Check valve ventilation: types, operating principles, installation

High-quality ventilation - a pledge not only to the health of family members, but also the safety of the building. Without temperature regulation, humidity and fresh air the house is not enough. You can use different options for ventilation systems. Most of them use non-return valve for ventilation. The theme of today's conversation - how to use this device, select and how to set up according to what criteria.

The check valve in the ventilation
High-quality ventilation in the house will not develop colds and allergic diseases

Read article

  • 1 Some theory: why there is a check valve for venting
  • 2 check valve design for ventilation and how it works
  • 3 Types of check valves and selection criteria
    • 3.1 Membrane
    • 3.2 Butterfly
    • 3.3 petals
  • 4 Kitchen ventilation with non-return valve
  • 5 Ventilation with a check valve in the bathroom
  • 6 Devices for ventilation with integrated check valves
    • 6.1 Exhaust fans with a check valve
    • 6.2 Ventilation grille with a check valve: the device and designation
    • 6.3 Tees with a check valve and their use
    • 6.4 The use of the check valve on the exhaust
  • 7 Making a simple non-return valve with his own hands
  • 8 How much does the device and where to find it
  • 9 Install a check valve in the ventilation: an algorithm of actions
  • 10 results

Some theory: why there is a check valve for venting

By proper ventilation, very much depends in the house. The slightest mistake, and the flavors of the cuisine instead ventkanala will spread throughout the apartment. Or worse, your peace will break "scent" of a neighbor's apartment, where the hostess contains a dozen cats.

Difficulties arise not only in the room foodBut also in bathroom, Toilet, hallway.

Aggravate the situation can not only substandard air ducts, but also the installation of sealed plastic windows and new doors, remodeling rooms
Aggravate the situation can not only substandard air ducts, but also the installation of sealed plastic windows and new doors, remodeling rooms

If this happens, you have an urgent need to solve the problem with a simple and inexpensive device - check valve. His mount directly ventilation system. If you correctly pick him up and found other people's odors do not penetrate into your home.

check valve design for ventilation and how it works

check valve ventilation apparatus may be called a primitive: this tube, corresponding to diameter vent exit cover attached to the opening axis and in only one side. The devices can be square, round or rectangular shape.

For domestic use, such devices are made of plastic. In industrial plants, using explosives, it uses metal-return vents.

Exhaust device with the check valve
Exhaust device with the check valve

The design antivozvratnogo device includes the following elements:

  • plastic or metal housing diameter 120-1000 mm;
  • shutters or blinds, rotating on the rod mounting;
  • Limiter - a projection that does not allow the flaps to open more than 90 degrees;
  • in valves with samozahlopyvaniya device has a spring that returns the flap in place.

Now about how to operate the air valve ventilation. It can be in the open or closed state. In the open sash rotated parallel air ducts and passed freely outgoing air flow. Closed - down and block the flow perpendicular. Limiters are installed so as to rotate the flap position, and a pivot disposed on the center structure.

In domestic purposes often use design with springs. If a check valve is built into the hood with the fan, the fan after switching spring return valve cover to the starting position
In domestic purposes often use design with springs. If a check valve is built into the hood with the fan, the fan after switching spring return valve cover to the starting position

Types of check valves and selection criteria

When purchasing a device it is important to consider several factors. One of the most significant - airflow speed. If the cap is too tight, it simply will not open, and the good of the installation of the device will be. To avoid such an unpleasant moment, experts recommend installing the valve with fan, forced open the sash.

Such devices are sold in the collection, the kit includes the attractively decorated grille that hides the contents
Such devices are sold in the collection, the kit includes the attractively decorated grille that hides the contents

You should also take into account other requirements:

  • device must conform to the dimensions of the ventilation duct;
  • device material is selected in accordance with the operating conditions;
  • should choose the right design for its intended purpose.

No harm will pay attention to the device manufacturer. Although the valve and a primitive device, though care should be taken about the quality of materials. You will appreciate the little, if in the kitchen ventilation plastic is melted and deformed by heat plate.

The technical characteristics of the product manufacturers fan power point. Kitchen should be taken 10 to bathrooms will be enough 6-7.

Another important caveat. The "butterfly" private homes does not recommend the use of the leaf of the fact that they can freeze in cold weather. And in a block housing the valves is preferably used with shutters to prevent the penetration into the flat through the vent rodents.


The diaphragm check valve flap part performs lightweight flexible material deflecting under the pressure of the air flow. When a reverse air pressure, the membrane is pressed against the grating and it will not allow the room.

The membrane is usually made of elastic plastic material. Similar designs are excellent for natural ventilation, as the flexible flap is not very sensitive and requires a strong air flow.

membrane principle
membrane principle

If the reverse thrust in duct quite powerful, flexible membrane reinforce rigid ribs. They do not allow the material to deform under pressure.

Important! Before you buy a diaphragm valve, should explore the power back draft in a duct. Incorrectly selected membrane is not able to prevent the penetration of air flow from the ventilation in the room.


The design of this device really looks like a butterfly. The check valve is divided axial rod on which are attached "wings". Under the influence of air flow butterfly wings open and close.

As already noted, a butterfly has a significant disadvantage - in the cold wings covered with icing, if ventkanal directly on the street. Most often, this problem occurs in private homes where ventilation ducts have an insufficient extent. You can try to use these products with a rubber seal, but in this case the result is not guaranteed.

Appearance "butterfly" unit
Appearance "butterfly" unit

The advantage of a butterfly is that it can be installed in any position - even vertical, though horizontally. Springs return the wings in place at any inclination.

Important! When mounting such a device into a device with forced ventilation, check the effect of the springs, they should be easy to flow from the fan and securely return the flaps to their original position.


This form of inverse flap valves for ventilation louver has covering ventkanal. This device works in the same way as a membrane or a butterfly with the only difference that the louvers several support rods, and the tab has a small area. Due to this particular design flap valves can be used in private homes.

A small area of ​​detail does not allow them to cool enough to be covered with ice
A small area of ​​detail does not allow them to cool enough to be covered with ice

In addition, the stockade of the support rods is a kind of obstacle to household pests - rodents.

Blinds can be closed by force if necessary. Such devices are perfectly retain heat and are easy to use.

Kitchen ventilation with non-return valve

Installing ventilation with non-return valve in the kitchen - a priority. The kitchen in the house - it's hot shop with permanent stove, Smoke, steam and sustainable flavors of food. In the process, all the vapors may settle on furniture and walls. It is for this reason zealous owners set hoods for kitchens with a check valve.

Typically, this device is mounted directly above stove, Outputting a ventilation sleeve in a common channel.

In the absence of the central air exhaust fans sometimes mounted in an opening vents
In the absence of the central air exhaust fans sometimes mounted in an opening vents

hood selected in such a way that the volume of air processed by it consistent with cubic capacity of the room. Good unit completely changes the air in the room about 10 times per hour. Given the potential problems with ventilation, better to take the devices with power reserves.

Note! Extractions with the opposite lobe removed the spent air from the kitchen. To provide fresh air, install intake valves or open the window or window.

Related article:

The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationFresh air valve in the wall.Ensure a healthy state of the atmosphere can be a variety of ways. If you set the air inlet in the wall - the problem will be resolved quickly. The special publication will consider how to properly select and install.

The check valve usually comes with a hood. It is mounted directly into the vent. If for some reason the unit is not included in the kit for installation, you should pick it up on the size of the exhaust hose.

Note! Experts recommend choose cooker hoods are not only for fan power, but also by the level of noise. Too "loud" devices can cause discomfort and hinder the work of the chef.

Ventilation with a check valve in the bathroom

Check valves for ventilation in the bathroom to help get rid of excess moisture, and do not let moisture out of the total ventkanala. It often happens that this channel is not working. Moisture on the walls promotes germination of mold and mildew and their spores can penetrate into your bathroom.

Check ventilation of the work is very simple. Only need to attach to the hole a piece of paper. If he is "stuck" to the wall - it's okay. If traction is weak, leaf fall. In this case it is necessary to add to the design antivozvratnoy fan, Which will pump air into compulsion.

ventilation system operation can be checked by a special device
ventilation system operation can be checked by a special device

Devices for ventilation with integrated check valves

Antivozvratny valve may be an integral part of many devices for natural or forced ventilation. Consider a few examples.

Exhaust fans with a check valve

New models of exhaust fans with a check valve can operate almost silently thanks to its special construction with the use of inserts, vibration damping. Small bearing unit processed "eternal" grease that does not require periodic updating. All housing parts are made of a strong durable plastic, which is not afraid of high temperature or humidity. The minimum warranty period of the fans on the hood with check valve - three years.

Scheme fan device
Scheme fan device

The fans are three types of valves can be installed:

  • with manual or automatic;
  • on springs;
  • mechanical (deflect the petals of air pressure).

The most common device on springs. Leaf springs return the petals in the closed state, as soon as the fan stops.

Note! The presence of a check valve in the exhaust fan affects the level of instrument noise. He is slightly greater than in the absence of this part.

When choosing a fan, pay attention to ventilation output sizes.

What should I look for when buying the device:

  • fan power;
  • the shape of the check valve;
  • noise level;
  • energy consumption;
  • decor.
For drawing in the bathroom using the power factor of 6 - that is, the atmosphere in the room should be updated 6 times per hour
For drawing in the bathroom using the power factor of 6 - that is, the atmosphere in the room should be updated 6 times per hour

Fans can be overlaid or intracanal. Intracanal inserted into the opening of the mine air. The further you set the device to the mine, the lower the noise level in the room. For small mines using false models, they are fixed to the wall at the vent hole.

The exhaust fan may be provided with timer and motion sensor. It is very convenient, it is not necessary to control the device using switch.

Ventilation grille with a check valve: the device and designation

This is a very simple design consisting of a decorative lattice, And the flange of the petal. Ventilation grilles with valves can be round, rectangular or square. For domestic purposes, these products are made of durable plastic.

If the lattice of conventional design passes the air flow in both directions, with the instrument antivozvratnym device blocks the incoming stream
If the lattice of conventional design passes the air flow in both directions, with the instrument antivozvratnym device blocks the incoming stream

In addition to blocking the incoming air flow, such devices are equipped with a mosquito net for protection against insects and noise damping spacers.

Tip! On sale is a model for the ventilation grilles with a check valve with electrical heating device. Such devices are indispensable in private homes where ventilation goes at once on the street and in the cold days can be covered with ice. Such a lattice reliably protect your home from drafts.

Ventilation devices of the type most commonly used in private homes, where the entire ventilation system combined in a single point on roof and the air in it forcibly pumped by a small electric motor. In this case set such lattices in each room of the house.

Tees with a check valve and their use

Tees for ventilation with a check valve is used as an independent device for ventilation and complete stretch. They are used not very often, there is a perception that natural ventilation simply installing conventional antivozvratnogo device.

Here is the tee for ventilation
Here is the tee for ventilation

Tees for exhaust check valve is often used when connecting a solid fuel boiler. This arrangement not only provides the output of the combustion products in the exhaust pipe but also the renewal of air in the room.

The use of the check valve on the exhaust

Returning to the topic of ventilation in the kitchen, let's just talk about it - antivozvratny valve for drawing? On the Structure of the device we have already mentioned, but how to install it and use it?

There are two options: no tee or tee.

In the first case is inserted into the vent two gratings suitable for connecting gofrorukava. One of the arrays connect the hood, and the second - antivozvratnuyu design. When the hood is turned on, the valve will not allow the air from the ventilation into the premises. And when disconnecting the hood will operate a natural ventilation.

This method allows you to use to connect a kitchen hood not only gofrorukav but rectangular ventkanal which has excellent aerodynamic properties and attractive design
This method allows you to use to connect a kitchen hood not only gofrorukav but rectangular ventkanal which has excellent aerodynamic properties and attractive design

The second variant of the check valve connection for drawing involves the use of already known to you tee. One output is sent to the tee in the ventilation shaft. The second is connected to gofrorukavu hoods, and the third output device is mounted antivozvratnoe. Works the hood with a check valve in the same way as the first, just looks different.

Extract with a tee
Extract with a tee

Making a simple non-return valve with his own hands

The simplest antivozvratnoe device for the ventilation system can be made with your own hands. And the home-made non-return valve will work no worse than purchased.

Step by step instructions on making your hands a check valve for venting:

PhotoDescription of work
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationFor manufacturing devices require ventilation grille, and a sheet of flexible plastic tape. Membrane can be used tight office file or film for lamination.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationApply a film to the inner side of the lattice and secure with the load and more adhesive tape pieces.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationCut both sides of the film at a distance of 9-10 mm from the edge of the array. This should be done sharp knife constructionWhile holding the material, so it does not warp and is not moved out.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationAfter this paste to the grid region by means of a thin adhesive tape centimeter. Do the same procedure on the opposite side.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationMake the cut at an angle to the other two sides as shown in the figure. These edges are not fixed with tape.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationCut the valve leaflets in the center. The incision must be perfectly flat, use a ruler.

Correctly manufactured device will serve you faithfully for many years. He did not miss the mosquitoes in the house, so there is no need for a mosquito net.

How much does the device and where to find it

You can buy a return valve on a plastic ventilation in stores selling household goods and specialized retail outlets. If desired, it is easy to find online providers of such goods.

Price of the device - from 300 rubles. The cost depends on the size and toppings. The simplest design is cheap. Devices with built-in fan, respectively, will cost 500-1000 rubles. Large construction cost about 4 thousand. Before you buy a non-return valve for ventilation, pay attention to the size ventkanala holes. It should select a device with a slightly smaller diameter so that it effortlessly inserted into the channel.

Install a check valve in the ventilation: an algorithm of actions

This work is not complicated and can handle even the novice handyman with it. For installation required screws, Cordless, Construction silicone tube and, in fact, the valve itself.

How to install a check valve in the ventilation:

PhotoDescription of work
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationBefore you start, check the package contents and instructions for installing the device.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationThe fan is installed in the shaft. For the best mount, use a rubber sealing ring. Buy it separately in a hardware store.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationDepending on where in the displayed wiring to connect, make a hole in the casing for the wires. Make sure that the wires do not touch the fan wheel.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationFor fastening the fan on a tile not necessarily make the holes for the screws. Sufficiently secure the housing via a conventional construction silicone.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationInstall the fan and connect the wiring with terminals instrument.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationFix mosquito net and the external grille. Check fan operation in practice.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationMake the layout of the ventilation duct exit outside, try grating.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationAttach the valve to the wall with screws. Pre-installation check the horizontality of the building level.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationInstall the outer part of the valve cover. It will protect the structure from rain and snow.
The ideal indoor climate, or why there is a check valve for ventilationCheck the operation of the system. When the fan is turned on, the valve cover is should deviate by releasing the air flow.


Install a check valve on the ventilation - the task is not complicated and is not costly, and how much benefit will bring a improvement of the system for your home! You will get rid of unpleasant odors and keep the premises in a comfortable environment.

You might even find the strength and desire to shake hands with a neighbor who smokes in your closet, and a lady in the flat bottom containing cat hangout
You might even find the strength and desire to shake hands with a neighbor who smokes in your closet, and a lady in the flat bottom containing cat hangout

Think about this prospect and safely get down to business. Do not forget to share their experiences and impressions!