If you have a small hallway and can not install cupboard with mirrored doors, pay attention to the front door with a mirror. They not only effectively perform its basic function, but also have a presentable appearance. We offer to get acquainted with the features and existing varieties of such products.
The mirror can be placed not only on the wall
Read article
1 Specifics of the entrance door with a mirror
2 Types of doors in the apartment with a mirror
3 Materials manufacturing mirrored front doors
3.1 MDF
3.2 Wood
3.3 Metal entrance door with a mirror inside
4 Advantages and disadvantages of entrance doors with a mirror
5 Leading manufacturers entrance doors with a mirror
6 Entrance doors with mirror: recommendations on the selection
7 Mounting entrance door with mirror
8 Repair and adjustment of the entrance door with a mirror
9 Features of operation of the entrance door with a mirror
10 Making your own hands a mirror on the front door - features
11 The front door with a mirror in the interior with photo examples
12 How much is the front door with a mirror inside - Review of prices with photos of models
13 Consumer reviews on the entrance door with a mirror
Specifics of the entrance door with a mirror
Features common input systems and metal door with a mirror inside the coincide. Manufacturers are guided by the same rules. An exception is the need for a strong fixation of the glass elements that make up the structure.
Attention! Safe fixing mirror elements is provided with a mounting adhesive or special fasteners.
The method used depends on the attachment design features of a specific model, its weight, thickness and working load. For small items, with low weight, suitable adhesive composition, does not adversely affect the amalgam. Large fragments of a fixing frame, screws or screws.
To ensure sufficient strength mirror elements are made by special technology. Technology provides for the formation of a multilayer fabric consisting of glass and protective films.
The main task of the manufacturer - securely attach the mirror box
Types of doors in the apartment with a mirror
The proposed model manufacturers can be divided into the product:
with a solid glass, which is attached to the mounting adhesive or double sided tape, special purpose. The small pad can be used as decoration. Because of the risk of injury to damaged elements such products are not recommended for families with small children;
The whole is much more convenient mirror look
with embedded mirror. Due to the robust and secure fit such models are safer to use. To improve the performance of entrance doors with a mirror embedded into the flat special protective film may be used. Some models can be insert-through, however, because of the low level of protection against hacking, they are of limited use. In addition, they are low thermal insulation characteristics.
Decoration of forged elements used to improve the strength characteristics of the system
Attention! The catalogs of some manufacturers can be find models with LED illumination around the edges of the glass.
Materials manufacturing mirrored front doors
a variety of materials used for the manufacture of such structures. On their properties depend on the value of the input mirror doors, its performance and service life. We offer to meet with the distinctive features of each material.
Various materials can be used to manufacture
The modern version, with the proposed patent, and a matt surface. The material is not afraid of an external mechanical action, maintains a presentable appearance under ultraviolet light and increased humidity. Having decided to give preference to products from MDFYou can choose bright colors.
The classic version, which enjoys great popularity due to its eco-friendliness. Wooden crafts are expensive presentable appearance. Given the characteristics of the material, the doors need special care. On their surface should promptly apply special protective and decorative compositions. In addition, the models made from solid, have a high enough price.
Wooden elements need timely protection
Metal entrance door with a mirror inside
Thanks to the reliability and long service life of these items are in steady consumer demand. Entrance metal doors with a mirror capable of withstanding inside wrongful actions, but their appearance is not always possible to call presentable. Increasing Specifications and additional decoration contributes to a significant cost increase.
Used for manufacturing inserts the mirror with high performance characteristics, for which by sandblasting, printing or by gluing paste may be formed picture. Also, manufacturers are offering products with opaque inserts.
Advantages and disadvantages of entrance doors with a mirror
Like any other product, the front door with a mirror has its pros and cons. The first group should include:
original design that visually expand the boundaries of a small hallway;
possibility of more efficient use of the available area, because there is no need to install mirrors;
a large range of products, allows you to choose a suitable option for all interior;
ease of use;
the possibility of increasing the degree of illumination hall without having to install additional fixtures.
Attention! Entrance doors with mirror have sufficient sound insulation.
Border hallway visually expands
Among the shortcomings should be noted:
complexity of installing hardware or handle eyelet;
high cost in comparison with similar products without mirrors;
the complexity of the repair works;
installation incomplete abutment significantly reduces resistance to cracking of the door system.
Leading manufacturers entrance doors with a mirror
Beautiful steel door with a mirror inside can be found in the catalogs of many manufacturers. We recommend paying attention to the production:
"Buffalo". Ukrainian manufacturer of doors are affordable price;
"SIBPRO". Russian company offers select models with different designs;
«Torex». Domestic production of high quality;
«BRAVO». Products manufactured under the trademark, in steady customer demand;
"Tsarskoye mirror." Although the doors of the manufacturer does not have a very good feedback from customers;
"The Guardian". The leading Russian manufacturer to offer a large enough range and five-year warranty for its products;
"Door Watch". Manufacturer of Ukraine offers high-quality products;
Quality fittings - guarantee long-term operation
Entrance doors with mirror: recommendations on the selection
Given the high cost of such structures, you should immediately make a conscious choice to do this. We recommend:
examine responses to understand how difficult is to install, and behaves as a favorite model in operation;
give preference to a leading manufacturer of products whose products have higher performance, although is more expensive;
carefully measure the dimensions of the openingTo know exactly what size should be in the box and the door leaf;
find out what kind of material used in the manufacture of a specific model to be able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages;
choose the color to set design was able to integrate harmoniously with the surrounding area;
used to study the characteristics of fittings. hinges, Castle and other components must be tightly fastened to the canvas;
inquire about the availability transoms and other products allowing you arrange the doorway.
Large assortment allows to choose a model with a suitable design
Mounting entrance door with mirror
Installation of articles with a smooth surface practically does not differ from conventional installation models. We offer watch a video, which shows in detail all the stages of work:
Repair and adjustment of the entrance door with a mirror
The repair process and adjusting a door system with a mirror surface is similar to that perform preventive and routine inspection and adjustment of the position of the web to conventional structures. Noteworthy mechanisms subjected to dynamic impact during operation. Offer understand how to adjust their own loops or eliminate backlash web:
Tip! If you need to repair a mirror, work best left to professionals.
Features of operation of the entrance door with a mirror
To set the system lasts as long as possible, it is necessary to look for the right. Each manufacturer makes its recommendations. The common rules include the need to:
annual visual inspection of the system state. It should ensure the integrity of the door covering the mirror surface sealants. A defect in a timely manner should be addressed;
lubrication conjugate friction surfaces twice a year. Noteworthy lock, hinges, door closer, door handle. Mark lubricant is usually recommended by the manufacturer;
Cleaning the door from dirt and dust every month. Special tools are used to mirror the front door with a peephole, recommended for mirror surface.
Timely care - a guarantee of long-term operation
Making your own hands a mirror on the front door - features
The fabrication process depends on the structural features of the model, size, configuration and location of mirror is mounted. Most often, in the manufacture of the front door with your hands mirror is attached in the middle of the web. How this can be done - shown in the following video:
For more reliable fixing elements can use the additional frame and cover. These elements not only allow more securely attach the mirror, but also can serve as decor.
As an idea, you can use ready-made solutions
Attention! If you decide to glue the mirror to the already acquired the door, you will lose the manufacturer's warranty.
The front door with a mirror in the interior with photo examples
If you decide to buy a metal entrance door with a mirror, it's time to think about their design. The selection can be made in favor of such products:
with a narrow vertical strip;
with several or a number of horizontal bands;
with vertical inserts with curved lines;
squares, rhombuses and other figures, arranged at an equal distance;
thin patterns of different configurations;
with oval mirror inserts in the center of the door;
with a large surface area in all growth.
Offer see photos front door with a mirror in interiorTo make it easier to determine the appropriate design:
1 of 12
How much is the front door with a mirror inside - Review of prices with photos of models
If you decide to become the owner of the entry door with a mirror inside, be sure to not only look at photos of popular models, but also to get acquainted with the prices of leading manufacturers. This will help you understand which model is available for your family
Condor prestige mirror (bleached oak)
Outside polymer-powder coating on the inside 10 mm MDF. The thickness of the webs 68 mm. Insulation - mineral wool. Weight 70 - 75 kg. Two locks.
Entrance doors with mirror M3
Inside and outside 12 mm thick MDF. tselnognutye sheet of wheel. The thickness of the webs 75 mm.
Mirror-2 Gray-white ash
"Reed Switch"
The thickness of the webs 75 mm. Two locks. Outside polymer-powder coating on the inside 12 mm MDF. Two seals loop.
Outside polymer-powder coating on the inside 16 mm MDF. The thickness of the webs 85 mm. Three seals loop. Peephole.
base 1
"Le Grand"
Outside polymer-powder coating on the inside MDF.
Guardian 12 Triumph
Outside polymer-powder coating on the inside MDF. Only for the apartment. Two seals loop.
Optim flash cappuccino
Outside vandal coating inside MDF. Weight 60 kg. peephole
Entrance doors with mirror M3
Consumer reviews on the entrance door with a mirror
The opinion of people who have for some time enjoyed a similar model could be the deciding factor in choosing the right option. We offer to meet with consumer reviews that have already purchased their home like entrances.
Review the input metal doors "Buldors-12T 'with the mirror:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1896237.html
Feedback on the metal door Ferroni «Tsarskoye Mirror Maxi":
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6710774.html
Share in the comments, how do you choose the door with a mirror for your home, and leave a review of the model chosen.