, It is necessary to create the best conditions for them to cucumbers grew well. Many are made to the greenhouse cucumbers by hand. Photo implemented ideas can be the starting point for the development of their own design. Offer to meet with existing types of materials suitable for this purpose, and the order of the installation work.
For big crop of cucumbers need a greenhouse
Read article
1 The advantages and disadvantages of self-made greenhouses for cucumbers
2 Greenhouse cucumbers for their own hands: the photo has already finished versions
2.1 greenhouse cucumbers with options for photo designs, made with his own hands
3 How to choose a suitable material for the frame and trim greenhouse for cucumbers
4 In some cases, the need for the greenhouse foundation
5 Where to place the greenhouse on a country site
6 How to make your own hands borage in the country - general provisions
7 As with their hands to make a greenhouse for cucumbers of the arcs with a film coating
7.1 Production base
7.2 Installation and connection ties arcs
7.3 Mounting films
8 As with their hands to collect borage of wood and polycarbonate
8.1 Assembly, installation and carcass processing
8.2 polycarbonate frame paneling
9 How to make your own hands zaglublonnuyu greenhouse for cucumbers from old window frames
9.1 Digging trenches and filling the biofuels
9.2 Manufacturing boxes and blow window frames
9.3 Preheat the beds via hot water strait
10 Rules of operation of greenhouses for cucumbers
The advantages and disadvantages of self-made greenhouses for cucumbers
to become the owner ready greenhouse today is quite simple. These products are offered by many manufacturers. However, many owners gardens They prefer to produce homemade greenhouse cucumber, as such variant has a number of advantages. Can:
to choose the size. This allows you to more efficiently manage the available space as the size of the finished greenhouses standardized;
The dimensions are chosen independently
reduce the cost of manufacturing and assembly work. Often, many gardeners gardeners use available materialsThe cost of which is practically zero;
to determine the form of the greenhouse for cucumbers. If space is a non-standard form, can build their own hands a greenhouse, exactly repeating its contours;
ensure sufficient strength of manufactured structures taking into account the peculiarities of a particular area.
Tip! To speed up the work better and cost optimization, preliminary calculations, based on the finished drawing or diagram, to accurately calculate the necessary amount of material.
Using available materials, it is possible to reduce manufacturing costs
greenhouse for cucumbers
Greenhouse cucumbers for their own hands: the photo has already finished versions
It can be quite difficult to immediately develop the optimum design for your garden. In such a situation it is necessary to look at the already created with their own hands under the greenhouse cucumbers. Photography can be a source of inspiration. Optionally play one to one borage own hands as in the photo. You can combine a few ideas to get an optimal design.
Ready design - ideas for future incarnations
greenhouse cucumbers with options for photo designs, made with his own hands
We have collected for you photo greenhouse cucumbers for their own hands, to make it easier to search option for your site.
How to choose a suitable material for the frame and trim greenhouse for cucumbers
Selection of an appropriate material for a greenhouse is able to provide a serious impact on the convenience of operation and duration erected structure. It can be used for manufacturing a skeleton:
wood. Preference is given to bars or boards. Such a material having sufficient strength, is able to withstand significant loading. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it remains warm even at temperatures below freezing. It can be used together with all kinds of shelters. Because of the tendency to rot requires treatment with special compounds. Poor disinfected. Not used to form arched greenhouses;
Wooden frame has high strength
plastic pipes. Easily handled, installed, do not rot. Have low thermal conductivity. Do not tear the plastic wrap. Because of the low strength not suitable for device structures with glass frames;
galvanized metal profile. High-strength material that can withstand heavy loads. It does not rot. Easy cleaning and disinfecting. It cools rapidly. Sharp edges torn film.
arc for greenhouses
In can be used as the covering materials:
polyethylene film. Available material. It allows you to quickly build a shelter. It has a low strength. Often sags and breaks. Can not provide a sufficient level of heat insulation;
nonwoven materialsFor example, lutrasil or spunbond;
glass. With good thermal insulation characteristics shows a high light transmission. It withstands static load and significant temperature fluctuations. Durable, but is destroyed because of the attacks. It is placing increased demands on the strength characteristics of the frame due to the large weight;
polycarbonate. With a small specific gravity has sufficient insulating characteristics. It can be mounted on all types of greenhouses. It has good translucency with high strength. It needs careful handling, because it may be damaged by a mechanical stress. It has a high cost.
covering materials for hothouses and hotbeds
Tip! To achieve optimum results, it is possible to combine several materials. Often, the ends are finished using polycarbonate and the side walls and top are protected by a film.
Film - affordable shelter for borage
In some cases, the need for the greenhouse foundation
Take care of the presence of foundation It costs necessarily in that case, if you want to extend the length of cucumber cultivation. Quality base can become a reliable barrier to the cold air flow fog. Without the foundation can not do when you install greenhouse on uneven terrain. Use it will ensure horizontality of the lower tier.
If the frame is lightweight, you should definitely take care of the presence of a base. With it can be avoided the displacement greenhouse at strong gusts of wind or sinking portion. It will also prevent harmful insects and rodents destroy the future harvest.
Foundation for the greenhouse to avoid a lot of trouble
Where to place the greenhouse on a country site
Location for the greenhouse can be selected individually. Optionally, it arranged from east to west. Given that cucumbers prefer a small tenyok, preferred setting from north to south. In this orientation, the cucumbers will be able to get enough light in the morning and evening, and the day will hide behind the end wall. Playground in the installation location should be as smooth. Ground water should be as low as possible.
Choose the right place - the key to a good harvest cucumbers
How to make your own hands borage in the country - general provisions
Each culture imposes certain requirements for growing conditions. When deciding how to make borage in the country with their own hands, it is necessary to get acquainted with the peculiarities of farming practices cucumbers. They:
fear of considerable temperature fluctuations. It is desirable to provide for ventilation of the inner space and protecting from the sun;
need tying. Height greenhouse cucumbers for polycarbonate or other material should be at least 1.5 m provides a method for attaching twine.;
The height of the greenhouse should be enough to tie up cucumber
should ensure free access of insects, if preference is given to not self-grades;
spacious to allow access the required amount of nutrients to each plant.
Anastasia Ivasheva
Landscape designer VENUS DESIGN studio
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«In order to create ideal conditions for the cultivation of cucumbers provides systems that control the level of humidity, light, heat and ventilation. "
It should take care of the ventilation system
As with their hands to make a greenhouse for cucumbers of the arcs with a film coating
Foil hotbeds of the arcs most widely. They are easy to install yourself. Especially if you thoroughly understand how their own hands to make a greenhouse for cucumbers from a particular material. We suggest to consider the steps of one of the possible options.
Foil greenhouses are widely used
Production base
For manufacturing base suitable wooden block, the dimensions of which are equal to the dimensions of the future greenhouse. Quite often fabricated structure 3 × 1,2 m as follows.
Description of the action
timber cut to size. In the absence of the desired material Length, increasing element.
Future base elements are interconnected by bolting. The use of screws and nails should be abandoned, since they do not allow sufficient rigidity.
Installation and connection ties arcs
Works are carried out in the following sequence.
Description of the action
Prepared a sufficient number of arcs of the desired size. For this pre-performed the necessary calculations. The selection can be made in favor of a fiberglass or metal reinforcement 6-8 mm in diameter.
The base of the drilled hole with a diameter equal to the diameter fittings.
Insert the valve into the prepared hole. Bending it, insert the second end in the opening prosverlonnoe parallel to the base strip.
At predetermined distance inserted into the remaining arc of future greenhouse.
To increase the rigidity of the cross member can be optionally set, securing them in any convenient way.
Mounting films
Shelter greenhouses - a key milestone. The following sequence of actions.
Description of the action
I cover film on the frame and evenly distributed along the entire length. Fixing is carried out using a stapler.
The excess material along the sides of the bends under a wooden bar and fix the bottom. This will protect the wood substrate from negative external effects.
As with their hands to collect borage of wood and polycarbonate
Using a film coating entirely justified for temporary shelters. If a greenhouse is planned to operate more than one year, it is worth considering the possibility of manufacturing borage polycarbonate own hands. This design has better performance and is able to serve any one year.
Greenhouse Polycarbonate able to last for many years
Assembly, installation and carcass processing
Small greenhouses Polycarbonate for cucumbers are made infrequently. Most often, preference is given to large structures. Work in this case is as follows.
Description of the action
Construction starts with marking area to mark the boundaries of the future greenhouse.
We prepare the trench for the foundation.
Forming sand bed.
On hard-packed sand laid bricksBy controlling their spatial position using a spirit level.
The first layer of bricks laid in two rows.
The second layer stacked on the first solution across.
Prepare elements of the future framework. Cut them in size. Grind.
Treat with a special compound that protects against decay, all sides of each element.
We put horizontal base beam and fasten them to the uprights. We use the corners.
By the uprights fastened upper longitudinal straps. Forming an input group.
Form a roof, starting from the ends.
To ensure sufficient stiffness envisage cross-bars.
We envisage reinforcement ribs to the sides and ends.
The door hung.
Fasten the frame to the ground.
polycarbonate frame paneling
Lining their own hands for greenhouse cucumbers polycarbonate can be performed according to the following instructions.
Description of the action
Is attached to the roof rails that will hold polycarbonate.
Set sheets prepared in the grooves.
Sheathe the side walls.
Sheathe ends.
The result is a borage of polycarbonate as the photo.
How to make your own hands zaglublonnuyu greenhouse for cucumbers from old window frames
Greenhouses for growing cucumbers are not only land, but also zaglublonnymi. We propose to consider how to make their own hands greenhouse cucumbers for the latter type. This easy option helps grow vegetables earlier than their neighbors.
Zaglublonnaya greenhouse - a way to increase yields
Digging trenches and filling the biofuels
Zaglublonnaya mini-greenhouse for cucumbers usually has small size, which should be defined before the digging of the trench. Its depth of 0.5-0.6 m when the width 0.8-1 m. Length selected individually depending on the amount of vegetables, which is expected to grow. Loam and clay do not need it.
Prepared by trench fill biofuel at a height of about 0.3 meters For this manure mixed with sawdust or straw in a ratio of 1:. 2. Layer is required to fall asleep ram. On top of the biofuel poured fertile soil layer thickness of 0.2 m, and then stack the straw. It will not only act as a heat insulatorBut also become a barrier to weeds.
The dimensions of the greenhouse should agree with the dimensions of frames
Manufacturing boxes and blow window frames
For the manufacture of boxes can be used brick, slate or board. On the outer side of the wall is filled with peat, to ensure a sufficient level of thermal insulation. Sometimes the walls protrude pressed straw bales, having good insulating properties and does not impede the movement of air. Once the box is made, be laid on top of the old window frames.
Rather walls can act straw bales
Preheat the beds via hot water strait
The soil on a bed under cucumbers shed with hot water, then covered with foil. After 2-3 weeks, the greenhouse is well warmed up, and the manure will burn. In this case, not only is the warm air inside the greenhouse, but also the soil.
The water should be hot enough
Rules of operation of greenhouses for cucumbers
If you have made a mini-greenhouse for cucumbers and want to grow a rich harvest, offering watch video containing advice on the cultivation of this vegetable:
If you do decide to buy greenhouse for cucumbers polycarbonate, we offer to get acquainted with real consumer feedback. This will allow an objective opinion on a particular model.
Review the greenhouse "Gherkin"
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4962335.html
greenhouse "cucumber"
Review the greenhouse model "Fazenda"
More on Otzovik https://otzovik.com/review_2128354.html
greenhouse "hacienda"
Having some knowledge about how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers, you can safely get to work. If you have already collected their arms greenhouse-borage polycarbonate or foil, share photos in the comments.