The main purpose of primers is the formation on the surface of the base layer with improved adhesion compared to the reference material characteristics. That is, the force of adhesion of finishing materials primed surface is much higher, therefore, more durable paint coating operation. Choosing the type of soil depends on the type of paint and coloring materials. Specifications primers GF-021 and is compatible with most paints, Enamels and varnishes cause its wide popularity. Speaking of compatibility, it is meant that after application to the primed surface of the topcoat will not swell, shrink, crack or delaminate.
metal treatment prior to painting
Read article
1 Scope of use
2 Advantages and disadvantages
2.1 The composition of the primer GF-021 - GOST 25129-82
2.2 The more dilute the GF-021?
2.3 shelf life, storage method used containers
2.4 The certificate of conformity primer GF 021
3 How much is a primer GF-021 (the price for 1 kg) - an overview of the cost by supplier
4 Application Notes
4.1 Surface preparation
4.2 Consumption primer GF-021 per 1 m
4.3 application technology
4.4 Safety when working
5 consumer reviews
6 findings
Scope of use
GP-021 is a universal tool used for surface treatment of ferrous metals, mineral building materials and wood, including composite wood based materials (plywood, Particleboard, Fibreboard, OSB, MDF):
Metal processing. Significantly improves corrosion protection of the treated surface. It can be used as an independent technical protective coating. However, it is recommended to apply a complex processing of metal structures, greatly improves the reliability and durability. outer layer except enamel decorative effect, depending on the type, can provide additional protection from mechanical damage, ultraviolet radiation, resistance to temperature changes, etc.
Metal supports treated GF-021
Woodworking. As solid wood, and many composite materials based on it are porous. If they are painted without primer, the contact coatings will be no more than 65-80% of the wood surface. This is due to the fact that the high viscosity of the finishing decorative materials does not allow them to penetrate into the pores.
White or gray primer GF-021 on the contrary has a fairly low viscosity (45VU). Penetrating deep into the pores of the wood, it increases the contact area, significantly enhancing the adhesion to the substrate.
Preparation of laying flooring. Primer GF-021 coated substrate in places most intensive operation
Processing mineral surfaces. Materials such as concrete, brick, Cement, plaster and lime plaster also they have a porous surface. Furthermore, their structure (especially plasters) Can be loose with a low resistance. Here primer GF-021, except for the creation of an intermediate adhesive layer, performs additional functions:
strengthening the loose areas;
smoothing relief surfaces;
reduce water absorption (prevents ingress of spores and fungus development).
Drawing on the sand-cement screed before laying the finishing flooring
Typically, porous concrete (penogazobeton) And primed plaster rough several times. The first layer of soil is absorbed deeply practically without staying on the surface. And only the second or even third layer form an outer film, provides the necessary adhesion.
Important! Gruntuya porous materials and reducing their water absorption, it is possible to significantly reduce paint consumption and gain significant savings. Price primer GF-021 is lower than that of many decorative paints.
Advantages and disadvantages
Among the advantages of the GF-021 glifteronoy primers are the following:
protection from corrosion processes for articles of ferrous metals;
significant increase in adhesion parameters between the base and the outer cover;
LMB flow reduction, especially in the dyeing base made of mineral construction materials and wood;
wide range of temperature stability of from -45 ° C to + 60 ° C;
available in several colors: gray, white, red and brown.
wall treatment - GF-021 is used to strengthen the loose sections
certain technical limitations and disadvantages also exist:
despite assurances manufacturers of small period of drying (12 hours at a temperature of not less than 20 ° C) "Quick" GF-021 dries much longer, sometimes up to a day, and it is very sensitive to low temperatures and high humidity;
penetrating ability in the composition of the standard viscosity of the lack of some materials: dense concrete, alabaster and polymer-plaster. To increase it, GF-021 is diluted with a solvent.
Primer GF-021: specifications and standards
Data Sheet
Important! Besides the main GOST 25129-82 there are other specifications, in accordance with which Production is carried out primer GF-021 GOST 51693-2000 and have 2312-054-45860602-2010 "Corrosion primer. "
The composition of the primer GF-021 - GOST 25129-82
Primer GF-021 is a suspension pentaflevogo (alkyd) paint and solid insoluble pigment. Additionally, the composition includes various active and modifying substances:
corrosion inhibitors;
Gray primer GF-021 from the manufacturer "Lakra"
The more dilute the GF-021?
In most cases exceeds the desired viscosity primer component required for the material. This not only increases consumption, but also prevents the penetration of soil into the pores of the base. The composition is recommended to dilute the following solvents:
White Spirit;
If the product processing is performed in the electric field, it is recommended to use diluents SE-3B / 4B.
Solvents which can be diluted primer
shelf life, storage method used containers
Despite assurances from some manufacturers that primer GF-021 is suitable for use for 12-24 months, in accordance with paragraph. 6.2 GOST 25129.82 shelf life from date of manufacture does not exceed 6 months. After that, its basic characteristics are beginning to deteriorate rapidly.
Store in the original package should be tightly closed. Although a high resistance to low temperatures, to prevent freezing or reducing the temperature in the storage room below -20 ° C.
Different manufacturers GF-021 is packed in different containers
The construction shops can buy primer GF-021 containers from 0.9 to 20 kg. They usually of metal, but some manufacturers perform packaging in plastic containers. Large volumes of packed solely in a metal container volume 25, 50, 200 l.
The certificate of conformity primer GF 021
Buying a primer GF-021, require the seller a certificate of conformity. This is a document confirming that the composition and production technology consistent with accepted standards. The certificate is a guarantee for the acquisition of quality products.
Here is the certificate of conformity. Be sure to pay attention to the time of action and a unique number.
In addition, the products must have a health certificate or the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion and certificate of quality.
An example of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion
How much is a primer GF-021 (the price for 1 kg) - an overview of the cost by supplier
In Russia, there are a few dozen companies producing paint products based on polymers, they are engaged in the production of GF-021. It is worth noting the following companies:
Price primer GF-021 (metal) as of January 2019, in rubles. 1 kg
Ltd. "Continent"
Ltd. "Aurora-C"
Ltd. "Respect"
"Company Stroyperspektiva"
In addition, the popular products of the company Omega, Lakra, Tex, Unisil, Prestige, Zebra. The cost of their products varies within 130-250 rubles. / Kg. (VAT included).
The following trends are observed on the building materials market. Price gray or reddish-brown GF-021 primer is slightly lower than the white. Although the technical conditions of production at them identical. This fact is associated exclusively with the high popularity of white primer, which is more convenient as a base for painting thin-layer paints.
Application Notes
Primer 21 gf-gray or brown-red can be used as a self-protective and finishing coatings for metallic articles and technical purposes, which does not impose special aesthetic requirements. It is recommended to use together with the enamel of the following types: HV, SD, ET, ES, MS, MA, PF, AC and some others.
Surface preparation
The substrate is cleaned of contaminants that prevent adhesion: floating, oil stains, etc. Particular attention should be given purification from biological corrosion (fungus, mold) arising on wood and certain mineral building materials. It removes the entire lesion depth, after which the structure is treated with antiseptic. Further works are allowed only when it is completely dry.
Stripping of concrete from fungus
Corrosion the metal surface is removed with the abrasive cloth. You can use special anti-corrosion compositions, but after that, the substrate must be degreased.
Purification metal corrosion sandblasted
Before applying the primer thoroughly mixed to obtain a fully homogeneous composition. solvent is added if necessary. If an insoluble form a dense film, it is completely removed as a result of long term storage on the primer surface as a primer is required to add the solvent for compensation of losses.
Consumption primer GF-021 per 1 m
In accordance with the standards of soil flow GF-021 per 1 m of the metal (in single layer coating) be 0.06-0.1 kg / m². For hygroscopic, porous materials consumption will be significantly more - up to 320-400 kg / m².
Roller primer
application technology
In a domestic environment primer GF-021 is generally applied by brush or roller. Small metal parts can be coated with a primer by dipping. May be applied by air or airless spraying, but for this part of diluted with solvent to obtain the desired viscosity level, depending on the installation requirements staining.
Priming pneumatic spray
Safety when working
Primer 021-gf is toxic and flammable material. Its vapors are irritating to mucous membranes. Therefore, when performing the work necessary to adhere to the norms of industrial hygiene and fire safety requirements according to GOST 12.30.05. Personal protective equipment should comply with GOST 12.4.011: gloves, goggles, heavy work clothes, a mask.
Personal protective equipment used when painting
Important! After drying GF-021 does not have a negative impact on the human body.
consumer reviews
Review of GF-021:
More on ID4:
Using GF-021 primer, undoubtedly it gives great benefits, both economic - reduced consumption expensive finishing materials, as well as performance - materials permanently protected from the negative impact of the external environment. So cash cost of its acquisition and the time spent on processing of designs, fully justified.