To form the coating, good resistance to external factors, is often used for the liquid rubber waterproofing. The material has unique properties and has a sufficiently wide area of use. Offer to meet with its features, the application procedure and application.
PHOTO: Liquid Rubber - a reliable protection against moisture.
Read article
1 Key Applications
2 What can be the liquid rubber waterproofing: Key
2.1 One-component
2.2 The two-component
3 Main characteristics
4 Advantages and disadvantages
5 leading manufacturers
6 Application technology of liquid rubber: important nuances
6.1 Paint
6.2 tanker
6.3 sprayed
7 Tips for choosing a liquid rubber waterproofing
8 Features of the application liquid rubber to protect various bases
8.1 Roof
8.2 Foundation
8.3 Open pool
9 Preparing a liquid rubber self: an algorithm of actions
10 consumer reviews
Key Applications
The liquid rubber is unique material structure. It allows you to form a tight seamless coverage, demand in many areas. It is often used for waterproofing include:
foundation, basement, roofAnd other building components. Wrought coverage becomes a barrier to moisture and prevents mold growth. It can be applied inside and outside the home;
basin, artificial pond. A layer of liquid rubber, printed on the surface of the bowl during construction can withstand the mechanical action and is a good Gidrobarer;
ventilation exit. Correctly formed coating vibratory loads and withstand exposure to high temperatures;
various surfaces having a complex topography. Using a roll material in this case is impractical;
structural elements of bridges, tunnels, highways.
There are other areas of application. Using liquid rubber repairs performed pitched roof formed by the slate, metal. It can be used as a primary means in the device or repair of the roof by means of fusing materials.
Liquid rubber coating to protect the metal structure from corrosion. The material used to protect trees from adverse external factors.
PHOTO: Reliable protection for any type of roof.
What can be the liquid rubber waterproofing: Key
Liquid rubber offered by different manufacturers can significantly different in composition. However, in the most general case, there is a division in the one- and two-component material. We offer to get acquainted with their main differences.
PHOTO: Type of formulation used depends on the specific work.
Such liquid rubber for waterproofing can be directly applied to the surface to be protected. It is completely ready to use. The number of layers applied depends on the manufacturer. Term use of a single-component liquid rubber after opening is restricted. The emulsion does not penetrate very deep into the deep of the protected material. Preferably applied by roller or brush. Recommended for surface protection, rarely contact with water.
PHOTO: One-component composition is ready for application.
The two-component
Such liquid rubber is prepared immediately before application to the substrate. To this mixed in predetermined proportions, and the catalyst base, initiating the process of curing. For forming the protective layer using special devices providing deposition of liquid rubber on the surface. Composition penetrates deeply enough into the base, filling the pores of the material. Suitable for professional use.
PHOTO: Preparing a two-component prior to application.
Main characteristics
Regardless of the manufacturer, a coating of the liquid rubber has a high moisture resistance. Good protection against leakage can provide a layer thickness of only 2 mm. Similar properties have four layers of the web material.
Elastic coating. This avoids cracking when changing its geometrical parameters of a base. Able to withstand the external load. It has sufficient strength and reliability.
Thanks to carefully selected composition, not chemically react with other materials. Once on the surface of the distribution fills all the defects, thus ensuring the necessary level of protection.
PHOTO: Material is sufficiently elastic.
Advantages and disadvantages
In the liquid rubber has a number of indisputable advantages:
It allows to form an airtight layer without joints and seams ensuring qualitative waterproofing;
It has high adhesion to substrates of different types. It can be applied to metal, concrete, woodIncluding wet;
withstand significant temperature variations. Special formulations retain their properties at -70ºS;
It penetrates deeply into the pores and high surface defects, forming a reliable protection from moisture;
with optimum flexibility. The formed coating after stretching or compression is returned to the original dimensions;
It does not contain harmful substances. It can be used in unventilated areas;
susceptible to various coating methods. Mechanized with high productivity. You can perform the waterproofing base and manually;
It eliminates the need for equipment for the heating of the composition prior to application;
presented in different colors. The most widely used black, but it is possible to add dyes to achieve an optimal hue;
It can be used as a substrate for virtually any decorative material. Perhaps paint painting water-based;
maintainable. If damage the integrity of the coating is reduced by applying a layer of new rubber;
is multifunctional;
It shipped in barrels, which greatly simplifies its transportation. Perhaps the use of passenger cars.
PHOTO: Convenient package for easy transport.
The disadvantage is:
the need to use special equipment for the mechanized application of the liquid rubber. With such work can handle only professionals;
the high cost. The composition of the more expensive roll materials;
dismantling difficulty because of high adhesion to the substrate;
sensitivity to the effects of a number of solvents. After contact with oil may cause defects on the surface, which can get rid of only by re-application of the liquid rubber.
PHOTO: High cost - the main drawback.
leading manufacturers
When choosing a suitable formulation it is worth paying attention to products trusted manufacturers, which should include:
"Partner-Stroy". The company offers a whole range of products that are of high quality and availability. The most demanded Euromast Color, Euromast Plus and Euromast;
"Climbing". The company offers a one-component liquid rubber "blockade." Composition fully meets international requirements. It has affordable price;
"Coatings of the USSR." Domestic manufacturer offers a range of protective structuresIn demand in the construction industry;
"Synthetic polymer", Part of the company Nippon Ace. The organization sells innovative high quality products;
Liquid Rubber. The Canadian company has its own production on the territory of Russia and Belarus. The range of a wide range of protective materials at quite a high price;
"Irek". Russian manufacturer produces liquid rubber under the brand BITUPREN;
CBS. Domestic brand offers a versatile roof and liquid rubber. There is a structure capable of operation in arctic conditions: «CBS Arctic roof";
"Rastro". In the catalog of the Russian manufacturer can find one- and two-component products, manufactured under the trademark "Slavyanka".
PHOTO: "Slavianka" is relevant for an entire group of bases.
Application technology of liquid rubber: important nuances
The process of forming the protective coating depends on the characteristics of the composition. Various technologies are used, each of which has its own characteristics and nuances. We offer to meet them in more detail.
PHOTO: Composition determines the method of application.
The liquid rubber for the sealing in this manner is applied by roller or brush. The second option is relevant for hard to reach places. The composition is uniformly distributed over the base.
PHOTO: www.stroy-rossiya.rf Staining brush true for hard to reach places.
For more details on how to perform the work can be found in the following video:
The least costly option. The composition is prepared immediately before performing, poured on a horizontal surface. After uniform distribution of the base protective layer quality is obtained.
PHOTO: The composition is poured on a horizontal surface.
Special equipment is used to form a protective layer of cold spraying. This technology allows the formation of a tight schedule quality solid coating, deeply penetrating deep into the ground. Installation is carried out mainly by professionals.
PHOTO: Special equipment is required.
Technological features of applying a liquid rubber waterproofing can be seen in the following video:
Tips for choosing a liquid rubber waterproofing
selected composition should be carefully considered before buying. It should allow to form a smooth, uniform and smooth coating. The presence of large particles is unacceptable. The quality of the composition must be confirmed by a stamp indicating its compliance with the requirements of GOST. The packaging must be intact.
PHOTO: The packaging must be intact.
Attention! Pay attention to the timing of the liquid rubber waterproofing shelf.
It should be noted application method recommended by the manufacturer, as well as the optimal thickness of the formed layer. All the necessary information can be found on the packaging.
Tip! In order not to doubt the quality, give preference to products of leading manufacturers.
PHOTO: Current information can be found on the packaging.
Features of the application liquid rubber to protect various bases
Scope of the liquid rubber sufficiently large, though often it is necessary to waterproof various surfaces. Offer to get acquainted with the peculiarities of use of the composition for the protection of roofs, foundation and open basin.
PHOTO: Scope is big enough.
A layer of liquid rubber on the surface of the roof reliably protects the inner space of residential homes and any other structure. In most cases, the coating is sprayed or distributed uniformly across the surface using a roller. top fit roofing formed rubber to protect the coating from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
PHOTO: The ideal solution for the roof.
Offer to get acquainted with the technological features works, watch the following video:
For foundation suitable one-component composition. The base is first thoroughly washed, and after drying a surface coated with a layer of liquid rubber in any convenient manner.
PHOTO: Reliable protection for the foundation.
Open pool
pool waterproofing can also be performed in various ways. The procedure depends on the area. For reliable embodiment preferably two-component spraying.
PHOTO: Coated Rubber pool last longer.
Procedure for the application of the composition can be seen in the following video:
Preparing a liquid rubber self: an algorithm of actions
If you buy ready-made composition is not possible, you can make yourself a liquid bituminous rubber. To do this, mix and cook in a thick-walled containers:
Bitumen (4.2 kg);
Filler (0.5 kg). The crumb rubber can act, asbestos, peat, sawdust as the element;
Plasticizer (0.3 kg).
As a result, high-quality homogeneous mixture should turn.
consumer reviews
Before using a certain composition, it is necessary to read the reviews of real customers. They will help you choose the best option:
Review of liquid roof coatings USSR:
More on Otzovik:
Review of Liquid Rubber Capital:
More on Otzovik:
Share in the comments, if you had to use liquid rubber? Tell us what kind of waterproofing the surface you performed.