Landscaping site of a private house of the city or a country such as - the process is not less time consuming, expensive and creative rather than repairs in his own apartment. However, if in the first case only admire your relatives and friends for the most part the results of your work, then the case of the accomplishment, so to speak, the result of the local area of your work and diligence can enjoy all surrounding. Today Editorial show you what could be the area around the house, and how to organize the landscape design a private home, a photo of which you will place in social networks.

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- 1 Landscaping outdoors territory of private houses with photo examples
- 1.1 forecourt
- 1.2 Backyard
- 1.3 patio area
- 2 The design of the courtyard of a private house with photos of the functional areas of modern households
- 2.1 Summer kitchen and dining room
- 2.2 Accomplishment of the recreation area in the yard of a private house
- 2.3 Gazebo in the yard of a private home with photo examples
- 2.4 open areas
- 2.5 Zone and the swimming pool
- 2.6 Garden
- 3 Construction of the yard of a private house with depending on the stylistic direction
- 3.1 Mediterranean style
- 3.2 English style
- 3.3 Japanese style
- 4 The design of the courtyard of a private house with his own hands with photo examples
- 4.1 As his hands to decorate the yard and flower beds flowerbeds
- 4.2 How to elevate the yard of a private house with sculptured topiary bushes Photo ideas for hairstyles
- 4.3 Making your own hands the yard of a private house in winter with photo options
Landscaping outdoors territory of private houses with photo examples
To all the work on beautification of the local area and were perfectly right, and the final the result could only please their owners, neighbors and guests to the planning should be approached very deliberately and Really. Every piece of land has to carry some meaning.
Tip! Specify in advance for yourself the idea that you would like to implement in their area. This may be a stone patio in the style of a Japanese garden or air design with flower beds and a gazebo.
The front yard - the person at home, here come the guests, here strolling neighbors, it falls here envious glance neighbor who did not dare to elevate your site. improvement options facade can be very different. In our view, there must be flower beds, Comfortable path that will lead guests to a cozy pond. No? Then look at other ideas.

Every idea has a right to exist. For two reasons: You are - masters of their own life, and, secondly, how else can cause envy of neighbors.
If the cottage area is not too large, it is often difficult to realize all the wishes and intentions. In such circumstances, we should consider the possibility of combining different zones that can quickly be transformed.

Keep in mind that any changes you have invented, one way or another, affect the appearance of the whole area, including the the main structure. Therefore, think about the changes so that your yard does not look ridiculous. Ill-conceived plan and bust with the decorative elements will make the local area like a patchwork quilt. Backyard - is, above all, a place of solitude. Therefore, you can triple playground or a summer dining room.

patio area
Patio - a secluded back yard, fenced decorative wall gallery or bars. And by the way, not just the patio associated with mandatory refectory, which, of course, it's best to organize hidden away from the eyes. Beautiful patio were popular in ancient Rome. Cozy courtyards were decorated richly, and here staged a noisy feast. Today patios are most associated with the ability to not only relax, but also to eat al fresco.

The design of the courtyard of a private house with photos of the functional areas of modern households
Modern patios necessarily designed taking into account the following binding rules, which should provide comfort not only the owners, but also the guests. In a private house must be present:
- Parking for guests and family.
- Well maintained and safe tracks.
- Availability mangalnoy zone and a canopy.
- House with a shed.
- bath.
- Children playground.
All of these elements as possible should complement each other. Examples of how to organize the space, you can see in the photo.
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We need to think about other areas. If a family has children, it is necessary to equip a children's playground. It is possible to provide a place for a picnic on the grass, to build a real swimming pool and even arrange a Japanese Zen garden. It all depends on how often you plan to operate these courtyards. If the yard is small, you might think about combining some zones. For example, a picnic can be equipped with folding table and chairs, with the result that the vacant space is easily converted into a field for sports.
Summer kitchen and dining room
The pride and the favorite mistress of this area was and is at all times a comfortable and functional kitchen and dining area. Summer dishes popular at all times, and if the kitchen is also a framed - that's for sure will delight the neighbors. And the kitchen itself can be placed in the open air, to hide behind glass or placed on summer terrace.

Most often, kitchen areas feature special brick pocket. In some cases, special scaffolding is used, as it were, releasing the area open kitchen and dining area. As is the case with a patio, these areas often paved with stone. And, in general, a kitchen area - a kingdom of stone and fire.
Accomplishment of the recreation area in the yard of a private house
Any relaxation area - a comfy couch or sofa. Quiet and peaceful retreat surrounded by nature. Here you can be alone with yourself, read a book or watch the sunset.
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Gazebo in the yard of a private home with photo examples
Sometimes, because of the abundance of blood-sucking for a long time to carry out hard on the street. Solution could be glassed arbor with light, where you can stay in a cooler time of the day.

But from the wind and prying eyes will protect arbor. It can be done and most of the bars and thick wire. As you can use loach undemanding clematis or hops. The most popular options that adorn almost every wall or pergola on dacha. Grapes - unusually widespread plant that is still bearing fruit - grapes. It can grow on both the light and the shade.
open areas
If your site has a cozy place, located between summer kitchenFor example, and some outbuilding, Here too it is possible to arrange a recreation area with a fountain. It is also possible to plant shrubs or hang flowers in pots, as well as to establish swing.

Zone and the swimming pool
But if your family raising children, it is quite possible to think about the implementation of such an idea, as a playground with a swimming pool. It is necessary to provide the following items: sandpit and horizontal bar, Playhouse, slide, as well as a responsible approach to the choice of plants. It is better to abandon the prickly bushes and roses. Some plants can cause allergies. Pay particular attention should be taken to the wild bush, it is possible that there sprouted a bush with a wolf berry.
It is possible to arrange a children's playground in the same style, the main thing to consider slip coating, it is especially important if you are planning to organize more and a swimming pool. Best of all, that it was shorn lawn. Is perfect mosaic Anti-slip surface.

Anastasia Ivasheva
Landscape designer VENUS DESIGN studio
«Playground should be all the time in the field of view of adults. Good view from the windows of the house and open area if there are adult, is required. "
"Summer land" in the modern world - is not godforsaken place, as a platform for self-expression. It took a time when the private house or villa exclusively associated with the rows of raspberry bushes and greenhouses. Today, simple design rules are available to everyone. Any idea can be if you do not move in life, but to implement in their own way.

Construction of the yard of a private house with depending on the stylistic direction
Different style directions give us guidance as better and to organize the space in the same style.

Of course, all the innovations at once difficult to implement, so it is best to use some kind of one style. We suggest to consider the most common types of stylistic directions.
Mediterranean style
Mediterranean style - sunny and colorful, bright and there is a lot of wood, natural elements and stones. It is appropriate to look wicker furniture or hammock. Paths can be tiled with natural stone in different shades, the best light. A lot of bright colors in ceramic pots is best to complement this style. BUT arbor in sophisticated design, overgrown with vines and miniature fountains will bring an exotic trend.

English style
This style characterized by a landscape garden with flowing lines and passages, natural arrangement of things. There are a lot of greenery. Planting often placed stepwise, tiered. From the very bottom - the flower, then - the bushes, and then - already the trees. Here you will not find symmetry, even where it is, in your opinion, should have been. Tracks are often tortuous, path to stray, and it seems that right now you jump out a white rabbit, and will call in the magical land.

Japanese style
Japanese style - a reflection of the wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. This style involves a reflection of Japanese culture, certain Japanese traditions. Necessarily the presence of an artificial pond, or even two and walkways through them or at least by one. Near the pond - Japanese-style gazebo and the presence of decorative stones. As for the green areas, the advantage is given to the dwarf pine, juniper and rhododendron. Japanese style is a kind of originality and identity.

The design of the courtyard of a private house with his own hands with photo examples
Independent landscaping the yard of a private house - not an easy task. The difficulty is that often what looks good in the picture, or "in the head" turns "not very" in reality. It is therefore easier based on photos of real objects. There's even seen what happened. The idea can take a "whole" or in part, adapted to their own desires or conditions. How else, except for the site plan on graph paper and cardboard counterparts different landscape objects, you can visualize your design project? There is a simple way - using a conventional clay or other available tools.

This "visualization" to help evaluate the contrived texture and color. All the rest - benches, pond, fountains, trees, shrubs, flowers - sculpt out of clay. For the plausibility of trees and shrubs can be made from twigs, Prilep "foliage" roughly the same hue. And so, do everything on the scale (e.g., 1 meter is 1 or 2 cm). This is the precise volumetric 3D image that you give and proportions, and convenience and all the other details you have created a landscape yard design. And if you have a way with a PC, there is a chance to use one of the specialized programs. Programs in landscape design can help pre-calculate all the elements and see their own flaws.

There are many programs. Here, in our opinion, the most popular ones:
- Our garden. There is a large built-in library of plants, paving the scheduler, fences, Gates, etc. Available opportunity to download the missing materials or textures, plants.
- googl ScatchUp. This non-core program, but there is a section of landscape planning, which is very good - a lot of lessons to work precisely with the creation of the landscape.
- PunchA disadvantage of the program - there is no possibility to add your own objects. You can use only those that are in the library. Another minus - there is no possibility to export the results, that is, you can not use a project created in other programs. But it is simple and requires little time for training.
- Sierra LandDesigner 3D. Most plant base, and other objects. There is an opportunity to make their own data and use it in their work. Every possible action is prompt, so along the way is easy to understand. The program indicates the soil type and the style in which you want to design your yard. It will automatically select the appropriate objects. At the end of the project can be printed out and get an estimate.
As his hands to decorate the yard and flower beds flowerbeds
With his hands to decorate the yard quite simple. The main pre-weigh the possibilities, and if there is extra money, then invite a professional designer.
In this case, you will receive professional advice and eliminate possible mistakes. On the other hand, own idea will only be yours, and you will always be able to say with pride - I myself or herself.

Optionally repeating the idea of one to one, it is important to catch the essence of the project and to use its own resources for its implementation.
How to elevate the yard of a private house with sculptured topiary bushes Photo ideas for hairstyles
In fact, better to entrust shape cutting professional gardener. In this case, you will not mess up the bush and leave yourself a chance to rectify the situation and not make things worse.

If, before the English gardeners you still far away, it is worth the experience of other gardeners. In this video you will see how you can elevate the flower beds in your area.
Making your own hands the yard of a private house in winter with photo options
But what about the winter? Is at this time can not experiment and try to use some of the skills for the unusual design of the garden or plot near the house? You can and should be. See gallery and try again!
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