Spotter own hands: the circuit and the device

Spotter - quite simply, it is a small welding machine for leveling of dents on the metal. Often used in the workshop when you need podrihtovat machine without dismantling the elements of the car body. It is particularly convenient to operate the unit in places, which is difficult to get. Spotter is a kind of resistance welding and different from her lack of welding tongs. During operation, the instrument produces discharge, the metal is heated, and the point of contact welding occurs. However, the cost of such equipment is comparable to the price of high-grade welding machines. If you want to use the unit for small amounts of works, it is easier to assemble improvised device. In this review, editorial HouseChief we'll give you all the necessary knowledge and advice to ensure that you were able to collect spotter with his hands.

Using spotter can align any dent
Using spotter can align any dent

Read article

  • 1 Spotter - what it is, and whether you can make with your own hands
  • 2 Schematic diagram for spottera
  • 3 How to make a spotter for car repairs
    • 3.1 What elements are necessary components
    • 3.2 Selection of the parameters and the alteration of the transformer for the spotter with his own hands
    • 3.3 Production control unit
    • 3.4 Choice of housing spotter and parameters of the power line
    • 3.5 How to make the electrode
    • 3.6 Production working welding gun
    • 3.7 Making a reverse auction for spotter with his own hands
  • 4 From what we can spottery
    • 4.1 Spotter his own hands from the inverter welding machine
    • 4.2 Manufacture from microwave - nuances
    • 4.3 Spotter with their hands out of the battery - the nuances
  • 5 How to run a home-made device

Spotter - what it is, and whether you can make with your own hands

Action spottera based on physical phenomenon such as current sensing resistance. In this application of conventional welding materials (electrode melting, welding wires and others) is not required. Heating and cooling is so rapid that the metal does not have time to oxidize and react.

Spotter own hands from straightening
Spotter own hands from straightening

Welding from such equipment does not leave a deep mark and the alignment can be easily removed after the grinder. The technology of the following - after processing by the inverse hammer (spotter at nozzle) on the surface metal formed small "hillocks", then current is supplied to them, which melts the metal, creating the necessary strength. Ready-spotters samples consist of the following elements:

Constituent spottera housing (1), stadder (2), the cable (3) and the electrode (4)
Constituent spottera housing (1), stadder (2), the cable (3) and the electrode (4)

The operating principle of the machine is as follows: through the control unit on the spotter supplied current which, before reaching the electrode actuates a reverse hammer. He serves as a reverse deflector. However, as mentioned earlier, to take wing or door is not necessary. The device can be entirely self-assemble and manufacture of the battery or welding machine.


Schematic diagram for spottera

To collect the spotter for the straightening of car with his hands, it is necessary to understand the existing schemes. First, let's talk about the power supply.

Scheme spottera PSU
Scheme spottera PSU

The power supply consists of a transformer and a diode bridge. Diodes help to charge the capacitance C1. After pressing the button, in this case, it is marked with the S3, capacitor opens thyristor V9. Thyristor located in the diagonal of the bridge, which feeds the primary winding of transformer T2. When the thyristor is open, there is a welding process, and after the capacity exhausted its charge, the thyristor is closed. After the release button S3 capacitor C1 begins to charge again. The pulse width regulated by a variable resistor R1. The transformer must be powerful.

Driving thyristor autostart for spotter with his own hands
Driving thyristor autostart for spotter with his own hands

Thyristor PTL 50 can be changed to PM 40 and PM 80 at. It is possible to create another scheme in which instead of the PTL 50, the supply transformer winding, to use a triac. Managed Triac optocoupler, and the diode bridge is replaced by a stabilizer of the LM317 chip. As the stabilizer, you can use any Power SupplyThat will give at least 10 volts. Variable resistor RP1 is set in the circuit wire chips, and they can adjust the voltage for charging capacitor. This manipulation of pulse duration is regulated for welding. In the case of short welding length should increase the capacitance C4.

How to make a spotter for car repairs

There are several options how to do spotter for car repairs from end their old units. Let us consider in detail the different assembly variants.

What elements are necessary components

To ensure spotterov current source, it will be necessary transformer approximately 1500 A, and a working tool which is carried directly edit. If such a transformer is not present, it will have to rewind yourself.

Driving spotter device for car repairs with their own hands
Driving spotter device for car repairs with their own hands

In addition to the transformer and reverse hammer (how to do it, we will show below), will require a control unit (there is a thyristor 200), a diode bridge, the contractor (220), and the relay 30 A.

Selection of the parameters and the alteration of the transformer for the spotter with his own hands

The biggest difficulty in adapting to the welding transformer is to increase the index of an output current strength of up to 1500 amperes. For this purpose, experimenting with the tire, installed instead of the secondary winding. Rewind transformer - the most time-consuming step. Usually copper or aluminum conductor is selected for that purpose.

Winding transformer spottera copper wire
Winding transformer spottera copper wire

Note! Considered ideal display section is not less than 160 mm², while the voltage on the bus should be 6 V.

To secure the spotter from sudden failure, and itself - from electric shock, a primary and a secondary winding of the transformer is isolated from each other. Usually for this purpose take varnished cloth or several layers of paper, impregnated with paraffin. The yoke, which is the basis of this transformer shall have a working section of not less than 400 mm², and its dimensions are calculated taking into account the placement of windings.

Andrey Vinokurov


Andrey Vinokurov

Electrician of 5 category LLC "Petroc"

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"Efficiency of operation of the device depends on the parameters of the wires - the shorter and thicker they are, the machine will operate effectively."

For the W-core transformer primary winding consisting of 200 turns, made from wire 2.5 mm².

Types of construction of magnetic transformers and their sizes to calculate the cross-sectional area
Types of construction of magnetic transformers and their sizes to calculate the cross-sectional area

The secondary winding has seven turns, which is used for a wire cross section 50 mm² or a corresponding bus-section with insulation. The length of the outgoing end of the transformer secondary winding should provide for the possibility of its connection to the output terminalsAnd primary - to connect to the device circuit. The transformer that you have made, it is desirable to impregnate shellac.

Production control unit

The most important in the assembly of the control unit - the right to connect the jumper to break the primary network of contacts. Schemes of the most simple and more complex can be used. We brought them up.

Mounted on the machine webs 12 Amps
Mounted on the machine webs 12 Amps

Typically, the control unit the factory carries out the start button and quick start switches that are displayed on the hull. Coolers are installed, if necessary, as well as the hidden mass of the wire.

Choice of housing spotter and parameters of the power line

spotter for the housing can be used very different. Someone takes the body from the PC, it is convenient, since it already has the ability to set and chip coolers, others do boxes made of metal plates or wooden blocks. body dimensions are selected at random, it depends on the size and number of transformers and other components. The housing base plate is used of a dielectric material, on which are mounted all operating elements. The main criterion of choice is not aesthetically pleasing design, and unimpeded access to all elements.

Options makeshift buildings for spotters:

Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingSpotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingSpotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot welding

Very often there are enclosures of the old microwave ovens, Welders battery system blocks. When choosing a welding cable is better to make a start from the following calculation: 10 A maximum current that produces spotter must account for 1 mm² cross-section of the cable. For the mass of the cable should be used whose length is less than 1.5 m, for operating - no more than 2.5 m If. ignore these requirements, and use longer cables, it will lead to a significant loss of strength welding current.

How to make the electrode

It can also be done by hand. Usually use brass rods of circular cross section, bronze or copper pipes, which is very convenient to connect with the power cable. On the side of the working electrode is necessary to make a slit, which is inserted into the washer to be welded. If the production of the electrode you are using the phone, then it is necessary to flatten the working end, and only then do it on the corresponding slot.

Fixing components depends on whether it is stationary or portable device. When selecting components of the second embodiment are distributed evenly and are mounted by means of fasteners. On the outer side of the housing mounted handle for transportation.

Production working welding gun

Welding gun - the main working body spotter. If you plan to actively use the device, it is better to buy ready-made sample. But is fine homemade device to work a small volume. As a base used mounting glue gun or a working part of a semi-automatic welding machine. We give the easiest way to build pens for spotter with his hands.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingAs a basis we take metal pipe desired diameter and length.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingWe find unnecessary form, which can be a blueprint for the future of the gun, and draw out the contour on the board.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingcut the workpiece jigsaws, Oshkurivaem burrs if necessary.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingDuplicate our metal workpiece.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingWe catch welding and check the alignment.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingDrill holes.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingHere's what our spotter gun assembly.

Moreover, the gun should be constructed, which would allow the electrode to change without disassembly. Incidentally, the electrode is best done from copper, usually its diameter - 8.10 mm. To connect the gun to the device, use a combination of welding cable with the necessary measure of cross-section and 5-conductor control cable. last connection is established in accordance with the diagram. If you plan a lot of work, it will be useful blueprints for puller spotter, with their hands to make them very easy.

Usually bases taken ready machine, it is welded conical nozzle. Such samples can be purchased ready-made or cook yourself
Usually bases taken ready machine, it is welded conical nozzle. Such samples can be purchased ready-made or cook yourself

Making a reverse auction for spotter with his own hands

In this case, the electrode is worn heavy ingot. It will slide hammer. Most often the metal rods used to manufacture it. At the end of the electrode is necessary to weld a sharp tip, and which is made contact with the body surface at straightening cars. We offer you a short instructions on how to do a reverse hammer.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingTake the two rod: 16 mm and 12 mm in diameter. For work, we need a nut 12 threaded. As well as a few large washers.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingWeld metal bars to each other so that they form a cylinder, freely walking on the ground. On the underside of the stopper is welded.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingNozzles can be changed using the bolts are screwed. Bodywork used arrow-tips with a sharp end.


From what we can spottery

old welders, batteries, and even have served their microwave ovens used for making spotter.

Spotter his own hands from the inverter welding machine

However, most often among self-made instruments meets spotter of inverter welding machine - there is already required us to "filling". It remains only to prepare the transformer to generate the desired current and make the gun. For information on how to modify the transformer, we discussed in detail above. The main thing - to properly prepare and clean from dust and rust old welder and all its elements. Detailed video, how to make a spotter of semi-automatic machine with their own hands, look here:

Manufacture from microwave - nuances

Driving and assembly procedure spotter from the microwave with your hands is not practically different from the previous ones. The only thing - is necessary to achieve pulsed operation. This will require large-capacity capacitor with the control system. impulse time must be minimized - 0.5 sec. Otherwise, instead of the resistance welding is a hole in the metal.

The first stage - we release the most valuable thing for us, it's a transformer, disassemble it in the weld. You can use a grinder or a hacksaw. It is important not to damage the primary winding, because it will require us in the future.

That's because at this stage looks like your transformer
That's because at this stage looks like your transformer

Next, a thick copper cable to two turns of the secondary winding we wind.

Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot welding
It looks quite unsightly, but this procedure is necessary to

After winding the cable is necessary to make the transformer core and the gluing of a base. To do this, use the usual 2-component epoxy resin.

Reason to choose wood. It is necessary to impregnate with special structure
Reason to choose wood. It is necessary to impregnate with special structure

After the resin hardens, sealing performance can be checked with the help of special equipment.

After that, all the elements can be placed in the housing
After that, all the elements can be placed in the housing

Spotter with their hands out of the battery - the nuances

To fix minor damage to the body can be made based on the device battery. Such a device is useful because it does not need to look for an opportunity to connect to the outlet. For manufacturing need the following components:

  • standard battery 12 V;
  • Retractor relay can be car starter;
  • on / off button;
  • wire terminals,
  • electrode holder.

Scheme spotter device of the battery is quite simple.

To assemble the spotter with their hands out of the battery, any suitable retractor relay
To assemble the spotter with their hands out of the battery, any suitable retractor relay

Connection procedure: the positive battery cable to the retractor relay throw. With locations podtsepleniya starter relay throw to gun half-meter cable with a diameter of at least 100 mm². One wire is attached to the gun button Retractor relay where already installed the positive battery cable. A second wire connected to the relay contact, so it worked. Earth wire connected to the erectile detail. The main thing - do not forget to install the electrode.

How to run a home-made device

Spotter technology works is quite simple. And it is only a few steps.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingDeformed car parts first trimmed portion before the occurrence of the metal surface.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingBefore starting work, make sure to connect the grounding contact.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingNext, using simple devices align deep pothole.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingMaking the "cast" the healthy side of the car.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingUsing reverse hammer prepare the surface for spotter.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingWelding special hooks fastened. It captures both the mounting element for comb spottera assembled with their hands, and gradually pulling the deformed portion of the metal surface.
Spotter own hands: how to quickly and easily make a device for spot weldingSpotter treated surface are welded small rivets, which then are stripped. This provides additional rigidity metal.

Safety of work with a homemade Spotter:

  1. Routine inspection and cleaning of all parts.
  2. Proper insulation mass wires. Their length shall not exceed 2.5 m.
  3. It is important to clean up the deformed surface before starting work.
  4. Necessarily grounded device.

Before assembly, make sure that you have correctly read the wiring diagram, held the correct insulation and a reliable fixture of all the elements and cables. Otherwise, you can get a serious shock. At the end of the article we offer watch a video, how to make a spotter with their hands out of the microwave: