Disposition of a 3-room apartment brezhnevki requires small space for several rooms suitable arrangement for this. But few know that the designers can come up with many more ways to plan such a room. Principles of their creations can use any owner brezhnevki.

Apartments- "brezhnevki" - the so-called old stock housing, which is widespread in our country.
Particulars of two-bedroom apartments in brezhnevki
- Particulars of two-bedroom apartments in brezhnevki
- Pros and cons of two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
- Disposition of the two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
Replanning two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki: what is allowed?
- When redevelopment is forbidden
- The best options for interior bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
- Color and decoration for a two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
- Furniture for a two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
- VIDEO: Design and conversion of 3-room apartments.
- 50 designs bedroom apartment brezhnevki:
The main feature of this room is a little footage, there is a relatively high ceilings, about two and a half meters. But most of the layouts are different from one another, developers, architects have tried on several occasions to improve and optimize the available space. Because it turned out that used different materials, different designs were introduced, but they always have a lot in common.

In each city kept dozens of homes of that era.
Most of the residents of the former Soviet Union understands brezhnevki panel house, where four small apartments with high ceilings on each platform. It was the most affordable and popular option at the time.

These apartments are in demand so far.
Now many of the ideas do not seem so relevant, but the layout 3-room brezhnevki used in our time, and interior designers is to adapt to the initial parameters and conditions.

If you have to buy or sell housing on the secondary market, it is necessary to know what stand out model homes of the last century.
Pros and cons of two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
Advantages of this type of buildings and premises:
- Many were pleased with waterproofing in the bathroom.
- wide window sills
- Brick building options, they are warm and reliable.
- In some versions called "tower" designed kitchen on a large scale. Their footage of about 10 square meters. m.
- Having good and comfortable loggias.
- Two elevators for different purposes.
- Many advantages over the "Stalin" (stairways wider availability of "cooler" under the windowsill, a convenient arrangement of rooms, especially those that have two or more).

"Brezhnevki" replaced the cramped "Khrushchev," which were not always successful planning.
Since such facilities construction variant has outlived its usefulness, you can find a lot of small flaws in this idea.

New houses were created, mainly of reinforced concrete slabs, which can accelerate the process of their construction, improve sound insulation. Despite the advantages of this solution, as a result of the apartment became colder.
This applies in the first place:
- Prefabricated houses modifications often do not involve the problem areas. As a result, the indoor was cold and very hot in summer, due to the rapid heating of the surface.
- Location kitchen with adjacent wall with a bathroom or toilet. Low level of noise reduction and the presence of the top window reinforces the effect of human presence in a small room.
- Rubbish chutes require special preparation prior to their use or regular cleaning by specially trained personnel. Uninformed citizens misuse removal of debris, it becomes clogged and attractive environment for the cultivation of living creatures such as rats and cockroaches.

The height of the brick "brezhnevok" typically reached 16 floors. These buildings were built in the form of one or dvuhpodezdnyh buildings.
If the entrance tenants can cooperate and solve a number of problems, most of the disadvantages could neutralize or get rid of them. But this is rare, since such buildings inhabited by people with low and middle incomes characterized by special mentality.

Such housing was designed for large families.
Disposition of the two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
There are many varieties of modifications of this type of housing. Therefore, in the case of 3-remodeling brezhnevki room, it is necessary to understand the limitations and the original data of each case. After all sizes can range from 48 to 56 square meters, among them there is a difference in design.

By area, one bedroom "Breznev" is approximately equal to three-room "Khrushchev," but the footage kitchens and hallways remained the same.
And while options to alter the room, there are many. Modern interior designers are ready to offer dozens of ways to improve the quality of life in such a building, to expand the space and optimize it both visually and physically. Without the help of professional untrained persons it is very difficult to do.

Often, windows are located on the parallel walls of the building, that is, they go from one side of the yard, and on the other - on a busy street.
Replanning two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki: what is allowed?
Sometimes little room decoration, for real change and improve the overall need to replan brezhnevki three-room brick house or a panel. This means capital intervention and complete reorganization. If the owners are ready for it mentally, physically and financially, it remains only to solve the questions of documentation in the event of significant changes.

Of course, "brezhnevki" inferior apartments with improved layout of the new, but still they are - a better option than the "Khrushchev".
When redevelopment is forbidden
Also, when carrying out a total renovation of housing is important to remember about standard rules:
- It is forbidden to interfere with the structure of the load-bearing walls, demolished or make openings in them. It can threaten the collapse of the building;
- Bathroom and WC, bathroom separate should remain in the place designated by the architect, so as not to jeopardize the flooding. After engineering of the system are provided in one place and connected to a common pipe, the changes in such houses usually end in failure;
- The attic should not be in use, or to become a housing, a part of it;
- Not allowed to narrow the area of the apartment up to 8 square meters;
- It is forbidden to interfere with the structure of the panels that separate floors - change, remove, do through wide openings;
- Pipes for water and gas must remain in place intended for them;
- Stationary batteries must be connected to the overall system from all sides, so as not to cut the heat upstairs neighbor. After heating fed always from bottom to top, runs through each floor, before it reaches the upper level. If in the middle or at the bottom of the pipe to block the leading heat up winter neighbors are unlikely to be satisfied with the innovation.

Layout and room sizes vary from home series. Ceiling height compared to "Hruschovka" increased from 2.5 m to 2.7 m.
Replanning 3-room apartment brezhnevki in most cases it is necessary to fix on paper, and coordinate with the respective agencies. But redecorating, small change of placement of the gas stove or installation of air conditioning - do not require such a hassle.

Improve "brezhnevki" dream, perhaps, each owner.
The best options for interior bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
The presence of three rooms involves the greatest susceptibility to change. Variability allows to convert many ideas to life.

Any work on the redevelopment and renovation of apartments is necessary to trust the professionals.
Frequent options and techniques used by interior designers:
- The expansion of the bath and the toilet space by installing a corner bath or shower instead of full length. Also common solution here may be the removal of the partition between the bathroom and toilet, which will optimize the space and do not only visually but also in fact more.
- If there is one large room, it is often zoned, creating additional space. The barrier may be conventional or of a particular material.
- If there are two small rooms, and they are separated by curtain wall, they are often combined, freeing up extra space. Sometimes it takes the form of a large arch, in other cases completely removed a trail wall.
- Using the built-in cupboard in the kitchen as a "plus one meter," because usually the room was quite small.
- If you tear down the wall between the balcony and the kitchen area then increase by 1.5 times. And in such buildings usually involves planning just such a position of the premises. It is important to not only get rid of the partitions, but also strengthen the arch to prevent collapse.
Note! Do not forget that the re-plan house - one, it is also necessary to properly execute and arrange the furniture accordingly. If at first to expand the space, then clumsily realize the situation, the result will not meet expectations, the efforts will be in vain, for the most part.

For Professionals will not be difficult to study the plan of the apartment, a detailed analysis, select the appropriate options for repair, to coordinate all the work on the redevelopment with higher authorities.
Color and decoration for a two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
The decor in the renovated room is very important, not less redevelopment and expansion space. It is necessary that every detail is fit for purpose of repair, and the colors do not interfere with it, and in harmony with the general appearance of the room.

Age of the building, the deterioration of engineering systems, the location of the walls and windows also affects the ability to rework "brezhnevki".
Framework should be designed in pastel colors, you can make a bright accent or highlight of the room. If darker shades predominate, then the space visually narrows. And expanding the availability of the room on shiny surfaces: mirror, metal, glass.

As a rule, all the walls of the apartment are the carriers, so the possibility of redevelopment in most cases is very limited, but that does not mean it's impossible.
Decor elements should not be too bulky and cumbersome, but compact, do not want to sweep them all the free space. Also it is necessary to place them where they will not interfere with the movement of the apartment. Plus the obligatory uniform style, decor should complement, rather than to set the overall style.

Zoned space is possible by means of color, stylistic accents, proper selection of furniture and curtains and other methods.
Furniture for a two-bedroom apartment in brezhnevki
When redevelopment BRS brezhnevki also should not miss the moment of competent placement of furniture. It is necessary to properly select, assemble, to texture, materials and colors are combined into a single image. If one does not work, the goal is achieved can not be considered.

Making room in the "brezhnevki", prefer light shades and light touch of furniture.
Usually the style of minimalism does not involve particularly soft sofas and armchairs, but others accept comfort in the form of smooth lines and an emphasis on comfort. Cabinets are also important to choose a matching structure and coloring. It is important that they were compact, practical and functional, take up less space and do not cause inconvenience.

Zoned premises in various ways, and then you can create a stylish and ideal for apartment living.
So brezhnevki - a kind of apartments, modifications which are different, making layout and some of the parameters is slightly different. But they usually have a small footage and high ceilings, no less than two and a half meters, which can also be used when creating a new repair due to properly selected furniture. Do not neglect and a choice of colors, the palette affects the perception of design, the general feeling of those who are in the house.

From any two-bedroom apartment, you can create a work of art.