💨 Quartz heater "TeplEko"

Quartz heater "TeplEko" - one of the increasingly popular instrument of domestic production, the main consumers of which are the owners of summer cottages and city apartments. It is used as a source of main and additional heating. People are attracted to active advertising, talking about the undoubted merits of the device. Editorial HouseShief carefully studied the design of the instrument and real user feedback about this device.

"TeplEko" - heater domestic production based on natural quartz
"TeplEko" - heater domestic production based on natural quartz

Read article

  • 1 A young promising company
  • 2 Where heaters "TeplEko" can be used
  • 3 And how the heater works "TeplEko"
  • 4 Specifications plates
  • 5 On the pros and cons of heaters "TeplEko"
  • 6 How to count the number of heaters for the room
  • 7 How to install a quartz heater
  • 8 Important moments in the operation
  • 9 Honest feedback about the heater "TeplEko"

A young promising company

TeplEko - domestic manufacturer with yet a small seven-year history. Production facilities are located in the Kemerovo region and St. Petersburg.

Supply of raw materials for the production of quartz heaters are made of "Quartz" in possession of a large natural deposits of pure silica sand
Supply of raw materials for the production of quartz heaters are made of "Quartz" in possession of a large natural deposits of pure silica sand

The company has attracted highly qualified specialists and scientific staff of the St. Petersburg Mining University.

Where heaters "TeplEko" can be used

Lately infrared heaters and quartz gaining more and more popularity due to its high efficiency. Stove heating gradually receding into the past. It still remains more profitable economically, but the process of its operation is much more difficult electrical appliancesSo that it is not surprising that in the absence gas supply Quartz heaters - is the first thing that interested owners of summer cottages.

A definite plus quartz devices is that they can operate with modest power grids, just typical of suburban land holdings
A definite plus quartz devices is that they can operate with modest power grids, just typical of suburban land holdings

It is worth noting that TeplEko produces devices with wall and floor mounting, so you can choose any convenient way.

And how the heater works "TeplEko"

A heating element in this device is a nickel-chromium rod. It is located within the monolithic layer which is made of quartz.

The sand holds the heat for a long time, which increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the device
The sand holds the heat for a long time, which increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the device

These heaters are adjustable heating power, limited 95C.

Specifications plates

Dimensions heaters standard: 25 × 350 × 600 mm. The apparatus consumes up to 3.5 kWh per day. Its capacity - 400 watts. Plate weighs about 12 kg.

To heat the plate takes about 20 minutes. This time is enough that the instrument has warmed up and began to give warmth to the room.

The designations on the labeling of heaters
The designations on the labeling of heaters

On the pros and cons of heaters "TeplEko"

"TeplEko" devices have their positive and negative sides. The company claims that these heaters are very economical and are able to warm the room 15 m², consuming only 3.5 kWh per day. In addition, it is stated that the life of the appliance is virtually unlimited.

These batteries operate silently, they do not honk or scholkayut
These batteries operate silently, they do not honk or scholkayut

The heating element is a quartz heater is not in contact with the atmosphere, and this makes the device fireproof. Furthermore, the monolithic structure of the device does not permit water to enter to the heater, and thus such batteries can be used bathroom.

One of the undoubted merits TeplEko - their reasonable price. In May 2019 such devices were sold for 2800 rubles.

Members noted that such devices do not make indoor air dry and fit perfectly into any interior
Members noted that such devices do not make indoor air dry and fit perfectly into any interior

What can be noted among the disadvantages of this technique. First of all - the inability to control the temperature in the premises. thermoregulator It is optional. Such batteries are always very hot. Therefore, if you have at home with small children, it can be quite dangerous.

To avoid accidental burns, it is recommended to use protective shields
To avoid accidental burns, it is recommended to use protective shields

Finally, the plate is very heavy, which puts additional requirements on the location and method of its mounting.

How to count the number of heaters for the room

Panel "TeplEko" sold with a data sheet, which indicates the volume of premises on which a device is designed. Standard device is able to heat 18 m³. To find out the amount of your room, you need to use the formula, known to every schoolboy: multiply the length, width and height of the room. This calculation is only suitable for apartments or houses with insulated walls.

If your walls are not insulated garden, then consider that one plate can warm only 10 m³
If your walls are not insulated garden, then consider that one plate can warm only 10 m³

How to install a quartz heater

If you plan to hang the unit on the wall, then remember that the distance from the floor must be at least 25 cm.

To heat is directed into the room, but not heat the wall, on the mounting location, first insulation foil is glued to the outside. It will reflect heat
To heat is directed into the room, but not heat the wall, on the mounting location, first insulation foil is glued to the outside. It will reflect heat

The next phase - installation brackets. Depending on the wall material is used for fastening dowels or screws. On brackets hanging plate, and the thermostat is attached between the plate and the floor. For the installation of several plates, all of them connected with one temperature regulator. Before connecting the device to the network, take care of the installation protective screen.

For details on installing the material in this video:

Important moments in the operation

Remember that any action with the device is possible only when it is disconnected from the network. In any case it is impossible:

  • operate the device in blackouts;
  • include a heater in violation of its integrity;
  • appliance burning smell and smoke;
  • use battery near other heat sources;
  • include the device without grounding (The neutral wire can not be used);
  • connect the device to bypass the circuit RCD;
  • check the degree of heating by touching the plate;
  • operate the device in rooms with humidity more than 90%;
  • placed near combustible materials.
Remember that in the course of work on the surface of a monolithic plate may crack, it is not covered by warranty
Remember that in the course of work on the surface of a monolithic plate may crack, it is not covered by warranty

Honest feedback about the heater "TeplEko"

Some users in the comments point out that the accolades about this device so much that it causes a certain doubt on their veracity. Therefore, we present a few reviews from independent sites that help you form an impression about the heaters' TeplEko ":

Quartz heater "TeplEko": the interests of the domestic brand
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2096445.html
Quartz heater "TeplEko": the interests of the domestic brand
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4273645.html
Quartz heater "TeplEko": the interests of the domestic brand
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2574366.html
Quartz heater "TeplEko": the interests of the domestic brand
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/zhdal-bolshego-no-v-tselom-ustraivaet

As you can see, opinions are mixed. Therefore, before you buy such a device, do not be lazy and take the time to study all the characteristics of the device and the real buyers opinions.

And you use this device? Share your experiences in the comments!