Very many of those who are not faced with difficult work with angle grinders (LBM), Consider working with the Bulgarian elementary. However, in order to learn how to use a similar tool, cut off a couple of little rods of reinforcement. In fact, it a science with many nuances and rules. In today's article we will focus only on a small part of such work. Editorial HouseChief invites the reader to figure out how exactly the easiest way to cut off a cylindrical (tap) Or a profile (square) or pipe at the other corner.

Read article
- 1 Generally perpendicular cut under 90º
- 2 Cutting a cylindrical tube at an angle of 45º
- 2.1 How to use a paper template to mark the cut at 45º
- 3 As noted place under cut on the profile tube 45º
- 4 Final part
Generally perpendicular cut under 90º
Some believe that there is not even need to make any markings, especially when in the hands of a large Bulgarian with a large cutting discs. However, after, when combined pipeCut off without markup, problems can occur. To avoid them, you can use ordinary masking tape or masking tapeWhich is glued around the pipe. In this case, the edges of the start and end point should ideally coincide. If done correctly, after cutting the two tubes align, creating a perfectly smooth highway, without unnecessary gaps.

Cutting a cylindrical tube at an angle of 45º
Often it is necessary to cut tubes at an angle of 45º, which for many is becoming quite a serious problem. The main task of such a cut, that after combining the components to get the perfect angle of 90º. When using a tape measure to solve this problem is difficult enough, but there is a way to hit some of the novice master in its simplicity. To implement it in life need an ordinary sheet of paper A4. It must be folded on the diagonal, exactly aligning the top and the side face. Remove the excess portion of the sheet. Now we need more time to fold the resulting triangle so that the fold line extends from its top to the base of the center. The template is ready, you can start the markup tubes.

How to use a paper template to mark the cut at 45º
The resulting folded triangle divide in 2 parts and, wrapping around the pipe, fix the position using masking tape. At the same patterns must be positioned so that one edge of the base coincided with another. Now we have 2 blanks required diameter. Using scissors rounded upper corner of the two by adjusting to one another. It remains only to wear pattern on the tube and mark the place of the cut by means of chalk or a pencil.

As noted place under cut on the profile tube 45º
Some "experts" claim that the square cross-section, which has a pipe profile, you can perform the layout for the cut at 45º using a conventional roulette. Editorial HouseChief does not advise the reader to such a method, unless you plan to spoil the material. The fact that it is very difficult to do the job perfectly with measurements with a tape measure. But school line in the form of an equilateral triangle will be here at an opportune moment.

To begin with, on one of the faces of the strip is shaped straight, perpendicular to the board of the pipe. Next, the article is rotated and applied to the adjacent face oblique markings extending from the first edge of the strip at an angle of 45º. Vymeryat here do not need anything, everything is done by the manufacturer of the triangular series. After that, the profiled tube again rotated and the perpendicular. Now only remains to connect the beginning and end of the line in the fourth facets diagonally. All we can safely operate grinder - these cuts perfectly merge into a right angle 90º. you can glue on the edge of the masking tape strips for ease of operation. This will add clarity and facilitate cutting directly on the line.

Final part
Do not think that a Bulgarian with a cutting disc - a tool used exclusively for the removal of metal, and does not require accuracy in the work. Quite the contrary. LBM requires the utmost concentration and accuracy in their work. This is a fairly traumatic tool, because when working with it, do not forget, not only the correctness of layout, but also about the security requirements.

Editorial HouseChief hopes that the methods described in today's article will help beginners to masters to perform various repairs. All occurred in the process of reading the questions can be asked in the comments below. In the same period, please describe your experience of cutting the pipe, which may be useful to other readers.
Finally, we offer watch a short video that tells a little more about the working methods of the grinder.