The high cost of finishing works and (or) low-skilled craftsmen make us think about how to put the tiles on the floor, observing all the necessary technological requirements. We offer to understand the nuances of work of this type, as well as get acquainted with the algorithm of actions.
To form a beautiful and durable floor covering under the force of each
Read article
1 How to lay tile on the floor - general advice
2 How to lay tile on the floor with their hands - step by step guide
2.1 What tools and materials are needed for laying tiles on the floor with their hands: a standard list
2.2 How to level the surface before laying the floor tiles: the main ways
2.2.1 The usual way to leveling floor
2.2.2 Self-leveling liquid floors
2.3 surface primer
2.4 How to spend the markup to correctly put the tiles on the floor: tips
2.5 Preparation of tile adhesive
2.6 Glue application and laying tiles on the floor
2.7 How to trim the tiles: the main ways
2.8 Grouting
3 How to put a tile on the floor with their hands in different rooms - the nuances
3.1 How to lay tile on the bathroom floor: important points
3.2 How to lay floor tiles in the kitchen and in the bathroom: interesting options and features material selection
4 Features tile on top of the old floor
4.1 How to lay tiles on a wooden floor: actual tips
4.2 Laying new tile on the floor with old tiles
How to lay tile on the floor - general advice
In order to remain satisfied with the results, we shall understand how to lay tile on the floor:
base should necessarily primed to improve its adhesion to tile adhesive;
tile desirable pre-decomposed on the ground to decide on how it will have to be put, and what elements have to prune;
For the formation of beautiful patterns you can use the tiles of different sizes and designs
laying should begin from the far corner of the room;
Tip! When laying flat rectangular tiles on the floor, draw a line to all seams have turned out perfectly flat.
the seam between the two neighboring elements - 2-3 mm. To ensure equal size gaps should use plastic crosses;
applied adhesive mixture should be notched trowel, forming a layer 10-15 mm thick;
Trowel must be suitably sized
pay attention to the symbols on the concrete material. Some manufacturers indicate the direction in which it is necessary to lay tile;
the spatial position of each tile should be checked with the level immediately after installation;
Each element must be aligned
excess adhesive should be removed prior to drying.
Attention! Choosing tile for a particular room, to consider not only its design, but also the size.
We offer watch a video about the installation tiles on the floor with his own hands.
How to lay tile on the floor with their hands - step by step guide
Self-construction works associated with certain difficulties. We offer to figure out how to lay tiles on the floor with your hands to form a coating has turned out not only beautiful, but every element has been securely fixed to the ground.
Compliance with the instructions will yield good results
What tools and materials are needed for laying tiles on the floor with their hands: a standard list
Enumeration of the tool used may vary depending on the complexity of the pattern formed, the material characteristics and extent of the room. To perform the laying of tiles on the floor with their hands should be kept in stock:
Plastic pelvis;
metal grater and grater with a sponge;
putty knife. If you will be putting the elements in which one side is longer than 30 cm, it is necessary to prepare an instrument with teeth 10 mm. For smaller enough teeth 4-5 mm;
mallet, through which it will be possible to remove air voids formed between the tile and the base;
Master OK;
tic or plastic wedges, by which to provide the desired spatial position of the floor covering elements;
building level;
measuring instruments;
and other tools may be required to work
How to level the surface before laying the floor tiles: the main ways
No matter where the installation of floor tiles, the base must be prepared to be produced. For this purpose it is aligned by means of concrete screed or through the use of self-leveling. Selection of method depends on the type and size of the irregularities.
The base needs preparation
The usual way to leveling floor
By resorting to the embodiment when a large differential coefficient. Works are carried out in the following sequence:
Description of the action
It is determined by the desired level, which should be the screed. Measurements should be made on the perimeter of the room and in the middle. Anchoring beacons on a mixture containing cement and gypsum.
Preparing a solution consisting of cement, sand and water. On one part of cement is taken three parts of sand. To reduce the likelihood of cracking can add about 3% plasticizer.
The solution is distributed over the pre-wet the substrate and aligned rules. With zigzag motions provide better shrinkage solution.
After drying the solution to the point where it can be walked on, the excess solution is cleaned, fully aligning base. After stripping beacons tie can be removed, embedded slit formed solution.
Self-leveling liquid floors
Self leveling relevant with minor elevation changes. Work is carried out as follows:
Description of the action
Preparing a solution in accordance with the instructions printed on the package mixture.
Distribute the solution over the surface. Remove air bubbles using a needle roller, the needle length is more than the thickness of the mixture. Laminate formed by coating a roller should be a few times, changing direction.
surface primer
For base treatment should be selected Primers, deep penetration. Carefully read the instructions given on the package. Using broad brush or roller to apply the composition on the substrate. If the solution is absorbed quickly enough, it is necessary to form a layer 2-3.
The base should be thoroughly primed
We believe that the thematic video will help to better understand the intricacies of the process.
How to spend the markup to correctly put the tiles on the floor: tips
Knowing how to properly put the tiles on the floor, is not enough to form a floor covering looked beautiful. It is also necessary to competently carry out the markup, which is carried out by:
visible angle, usually located in front of the room. marking option is relevant for very large rooms;
the geometric center of the room. To do this, mark the middle of the opposite sides and are interconnected by means of twine. Stacking will start with a given point;
center of the room if it has a complex configuration. You can find it in several ways. For example, selecting in the room the longest wall to hold it perpendicular to the middle and defines the visual center.
Marking the center is quite popular
Having defined the initial point from which to perform the marking, the method selected layout. We offer watch a video how to put the tiles on the floor "herringbone".
Preparation of tile adhesive
To obtain a qualitative adhesive composition must be used for its preparation components that are stored for some time at room temperature. Kneading the glue should be clean and dry container. Work perform better in gloves and a respirator.
Attention! The procedure for preparation of the adhesive composition is written in detail on the package, depending on its type.
Glue should be prepared in a suitable container
When choosing a suitable composition, be sure to observe the performance of the premises for which it is intended. The selection can be made in favor of:
UNIS 2000. Suitable for irregularities 2-15 mm thick. Viable solution for 3 hours. suitable for "Warm floor". It allows to fix tiles of various kinds;
More on Otzovik:
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Ceresit CM 11 Plus. For an average layer thickness of 8 mm. Viable solution for 2 hours. You can lock granite and ceramic tiles;
More on Otzovik:
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Glue application and laying tiles on the floor
There are two opinions as to how to glue the tiles on the floor. In the first case, the adhesive composition is applied on the tile surface, in the second - on the base. The principal difference between the ways professionals can not see. Each used the option, which he likes. When applying the adhesive to the base of the work can be performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Gently laid with the first element and calibrates its spatial position. Light hand tapping with a mallet or provide a snug fit tiles to the base. Prepare the second and subsequent elements and places them in accordance with the selected scheme. To ensure the same joint width use plastic crosses.
We think you will be interested.
How to trim the tiles: the main ways
If you want to crop the item, you can use:
Tile mechanical pre-cut tile lowered into the water;
Bulgarian with a diamond wheel. To use this tool, you should securely attach the two pieces of cut. It should be prepared to ensure that during operation will produce a sufficiently large amount of dust and dirt. In addition, you should carefully follow the safety requirements;
diamond glass. A bar is cut into a flat surface that transfers via stekloreza straight line. If the cut is not enough even turned out, you should use a file;
Hacksaw frames. form a clean cut is rather difficult to use this tool.
Preferably use Tile
By this step proceed after complete drying of the adhesive composition. For this:
remove dirt, dust and plastic tile crosses of space;
with a sponge Moisturizing seams;
to rub structureUsing a rubber spatula.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
Ask a Question
"Grout should be selected taking into account the design and operation of tile space conditions, for whom it is intended. Preferably choose a composition which is somewhat darker than the background fabric. "
To press harder to as closely as possible to fill the space tile
How to put a tile on the floor with their hands in different rooms - the nuances
increased humidity, Availability elements of the water supply system impose certain requirements for the execution of works in order. To provide some grounds waterproofing measuresPaying attention to the junction of walls and floors and corners. We offer to find out how to put the tiles on the floor with your hands to form a coating for a long time to keep a presentable appearance and blends harmoniously with the interior.
Stacking order depends on the features of the room
How to lay tile on the bathroom floor: important points
Mastering the technology of work, it is important not only to buy mimicking materials, but also to know how to lay tile on the bathroom floor. Similar works are a number of features:
floor surface is formed with a slight slope: towards doors or, if present, the drain hole;
bath and sink are the main elements. Laying ceramic floor tiles on operate so that bath edges located at integer elements, and a center of symmetry viewed sink for the selected layout.
Attention! For the bathroom must choose a material with good anti-slip properties, wear resistance of the first class of water absorption coefficient - a maximum of 3%.
The layout can be selected individually
We offer watch a thematic video that explains how to put the tiles on the bathroom floor.
How to lay floor tiles in the kitchen and in the bathroom: interesting options and features material selection
In the kitchen, laying floor tiles with their hands should start after the completion of waterproofing works. The layout and pattern tiles are selected according to the stylistic design, existing furniture and personal preferences. We have prepared for you interesting photos that you can use as ideas.
1 of 6
Given the characteristics of operation of such facilities, it is necessary to give preference to the tiles, has a higher resistance to mechanical stress concentrated. durability class is selected at the third coefficient of water absorption of not more than 3%. Now, with respect to the question of how to lay floor tiles in the bathroom. The generated image is developed, taking into account the location of the toilet. Preferably, the center of the plumbing and the seam formed by the same. Tiles used should refer to the first class.
Features tile on top of the old floor
Characteristics of the base have a direct impact on the technology used by the tiling on the floor. If the old flooring is strong enough but lost its presentable appearance, it is quite possible to use as a base for the new. We offer to get acquainted with the peculiarities of work in any given situation.
The old base can leave
How to lay tiles on a wooden floor: actual tips
If you live in a private home, we think you will be interested in how to lay tiles on a wooden floor. To begin, the base should be properly prepare and carry out repairs, if necessary. His carefully aligned by tsiklevaniya, sanding, Putties irregularities special structures and subsequent grinding.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«If you align the wooden base is not possible, you can lay on the floor waterproof plywood. "
If the wooden base remains of paint, it should always be removed, using a suitable method. After that, the board impregnated with linseed oil or other suitable preservative.
Attention! All the rotten elements, creaking floorboards and playing should be replaced to prevent cracking of the laid tiles.
A wooden base should prepare
Laying new tile on the floor with old tiles
There are situations where the removal of the old flooring is impossible or impractical. tile laying the floor is performed without removing the old one, if:
due to the installation features dismantle plumbing impossible. Trying to material removal the toilet, bath or shell It can cause damage to it;
after knocking down tiles strainer It will be destroyed and the floor level is significantly lowered;
the flooring is in perfect condition.
Attention! the old way of putting new tile stands when 85-90% of the elements has no defects.
To improve the adhesive characteristics of the base, old tile treated with sandpaper or by using grinders. Then the floor is cleaned of accumulated dust and dirt are washed, primed. If necessary, use Self-leveling.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
Ask a Question
«If the basis from the system "warm floor", before laying the turn off for a few days heating. Following inclusion can be performed a few days after grouting. "
Thus, if the price does not arrange the work, you can put the tiles on the floor on their own. Share in the comments, if you have already taken advantage of this opportunity, and if you like the end result.