The color of the walls in the hallway: fashionable colors for the corridor, blue or lilac

Hallway. This area plays a significant role. Already at the entrance to his sense of harmony, the mood that prevails in the house. Here we meet our dear guests and friends, taking a fast for a cup of tea. I would like to create here the perfect interior. To do this, choose the right color.

the walls in the hallway

Since hallways are most often small size and at the same time they form a first impression of the house, to approach the issue of their registration should carefully.

In what color to paint the walls of the entrance hall (photo collection)


  • In what color to paint the walls of the entrance hall (photo collection)
  • The color scheme depending on the interior style
  • Why corridor should be beautiful
  • What color is best for the corridor
  • Fashionable design decisions in 2019 (photo collection)
  • VIDEO: Trends of modern design hall.
  • 50 stylish design options walls in the hallway:

When choosing colors for the corridor, consider all the nuances, especially footage of the corridor and its layout. Not everyone can boast a great location. Most often, hallway or too small, or very long and limited width. If your taste dark colors, especially brown, then the visual width further reduced.

It is best for a small corridor fit cold colors: white, pale brown, azure, ivory color, silver color, haze, light brown, grayish.

the walls in the hallway

Determine the color, take into account the size and configuration of the room.

The most acceptable design - light brown and gray. Their highlight is neutrality. What it is: a shadow falls on milk - produced gray and gray combined with yellow gives the light brown.

The color scheme depending on the interior style

Classic style. Many adhere to this trend. It is not difficult to establish - for the walls using paint or wallpaper. For such a style characterized by a wide range of colors, the collection of large items, pictures, ornaments, plain. In some cases, it is more expedient to issue the hallway panels - is one of the most frequently used now finishes.

the walls in the hallway

Choose a shade of the walls in the hallway, above all, pick washable finishes.

This style is characterized by a combination of the following: a grayish to light brown, sandy with milk, dark red, maroon to red-violet light with a light brown, milky with azure.

With a little footage correct to choose one of these colors, and on the design 3D, large-scale drawings is better to abstain. If you live in a private home, the color should be soft, calm, otherwise it will seem that the walls are pressed. This feeling is unlikely someone likes.

the walls in the hallway

Whatever color you prefer, or paint, or wallpaper should be water-resistant and preferably with anti-fungal coating.

To finish, use a high-quality wallpaper, rather than paper. These include non-woven, fiberglass, vinyl, but they cost a little more expensive than usual.

the walls in the hallway photo

The walls in the small hallway best decorated in bright and warm colors, they will expand the space considerably.

Modern style. Has not yet decided which pitch to choose, but you want to decorate it according to the fashion trends, the following materials and coatings are suitable.

  • Natural stone and artificial remarkable, colorful flowers (saturated gray, purple, black, burgundy, chestnut).
  • Red brick with clearly marked seams.
the walls in the hallway

Brick. With it you can draw all the walls in the hallway or use only partial decoration and to create in the hallway rather unusual design.

  • Use paint pistachio, dark, sky-blue, bluish, scarlet, red, greenish hues. If the hallway is spacious, you can combine the colors with soft, neutral tones. Interior and decorative paints are suitable for any style.
  • You can individually apply the dull, soft shades. Of these, frequently used light brown, milky, light yellow.
the walls in the hallway ideas

Low-light foyer should be made out in bright colors.

Additional Information. If your main goal - to visually expand the space, while the side walls of color or had the most bright colors or decorating materials. Refrain from large items, bulky furniture, large niches - it will greatly reduce the visual hall.

Retro style. Application of stone - acceptable option. Here it is possible to use stones, different by volume. The main requirement - that the subjects were raised outlines were bulky, with tight margins. This will allow the wall covering to look natural, realistic, like in the old days.

the walls in the hallway

Whatever the color of the walls, furniture, interior items you choose, the colors will vary within no more than three colors.

The distinguishing feature of this trend - the use of natural decoration and set of colors. The most suitable colors: light brown, milky cream, chestnut, sand. Unacceptable contrast and brightness.

As for materials, use the wallpaper, paint and stones, simulating rough shabby. The same result would decorative plaster. Although she and expensive, but is consumed sparingly.

plaster in the hallway

Raised surface with a different pattern, perfect for any decorating style.

Scandinavian style. For this area is characterized by an abundance of light. It should use neutral, soft, cool colors, bright color is not valid. The chosen hue is recommended to dilute.

the walls in the hallway

Stylistic design allows you to not only create a fashionable interior, but also reflect the taste preferences.

Do not get hung up on a pale gray, light brown. Ideal sandy, light yellow, azure and golden hues. When a small area is the best option that deserves attention.

High tech. This style is not as popular nowadays. Its key areas can be attributed to the presence of niches and hall elements decoration of metal.

style high-tech in the hallway

Plain and simple types of functional finishes underline the fundamental features of this trend.

For style characterized by dark colors: dark green, dark azure, silver and others. It does not exclude the use of stones, wallpapering, painting.

Country style. A few words about colors. The most suitable.

  • Darkish brown matte color, texture with imitation divorces - the most acceptable option.
  • Light brown and white tone.
  • Light yellow and white rough surface.
  • Recommended color and structural combinations thereof.
  • Background best neutral, with the addition of colorful elements - it is necessary.
the walls in the hallway

The room extended by mirrors, arches, large passages.

Each style is unique, interesting. Due to its characteristics it helps to create a unique interior.

On a note. You can not own the right choice, consult a specialist. They help not only to choose the style, but also hide all the shortcomings premises, create the perfect interior.

Why corridor should be beautiful

This place needs a beautifully designed no less than the other rooms. It's like a "calling card" at home, so the design should be approached thoroughly.

the walls in the hallway

Background patterns and should not be too contrasting in the hallways with a large area of ​​the walls.

In addition, the corridor takes a lot of space for outdoor clothing, shoes and so on. accessories. But all this must be combined with the decor. For him, there is a large area - it is a wall. Having given surface, where there are no clothes, you can radically change the atmosphere here.

To transform the area at the front door, consider these points.

  1. Compact - is the most small size, than in the other rooms. In connection with this is the right approach to the placement of the necessary items to create a design that visually expands the area.
  2. Reasonableness. Returning home from work, I want to plunge into the comfort. Therefore corridor design should cause only positive emotions, and furniture need a cozy and versatile. Consider the choice of location for clothing, shoes, mirrors, so it was convenient.
  3. Quality. Choose high-quality materials, they last a long time, and low-grade unreliable, need to be replaced soon. Pay attention to the moisture resistance of the material, ease of cleaning.
  4. Beauty. Each room in the house must conform to that word. If you do want to make repairs in the hallway, good work on the interior, to match the style of the entire apartment.
    the walls in the hallway

    Take the floor darker walls and the ceiling must be light floor. In this way, visually stored proportions of the room space and is not masked.

What color is best for the corridor

Since the repair, I want to spend quality all the finishing work, choose the best design. But sometimes there are difficulties with the choice of colors. The best option would be the shade that will be combined with a homely atmosphere, the interior and the color of other areas.

White. Many believe that this color is not suitable for the hall, it's not really practical. Stylists are convinced that, going into the white corridor, improved mood, and it is a strong argument in favor of White. In addition, the room visually increases. Of course, the advantages and disadvantages in the milky everyone finds their own. But if you wanted that way to design the interior, should not abandon their desires.

White walls in the hallway

This wall decoration, is an excellent option for small or narrow spaces.

Lime. It is gaining increasing popularity and green shades. When choosing a shade of green without significance and enjoy your design. Hallway small, perfect light colors: light green, mint-colored, grayish-green. It is appropriate to apply the finishing materials and decorative elements.

the walls in the hallway

Wall decoration green color is very fashionable, up to date and modern. It can be used to introduce into the interior incredible freshness.

Note! This color is the base, and what his tone is better to choose, guided by the footage and shape of the corridor, the type of lighting.

For a large corridor can be used and the most vivid color green. But you must be careful, as it can cause an overabundance of aggressive attitude. Suitable are also more saturated green shades - darkish-green, yellow-green, especially at high ceilings and the original layout.

the walls in the hallway

The wall surface, Dedicated unusual texture, bright color or pattern, a special technique of indoor that guarantees excellent results.

A peculiar effect will give the insert. Correctly perform colorful inserts on a neutral background. This kind of contrast will make the room visually larger or smaller will make a big corridor.

Light coloured. Shade coffee with milk, most prefer to be the most practical. Light brown decor and furnishings are ideal for different styles. It combines perfectly with dark brown, creamy, light green.

the walls in the hallway

Proper location of the mirror by adding perspective, give the room spatial depth and spaciousness.

Denote some pros lighter shade.

  • Clearance in these colors, including the floor and ceiling, requires less lighting.
  • Light color perfectly hides imperfections and conceals flaws during the planning.
  • Perfectly combines with all the colors, which greatly facilitates the work of stylists.
  • With this design, any element of the decor looks very impressive.
  • Light decoration has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the house becomes a cozy and comfortable.
the walls in the hallway

A good alternative to the white color - ivory. Hue Saturation, combined with many colors and looks presentable.

Among the shortcomings can be identified short service life of the coating and the likelihood of soiling the walls of the upper clothing or shoes. But now let out moisture and wear-resistant materials make it easy to cope with this problem.

Gray. It has many shades of color, it is considered to be an excellent additional background for the colorful elements used in the interior. Paint the walls in the hallway dimmed help make the atmosphere in the room and relaxed to the same extraordinary.

the walls in the hallway Gray

It is recommended to give preference to lighter shades of gray, which will make the room air, fresh and spacious.

In contrast to this color light much more practical to have several shades asphalt, metal color, pearl. They have a positive impact on a person, soothe, relieve tension. But if the corridor overabundance of dark gray color, it causes depression and discouragement. Will make a variety in such an interior decorative plaster, it can help to recreate a different texture.

Lilac. This color, as well as other, different variety of palettes. Lavender belongs to the cool shades, it is best to apply in the premises overlooking the sunny side.

the walls in the hallway

Lighter color lavender can be used facing north in the rooms where the windows.

Pale lilac tone perfect for a minimalist and classical styles. And in any other style, it looks very impressive.

Some have argued that for large rooms where we are constantly, this color is not appropriate and it is better to use in small spaces. One can argue about it. If residents really like this color, they feel comfortable in a room, use it for decoration is quite appropriate. But around the need moderation.

Dark. Corridor dark design looks intimidating, especially if not properly illuminated. With a narrow room dark colors should be avoided. This will not help neither intelligent design nor the right lighting. Small corridor can be decorated with dark-colored rug and a small picture to select the tone wenge furniture - it's amber brown or dark brown, having black streaks.

sy in the dark corridor

Dark walls will be the primary focus, and will look very elegant, chic and original.

To visually enlarge the dark corridor, it is better not to put the interior doors, arches and confine. Used for this purpose and a mirror. It is better to choose the wall and wide, built-in does not give such an effect. Suitable colors for the frame - silver or gold. Along the edges need to LED backlighting.

For dark hallway is not suitable bulky furniture - it heavier. Shelves and hangers should be open, low tables better. Objects choose polished, glossy or mirrored. Set the multi-level lighting: chandeliers, sconces, ceiling on the edges - a tape diode contour.

Beige. "Business Card" - this is also called the hall because of his mind formed an opinion about the hosts. Therefore, here are trying to create a beautiful interior. But it is complicated by the constant movement in the room, so that its area is small, there is no natural light.

the walls in the hallway beige

Paint the walls in a gray or beige color switches focus from form to content - a small hallway neutral hues seem a bit more than it actually is.

It is best suited for the decoration of beige color, it visually enhance it by adding light. Perfectly combined with all the colors. Here you can easily pick up the furniture and decoration. Beige shades give the interior comfort, harmony.

Fashionable design decisions in 2019 (photo collection)

Consider the fashion trends in the design of the hall for this year:

  1. It is important in creating the interior hallway to plan the placement of furniture. Since there is little free walls, finishing plays a secondary role.
  2. Repair of a large number of difficult subjects. Act wisely, preferring minimalism.
  3. Use to finish no more than three colors, wood, white, gray or black. All are available in the hall has its own color, for example, the floor beneath the tree, white ceiling, dark carpet. These colors are present in almost every interior. If you bring the bright colors will look pretentious and ridiculous.
  4. Complies with fashion design hallway with built-in furniture and a hidden LED.
    the walls in the hallway

    If the hall is conceived in a neutral color and not bright accents, you can choose a combination of similar color palette.

When making a small corridor in the priority should be accuracy and functionality. Background do in neutral tones and finishing materials advised to stay on the decorative plaster. It is reliable, it is not visible on the spot, easy to clean. Optionally, you can choose wallpaper for painting or paint. If you have a large hall or conceived to redevelop, the design will be very different. To finish you can pick up some materials.

the walls in the hallway

Diversity interior gray hallway textured surface. Invoice can be created using plaster.

When the design of the corridor on the first place is its functionality, while the second - an elegant look, comfort, convenience. It is important in all comply with the measure.

VIDEO: Trends of modern design hall.

50 stylish design options walls in the hallway: