Once upon a time not so long ago, defrost the refrigerator procedure was part of a regular ritual, which took place approximately once a month. It also includes a refrigerator absolute liberation from all products and expectations completely thawed just namorzshego ice. Now steel refrigerators equipped with automatic defrost systems. Initially, there was a simple drip system and then replace it came refrigerators "Know Frost". What it is and why we need such a system?
It looks like a marker on the device technology
Read article
1 No Frost System in refrigerator - what is it
2 Advantages and disadvantages of the defrost system No Frost
3 Varieties of "Know Frost" system in the fridge - what is it
4 No Frost or a drip system - which is better
5 Most manufacturers of refrigerators with the "Know Frost"
6 The best models of refrigerators with the "Know Frost" system prices
6.1 Refrigerator Samsung
6.1.1 Samsung RB-30 J3000WW
6.1.2 Samsung RB-33J3420BC
6.2 Bosch refrigerator
6.2.1 bosch KGN39VL17R
6.2.2 bosch KGN36VL2AR
6.3 Refrigerator "Atlant" with "Know Frost»: XM 4426-009 ND
6.4 Refrigerator "LDZHI» c «Know Frost»: GA-B429 SMQZ
6.5 Refrigerator "Beco" with "Nou Frost»: RCNK 270K20 W
6.6 Refrigerator "Siemens" to "Know Frost»: KF91NPJ20
6.7 Refrigerator Liebherr CBNP 4858
6.8 Refrigerator Stinol STN 185
6.9 Refrigerator "Biryusa 340NF»
7 Which fridge "Know Frost" best buy - the recommendations of our editorial
8 How to care for the unit defrost system No Frost
9 Problems with No Frost System in refrigerator and remedies with respect to specific models
9.1 Malfunctions refrigerator "Samsung" with the "Know Frost" and repairs
9.2 Malfunctions refrigerator "Indesit" with "Know Frost" and ways to correct them
No Frost System in refrigerator - what is it
Frost translates to English as "cold." However, in conjunction with the phrase No Frost refrigerators understood as "frost free". To understand how it works, "Know Frost", you need to learn some theory.
The technology allows for cooling foods more evenly throughout the volume
The first drip systems avtorazmorozok ice formed on the wall of the refrigerator, removed specially placed wall vaporizer for: after compressor shutdown occurred small enough heat to melt icicles. Icicles, in turn, melts and is discharged into a special tank, where it evaporates. Due to the characteristic sounds of such a system is called "weeping."
No Frost works differently. Defrosting the ice produced by the air flow circulating inside the refrigerator. And create their special fan cooler. Thus, the constant movement of air prevents the formation of ice.
Advantages and disadvantages of the defrost system No Frost
"Know Frost" defrosting system was a breakthrough and innovation, so it is immediately appreciated by many users. But along with its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. We will understand this more. First the pros:
permanent circulation of air inside the chambers provides more uniform cooling of the product while preventing freezing;
Freezer No Frost frozen foods much faster;
Frequent opening of the door does not affect the process of freezing.
And now the cons:
organization of the system, "Know Frost" inside a refrigerator requires additional space for the units, which in turn affects the internal volume;
fan increases power consumption of the refrigerator all as a whole;
fan and also improves the overall noise level;
constant air circulation zavetrivaet products, so they need to be pack;
refrigerators with No Frost system more expensive.
On this main advantages and disadvantages to an end. In various implementations, "Know Frost" can meet their own particular way or another affect the operation.
Varieties of "Know Frost" system in the fridge - what is it
Basically, there are two more marketing name No Frost, implying varieties: Frost Free and Full No Frost. In fact, it's just a different implementation technologies. Marker designated Frost Free refrigerators in which No Frost system only works in one chamber, more often - in the freezer. The term Full No Frost reported that the system is implemented in each chamber separately. It should also be noted Neo Frost or divided into two chambers No Frost: The system operates in each chamber independently.
No Frost or a drip system - which is better
The answer to this question is generated from the selected priority: the economy or convenience. No Frost convenient, requires less attention, quickly and evenly cools the products and has really quick freezing.
Drip system is cheaper, has a greater range, larger chambers, economical and quiet. Most of the indicators, as can be seen, basically equal to the comfort or economy. Therefore, each chooses his own path. However, you can find a compromise - choose a so-called hybrid implementation No Frost system is only one of the cells.
Most manufacturers of refrigerators with the "Know Frost"
The leaders of the producers, as usual, are the same brands. This is Samsung, Bosch, LG, Beko, Siemens, Liebherr and "Atlas". There are also less well-known companies, which nevertheless make good units.
The best models of refrigerators with the "Know Frost" system prices
For a more complete picture, we need to go through the best models of refrigerators with a No Frost system and a review of their characteristics, price and reviews.
Refrigerator Samsung
The "Samsung" wide range of models with a system of "Know Frost" and two cameras. We will look at a couple stood out in particular.
Samsung RB-30 J3000WW
No eye-catching white cabinets
Refrigerator height of 178 cm. "Know Frost" works in both chambers. Compressor for the two chambers has one. According to the energy efficiency class refrigerator labeled as A +. The total volume is 311 liters, and the noise level does not exceed 40 dB. Price refrigerator "Samsung" with the "Know Frost" is 28 000 rubles.
Review of Samsung RB-30 J3000WW
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-samsung-rb-30-j3000ww/13738947/reviews? track = tabs
Review of Samsung RB-30 J3000WW
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-samsung-rb-30-j3000ww/13738947/reviews? track = tabs
Samsung RB-30 J3000WW
Samsung RB-33J3420BC
Black design is better to enter into a certain kitchen interior
Refrigerator black electronically controlled. No Frost system is involved in the two chambers. The total volume is 328 liters. Located on the door controls to display, by which to control the operation of the unit. The noise level at around 37 dB. Standing unit 43 000 rubles.
Review of Samsung RB-33J3420BC
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Review of Samsung RB-33J3420BC
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-samsung-rb-33-j3420bc/12398226/reviews? track = tabs
Samsung RB-33J3420BC
Bosch refrigerator
Bosch has also for a long time is on the production of refrigerators market. Therefore, the range of their too great.
bosch KGN39VL17R
The display on the door will alert about the current temperature and installations
Refrigerator height of 2 meters. No Frost is present in both chambers. The total volume of the inner space is 315 liters. On the access door of a display for displaying information and a control unit. Of the additional features you can select the functions of supercooling and superzamorozki, as well as an indication of the open door with the help of sound. Price refrigerator "Bosch" system "Know Frost" - 35,000 rubles.
Review about Bosch KGN39VL17R
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Review about Bosch KGN39VL17R
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-bosch-kgn39vl17r/1743528605/spec? track = tabs
bosch KGN39VL17R
bosch KGN36VL2AR
chamber volume should be enough for the whole family
The height of this model - 186 cm. Both cameras are equipped with a "Frost Nou." For temperature increase used light and sound indication. To open the door - only sound. The total volume is 324 liters. The noise level is 41 dB. unit cost - 45 000 rubles.
Review about Bosch KGN36VL2AR
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-bosch-kgn36vl2ar/1845652043/reviews? track = tabs
bosch KGN36VL2AR
Refrigerator "Atlant" with "Know Frost»: XM 4426-009 ND
Originality in the design of this type of home appliances sometimes get complicated
Refrigerator with a European arrangement of cameras. The height of the refrigerator is 206 cm. Both cameras are equipped with No Frost. The total volume of chambers is an impressive 357 liters. There is protection of children and informative display. Refrigerator noise 43 dB. It should be the same unit 27 500 rubles.
Review of "Atlant XM 4426-009 ND»
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-atlant-khm-4426-009-nd/13076087/reviews? track = tabs
Review of "Atlant XM 4426-009 ND»
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-atlant-khm-4426-009-nd/13076087/reviews? track = tabs
"Atlant XM 4426-009 ND»
Refrigerator "LDZHI» c «Know Frost»: GA-B429 SMQZ
Refrigerators are becoming more like computers
Class refrigerator energy at around A ++. Compressor there is one that runs on both cameras. No Frost has in the freezer and refrigerator compartment. Total internal displacement - 302 l. The noise level is 39 dB. Buy a refrigerator with LG No Frost is a 40 000 rubles.
Review LG GA-B429 SMQZ
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-lg-ga-b429-smqz/1724445040/reviews? track = tabs
Review LG GA-B429 SMQZ
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-lg-ga-b429-smqz/1724445040/reviews? track = tabs
Refrigerator "Beco" with "Nou Frost»: RCNK 270K20 W
Simple in appearance, but very reliable unit
Beko Company produces inexpensive low-end models of refrigerators. So, this model costs 17 000 rubles. Its height is 171 cm. Cameras in the unit 2, both equipped with No Frost. refrigerator volume is not so great - 270 liters, but there is an antibacterial coating.
Review about Beko RCNK 270K20 W
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-beko-rcnk-270k20-w/1728881789/reviews? track = tabs
Review about Beko RCNK 270K20 W
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-beko-rcnk-270k20-w/1728881789/reviews? track = tabs
Beko RCNK 270K20 W
Refrigerator "Siemens" to "Know Frost»: KF91NPJ20
"Siemens" is able to create complex, functional, and reliable technique
Rather expensive refrigerator with accommodation chambers Side-by-Side. Into two chambers, there are 3 doors: the main refrigeration department is divided into two. Both cameras have a No Frost. Also present in the unit area freshness. On raising the temperature notifies the visual and audible indication. The internal volume of just huge - 762 l. But the cost is 163 000 rubles.
Review of Siemens KF91NPJ20
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-siemens-kf91npj20/10887834/reviews? track = tabs
siemens KF91NPJ20
Refrigerator Liebherr CBNP 4858
Sometimes even such a simple element as proper lighting, determines the choice of
Refrigerator with maximum possible power class - A +++. Its height is 201 cm. There freshness and cold accumulator zone. Both cameras are equipped with No Frost. The total volume of chambers is 344 liters. Shumit unit 37 dB. Price refrigerator "Liebherr" with "Know Frost" is 97 000 rubles.
Review Liebherr CBNP 4858
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-liebherr-cbnp-4858/13476524/reviews? track = tabs
Review Liebherr CBNP 4858
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-liebherr-cbnp-4858/13476524/reviews? track = tabs
Liebherr CBNP 4858
Refrigerator Stinol STN 185
Simple and inexpensive unit
Russian manufacturers are also represented on the refrigerators market, though not in such a volume as foreign. This unit is a class A energy saving It has two cameras with the "Know Frost" technology. electromechanical control. The total internal volume of 333 liters. It should be a model 22 000 rubles.
Review Stinol STN 185
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-stinol-stn-185/1962913238/reviews? track = tabs
Review Stinol STN 185
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-stinol-stn-185/1962913238/reviews? track = tabs
Stinol STN 185
Refrigerator "Biryusa 340NF»
This model can be made in different color tones,
A simple model of another Russian producer. Power consumption certified class A. Both cameras have a No Frost system. The height of the unit is 192 cm. The total volume is 340 liters, and it makes noise by 43 dB. Buy the unit can be for 19 000 rubles.
Review about "Biryusa 340NF»
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-biriusa-340nf/108901002/reviews? track = tabs
Review about "Biryusa 340NF»
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—kholodilnik-biriusa-340nf/108901002/reviews? track = tabs
Biryusa 340NF
Which fridge "Know Frost" best buy - the recommendations of our editorial
we pay special attention a couple of models from the review. First - Stinol 185. At a cost of 22 000 rubles, it is very attractive in its characteristics. The system of "Know Frost" in it is represented in both chambers, providing the necessary comfort. Capacity of 333 liters should be sufficient for most purposes.
Another interesting model - Bosch KGN39VL17R. Refrigerator is very functional and has more than enough volume and worth a total of 35 000 rubles.
How to care for the unit defrost system No Frost
Special care "Know Frost" is not required. However, still there number of recommendationsThat will help keep the refrigerator in operation for a longer period. Here are some of them:
it is not necessary to produce a defrost unit at the lowest or highest temperature;
at cleaning of refrigerators is not necessary to disconnect the two chambers. Most often, they operate independently, so you can disable it is one that needs to be cleaned;
Modern refrigerators do not need a long defrosting. Usually they completely thawed for 1 - 1.5 hours;
in the freezer is not necessary to scrape off frost from the walls. Can compromise the integrity of the cooling circuit;
at refrigerator cleaning you need to use specific products that do not contain corrosive chemicals.
Problems with No Frost System in refrigerator and remedies with respect to specific models
Many problems refrigerators average user is unlikely to eliminate their own hands. But there is a small problem that can be solved by yourself or simply avoid them.
Malfunctions refrigerator "Samsung" with the "Know Frost" and repairs
Usually, "Samsung" equips its machines convenient system indicating errors and simple ways to eliminate them. About this or that problem will report indicator, which may be visual, display or sound. It can react to some situations:
temperature increase inside the casing by a few degrees. This may occur as a result of frequent opening of the door, especially in the hot season;
limited installation operating temperature has been set. Indicator sure to tell;
ice tray must be properly recorded. The system will react and report if it is not so;
following the change of door opening can be broken connection to the electronic panel. Therefore it is better to double-check it.
Unfortunately, the rest of breakage and failure to fix the common user is unlikely. When the large amount of ice, malfunctioning or absence of the cold is better to consult a specialist.
Malfunctions refrigerator "Indesit" with "Know Frost" and ways to correct them
"Indesit", as "Samsung" is a major brand. Therefore, the approach to the display problems and, in fact, their removal is also laid at the manufacturing stage. In the event of fault diagnosis system will give an error code. Looking in the instructions, which corresponds to the error code, you can find out how to fix it.
There are a number of specific problems, some of which you can try to correct yourself:
puskozaschitnoy fault relay. Characterized by the inability to start the compressor. It can be caused due to burnt terminals, humidity and improper connection. Accordingly, you can try to clean contacts and ensure the correct connection;
freezer not frost. The only thing you can do with their hands - to check whether the temperature regulator set value is correct. In other cases, it may be a refrigerant leak, breach doors closing density or breakage starting relay;
fan does not work. In "Know Frost", as is known, ventilation and preventing freezing provide fans. If they for some reason stopped working, you can try to defrost the refrigerator, because they could namorznut ice. In more severe cases, such as in violation of continuity or damage to the motor will have to contact the service;
a compressor problem. Such failure is almost impossible to solve at home. It characterized the fault usually constant compressor operation or, conversely, its inability to start;
refrigerant leakage. Quite a serious problem. Can manifest itself in the form of ice at the walls, and an evaporator, low cold, swelling of the rear wall, the frequent operation of the compressor. Only a master can help.
If we stick to the rules of the use of banal household appliances, the majority of problems can always be avoided.