Water supply of private homes of the well sometimes the only opportunity to ensure that residents water used for domestic use and consumption. This concept now includes not carrying buckets of liquid, and the organization of autonomous local water supply system with the installation of pump and other necessary devices. It is necessary to indicate that the water itself will exhibit the usual wiring pipe from the well to the consumer (sanitary appliances). And how to perform it correctly and to calculate - in our today's material.

Read article
- 1 Pros and cons of water in a country house from the well
- 2 How to find water in the area for the well
- 3 Mapping of water from the well of a country house
- 4 well device
- 4.1 digging wells Technology
- 4.2 Setting rings
- 4.3 well waterproofing
- 4.4 Filtration activities (bottom filter)
- 4.5 Selection of the pump in the well for water supply at home
- 4.5.1 Criterias of choice
- 4.5.2 Calculation of the required pump output
- A calculator for calculating the required pump capacity
- 4.5.3 Calculation of the required pump head
- Calculator for calculating the required pump head
- 5 Organization of water from the well
- 5.1 How to conduct water to the house from the well
- 5.1.1 Input device
- 5.1.2 Option 1 - Installation of the storage tank
- 5.1.3 Option 2 - Install the pump station
- 5.1 How to conduct water to the house from the well
- 6 Routing water pipes
- 6.1 Water supply to the sanitary appliances
- 7 The cost of water from the well
The main advantage - it's complete independence from the central water supply systems, which may not be built in the area.
The second most important positive point - is the build simplicity and of certain types of work on the organization of water supply in the private home of a well. For example, if the depth proleganiya aquifer is not very big, the well can dig with their hands, without resorting to special techniques, which rent will cost a pretty penny.
The third advantage - it is the versatility of the hydraulic structure. If properly operate well, it will last for decades. In addition, it is completely non-volatile source.
One last plus - a price component of the entire system. Here it is necessary to compare with running water from a well, which, for example, pumps there are two, and in some cases, and four times higher.
As for the disadvantages, there should be noted three main positions:
- A small amount of water in the well for a single use.
- Reducing its level, and thus the volume in the summer.
- The need to constantly maintain water alone.
Still it is possible to add that in this waterworks water does not meet sanitary standards. But this is not a problem now. It is solved by installation filters different types.

There are many popular ways how to find water in the ground. But one hundred percent option - a test drilling. This will require a drill yard of the small-diameter (100 mm), which is well in the intended place of the well construction. Its depth is generally not exceed 10 ÷ 12 m, though much will depend on proleganiya aquifer. It can be located and at a lesser depth. If this happens, then consider that lucky - reduces the amount of earthwork.
The depth of water proleganiya can ask neighbors in the area who already have wells. The level may vary up or down within the 2 ÷ 3 m so that the drilling -. A guarantee.

In principle, the water supply scheme of the private house from a well - this is the well itself and houseConnected directly to the pipe, which cut into the required fixtures and fittings. The network is better to make a straight. The fewer turns, the better. Moreover, the closer the well to the house, the less the cost of construction of water pipeline from the well, and the more water pressure.
The only thing you need to pay attention, this is the model of the pump used. It can be submerged, that is, to descend into the well itself in the water, or surface, which is set on the ground next to the excavated waterworks.
One more thing that should be considered when choosing a place in the well. There are certain rules that indicate the distance to various objects located on country site to the hydraulic structure. So to cesspools, sewer manholes and septic tanks the distance should not be less than 30 m. From foundation of the house not less than 5 m, the trees - 3 m.

The main requirement for wells - to make their walls in continuous operation is not destroyed or inundated mine. Therefore, they strengthen the different materials: brick, Rocks, logs and other. Today used for the construction of wells Ferro-concrete rings. But to make their walled structures, you can use two technologies:
- Dug pit where fall-concrete rings mounted on each other. This method is used only in the case if the ground on country site lasting.
- The mine is excavated from within the established rings. To understand how this is carried out, we turn instructions digging a well by this method.
digging wells Technology
First, a pit is dug circular section with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the ring. For example, if the selected RC product diameter of 100 cm, therefore, the hole size should be at least 1.1 m Its depth -. 50 ÷ 80 cm. The shaft is lowered one ring. Now inside primer selected.

Attention! If the soil is loose in the area, the sample must be carried out from the pit center to the edges. If the ground is rugged, on the contrary, from the edges toward the center.
Setting rings
In this manner, lowering of the ring produced. Once it is fully dive into the mine, which can be installed on top of the second. And so to the bottom of the well. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the lower the product will be placed in the water. This ring can be 1-3. So, between the need to pave the sealing material, which will close the joints between them. This is usually used hemp rope. Artificial materials can not be used. Joints located above water level, sealed cement mortars.

If the station sandy soil, it is often such situations arise when the lower ring are displaced downwards, while the upper clamped crumbled walls, remain in place. In that case it is recommended to seal rings interconnected metal straps or perforated profiles on plugs or anchor.

Attention! Recently reinforced concrete ring to the end to deepen in the ground is not necessary. It must remain above the surface up to 50 ÷ 80 cm.

well waterproofing
Any material, even the most durable, which is in contact with moist soil, gradually destroyed. Therefore, to water in a country house from a well worked for a long time, it is necessary to seal the walls of buildings. This is done even before the ring will be lowered into the well. Their outer surface of a processed bitumen mastic in two or three layers.

Sometimes, if the assembly is well done after a full excavation of the shaft barrel, while waterproofing applied to the finished structure after sealing joints from the outside. It is possible to use not obmazochnuyu insulation and okleechnuyu in rolls of bitumen-polymer materials. It is changing the volume of excavation, because the mine would have to extend to 1 m on each side, so that you can come down and hold it waterproofing measures.

An important point - is the isolation joints. From lower ring clear. As regards the upper, there is need to use solutions based on cement with waterproofing properties. Such dry mix refers Aqua Concrete. It simply applied to the joint between the concrete during installation of one another. Drying the solution for 14 ÷ 16 hours.

Filtration activities (bottom filter)
The water in the well, coming out of the aquifer under the pressure, raises the haze, which then will flow into the water network. To avoid this, the bottom of the facilities make the first line of the filter in the form of the bottom of the filter. In fact, it is a layer of material that will restrain lifting of soil and dirt.

To this end generally use rubble three fractions:
- Shallow, which is placed on the bottom of the well thickness of 10 ÷ 15 cm.
- Medium (grain size of 20 ÷ 40 mm) 10 cm thick.
- Major thickness of 10 ÷ 20 cm.
Attention! If the well is being built on a sandy soil, it is necessary to backfill crushed stone layers laid on the bottom of a special wooden floor depleted type. That is, between its elements are still gaps in the amount of 2 ÷ 5 cm.

Selection of the pump in the well for water supply at home
choosing pump a well for water supply at home, better to give preference to an immersion type.
- His efficiency is higher than that of the surface.
- water intake greater depth.
- Durability of the above, because the device is placed in the water.

Criterias of choice
When choosing a submersible pump, it is necessary to pay attention to the equipment specifications and options that simplify the process of service. For example, protection against dry run - this is when the pump is switched off automatically if the fluid does not move inside it. Or the presence of the float, which reacts to the reduction of water in the mine pit. As soon as the level falls below a certain parameter, which is incorporated in the device software protection system, the pump is switched off immediately. Or a sensor that reacts to overheating of bearings.
With regard to technical characteristics, and this performance and pressure, Their selection is carried out taking into account the water flow. Or rather, it is necessary to make the calculation.
Calculation of the required pump output
We show an example. Let's say the house has:
- toilet bowlWhich consumes regulations 0.1 l / s;
- sink - 0.12 l / s;
- washing - 0.12 l / s;
- bath with shower - 0.25 l / s.
If the pump is connected to a garden hose, then added and consumption - is 0.3 l / s.
Attention! All these figures are fixed in Annex №2 SNIP 2.04.01-85.
Thus, the total water consumption amounts to - 0.54 l / s. This corresponds to 1.94 m³ / h. This flow of water in the house, if you include all plumbing devices indicated above. And as it happens very rarely used in the calculation of the reduction factor. For residential buildings it is equal to 0.7. That is, it is necessary to perform the following math: 1.94 x 0.7 = 1.36 m³ / h. This is the actual flow rate, which must be equal to the pump performance.

For example, submersible pump "Baby" is too small, because it has capacity of 432 L / h or 0,432 m³ / hour. It needs a power pump three times as much. It is possible to use NVP 0,32-32U Aquarius mark whose capacity 1.8 m³ / h and sampling depth - 45 m. It will just be sufficient to raise the water from the a depth of 15-20 m and to ensure the flow of water in the horizontal direction and 400 m. For ease of calculation specifically for our readers, we have developed a user-friendly online calculator.
A calculator for calculating the required pump capacity
Calculation of the required pump head
Determination of pressure is primarily dependent on the distance between the installation point of the pump and the uppermost point of water consumption. Thus it is necessary to take into account losses in the water supply line. Here is mainly accounted fitting and shut-off valves.
Fittings and valves | Pressure drop, Pa |
Elbow 90 ° | 70 |
Elbow 80 ° | 60 |
Elbow 60 ° | 41 |
Elbow 40 ° | 30 |
Elbow 30 ° | 25 |
valve | 13 |
check valve | 71 |
Tee | 50 |
Calculator for calculating the required pump head
So, everything is ready to go to the main stage - the assembly of the water supply schemes with their hands in a private home.
How to conduct water to the house from the well
Water network itself is divided into two parts: an external and an outer.
Refers to the outer well with a pump mounted therein, plus pipeline from the pump to the house. To the inner tube, part of the house, and its wiring consumers.

In the first part, everything is clear, there is a basic requirement - fewer fittings. Laying the pipe in the trench dug below the frost line. If this is not possible, for example, too high groundwater level, then insulate the pipe in different ways and placed closer to the earth's surface.
With regards to pipe - for water with submersible pumps into the well pipe is used in a low-pressure polyethylene. It is sold in rolls of 50 or 100 m. Therefore, the pump at the surface is connected to the conduit, and is then lowered into the well. That is, the input to the well pipe IPA - a lowering of the pump to the desired depth, with its immersion.
Input device
An important task of the manufacturer - the right to have pipe into the house. Therefore, before the start the water into the house from the well, it solves the problem of the injection point. It can be wall or foundation. As for the walls, then the house is operated by low-cost options. You just have to drill a hole through the crown of the wall, and where a water pipe will be inserted. This option is also used if the house is no basement.
If a basement is, water foreseeing it in exactly the same method or through the ventilation air holes. After which it is branched and introduced through the floor in the room where the set sanitary devices.

As for the inside, but today manufacturers offer two versions of an organization. The thing is that the well - not a bottomless pit, it is limited by the volume of water. That is, it is always present, but when the pump is reduced. A replenishment can occur over several hours. Therefore, the proposed two options for collecting water inside the house.
Option 1 - Installation of the storage tank
This is when one of the premises, which is best made through the wall of the pipe entry, set storage tank any type. It can be plastic or metal, the main thing - the tank must be sealed.
There should be two connections: one on top, the other below. The upper tube is connected from the well to the second inner wiring pipe.

Attention! The lower nozzle is mounted on 8-10 cm above the bottom of the tank. This so-called dead layer, which will precipitate undissolved impurities in water. For their withdrawal in the bottom of the vessel cuts into another tube, which will be connected to the sewage system at home through a check valve or valve. It is designed to remove sediment.
And one moment. In such a system is usually installed another pump that is placed after the accumulation tank. That it will create the need for an inner tube wiring water pressure.
Option 2 - Install the pump station
This is a completely different technology organizations supply a detached house from the well, which can be described as a "turnkey". Pump system - a surface pump complete with a storage tank (accumulator), which are assembled on a single platform. They are placed in areas of the house, connecting one side to the well through a HDPE pipe, the other to the water supply wiring on the premises.

This is an automated system that fills the tank with water to the extent of its devastation. It is programmed to a certain level of fluid in the accumulator. As soon as the water falls below this level, the pump is activated which pumps the water into it the necessary portion. That is, the tank is always full. Also mounted therein a membrane, which creates a pressure inside the container. It is enough to distribute the liquid on consumers with normal pressure. That is, with the pump stopped the water pressure in the domestic water system is always under pressure.
There is a third option, which is different from the first two combined approach. That is, it uses a submersible pump and a pressure accumulator installed in a room of the house.
If there is a basementThen all internal wiring is necessary to spend there. For this it is necessary to designate the place installation of plumbing fixturesAnd for each of them to bring a plastic pipe with a terminal via the overlap.
But the internal wiring - is not just a storage tank and pipes are different devices that are responsible for the purity of the water supply. Therefore, the water supply scheme necessarily used filter coarse and fine filters, as well as several types of valves and instruments (generally gauges, which measure the water pressure in the system).
Therefore the inside of water supply can be divided into water treatment and tube wiring.
Water supply to the sanitary appliances
There are two main options that are currently used in the organization of water supply in the house.
- Plastic pipes are output through a small overlap height - 20 cm. Set shut-off valve, which is needed to shut off water supply if there is a need to repair plumbing fixtures. And already it is wound a flexible hose, which connects with the consumer.
- Plastic pipe is conducted to set the level mixer or crane inside Stroebe done beforehand. This refers to the wall. After removal becomes horizontal conclusion to which the tap (mixer) and is connected. The compound can be directly or through a short length of flexible hose. Grooves are sealed repair mortars, followed by finishing the walls. This connection requires a stopcock. It is installed in the basement on the liner.

If we are talking about how to conduct water from the well to the house with his own hands, the value of total work will include only materials and equipment prices. This reinforced ring, gravel, mortar and sealants, waterproofing materialPump, expansion tank, check valves, filters and plastic pipe. Of course, the quantitative component will greatly affect the budget of the operations. This applies primarily to the concrete rings and pipes.
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If part of the work is transferred to an outside force, then it is necessary to take into account payment for services from the side. Typically, this includes digging or drilling of the well, a crane for installation of concrete. All other types of work can be done by hand. The main thing in this case - just to meet all requirements and regulations carried out construction and assembly operations.