Everyone aspires to aesthetic design of his apartmentThat is not surprising. After coming back after work to where you comfortable, much nicer. And yet, it is not always time in the production repair of the balcony or loggia. Often this part of the apartment at all used as a warehouse unnecessary and useless things. Meanwhile, quite a few people thinks that the loggia can be turned into an extra room of the apartment. You only need to finish inside the balcony, which variants photos we now consider, incidentally explaining how to perform such work.

Read article
- 1 Definition of terms - a balcony and a loggia. What is the difference between these types of premises
- 2 A bit about the design of loggias and balconies: Photo review of interesting solutions
- 3 Interesting ideas finishing balconies in "Khrushchev": photo-review of successful solutions
- 3.1 Design loggia 6 meters: photo examples of solutions for long space
- 3.2 The design, created by non-professionals: Picture 4 meter loggia
- 3.3 3 meter loggia: Photo of interior design in a limited space
- 4 Miscellaneous furniture for balconies and loggias. Photo designs house masters
- 5 Curtain ideas for balconies and photo-review of their implementation
- 6 The main work - finishing the balcony inside. Photos and variants of different materials
- 6.1 Plastic panels in balcony decoration - the pros and cons of such material
- 6.2 Finishing balcony clapboard - advantages and disadvantages of similar material
- 6.3 Use for finishing the balcony of plaster. Photo examples of such solutions
- 6.4 A more complex, but very interesting type of finish balconies with decorative stone
- 7 What to choose - cool or warm option glazing balconies and loggias. Photo review designs ready
- 8 How much can cost finishing of balconies and loggias: the price of materials and different work
- 8.1 Small photos repair loggia
Definition of terms - a balcony and a loggia. What is the difference between these types of premises
For some, it does not matter what to call such a premise - balcony or loggia. In the meantime, they have important structural differences from each other. The fact is that although the loggia, in essence, is the balcony, but it is arranged in such a way that has 3 walls. Those. recessed into the apartment. Neutral balcony, thus, has only one common wall with the room, which adjoins.

It is these structural differences loggias and balconies, regulate the internal glazing and their finishes. It is important to understand that for the repair of the outer structure will need more effort and resources, and by the knowledge of certain types of such facilities, it is essential.
It should be understood that for correct finishing and insulated balcony or balconies, they are quite capable of becoming an extra room by extending the useful area, and this fact can not be underestimated. After all, it turns out that by performing regular repairsYou can make your living space more without any financial investments. It is unlikely that someone can from such refuse. That's why it makes sense to understand how to "refine" a similar construction that may be required for this, and how difficult in the performance of such work.

A bit about the design of loggias and balconies: Photo review of interesting solutions
balcony design of the apartment - a parameter that is limited only by the artistic taste and imagination of the person performing the work. That's why never found identical loggias - each of them is unique. Interestingly, when a relatively small area such a structure, the extent to which people come to its finish, often takes global proportions. Well, the result is, at times, is, if not beyond imagination, something very close to it. To at least roughly estimate the opportunities in front of the house master in this area, it makes sense to look at options for the interior decoration of balconies. Photos of these works can someone push on certain decisions in this area, and someone will be just interesting to look at the design, created not by professionals, and ordinary people.

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It is difficult to imagine, looking at these photos and design interior Balconies, that's not a hand in a professional, but it's true. The fact that this work seems to be very difficult at first glance.
An important tip! Do not be afraid of the seemingly complex solutions. After all, the main thing that makes them perform - a fear that is not all work. One has only to start, and then everything goes by itself. It is necessary to transcend the fear, and then can get exclusive interior balcony of the apartment, photo which will not be ashamed to put on the Internet, or to show friends who live in other cities.
As for the area of ​​a loggia or a balcony, it absolutely does not matter. No matter in what houses are similar structures, whether elite or buildings "Khrushchev" on the outskirts, while such work is, where carousing imagination. It is possible the design of small balconies now and try to understand.

Interesting ideas finishing balconies in "Khrushchev": photo-review of successful solutions
Someone may ask, where to draw ideas for the apartment balcony? The answer is simple. All of them are on the surface. And some will be surprised how easy it is to find them. We will try to facilitate the selection of handyman. Because we all know that to think of any project is better if there are examples of such work. It is for this reason, it makes sense to pay attention to the interiors created by others. It is possible that someone viewing the photos will come across new ideas. If a person has never engaged in design and does not understand what it is, he can not even figure out which direction it needs to go without such examples. That is why we represent to your attention a small gallery of modern decoration of balconies, interior design of these structures seen which may have someone there will be fresh in the mind this topic.
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Of course, a little depending on the area of ​​balconies and loggias when they finish there, but in fact consider the design of their different lengths to outline to imagine the end result.
Design loggia 6 meters: photo examples of solutions for long space
These balconies and loggias give room for creativity - in fact they can be issued in one particular styleAnd delineate the space into two or more zones. Especially important is the distinction at several outputs. For example, the yield of children's room It can be represented in the form of plots of a fairy tale, and the door of the office more simple. There are variants in which the door and balcony window and completely dismantled. In this case balcony or loggia become a continuation of the room, increasing its area.
But more often decorate the balcony as a separate room. Photos of the interiors 6 meter loggias give an overview of how they can look after the finish.
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A particularly important role is played by glazing balcony. It depends on him, how warm it will be and whether it will be possible to make it a separate or combined room. Needless glazing can be of 3 types:
- cold - this type does not allow use of a balcony or a loggia in the winter. And in the summer, at night, it can be cool;
- warm - glazing with PVC frames. With good insulation of the walls in contact with the street, it makes it possible to use the balcony or loggia round;
- panoramic - window frames do not obstruct visibility. It seems that the man looks through almost whole glass.
From the review photos of glazed loggias 6 meter clear that will not be able to perform such work with their hands, and because you should be prepared that the cost of funds for payment of professional artists, inevitable. And yet, for sure, the money spent on this service will not be sorry.
An important tip! Choosing a company that will deal with glazed balconies, it makes sense to read reviews about the work done by them, and also try to find examples of finished loggias. You should know that immediately after the installation of double-glazed windows, things may look perfect, but the passage of time can strain the frames, shattering designs, drafts, etc.

The design, created by non-professionals: Picture 4 meter loggia
On a similar balcony is also there, where carousing, despite the smaller size. At the same time, many say that a small area, paradoxically, a great opportunity. And the material on the finish of the balcony or loggia will take much less. Of course, not all ideas that can be implemented in a large loggia or a balcony, can be applied here, but all the same solutions can be a huge amount. In addition, when a small area is quite easy to deal with the problem warmingAnd, hence, using technology underfloor heatingVery good option is the dismantling of the windows and doors, ie an increase in the adjacent room. In a small photo review will try to explain how you can usefully use such a small space.
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3 meter loggia: Photo of interior design in a limited space
There is even less space, which means that you can think through the interior to the smallest detail. For example, more expensive and qualitative tiles on the floorOr even mosaics, will give the room an aesthetic and beautiful look. But the walls are possible at all in any variants. The only drawback of such balconies and loggias - the complexity of the internal insulation. After its implementation will reduce the already small area, and in similar structures often make "cold". But if you still decided to warm as a small balcony, the most suitable material is polystyrene foam, or as it is called - penoplex. The fact that the active material has a denser structure than the foam, but because it has less thickness at the same teplosberegaemosti. In addition, it is more durable. We offer a look at the options for design idea and its realization on the balconies with a small area.
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Miscellaneous furniture for balconies and loggias. Photo designs house masters
Of course, neither of which the aesthetics, without furniture, speech can not go, no matter what material is used and how much effort has been invested. And what about the arrangement of the balcony is worth thinking in advance. Manufacturers, today, offer quite a wide range of such products, and in addition choose a few. But, even if no matter what the particular look to fall, you can always make any piece of furniture to order, according to the desired dimensions, or to make his own hands (with skills and experience). To more fully understand what will be cabinets on the balcony (design, photo layouts help you make the right choice), consider some examples.
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Cabinet on the balcony - Meblinovi.kiev.ua with wardrobe for balconies - Gookil

But not only furniture It gives the interior a finished look. In any case, the bare windows will not add aesthetics, but rather the opposite.
Curtain ideas for balconies and photo-review of their implementation
window decoration with the help of curtains It is the most common design solution. Slightly less popular jalousie and tinted glass various films. Moreover, with the help of curtains you can expand the space visually, to give comfort and softness, or on the contrary, to make the interior balcony or loggia more stringent. The importance of this element of decor in general is difficult to overestimate. As for the appearance, which they attach, the clarity on this issue can bring examples of their use. We propose to consider some options curtains to the photo of loggias and balconies.
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The main work - finishing the balcony inside. Photos and variants of different materials
Well, here we come to the heart of finishing of balconies and loggias - interior design of structures. Variants of the materials used are a great many, each of which we try to consider separately. After all, interior balconies - not an easy task, though highly complex and call it not dare.
The main task here is to pick up the material correctly. And, suddenly, tips can not be. Who would choose plastic panels, and someone pleasant natural wood - how many people, so many balconies finishes. And below, we try to understand what advantages they have, and what is not good one or another form. And deal with it, you can only learn how to execute each of the options, which requires cost and how difficult in execution. But before sheathe balcony inside should make flooring.

To begin with, that will determine the type of floor. If it is a cold balcony or loggia, the best option will be laying ceramic-granite tile. But it is worth to take into account the fact that winter in our country is quite cold, so should choose hardy flooring. If the balcony is insulated, it is very worthy of coverage will be the same tiles, under which is installed underfloor heating system. Special problems installation of such coverage shall not deliver, because nowadays made thermo-matsWhich is very easy to connect.

After laying the floor is formed, you can move to other works. The inside decorate the balcony - the question is not an easy task. And still today try to find an answer.
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To find out, how to insulate a balcony with his hands check out our stuff. We consider in detail the work steps and get acquainted with modern materials, learn ways to equip the new premises.
Plastic panels in balcony decoration - the pros and cons of such material
It should start with the fact that plastic panels have one huge drawback. In case of fire, they stand a very toxic substance. Although, if you purchase more expensive products of this kind, then this plastic will turn off combustion yet those who are more attracted to the natural, biological materials, such an option is unlikely approach.

Installation of plastic panels can be produced in two ways. Just now and try to consider each of them, namely:
- The panels on the "liquid nails" - This method can only come under certain conditions - a low moisture content (ie, it is "warm" balcony) and smooth walls in the loggia.
- Mounting frame via metal profile - This method is more suitable for balconies, as Mounting frame into the gap between the wall and the plastic, it is possible to put the mineral wool, or any other heater.
If we consider which of these options is more convenient to install, then the answer to this question lies on the surface. In any insulation walls, whether wall 3 balcony or loggia wall 1, it is more convenient to use a method for mounting a frame made of metal profiles. But not necessarily for all the walls to use another method. The possibility of combining long as no one has canceled.
An important tip! If on the balcony need to insulate only one wall, then it is on it's going to the frame, and the rest, the plastic panels are mounted on the mounting adhesive or "liquid nails".
For clarity, we present a few photos decoration and finishing of balconies inside plastic panels.
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But for a fuller consideration of the installation of plastic panels, it makes sense to become familiar with the video instructions:
Surely, it will be interesting to learn about the value of such material on the Russian market. Now we try to consider a few brands that are most common.
Photo | brand name | The size | The cost in rubles per pack |
![]() | Kronaplast | 2700h250 mm | 3100 |
![]() | Venta | 2700h375 mm | 2500 |
![]() | B-Plast | 2700h250 mm | 1300 |
![]() | VOX | 2700h250 mm | 1000 |
![]() | B-Plast | 2700h250 mm | 1300 |
![]() | Kronaplast | 2700h250 mm | 3100 |
As can be understood, finishing balcony plastic can be quite budget interior option. But still many natural materials are not an alternative to, and in fact ignore the wood we can not.
Finishing balcony clapboard - advantages and disadvantages of similar material
Always pleasant when Decorations made of a "living" material. But for all the aesthetics of such a coating, there are some downsides to it. In addition to the relatively high cost, lining and it requires special care during the operation. She can not stand humidity (May darken and lose the original form), excessive dryness (rassyhaetsya and cracks). In addition, rather it absorbs and retains odors. Yet all of these shortcomings can be forgiven only wood for a good mood, which she gives. For example, we can see a few photos trimmed clapboard loggias, which will give an idea and may help you make the right choice of material for the walls of the balcony.
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Wood has always been considered the best option for finishing any room. She, however, returns to the origins of mankind. In addition, with the current gas concentration in large cities, it will be pleasant to have around the house a little piece of nature. After all, on the road in the forest it is rarely found leisure time.
Use for finishing the balcony of plaster. Photo examples of such solutions
Fairly inexpensive type of finish. The only disadvantage of the walls lining decorative plaster - is the availability of skills of such work. The result can also be very good. In our time, the mixing formulations for such finishes are very diverse, but by little to the imagination abound. Appearance may eventually be formed in the form of various structured surfacesAnd adding the mosaic and other additions.
An important tip! If you plan to just this kind of finish, and the skills of such work is not, it would be better to invite a specialist. Only in this case the risk of waste of funds disappear. After all, no one is unpleasant to see the result of completely different than intended. And save to pay for professional work, as a result, you can lose more.
A more complex, but very interesting type of finish balconies with decorative stone
This design also requires certain skills. Simple such work can not be called. If we draw parallels, the wall cladding decorative stone comparable to laying tile tiles.

Before the production of such works need to do some training, namely:
- To clean the walls of the old paint, Wallpaper etc. the previous coating;
- Align them with the plasterIf necessary;
- Primed with a special solution deep penetrationFor a stronger coupling with the adhesive.
decorative stone cost for finishing balconies inside, starts at about 600 rubles. 1 m2, So this option can be called quite budget.
Of course a variety of materials for walls of balconies and loggias, do not stop there. And it is possible that someone may be other ideas. In any case, the main thing - is to present the final result, let alone how to achieve it - it's everyone for himself. Yet what the interior will be done depends in some way on the glazing of balconies, but by now and examine in more detail on its types.
What to choose - cool or warm option glazing balconies and loggias. Photo review designs ready
The choice of the type of glazing depends on the uses of space. After all, nowhere to pay for a more expensive construction of PVC, if during the cold season or balcony loggia will not be used as an additional room. To facilitate decision-making on this issue, you need to understand what a particular type.

For a cold glass balconies or terraces, aluminum profile is the optimal solution than using iron parts, although the material has a right to exist. The fact that only the lack of drafts can be achieved with such a device structure. For outdoor winter frost are no barriers remains. That is why should choose such a material for the interior decoration, which is not afraid to temperature changes.
Window in such constructions may be opened both inward or outward, i.e. the usual way, and have a sliding type that is justified in areas with a small area. But in some cases, the frame is made very thin and sometimes non-existent. In this case, the glazing will be called panoramic. This type can capture and one or three sides of a balcony entirely, i.e. from ceiling to floor. Naturally, such a scenario would be quite expensive, but the result will amaze everyone. It looks really impressive, and in fact spent on the purchase and installation of such a structure will not be sorry.

If, however, you plan to use balconies year round as an additional room or an apartment extension, you should think about how to mount warm glazing loggias. Outset that no matter what type is chosen, this work requires a professional approach and with his own hands is not performed.
As for the structure of the warm glass, here used in the frame as a frame of PVC, which are inserted in the double glazing. In appearance similar design does not differ from the plastic windows, which are large enough popularity. Among the shortcomings can be noted only the width of the frame, a little disturbing survey, but you can live with, considering the heat that they save. Provided that installed under the floor heatingAny difference between the temperature in the apartment and on the balcony will not be noticeable. And, perhaps, even on the balcony will be more comfortable.

As for the glasses, they can be toned using a special film of any color. Usually, this is done in the case of exposure to direct sunlight is on the side of the house, where there is a balcony. In other cases, meaning in such acts will not be.
Interesting and similar to the embodiment in a panoramic view when the glazing is made from floor to ceiling. Review, in this case, is doubled. It is true for people with a fear of heights, to be on the balcony will be uncomfortable. On the financial side question, of course, the cost of hot glass is much higher than the cold. And in fact, when choosing the type, should provide the opportunities.

How much can cost finishing of balconies and loggias: the price of materials and different work
The answer to this question in each case is different. After all, one can perform part of the work with his own hands, and other necessary things to be done by professional artists. Certainly, the cost of their services may vary, and may vary according to the region, but still the average price now try to calculate. To start to define the average value of the material for finishing the loggia space 3h1.5 m2. At such sizes, and the average height of ceilings in apartments 2.8 m wall surface of approximately 14 m2 (Net of the outer wall, which will be glazed and the window opening the apartment). Also taken into account and the floor - 4.5 m2. Let's try to summarize the price of the material.
Material | Cost in rubles |
Ceramic-granite floor tiles | From 300 to 1500 per m2 |
Thermo mats for floor heating | From 1500 to 15000 |
Plastic panels on the walls | From 2000 to 8000 |
Decorative rock | From 600 to 4000 per m2 |
Molded | From 4000 to 20000 |
Decorative plaster | From 1500 to 4000 |
tile adhesive | From 300 to 1000 |
Primer | 150 to 400 |
Insulating material (penoplex) | From 2000 to 4000 |
Thus it turns out quite an impressive rate. But it is not final. After all, a lot depends on the brand, and so on material prices may be higher. Just here, you must add and salaries glazing installers, and possibly other experts to aid which will have to resort.

If your no work was expected to hand, it makes sense to determine the total cost of glazing and decoration of balconies "turnkey". Such services can cost from 25,000 rubles. and higher. Those. when the walls and the floor on their own, can be a good idea to save money.
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Small photos repair loggia
As already mentioned, the example of the work performed by professionals and amateurs, is much easier to understand in which direction to move worth, thinking through the interior design of the balcony or loggia. To begin, it is worth considering the internal structure, as finish them, though, more than the exterior. And it means - the lower price for the glazing and large expenditure of energy on the lining.
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As you can see from these photos of examples, all genius is simple. It may sometimes seem that any efforts at the design stage took was not, but it is not. Many, it seems the best solution minimalism. Indeed, the more different parts of the interior, the less useful area is already a small loggia.
Well, then look at the photo design repair the balcony inside. In fact, such a construction requires only one finishing wall, which, moreover, partially occupied by the window and the balcony door. And there will have to try to come up with anything original. But the advantages of such designs is sure to have. Significantly lower material costs and reduced expenditure of energy and time for such a repair speak for themselves. In addition, when panoramic windows It will offer beautiful views on three sides, and it, well worth it.
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Judging by these photos, design interior decoration of balconies, all the same, it is diverse, in spite of the small area and lack of space for thought. By the way, in our time is not always necessary to hold all the ideas in my head. In this age of computer technology, there are many programsThat allow to detail make the project by filling in all required design and print the image on paper. That photo design ideas repair on the balcony, decorated in such a way, it makes sense to consider.
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It is hoped that the above information will be useful not only for novice handyman, but also those who are not the first time engaged in a variety of repairs. The main thing to remember that in any business is important the accuracy and strict adherence to instructions. Only in this case, you can rely on quality and satisfying all the requirements, the result. And, finally, a few words.
An important tip! For the performance of such work should be taken only with full confidence that it will be executed as expected. Otherwise, in order to avoid unnecessary costs, it is better to turn to professional artists. As they say, you need to be a confident, but not cocky.