Modern design solutions are manifold. Nobody will be surprised a combined living room and kitchen and a living room or hallway. A bedroom and children in the same room - is not just an interesting interior solution, but also the opportunity to create the most functional space.

Spacious apartment or private house, where there is room for each family member - the dream of many.
Features a combined area
- Features a combined area
- Where to begin
Zoning or redevelopment
- zoning
- replanning
How to arrange the beds
- Where it is impossible to put a cot
We make room combined in different styles
- Minimalism
- Scandinavian
- Pop Art
- VIDEO: The bedroom and children in one room.
- 50 design options and a children's bedroom in the same room:
Just note that the bedroom and children in the same room, "get along" with only under the condition that the child is small and a lot of time in the crib. Merge space when the child has grown up a bit not worth it - and the result will disappoint the child and parents.

Often have to equip the necessary functional areas in low spaces.
Thus, the combined features of the rooms. Let's start with the positive aspects.
- The opportunity to be close to the child. Especially in the first months of baby's life it is very important that the mother was near as often as possible. And as such a need arises, and day and night, bedroom, children's room with help young mother and save time and effort, because the bed beside him.
- Constant control. Mom feels much safer when the kid next door. Thoughts such as: "How is he there now without me?" Did not even come to mind. Believe me, this is an essential emotional support in this difficult period.
- Space saving. Typical Khrushchev often fail to equip a separate room for each family member, including, and for the child. Therefore, a combined bedroom and child - is often a necessary measure, but not the worst case space plan.

The combination of several rooms in one - one of the best options.
Virtually any interior solution, along with the merits has its drawbacks.
A small child - a special member of the family. He lives by his strict schedule, does not tolerate loud music and conversation in a raised voice. The kid is sensitive to the ringtone! The presence of a computer or TV in the bedroom can be called into question, because such devices have harmful radiation.

This design is relevant, for example, for families with a new baby expected shortly.
And if you are the lucky owner of an apartment of modest size, with the advent of the bedroom cot, access to their own cabinet or box difficult. Take this into account when determining their future living space.

For the first few months or even years of life a baby nursery is combined with the parents' bedroom.
Also, there are a number of combination of features that can not be attributed to the "plus" or "minus", they just need to be taken into account.

Of the various options of combining rooms in the same area, this is the most common.
- In the combined room should carefully consider the choice of furniture. For example, select the multifunctional model to save space, consider security measures, because the time will come when the baby will move around the room (even on all fours). It is advisable to protect it from sharp and thin designs.
- Although the room is what is called a "two in one", the style must be the same. Therefore, to determine in advance, in what style you want furniture and interior decoration. Consider decorating your windows and walls.
- In addition to maximum comfort, important aesthetic component, and therefore, you should consider the elements of decor. Let them be little, but they bring a certain charm and make room for a pleasant stay (for example, wallpapers, unusual plaid and bright toys).

Newborn baby requires constant attention, so it's bed is often transferred to the parent's bedroom, to my mother was always there.
Where to begin
Ultimately, the task is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. However, every effort is no doubt an excellent result.

To ensure a comfortable existence and adults and a child in the same room, you must carefully consider the design of the room.
At the outset, draw a diagram of the room, as if noting her door and window openings. Then divide the room (only on paper) into two zones: a bedroom and a nursery. Decide on possible variants of zoning, colors and design of the future interior.

Small child is not yet required a large space or large furniture for a comfortable existence.
In the next step, try to "revive" the scheme of the room with a special program. Take advantage of this resource to be able to rearrange the interior and change the color finishes. Only in this case, already in the design phase, you will be able to understand what and how to arrange.

The close proximity of the mother and child is particularly important in the first few months of baby's life.
Decide with decorative elements for the entire room, and to "child" part and the "adult" looked as a whole.
Zoning or redevelopment
Both methods are used when combining residential areas for different purposes.
Zoning is considered to be the most painless method because it does not require radical changes. For example, a parent zone for separating shelves used, a screen or sliding door. Each of these components is multifunctional and can be easily moved to another location, if necessary. The disadvantage of this method is only that he "steals" space, which is already modest size of the room become smaller.

Young mum will be much quieter when the baby will be next.
Professional designers have successfully zoned room for parents and a child, choosing a wallpaper different colors. The main thing to choose the right colors and location of various wallpaper, depending on the details of the interior and the source of natural light. The same technique is used for flooring.

Disturbing thoughts that the child uncomfortable feeling in the next room disappeared.
Important! It is not recommended to dim the entire floor carpet, not to accumulate dust therein. It is better to use a small rug which is easy to remove and clean.
Another option zoning room into a bedroom and children - unusual lighting. Modern technologies allow you to set any number of light sources, and in different places. For example, children's space is illuminated by LEDs, and the adult bedroom - a chandelier or spotlights.

Glossy ceiling due to the reflection effect is visually increase the room settings.
In addition, in recent years increasingly are building a kind of catwalk - hill, which not only separates the zone, but also allows you to keep things as comfortable niche located underneath. Of course, in this case it would require certain expenses for materials and services to professional artists, but the result exceeds all expectations.

Small apartments are not always allow to allocate a separate room for the baby, especially if the children in the house a few.
First of all, it is important to remember that if the apartment is being built capital partition that gives an additional burden on supporting structures, it is necessary to take official permission, otherwise the work deemed illegal and a violation will have answer.

A small child requires a quiet and comfortable atmosphere around.
Options for redevelopment, require authorization:
- moving doorways;
- Any changes associated with the main walls;
- alignment of the corridor and rooms;
- the use of the balcony (loggia) to increase the area of the room;
- dismantling utility room;
- extra capital partitions.

If the bedroom is small, then a cot space left even less.
How to arrange the beds
The main function of a bedroom - rest, and the main part of the interior - bed. And regardless of whether you choose a bed baby or adult, they should be comfortable, combined style and properly positioned relative to each other.

Perhaps it will be necessary to conduct a more large-scale events on arrangement room.
Most parental bed, of course, occupies most of the space and is located headboard to the wall. This is the standard option. If you prefer unusual design solutions and bedroom sizes allow some liberties, place the bed diagonally.
Just bear in mind that tables, cabinets and shelves must also "find" a place for themselves. If everything fits, then the diagonal option exactly is your story. Well, if your room is oblong - put a bed across. Only in this case, the interior will look harmonious and would be easy to use.

Possible to use long curtains as partitions.
Cots less overall, but no less demanding on the conditions of the placement. Standard sizes of children's bed 1,4h0,7, and options for its location a few.
- In the corner. This is not only convenient, but also far-sighted, because as the child will grow up, it will be possible to equip not only the sleeping area, but also a place for games and educational activities. With this arrangement, cot, usually fenced off with the help of tables and a small chest of drawers.
- Opposite the parent's bed. This location is also appropriate, because when the baby grows up and takes her own room, the vacant place is perfect for creating a fireplace. And while the baby is still small, being in front of adults, he will always be in their field of vision - safely and securely.
- Next to the parent bed. This is especially useful for babies - it is possible to take the baby in his arms, not getting out of bed. Usually, a cot is placed next to the sleeping mother, but it does not matter, put as it will be convenient to you.

Selection of an appropriate design and redevelopment options depends on squaring the room.
Where it is impossible to put a cot
Since the safety and comfort of the baby in the first place, there are clear rules that can not be violated under any circumstances.

In addition to a studio apartment bedroom and children can also leave a small space for the living room.
- The crib should not be adjacent to a door, window, or space heaters. For the child's body are equally dangerous, and overheating and supercooling. The proximity of the window in general is fraught with an accident, because the kids are very inquisitive, but are not able to assess the danger situation, unfortunately, according to statistics, it is often the wrong location of the crib becomes a "prelude" to the unfortunate case. A location next to the door - is the noise and the roar of the opening or sudden closing of doors, as well as a draft.
- Sockets and other electrical appliances, as well as paintings and shelves should not be placed in close proximity to the children's beds.
- It is better if the wall, in which there is a cot, there will be no carpets and textile panels. These decorative interior details accumulate dust and can cause allergies.

Small bedroom requires the most careful design development.
We make room combined in different styles
As already mentioned, it is important not only convenience, but also compliance with the overall style of the room.

Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme and the presence of decorations.
At first glance, this style seems boring and inappropriate for the decoration of children's zone. But the maximum comfort, which is achieved due to the functionality of each element of the interior, "outweighs the" apparent simplicity. A children's toys and decorations, which are always present in the children's area in any style, appropriate to "dilute" an austere look of the room.

Bedroom together with children in the style of minimalism - it's brevity and convenience for parents and children alike.
Maximum natural materials, space and comfort - this is perhaps the basic postulates of the design direction. Walls are usually painted in white color (it is better to use water-based paint). This decision will be eco-friendly, safe and practical, it is easy to "remove" the first masterpieces of emerging artists. A bright accents choose, based on the wishes of the room occupants.

The main thing that was the same color saturation.
Pop Art
The perfect choice for young and active parents with very tiny babies. Bright colors, unusual contrasting combinations, and drawings that resemble your favorite comics - all direction of pop art. Incidentally, the same decision and choose for teenagers. Only with the "older" kids will have to consult and take into account their wishes.

Here, basically all depends on the child's age.
On the one hand, well, when each family member has his own room, and on the other - as long as the child is still small, it is much better that he was close to his parents. If you also think so, try in their housing conditions combine the bedroom and the nursery. Options enough that you probably will find its interior solution.