In many areas of the metal inferior to modern composite alloys. It is expensive, heavy and not as durable as, for example, fiberglass. Fiberglass rebar already competes with the metal in construction. In this article from we consider the unique characteristics of composite building material, the practice of its application and selection algorithm.

Read article
- 1 Areas of application of the fiberglass reinforcement
- 2 Fundamentals of fiberglass reinforcement and its structure
- 3 The properties of the composite material
- 4 Fiberglass fittings: the dimensions and types
- 5 GOST requirements for composite reinforcement
- 6 Pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement systems for residential buildings
- 7 Important aspects in the selection of composite fiberglass reinforcement
- 8 Opinions and reviews of professional builders about the use of composite reinforcement in the foundation
- 9 If there is a choice: what better fittings, metal or fiberglass?
- 10 Price of composite reinforcement from manufacturers
Areas of application of the fiberglass reinforcement
Composite materials have been used in different areas of construction. Consider the main ones.
Application area | Features |
foundation slab | Is the replacement of full-strength steel structure, can significantly save time on installation. reinforcement step is saved, lapped joints are made. |
Strip foundation | The economic benefits of the metal substituted for the plastic in strip foundation - up to 45%. binding framework It made binding wire. |
concrete floors | reinforcement principles are not different from those when using metal cutting material is Bulgarian. |
blind area | Otmostka using reinforcing composite material has high anti-corrosion characteristics, does not suffer from cracking. |
Laying nets | The use of composites in reinforcing brick and block walls greatly increases the earthquake resistance of the building and protects it from damage due to erratic rainfall. |
Floor slabs | For the slabs should be combined with traditional fiberglass reinforcement metal in the lower layer. Joints valves are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. |
road construction | Composite materials significantly improve the strength and durability of road paving, bridges and arches and pedestrian tracks. |
High-rise building | Metal parts in the monolithic structures anyway suffer from corrosion. The composite material extends monolithic concrete operation several times, prevents it cracks and chips. |
Fundamentals of fiberglass reinforcement and its structure
To produce the composite building material as raw material is used aluminoborosilicate glass. It melted at high temperatures and special equipment is stretched in the finest yarn.

Durability is achieved due to the laminate. The basis of the inner core, bonded with a polymer resin and fiber are wound around the composite composition. To accelerate the polymerization of fixture baked in tunnel kilns, and then is cooled under running water.

The properties of the composite material
What distinguishes fiberglass reinforcement from other reinforcement materials? Here are its main performance characteristics:
- weight less similar metal rods 9 times;
- composite structure is immune to attack by moisture, acids and alkalis;
- fiberglass thermal conductivity is much lower than that of metal - it eliminates thermal bridges in building constructions;
- transporting fiberglass greatly simplified due to its low weight;
- composite material does not conduct electric current.

Fiberglass fittings: the dimensions and types
The significant parameters of the material are the weight per meter, the winding pitch and the size of the rod cross section.
The most in demand in the construction of today is considered a composite reinforcement with a 15-mm pitch winding. The outer diameter of the rods may be from 4 to 18 mm, weight per meter - from 0.02 to 0.42 kg.
Builders share the fiberglass mesh into subspecies on the use of the area. They divide it into work, wiring, distribution and special.

GOST requirements for composite reinforcement
The use of fiberglass materials in construction legalized in 2014: GOST № 31938-2012 on composite polymer reinforcement. GOST makes this building material the following requirements:
- reinforcing filler should be at least 75%;
- tensile strength - at least 800 MPa;
- tensile elasticity - not less than 50 GPa;
- adhesion strength to concrete - not less than 12 MPa.

Pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement systems for residential buildings
And now about the pros and cons of plastic fittings in the individual building. What can be put in the treasury of the advantages of using composite material for reinforcement? First of all - its light weight, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the overall weight of the structure.

Another important positive factor - fiberglass flexibility. It is packed in a compact bay, which greatly facilitates the transportation problem. Furthermore, such release form makes it possible to reduce the number of possible waste during cutting work.

What do they say about the shortcomings reviews fiberglass reinforcement? Or this stuff is so good that he and no flaws? This is not true. And the main drawback - price. Despite the fact that the fiberglass manufacturing technology is not so complicated, products made of it so far the road. The matter is likely that demand is still outstripping supply. When it is the other way around - the price will go down. What else is worth your attention - fitting fiberglass badly withstand the pressure on the break.

Important aspects in the selection of composite fiberglass reinforcement
How to protect themselves from low-quality goods? There are a few dangerous moments, who may try to hide from you dishonest sellers:
- inaccurate information about the diameter of reinforcement - you need to be present when the goods are shipped and personally verify the declared size of the goods;
- perezhzhen product in the oven - make sure that the fiberglass color was uniform in each bay;
- the product clamped in the manufacturing process - the valve must not have convex portions between the anchoring rib;
- other violations of the production process - do not buy goods from little-known manufacturers.

Opinions and reviews of professional builders about the use of composite reinforcement in the foundation
The composite reinforcement is not different from the metal of the installation procedure. Guest experts on the use of fiberglass for reinforcement foundation It shows that the composite material can be used for any type of substrate. This reinforcement will last at least 80 years. Acceptable internal and external reinforcement. External, in the opinion builders, it is necessary in situations when there is a foundation of a hostile environment, for example - high groundwater.

Discrete reinforcement involves bookmark fiberglass grids inside the structure. Can be used fibrous concrete as an additional reinforcement or a combination of these two methods to strengthen the foundation.
If there is a choice: what better fittings, metal or fiberglass?
As already mentioned, builders reviews about plastic fittings surely motivate the metal in many positions. Warm fiberglass - 0.35 to 46 W / m y metal. Products made of fiberglass superior metal for resilience and plasticity, and the stronger they are almost three times. So is it possible to use fiberglass for reinforcement foundation as the only reinforcing material?

However, steel is not yet dealt completely. Comparison of fiberglass and metal fittings says that steel is more resistant to bending, that is not broken at full load. This makes it indispensable in the production of floor slabs and other objects subject to deformation. So do not write off the steel products from the accounts.

Price of composite reinforcement from manufacturers
plastic fittings cost is repelled by its diameter and is measured in running meters:
- products are known for their quality brand "ArmaPlast" with a diameter of 6 mm will cost 6-7 rubles per meter;
- price fiberglass reinforcement 8 mm - 10-12 rubles;
- fiberglass reinforcement of 10 mm, price per square meter - 14-16 rubles;
- fiberglass reinforcement of 12 mm, price per square meter - 18-20 rubles.
Fiberglass reinforcement ArmaPlast
Prices manufacturer - you keep in mind that retailers will be an additional charge.
What we get as a result? Without a doubt, composite materials - is the future of construction. Reviews professionals about fitting fiberglass indicate that this material extends terms of structures of exploitation, has many excellent characteristics, and superior to them ordinary steel.

Reasonable combination of these two materials will give your designs an ideal mechanical properties. Professional Builder differs from the fan, do not just have an extensive knowledge about the use of different materials, but also knows how to use them correctly. If you are willing to share with us such information - write about it in the comments!