Sometimes completely junk things suddenly take on a second life in a new way. It would seem, egg trays - unless they are for something useful? This is obviously useless waste. But Valentina Sokolova from Kaluga does not think so. She continues to collect these same trays and successfully use them as the basis for the repair and creativity. Details - in this material HouseChief.
Good afternoon! I want to share my experience of recycling waste such as egg trays made of cardboard. This story began with an unexpected acquisition: my husband and I on occasion bought an old cottage with a small house. The owners left us with everything, including - different stuff that we took out a few days. It was a large pile of about 200 cardboard containers for eggs among the rubbish. I decided to leave them and try to put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired on the Internet.
Masonry of egg trays
Each must have known from childhood that is papier-mache. This pulp, from which you can make different crafts. In my childhood I was fond of stucco from this material. And what is, in fact, an egg tray? He has already made from recycled materials. Recycle cartons into the paper dust is moistened adhesive composition and molded in the press to impart the desired shape. That is, this is a product made of papier-mache. And it can be returned to the state of the masses for modeling.

I thought if you can make them into material for decorating the walls? For example, the form of these decorative tiles under brick? The first problem: how to make the details of the exact size? I decided to use for this template.

Now it was necessary to restore the original appearance of the trays pulp. I broke them into small pieces to speed up the process.

The surface of my tiles get too loose, it was necessary to slightly flatten it.

As my man accepted the challenge
My husband watched with interest my fuss with bricks and often let snide comments. According to him, I made too many unnecessary actions. So much so, that he offered to make him better, and he accepted the challenge. His idea was to simulate with the same pulp masonry. Preparation of papier-mache is the same, but with the form he did a lot easier.

The conclusion is: rocks, indeed, do better than bricks. The fact that the tiles should be strict and proper form. Nashlopkami here you will not manage. But masonry is faster and very "coat" column.
And another discovery made for myself: paper coat was a good heat and sound insulator. We did it in the hallway of our country house, and it became much warmer.
What happens if time does not stop: flower pots tray
Trays are over, but the desire to do something else from them - no. And I, too, began to collect the package, carefully keeping her eggs after each purchase. Do not laugh, I did not suffer garbage hoarding, the problem was purely practical. I planned to do original flower pots. For the base I had buckets of paint after repairs.

Now trays of eggs, we do not throw away, as all the ideas do not stop there. It is an excellent material for art and decor, use them!
Thanks to Valentina for interesting ideas! It was very informative and visually. Packaging trays can be used actually for different purposes. Here, for example, a video about how to use them to soundproof the room:
We welcome your ideas on the use of such containers in the comments and new materials in the category "not a woman's business." Try, experiment and share your experiences with us!
PHOTO: Valentina Sokolova
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