials to use, and consider the options for the standard "kopeck piece" and areas with redevelopment.

Bedroom apartment provides a great opportunity for the designer fantasies PHOTO: remontnichok.ru
Bedroom apartment provides a great opportunity for the designer fantasies
PHOTO: remontnichok.ru

Read article

  • 1 Highlights of creating a two-bedroom apartment Design
    • 1.1 Decoration Materials
    • 1.2 Furniture and lighting in the "kopeck piece"
    • 1.3 Decorative elements and textiles in the interior
  • 2 Design one-bedroom apartment without redevelopment
    • 2.1 Decoration of accomodations, depending on the functionality
      • 2.1.1 Hallway and living room
      • 2.1.2 Bedroom and children's room
      • 2.1.3 Kitchen and loggia
      • 2.1.4 Bathroom and toilet
    • 2.2 Making one-bedroom apartment, depending on the style solutions
      • 2.2.1 Timeless classics and modernism
      • 2.2.2 English and Scandinavian style
      • 2.2.3 Minimalism and high-tech
      • 2.2.4 Loft and constructivism
  • 3 Design reschedule "kopeck piece" with photos of interiors
    • 3.1 The combination living room with other rooms
      • 3.1.1 Kitchen-living room combination, or from the hallway
    • 3.2 Combining a living room with a bedroom and a loggia
    • 3.3 Transfer kitchen to the living room and the improvement in its place a nursery or office
  • 4 A few words in conclusion

Highlights of creating a two-bedroom apartment Design

Repairs one-bedroom apartment - troublesome. Here it is necessary to take into account the different nuances, among which stands out the three main ones:

  • who will be living (a young childless couple, a couple with 1-2 children or elderly people). This greatly affects interior style;
  • design project, choice of style and the necessary finishing materials;
  • Interior design: improvement lightingselection furniture, textiles and decorative elements.
Creating a project - the main stage of the formation of interior design Photo: cdn.architecturendesign.net
Creating a project - the main stage of the formation of interior design
PHOTO: cdn.architecturendesign.net

Decoration Materials

The choice of finishing materials for the repair of one-bedroom apartment in many respects depends on the style interior, Financial capabilities and personal preferences of the owner housing. the following main groups can be identified:

  1. Budget. used linoleum PVC laminated floor boards, ceramic tileGypsum plaster, cheap wallpaper and paint. Ceilings can be shpaklovannymi, gypsum or tension.
  2. Average price category. For interior decoration bedroom apartment is often used mosaic tiles, veneered laminate, fake diamond, granite, MDF and decorative plaster.
  3. Premium. Use of natural stone and precious wood species, parquet, Designer tiles, Venetian plaster.
Finishing materials can be anything: it all depends on taste and financial possibilities of the owner of an apartment Photo: svoimy-rukami.ru
Finishing materials can be anything: it all depends on taste and financial possibilities of the apartment owner
PHOTO: svoimy-rukami.ru

Once selected and purchased all the necessary trimmings, you can proceed to the immediate implementation of the selected project.

Furniture and lighting in the "kopeck piece"

Since the two-bedroom apartments do not differ serious area, the furniture, their situation should be not only beautiful but also practical and functional. Very popular transforming modelsThat can perform several functions. It makes it easier is that most furniture manufacturers offers complete packages for certain premises: bedroom, child, Living rooms, vestibules and bathrooms.

Traditional furniture wall thing of the past PHOTO: masterstrong.ru
Traditional furniture wall thing of the past
PHOTO: masterstrong.ru
A comfortable sofa and a coffee table a constant attribute of any living PHOTO: remont-samomy.ru
A comfortable sofa and a coffee table a constant attribute of any living room
PHOTO: remont-samomy.ru
The furniture should match the overall style of the interior PHOTO: svoimy-rukami.ru
The furniture should match the overall style of the interior
PHOTO: svoimy-rukami.ru

It is equally important to choose the right lighting for a two-bedroom apartment. As we have said, the typical "kopeck piece" has, though not great, but the optimum living space. The disadvantage of such housing is not very well lit, so you need to worry about installing a sufficient number lighting devices. Recently, very popular LED lights - as a basic and decorative lighting. They provide good light and take up little space. In the living room, apart from the main light source, it is advisable to install a floor lamp or a table the lampIn the hallway sconces would be appropriate, in the nursery - a lamp on the desk, bedside lamp and the main chandelier. The style of lighting devices must conform to the interior space.

Very popular spotlights PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Very popular spotlights
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
In addition to the main lighting, and necessary auxiliary PHOTO: gd-home.com
In addition to the main lighting is necessary and support
PHOTO: gd-home.com
A lot of light there is no PHOTO: urban-events.ru
Lots of light does not happen
PHOTO: urban-events.ru

Decorative elements and textiles in the interior

Creating interior is impossible without the use of decoration. As decorations can be used pictures, Vintage clock, or mirror, photos, Carpets, decorations and even houseplants. The dΓ©cor may be an even accent wall, which allows you to animate the situation.

Painting - the most common element of decor Photo: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Painting - the most common element of decor
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
The second most popular element of the decor are wall clocks: modern, vintage or antique PHOTO: roomidea.ru
The second most popular element of the decor are wall clocks: modern, vintage or antique
PHOTO: roomidea.ru
The use of lighting and fire for decorating the living room Photo: studio-may.com
The use of lighting and a fireplace for decoration living room
PHOTO: studio-may.com

In the interior, and in textiles can be used as decoration. It can be decorative pillows, Tablecloths, delicate napkins, bedspreads and blankets in style "Patchwork", Curtains and blinds. Textiles, as in the case of lighting, must match the overall style of the interior and used in moderate amounts.

It is difficult to imagine the interior of the apartment without textile PHOTO: matrade.ru
It is difficult to imagine the interior of the apartment without textiles
PHOTO: matrade.ru
The use of textiles for zoning PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
The use of textiles for zoning
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Pillows - textiles and decor PHOTO: internityhome.pl
Pillows - Textile and Decor
PHOTO: internityhome.pl

Design one-bedroom apartment without redevelopment

The standard layout of two-bedroom apartments very few people are happy, but not all and not always have the opportunity to change it. However, a typical "kopeck piece" can be changed, making it more comfortable to stay that meets the preferences of the owner housing.

Decoration of accomodations, depending on the functionality

Construction of apartments is carried out in accordance with the functionality of various premises. The main condition is that everything has to be designed in the same style. Consider the nuances of registration of various premises, in accordance with their functionality.

The functionality of the room dictates the rules of registration PHOTO: interiorsmall.ru
The functionality of the room dictates the rules of registration
PHOTO: interiorsmall.ru

Hallway and living room

hallway - Ideal for heavy cross, bad Illuminated and, as a rule, small area, especially in old houses. Therefore, when it is necessary to use the design of wear-resistant surfacing materials, a minimum of decoration, practical and functional furniture and build quality coverage: basic and decorative. The regeneration of the hallway bedroom apartment is mostly used bright colors.

PHOTO: vip-1gl.ru
PHOTO: vip-1gl.ru
How to make the usual "kopeck piece" luxury mansions: design techniques
PHOTO: vip-1gl.ru
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Living room is the central place of the apartment in the evenings, weekends and holidays, the whole family, where they take guests. Previously permanent attribute of the space was wall unitBut now it is increasingly replaced by a long pedestal or console and more shelves for books and decorative elements. It is also hard to imagine living without easy couch, couple seats, coffee table and TV. In addition to the chandelier in the room, you can install a floor lamp and table lamp. Do not interfere, and decorative plants.

PHOTO: itd3.mycdn.me
PHOTO: itd3.mycdn.me
PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru
PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru
PHOTO: mirdizajna.ru
PHOTO: mirdizajna.ru

Bedroom and children's room

Bedroom - a place of rest and solitude landlord. That is why there is attached a great importance to the establishment of maximum comfort and relaxation. The room must be closet, bed and bedside tables. If space allows, you can set dresser or dressing table. Since the bedroom in a two-bedroom apartment is different large area, it is not worth much to overload it furnishings and decorative elements.

PHOTO: static.wixstatic.com
PHOTO: static.wixstatic.com
PHOTO: roomester.ru
PHOTO: roomester.ru
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

By arrangement children's room to satisfy more stringent requirements than the other rooms. Furniture It must be multi-functional and made from natural materials. It is also necessary to ensure good lighting in the room. If possible, it is desirable to establish a compact sports section. Particular attention should be paid to the alignment of the furniture that the child accidentally injured during active play.

PHOTO: svoimy-rukami.ru
PHOTO: svoimy-rukami.ru
PHOTO: gtv-mebel.ru
PHOTO: gtv-mebel.ru
PHOTO: dizainexpert.ru
PHOTO: dizainexpert.ru

Kitchen and loggia

the kitchen typical "kopeck piece" can not be called large. Therefore, a good idea is to install headset with integrated appliances. A successful solution - the use of windowsill instead dining table or as an additional working surface. Decoration materials must have good moisture and abrasion resistance.

PHOTO: ileds.ru
PHOTO: ileds.ru
PHOTO: arxip.com
PHOTO: arxip.com
PHOTO: arxip.com
PHOTO: arxip.com

Availability loggiaEspecially glazed, it allows you to expand living space. It can be combined with the kitchen and equip a fairly comfortable sitting area. Here you can place a small sofa and coffee table, a large number of ornamental plants, as well as to decorate the posters, photographs and various trinkets.

PHOTO: design-homes.ru
PHOTO: design-homes.ru
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: budremont.info
PHOTO: budremont.info

Bathroom and toilet

Bathroom and bathroom - a place with a high level humidity and therefore require the use of appropriate materials. If these two facilities combined, the floor and walls can be finished with tiles, but instead of a bath set walk-in shower hydromassage. In a separate bathroom floor can be finished with laminate, still it is warmer than usual ceramic tile.

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PHOTO: diyroom.ru

PHOTO: diyroom.ru

PHOTO: static1.abitant.com

PHOTO: static1.abitant.com

PHOTO: centr-remonta56.ru

PHOTO: centr-remonta56.ru

PHOTO: roomester.ru

PHOTO: roomester.ru

PHOTO: decorationinfo.ru

PHOTO: decorationinfo.ru

Making one-bedroom apartment, depending on the style solutions

Apartment clearance largely depends on the stylistic direction. It affects the choice of finishing materials, furniture, textiles and decor.

Timeless classics and modernism

Interior in classical style is easily recognizable by high light ceilings, parquet floors, walls, trimmed wallpaper, The use of natural stone, rectangular or arched doors and windows, as well as Furniture made of natural wood expensive breeds. A characteristic feature is the harmonious combination of luxury and comfort. Also classical style characterized by a clear geometry and symmetry. Interior design turns elegant and stylish, which is achieved through the use of a low-key light color palette. Classic style - the choice of people with good taste.

PHOTO: static0.abitant.com
PHOTO: static0.abitant.com
PHOTO: arxip.com
PHOTO: arxip.com
PHOTO: designam.net
PHOTO: designam.net

Modernism - a kind of modern interior style. Characteristic features: the use of modern materials and technologies, crisp clean lines, functionality, practicality, a large amount of metal, glass and plastic. In the interior pastel colors are used with bright accents. In principle, modernism - is classics with a modern twist.

PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com
PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com
PHOTO: v-interere.ru
PHOTO: v-interere.ru
PHOTO: martyndesign.ru
PHOTO: martyndesign.ru

English and Scandinavian style

English styleThis subtle restraint and gentility. This style direction selected judges symmetry, elegance and function. For interior use dark color palette: brown, green, chocolate, dark red and terracotta. Be sure to use the furniture and items made of wood valuable species. Decorating the walls combined: wood paneling and plaster, or wallpaper. English style distinguishes abundance of decor, thick heavy drapes and lamp with textile shade.

PHOTO: bezkovrov.com
PHOTO: bezkovrov.com
PHOTO: prointerno.io
PHOTO: prointerno.io
PHOTO: remont-samomy.ru
PHOTO: remont-samomy.ru

Scandinavian style very concise. It's simple, easy and suitable for processing almost any housing. All elements of the interior functionality and practicality. Despite the apparent simplicity and minimalism, the style helps make the room spacious, comfortable and cozy. For "Scandinavian" characterized by a large amount of free space, abundant illumination and bright color palette. Dilute the monotony of the situation will help bright color accents. Used as decoration elements made of wood, stone, metal, and artificially aged. Blankets are also widely used, blankets and bedspreads in the style of "patchwork" of skins of wild animals.

PHOTO: elnikova.com
PHOTO: elnikova.com
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: interiorsmall.ru
PHOTO: interiorsmall.ru

Minimalism and high-tech

Minimalism - concise rigor with perfect geometry. This is a kind of Japanese interpretation of European style. The color palette is represented by shades of black, gray, white and red. In the interior in minimalist style is widely used glass and metal. Clear lines and simple form underscore the main idea of ​​this stylistic direction.

PHOTO: vip-1gl.ru
PHOTO: vip-1gl.ru
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: visokiypr.ru
PHOTO: visokiypr.ru

High tech It represents a harmonious combination of artistic style and modern technologies. Here an important role is played by the material, shape and color. The walls are plain and smooth, the floors are usually tankersAnd the furniture and decor items made of metal, plastic and impact-resistant glass. Used for lighting spot lighting and a recreation area - floor lamps, made in the style of "techno".

PHOTO: decorist.com
PHOTO: decorist.com
PHOTO: homemania.ru
PHOTO: homemania.ru
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Loft and constructivism

Industrial style loft - the choice of the young and creative people. He is characterized by large windows, high ceilings, open, deliberately paraded, communication, rough finish walls and ceiling. Apartments in loft characterized by free plan or no interior partitions. Only an isolated room is bathroom and a bathroom.

PHOTO: mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net5
PHOTO: mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net5
How to make the usual "kopeck piece" luxury mansions: design techniques
PHOTO: dizainvfoto.ru
PHOTO: static1.gophotoweb.com
PHOTO: static1.gophotoweb.com

Constructivism - one more kind of modern style, suitable for decorating the interior one-bedroom apartment. He rejects the strict symmetry, welcomes minimalism in decoration and functionality of all different elements. Preference is given to red, yellow, metallic, gray, and the game of contrasts. The walls are lined monochrome plaster, Laminate floors, and ceilings putty or wood. Used for finishing natural wood, natural stone, metal and glass.

PHOTO: rizalitstroy.by
PHOTO: rizalitstroy.by
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: rizalitstroy.by
PHOTO: rizalitstroy.by

Design reschedule "kopeck piece" with photos of interiors

replanning one-bedroom apartment is not easy, because it requires special permission from the BTI, but if it is received, it greatly enhances the regeneration of your home.

The combination living room with other rooms

Most often when redevelopment one-bedroom apartment there is an association with other functional living spaces. Consider the most popular varieties of combination.

Kitchen-living room combination, or from the hallway

The most common version alignment - kitchen-living room. In this case, space is increased considerably. This yields several functional areas: cooking, dining and relaxation. The delimiter can be used as a low septaPodiums, the bar, Flooring or lighting.

PHOTO: roomester.ru
PHOTO: roomester.ru
PHOTO: decorexpro.com
PHOTO: decorexpro.com
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

It can be combined with the living room and hallway, though it is a less popular option. Very often those who resorted to this method of redevelopment, later regretted his decision. But it is a matter of taste.

PHOTO: kitchenremont.ru
PHOTO: kitchenremont.ru
How to make the usual "kopeck piece" luxury mansions: design techniques
PHOTO: dekoriko.ru
PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru
PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru

Combining a living room with a bedroom and a loggia

No less popular combined living room with a sleeping area. Can distinguish between them with the help of screens, Partitions or closet. This solution allows to expand the space, thanks to the fact that no separate sleeping arrangement is needed.

PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Combining a living room with balcony is much more complicated in terms of authorization, as affected by load-bearing walls. However, if such permission is granted, it is possible to significantly expand the space and equip the loggia study, Bedroom, kitchen or recreational area. You can make alterations in a simpler way, by removing only the window frame and door, using the windowsill as table tops or bar. In any case, you need to glaze a loggia and well warm.

How to make the usual "kopeck piece" luxury mansions: design techniques
PHOTO: balkon4life.ru
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
PHOTO: roomester.ru
PHOTO: roomester.ru

Transfer kitchen to the living room and the improvement in its place a nursery or office

This option re-planning is not very popular and able to finish only in the event that the apartment is located on the ground floor. This is due to the fact that according to the building code non-residential premises may not be situated above the living room. Moreover, such a redevelopment is fraught with the transfer of virtually all existing communications: gas, electricity, water and sewerage.

A few words in conclusion

Arrange their own two-bedroom apartment from design to realization in his life is quite possible and even interesting. We hope that the information provided in this review has been useful for you and help you when you make repairs in their home. Please, rate the article and express your opinion in the form of comments. For us it is very important your score.