Very simple at first glance, the interior of the chalet style draws its grandeur and comfort. The bedroom in this style guarantees special home-like atmosphere. Indeed, the interiors of "chalet" exist out of time, they are always in demand.

Bedroom chalet-style - is simplicity and functionality at the same time.
A little history
- A little history
- idiosyncrasy
- wall design
- Floor and ceiling
- Furniture and textiles
- VIDEO: The decor in the bedroom chalet style.
- 50 designs bedroom chalet-style:
This style originated in France, on the border with Italy and Switzerland. "Chalet" translates as country house. A location means that this style absorbed the beauty and grandeur of the Alps. This house was originally erected entirely of stone and wood. In this case, the foundation and the first floor were of stone, and the attic was going from the massive timbers. Thanks to this choice of materials, the inhabitants of rural (or hunting) houses were protected from unpredictable weather conditions.

It can be equipped in the big house, and in a small apartment.
In recent years, this style is becoming more and more popular. It is used not only for decorating large town houses, but also for the apartments.

The interior can be quite common and contain only furniture of the bed and a couple of nightstands.
Style chalet has a number of distinctive features that help distinguish it from the Scandinavian direction, rustic or country.

Style chalet in the best of its manifestations.
- "Wooden" accents in the interior. The progenitors of this style - alpine lodges. Not surprisingly, the modern trend is different abundance of wooden interior and decorative elements. This nuance makes room for a comfortable rest. And exterior design looks stylish and expensive.

The most interesting element of decor can be called natural skin, which is used as blankets.
- Soothing color palette. Chalet style 'does not sit well "with bright colors, its base - beige, pale yellow, brown, gray, light green. These colors do not only support the solution design, but also a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Style chalet is always cozy. The ideal solution for the decoration of the bedroom.
- Chalet - one of the few design solutions which harmoniously exist and vintage items, and ultra-modern. Thus, in the bedroom will look good fur rug, handmade carpet or forged candlesticks, figurines, and fireplace set. Antiques add "flavor", and the interior is even more attractive and unusual.

Very interesting look such style in the attic, where there is a sloping beams.
- Lots of light. Chalet presupposes the existence of multiple light sources. This problem is solved artificially floor lamps and sconces simple but interesting shape. Welcome a fireplace, even if the house has central heating or gas. Not bad, if the room where the bedroom is equipped with, there will be several windows - natural light is never too much. And do not forget, the main chandelier should be in the style of a hunting lodge, for example, with lights in the form of candles.

This interior puts its terms to the materials of walls, ceilings, floors and even furniture.
- Simple furniture. Modern know-how of the furniture industry in the chalet-style will not find its application. Furniture should be extremely simple and, best of wood.

If the bedroom is in the attic or just under the roof, then cover the beams do not need, you just cover them with varnish for reliability.
- Be careful with the appliances! Laconic vintage design does not involve the presence of modern gadgets. But this does not mean that you have to forget about the achievements of scientific and technical progress. If possible, hide the "helpers" on the farm for the massive wooden cabinet doors and cabinets. And the fact that it is impossible to hide, have competently "issue", for example, a large plasma TV can be placed in a wooden frame and hang on the wall.

Sharp contrasts are not necessary, attracted ease and naturalness of style.
- The chalet is very demanding to the space for the realization of such a design requires a spacious room. Of course, when the desire to bedroom chalet-style and can be arranged in a flat, but you have to work hard.

Since appreciated naturalness, and naturalness, the wooden finish for the walls - the perfect solution.
wall design
Option walls are not so many, but they are still there. So, if you wish, you can choose the best for you. Ultimately, the choice is at the heart of desire, financial capacity and taste.

Decorating the walls and ceiling of wood, large windows, dim lights - all you need to organize the interior of the bedroom in the chalet style.
- Textured plaster. Of course, compared with a tree, it's quite a budget option. But for work will have to engage a professional plasterer artist (of course, provided that you are not a business) to have appeared on the walls of interesting pictures and ornaments. The work is very tedious, but the result is worth it. Subsequently, a pattern on the walls will be chosen furniture and accessories.

To comply with the specified style, preference textured plaster pastel shades.
- Wood for finishing. A classic style. The wood trim is very popular, valued for its environmental friendliness, aesthetic appearance, useful properties. Finally, the tree - it is always stylish and dignified. If you need a wooden version is cheaper, choose battens or boards.

Tree species selected on the basis of financial capacity and range, which is available, usually cherry, oak, walnut, pine or Karelian birch.
- Gusvarblok wood or wallpaper. Relatively new finishing material. But since it is made of wood, the room creates a special microclimate and be in a very comfortable bedroom.

In the room is non-transferable and romantic atmosphere.
- Panel wallpaper based thermowood - another option finishing bedroom chalet-style. This is a worthy alternative veneer. Due to the heat treatment of wood is more durable and lasts much longer. In addition, the advantage of wallpaper panel is considered to moisture resistance, fire safety and protection from mold or mildew. The only caveat: these wallpapers designers recommend to use only on a perfectly flat surface.

A creative mix of styles makes the interior a spectacular and memorable.
Floor and ceiling
Ceiling beams - a characteristic feature of the design in a chalet-style. And if a country house is such a ceiling trim does not cause any problems in the apartment this can be anything but simple. But as they say, no hopeless situations, if desired, on the ceiling, you can create very accurate imitation of massive beams with wooden slats and boards.

The space should be distributed in such a way that you can feel in the bedroom free, should not be piling up furniture.
Ceiling space between the joists is made wood or textured plaster. The main thing is not to depart from the basic color policy: gray, brown, black.

Ideal king size bed. It is best if it is a classic form.
The floor in the houses of this style direction is made of wood or stone. But it is in the original. Embodying the chalet across the apartment you can use laminate or tile, the main thing that apparently was the maximum similarity with natural materials.

Major role in the bunk bed does not play size and properly selected mattress.
Furniture and textiles
As we have already mentioned, the distinguishing feature of a chalet style - simplicity and functionality. Therefore, the bedroom should not be a lot of clutter conditionally essential items. Standard set of furniture: a bed, bedside tables. If space allows, put a couple of chairs. The bedroom chalet should be free, this style does not tolerate the clutter of furniture.

Furniture should be matte, gloss is simply unacceptable.
The ideal solution for a berth becomes a king size bed classical form. Massive wooden back only strengthen the impression of the interior as a whole. Choose the right mattress to sleep while you were comfortable. As covers for this bed is perfect animal skin. Do not forget about pillows - ideally there should be no less than three different sizes, and they are laid on a bed in the form of a pyramid, from large to small.

Pillowcases on pillows necessarily made of natural material suitable for the invoice.
Chalet important nuance - no gloss. The tree should be frosted. And no plastic, drywall or veneer, only natural materials.

All furniture must be made of wood.
If instead of the skins of the rug does not work to solve the problem, take a patchwork rugs and blankets, but "cautious" colors. Linens can be used with national ornaments or pictures. Bed mats, and blankets and capes on the furniture in the form of knitted shawls complement the overall picture.

Bedroom chalet-style wooden furniture is chosen.
The windows are decorated with dense, even slightly rude curtains. Ideal linen, wool and cotton. During the day, the window must be free of curtains.

In the center stands a bed with soft high headboard.
Chalet - the ease and simplicity in every interior. It is not surprising that the style is at the peak of popularity for many years. To realize the dream of a country house, you can even modest square meters of his apartment, and can do it not only to professional designers.

On windows you can hang thick curtains, but on the day they have to be open to the sunlight penetrates the room.