Hard to say, there will ever be a day when you can say with full confidence that building technologies reached absolute perfection and nothing new to come up with is impossible. It is unlikely, because the more humanity develops, the higher requirements it imposes on its housing. It must be reliable, secure and low-cost pre-fabricated. In this regard, studies have consistently maintained that address not only housing, but also the entire infrastructure: Communications, roads and other associated structures. In this market there is a new material with an entirely fantastic properties. In this paper will be discussed by Housechief.ru that is conductive concrete Shot Crete and where it can be applied.

Read article
- 1 Research in the field of concrete electrical characteristics
- 2 How can I adjust the electrical conductivity of concrete mixtures
- 3 What is conductive concrete Shot Crete
- 4 The practical application of concrete tokoprovodyaschngo
Research in the field of concrete electrical characteristics
Until now, objective study of the electrical properties of the concrete was not such an important task. It interested only in a scientific research institute, as the practical application of this knowledge was not. But finally we found the researchers, who have moved from theory to practice and found an opportunity not only to change the current conductivity of concrete mixtures, but also to apply their new properties. Two main areas can be distinguished in this regard:
- creating electrical concrete mixtures with a high electrical resistivity, the minimum dielectric loss and permeability;
- developments in the field of conductive concrete with stable electrical characteristics under all operating conditions, including - adverse.
We must admit that the researchers did not immediately was given to achieve any significant results.

Under normal operating conditions, the concrete conducts, but to control, and even impossible, to control this process more and In addition, this property has a bad effect on the state of reinforced concrete structures, as it causes them to electric corrosive.

How can I adjust the electrical conductivity of concrete mixtures
Methods effects on concrete structure to control electrical conductivity may be different. The main direction of research - isolation from the surrounding concrete moisture. For example, the French added to the body of the concrete structure bitumen emulsion, which protects it from water. Or another option - drying and outer waterproofing.

Another trend - the use plastobetonnyh structures with a plastic band or epoxy resin in the composition.
Another line of research, which studies the conductive concrete, moving towards the creation of composite materials with the properties of an electrical conductor. The result of experiment - the creation of a conductive concrete - betel.
What is conductive concrete Shot Crete
University of Nebraska scientists have demonstrated a curious novelty - conductive Concrete Shot Crete, which is able to not only reflect, but also to absorb electromagnetic radiation. And its ability to apply not only to man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation, but also on the natural.
This result was achieved thanks to a special additive - magnetite.

To enhance the effect, in addition to the mixture of magnetite and carbon added metal shavings.
The practical application of concrete tokoprovodyaschngo
The main application for such materials - the construction of roads and sidewalks. By using conductive concrete in the future will be to build the airport takeoff and landing strip.
Shot Crete is without human help to deal with icing road. Even under the most adverse weather conditions termoasfalt will melt the ice crust without using any chemicals.

Already there is a practical example: near the town of Lincoln built experimental bridge of 52 concrete slabs Shot Crete, and many years of problems with icing on this bridge there.
The housing Shot Crete can also find practical application: its reflective properties are able to protect electronics inside the house from external electromagnetic pulse.

We welcome your comments on the practical application of such mixtures. Where else can use their properties?