Always nice to go to the room in which perfectly flat floor and has an attractive appearance which is achieved by using high-quality finishing materials and competent preparation grounds on which they lay. Pros and cons of the dry floor screed? Her views and stacking technology, how to select and calculate the required amount, as well as an overview of the prices and user reviews - this is the theme of this article in our magazine.
Use for the manufacture of dry expanded clay screed
Read article
1 Dry screed - what is it
2 Advantages and disadvantages of this technology
3 Types of dry floor screed
4 How to choose the technology of work
5 How to calculate the consumption of materials
6 Technology laying the dry floor screed with their hands
6.1 Substrate preparation
6.2 installation of waterproofing
6.3 Mounting the damper tape
6.4 installation beacons
6.5 filling with expanded clay
7 Stacking the plates dry screed
8 Review of prices on the materials used in the performance of work
9 Reviews of dry screed floor
10 Video: Dry floor screed with their hands
Dry screed - what is it
The very title of this work performance technology originally informs that in the course of its execution is not presence of water, as the main component used bulk material fine fraction, prepared in bombarded base.
When carrying out this technology, in addition to the bulk, use more board materials and (Fibreboard, Particleboard, plywood, gipsovolokno etc.), which lay at the top and are fastened together.
Dry screed technology developers were specialists of the German company «Knauf»
Advantages and disadvantages of this technology
The main advantage of the technology of work by dry screed are indicators such as simplicity and low cost, and small terms of their performance.
In addition it should be noted that such performance characteristics it should be attributed to the advantages of this technology, such as:
no need for the use of water allows for operation at any temperature of the ambient air;
light weight reduces loads on foundation and other elements of building constructions;
free of dirt, due to non-use of water in the course of work;
tie is optional thermal insulation and soundproofed room;
finishing coating can be carried out immediately after packing of bulk materials, which significantly reduces the time of construction and installation works;
convenience and ease of laying utilities in need.
Dry plate, made using expanded clay fines and sheets gipsovolokna (GVL)
The main and perhaps the only drawback of this technology is exposure to water and moisture, which in contact with board materials used for the outer layer may be deformed and collapse.
Types of dry floor screed
Dry screed technology developed by experts of the famous German brand "Knauf" and depending on the characteristics of its implementation, they have classified this process into four types, such as:
"Alpha" - the simplest embodiment works, is used in the presence of the flat base, as materials GOLS used sheets and bulk materials (for leveling device layer), as well as edge band and polyethylene film;
"Beta" - active species differs from "Alpha" only in that the manufacturer uses specially manufactured as a dry mixture of fill material;
"Vega" - in this embodiment works additionally used mineral wool, stacked on planarization layer, thereby improving soundproof indicators finished structure;
"Gamma" - in this embodiment works, all layers except the "pie" present in the above embodiment, It assumes a compensating layer being manufactured from plate materials, stacking a substrate main coating layer.
Types of dry screed according to the company "Knauf" technology
Note! As the bulk material for a given manufacturing technology can be used and vermiculite expanded clay, pearlite, and kompevit.
Another type of technology on the device dry screed offers the company «Rockwool» (Denmark), which is a feature of use of rock wool as insulation and sound-insulating layer, which is laid on top of slab materials.
This technology involves two versions are:
Rockwool «Flor Butts" - a layer of insulating material is placed in between the floor joists frame, which is performed styling topcoat;
Rockwool «Acoustic Butts" - the insulating material is deposited directly on the substrate or old flooring without lag apparatus, the embodiment of a system called "floating floor".
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"Method of work offered by the company« Rockwool », requires an even base, as it does not ensure the alignment of its surface. When the device embodiment Rockwool «Acoustic Butts" elevation, which runs on stacking the insulating layer must not exceed 10 mm over a length of 2 meters. "
When mounting the "floating floor", according to the technology Rockwool «Acoustic Butts" insulation is placed on the base frame without the device, and the cake consists of screed plates of insulation, vapor barrier layers and MDF materials
How to choose the technology of work
The main criteria for determining the choice of a particular type of work technology, are such factors as:
Having a smooth base, which is to be done on stacking the insulating layer.
The place of work in relation to the presence of moisture and external mechanical influences.
The presence of a bulking agent in the placement region of the facility.
Note! The company "Knauf" recommends using the option of laying "Alpha" type ceilings, version "Beta" - when there are already prepared in advance and aligned base version of "Vega" - when it is necessary to align the flooring, and the option "Gamma" - if necessary alignment effect and the presence of a base soundproofing.
Bulk materials used as filling device when dry floor screed
As already described above, the choice of the material used for filling, independent of its placement in the presence of being built or reconstructed object but the most popular of all used in this technology is expanded clay.
Expanded clay - is foamed and baked at a high temperature clay granules representing different fractions. The distinguishing characteristics are good thermal and sound insulation characteristics, as well as the hygroscopic properties.
Less popular are following building materials, namely:
vermiculite - natural material having a layered structure, in which the firing process takes vermiform and a porous shape, its distinguishing feature is light weight;
perlite - natural material of volcanic origin, which when released from the high temperature treatment the presence of moisture, and then sieving it sand fraction can be used as backfill for dry floor screed;
kompevit - is produced by the technology similar to the expanded clay manufacturing process, but the resulting granules have a higher density and proportionality with respect to each other.
Note! Kompevit produced in Belarus by "Vipol", located in the city of Vitebsk Novolukoml area, which has offices in the territory of the country in cities such as Moscow, Samara and Smolensk.
Exterior construction material kompevit versus poor quality haydite
How to calculate the consumption of materials
By correctly calculated material requirements depend on the financial component of work, especially if they are running on their own.
When calculating the flow rate of all materials used for determining the necessary amount of know the following values, namely:
room space and peppered thick layer - this will determine the volume of bulk materials;
floor area need to know to determine the need for a protective film serving as a waterproofing structure: its value must be greater than the area premises, as in accordance with the work performance technology film should go to the building envelope (walls) and an overlap must be present in the joints bands;
of floor space and its configuration depends on the number of profilesUsed to create the frame (in case of necessity of its structure);
damper length of the belt must match the perimeter of the premises where the work is done;
Square plate materials used must comply with the area of the room based on their cutting, which depends on the configuration of the room.
For technology such as "Beta", the company "Knauf" proposes to use his specially made for this purpose, dry filling
Technology laying the dry floor screed with their hands
Among the individual owners, the most popular variant of the device dry screed with expanded clay and laying beacons on which mounting is performed plate materials.
According to the technology of the device dry floor covering, work is performed in the following sequence:
Substrate preparation
At this stage of work is dismantled old coating, if any, and the base surface is repaired by plugging cracks and chips.
Used for grouting cement-sand mortar, after which the surface is swept.
installation of waterproofing
According prepared surface layer base plank waterproofing. For these purposes may be used a polyethylene film or other material having water resistance.
Gluing strips overlapping waterproofing and with access to the wall is a condition for successful operation of the finished structure
stripes waterproofing They are stacked with overlaps, which should be at least 150 mm in order to ensure that no moisture in the expanded clay layer.
joint space should be glue scotch tape or otherwise available-like material.
In addition the overlap should provide a waterproofing layer to the surface of frame structures, which should be 80-100 mm.
Mounting the damper tape
Along the perimeter of the room in which executed construction works, bonded edge band providing damping vibrations arising in the construction operation.
Vibrations occur during shifting of plate materials caused by external mechanical effects and lead to noises and squeaks touches them from the walls.
Mounting the damper tape around the perimeter of the room
Note! Damper tape - a building material made of foamed vinyl and having a self-adhesive surface which is carried by its attachment to walling.
installation beacons
As beacons are generally used metal profile "T" - or "P" -shaped cross section, made of galvanized iron.
The scheme depends on the installation of beacons of plate material used for the execution of works. It must be sized to cover the butted sheet is set on the surface of BP.
When the layout diagram is marked, it is necessary to provide determination of the outer surface of beacons in a single horizontal plane, which is used when laying level or, in its absence, building level desired length.
Installation of beacons on the small handful of cement mortar
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"Lengths building level used when performing the operation, must be sufficient, at least for its placement between adjacent rows of stacked beacons."
To secure beacons used cement-sand mortar on the surface of the waterproofing layer as in the preparation of the base, which are stacked and beacons.
Finding the upper faces of profile used in a given plane is achieved by moving them in the bulk solution, laid underneath.
filling with expanded clay
Withstand a certain time required for solidification of the solution, laid under the beacons, it is possible to start filling expanded clay.
Backfill layer depends on the degree of irregularities in the substrate and the requirements for noise and heat insulation to a given room.
Important! Backfill layer should not be less than 30 mm, since otherwise it will be impossible board materials tightly secure, they will "walk" in their use, which will lead to the destruction of the mounted design.
Aligning the backfill material is an obligatory stage of work
When the filling is formed expanded clay, it must be aligned in accordance with a plane defined by the stacked beacons by using rules.
Note! Expanded clay backfill can be performed directly on the whole area of the premises or part thereof, depending on the convenience of work for each case.
Stacking the plates dry screed
The number of layers of slabs dry screeds and a method of mounting depends on the type of material used.
Thus when mounting panels manufactured by "Knauf", they are in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, are stacked in two layers to each other with fastening screws and gluing joints special adhesive composition.
When using plywood or chipboard they can be laid in a single layer, the main condition for successful operation hereinafter is sufficient thickness of material used.
Plates, manufactured by "Knauf" originally produced double rebated design with a compound that facilitates docking of sheets together
Important! The thickness of the plywood and particle boards used in the installation of dry floor screed, should be at least 12 mm.
Sheets coating material tightly joined, and if there are gaps, these places shpaklyuyut and overwritten.
Review of prices on the materials used in the performance of work
As mentioned above, in the domestic market of construction materials presented two types of dry screed, produced by the company «Knauf» and «Rockwool», but except that individual developers and construction companies, in order to reduce the cost of construction using other materials available in available.
As of IV quarter of 2018 the average cost of materials used in the device dry floor screed, is shown in the following table:
Brand, Brand
unit of measurement
cost, rubles
bag volume 40 liters
Gipsovolokonnyh sheet size of 1200 × 600 × 20
The cement mixture
bag 25 kg
Stove "Ruf Batts'
size of 1000 × 600 × 50 mm
Stove "Flor Butts" size of 1000 × 600 × 25 mm
pack of 8 pieces
Expanded clay, 0-5.0 mm fraction
1 m³
Vermiculite fraction 1,4-5,0 mm
1 m³
1 m³
Kompevit fractions 0-4,0 mm
bag volume 40 liters
Damper tape 3,0 × 150 mm
roll length 25 running meters. m
Polyethylene film, technical 200 microns, the sleeve width of 1.5 m
1 running. m
PN50 / 37
U-shaped profile, galvanized, 50 × 37 × 3000 mm
All stages of the installation work in chronological order
Reviews of dry screed floor
Screed dry-demand among developers due to the merits, which was written at the beginning of this article. People leave their reviews about the technology of works on the Internet, and here are some of them:
Feedback on dry screed "Knauf":
More on
Review of "Knauf" super-field:
More on Otzovik:
Another review of "Knauf" super-field:
More on Otzovik:
Video: Dry floor screed with their hands
To learn how to perform a dry floor screed "Knauf" with their hands, tell the next video: