Must-have accessory for any bathroom - mirror. Large or small, in a massive frame and concise, alone or in combination with other - it is a bright and accent, and practical element of the interior.

Bathroom mirror will create a pleasant and comfortable environment.
Choose the one thing ...
- Choose the one thing ...
types of mirrors
- Ceiling
- Furniture
- Walls
- Light mirror
- cosmetic mirror
- Mirror heated
- Ideas for an unusual placement of mirrors
- VIDEO: Choose a stylish mirror in the bathroom.
- 50 Mirrors Design options for bathroom:
Of course, in today's range of proposed options easy to get lost. Therefore, in order to make the right choice to remember the basic criteria.

Due to the mirror surface, can make various design experiments and thereby present the premises in a better position.
- Practicality and functionality. The mirror in the bathroom - not just a decorative element, but an important functional part and, therefore, choose what is right for your bathroom. For example, if the space is limited, choose not just a mirror, and the mirror box. Then there will be additional space to store necessary items. Or, alternatively, a mirror with a handy shelf.
- Qualitative characteristics. By purchasing a mirror, you do not spend fabulous sums, but for the money you want to buy a quality product. So, do not hesitate and carefully inspect the mirror to avoid scratches, bumps or spots. And also pay attention to the thickness: the thicker the accessory, so it is safer.
- Picture. Still, the main role of a mirror - to give an accurate reflection of reality. So at the time of purchase check how believable image.
- Mount. Today, mirrors are mounted in different ways, often on suckers and heavier models - on special hooks. Check that all fasteners and serviceability.
- Types and forms. Perhaps we should set aside some time in advance to consider what size and shape you want in your bathroom. Otherwise you'll have to face the problem of choice: the range is huge and every model in its own good.

For the bathroom, it is desirable to choose a mirror on a silver-based products and resistant to corrosion.
types of mirrors
It turns out that a mirror on the wall - is not the only way of placing the reflective surface. For example, using this accessory decorate walls, furniture and even the ceiling.

The frame must also be different not only a decorative function, but also protective.
Modern technologies make it much easier repair. For example, to make a reflective surface on the ceiling is possible not only by means of a thick and heavy glass mirrors, but by using a special plastic tiles. It is affordable, easy to assemble and has a good performance.

This tile is available in different colors, and therefore, will complement any interior solution
Also used tensile structures with reflection. Thanks to them, create different shapes of the ceiling: a cone, a semi-circle with a volume effect.

If you want to get the original design of the bathroom - choose this solution.
Of course, with built-in mirror cloth furniture must meet certain requirements. For example, the use of special impregnation is required which does not allow moisture to penetrate into the material, as well as protect against temperature surges. In addition, it is desirable that the furniture design was as simple as possible. Sliding doors is better to use. All this will make the maintenance of furniture with reflective blades safe and comfortable.

You can find the product for any purse, taste, style.
Thus, the mirror furniture solves two problems at once: the presence of mirrors and additional space for toiletries.

By choosing this attribute must be approached responsibly, seriously, with the preparation.
The classic version location mirror in the bathroom - over the sink. However, modern design decisions make serious liberties. For example, the size of: very popular mirrors from floor to ceiling; location: not only on the wall, where there is a sink, but also on others.

The width of the product there are no strict limitations.
In some interiors practice narrow mirror screen under the bath. Just note that it is not suitable for every interior. Requirement for such decoration is the presence of monochromatic light tiles on the floor.

This screen does not bear any functional load, but visually change the perception of space.
Light mirror
It is not new, but loved by many trend - accessory backlit bathroom. It is not only stylish and fashionable, but also very convenient. Perhaps that is why he does not lose its popularity.

Options "light" enough reflective surfaces.
The most common - are small lamps or spots located nearby.

Also in demand adjustable lamps.
Another option - it is an internal illumination. Usually, it is provided by light-emitting diodes arranged in strips or blocks. To lights was not corrosive and does not harm the eyes, it is placed under frosted glass. This model is very functional, because it allows us to consider every detail.

Very creative options that can decorate any bathroom interior.
Finally, the mirror in the bathroom with decorative illumination. This is more decoration than illumination, but also a place to be. This coverage does not make visible small parts, but will strengthen the impression of the interior bathroom. Typically, LEDs have the rear side of the mirror through the outer edge. Typically, such illumination looks nice in the presence of the mirror surface patterns or ornaments.

And do not forget to take care of a good source of light - a lamp or chandelier concise.
cosmetic mirror
Another fashion trend for bathroom interiors is the location next to the main mirror, his "small relative" - a cosmetic mirror. A small, circular shape, at the sliding leg is ideal for accurately applying makeup, shaving or other cosmetic procedures.

Typically, such models have two sides: one - the usual, and the second - to increase in two or three times.
mirror quality depends on what material is used for the reflecting surface of aluminum, titanium or silver. Aluminum surface - the budget option, but unfortunately, not the most rugged. Thus, under the influence of moisture and temperature drop aluminum surface quickly fails.

Even the most unprepossessing bathroom can not do without both small and large mirror, it can be called a lifesaver.
Titanium is less exposed to moisture, but the disadvantage is that the picture is not clear, blurred at the edges.

It can be filled with yummy bath and add light by purchasing the product from light.
The silver surface is perfect in all respects: it ensures a long service life, gives a clear picture. This option should be selected.

With a mirror is much more comfortable. It is not only the best assistant, but also a decoration bathroom.
Vanity mirror lighting needs. It is better if an independent lighting using LEDs will be provided.

Do not forget that such a mirror - is a complete appliance that needs to be correct and accurate use.
Mirror heated
Another practical innovation. Probably everyone faced with the problem of condensation settling on a reflective surface. When, after a hot bath for a long time to use a mirror is simply impossible due to "fog" on the surface. A heating system not only allows you to use the mirror for its intended purpose, but also to extend its service life.

When cleaning used all kinds of cleaning products, so materials for the production of mirrors and frames should be moisture-resistant coating.
In such models, a very thin layer covering the heater maintains the optimum temperature for any indicator humidity.

You will forget about the condensate, and can use a mirror without interruption.
Ideas for an unusual placement of mirrors
Normal bathroom - it is not fashionable and not very interesting. Let's try to diversify this conservative area.
- Counterparts. Usually this technique is used for large areas in which there are two sinks, but even if one of the sink to hang a number of two identical mirror is an unusual effect. But in this case it is necessary to think about those things and objects of the interior, which will be reflected. You can either reinforce the impression, either hopelessly spoil it.

The room will be more spacious and airy.
- The unusual shape. Forget circles, ovals and squares, please be daring and choose to store accessory most amazing forms - heart, polygon, or, in general, something formless. Believe me, you will still have great pleasure to enter into this bathroom.
- The bigger, the better. If space allows, do not stop on a reflective surface. Let them be few, and let them all be of different shapes. And they should be positioned the way you want to.

Let nothing interfere with your wildest imagination.
- Visible fixing. Usually on the wall you can see only the mirror, the way it is fixed quickly. So, get your stereotypes! Put your mirror on the rough rope or wire. Complementing the interior of several decorative elements, appropriate in style, you will get very creative bathroom.
- Emphasis on the frame. Of course, more important is the reflecting surface, rather than its design. But if this part can effectively beat, why not do it? Laconic and modest size frame, or massive, occupying the same space as the mirror itself - does not matter.

The main thing is that it complements the overall design concept.
- Do it yourself. Arrange the frame shells, stones and other nice gadgets that will fall under your arm. Do not hesitate, hand-made suffer all. The main thing is that as a result you are guaranteed to get a unique thing.
Thus, a mirror for the bathroom, you can choose in the store, and can be designed independently. Some people prefer conservative options such relatives and friends, while others boldly rushes into the maelstrom of modern ideas.

It is a mirror will bring a special atmosphere and a subtle charm in the bathroom.