Acrylic bathtubs confidently gaining ground, displacing the market metal model. They are better than traditional ones, and so they are good, as the advertising says.

acrylic bathtubs popularity is due to both technical performance and attractive product appearance
What is acrylic products
- What is acrylic products
- Pros and cons of acrylic baths
- How to choose a bath: useful tips
- The size and shape of acrylic baths: varieties and advice on selection
- Various types of acrylic for making
- Proper care of acrylic bathtub
- Variety of acrylic bathtubs
- Best acrylic bathtub with shower
- What else you need to know about acrylic baths
- Video: Secrets of the choice of high-quality acrylic baths
- Acrylic bath in the interior - 50 photo
Chemical industry creates new materials, opening for plumbing manufacturers, furniture designers began to acrylic plastic. His clear options called glass. Bath use plastic. Acrylic coating makes the surface of the metal bath more pleasant to the touch, available most unusual colors.

Excellent plasticity acrylic allows you to create products of various shapes
The physical characteristics of acrylics:
- It has good light transmission capacity, for a bath is not important, but other interior solutions such property into the hands of, for example, has produced interesting partitions.
- Acrylic light, thanks to this quality acrylic bath is much easier to classic cast-iron.
- High impact resistance, elasticity and plasticity.
- processing Simplicity: easy to do on acrylic engraving figure form the product of any shape.
- Material environmentally friendly and hygienic.
- Resistant to chemicals, that is, it can be cleaned with household cleaning products, without fear of damage.
Pros and cons of acrylic baths
Absolutely perfect in the world there, and in the created nature, and in a dream man in the background of advantages must exist even if small, but the disadvantage. The pluses and minuses are and acrylic bathtubs.

Acrylic - the material is light, so even a large bath of it weighs little in comparison with cast iron and steel models
Positive traits:
- ease - it is easy to transport from the store to place on the floor and set the metal easier to analog;
- Acrylic surfaces are not settle fungus or mold, in this sense it is safe;
- on plastic will not rust over time;
- high wear resistance allows you to store super-smooth surface for years to come;
- plastic bath produced the most bizarre and original forms.

Acrylic rejects any bacteria can be easily cleaned and endures impact acids used in households
Negative properties:
- bumps on the product can not be excluded chips and cracks;
- not suitable for people who are overweight, a large load may lead to deformations of the bath.

The properties of acrylic material allows to produce models of various colors and shades
How to choose a bath: useful tips
Having decided to change the boring or dilapidated old tub to a new, practical, and inexpensive to, do not buy the first available. To choose a bath of acrylic should be guided by the advice of experts.
- The thickness of the acrylic sheet. Acrylic is the basis of the product, so the it is thicker, the better. Low embodiments is made of 4-5 mm thick. If you want solid bath, the thickness must be between 6 mm and higher.
The thickness of the acrylic sheet has a direct impact on the service life baths
- reinforcement layers. In the role of a reinforcing structure using special resins. The more armosloev, the more reliable your purchase. On a section of the bath rim can be seen with the naked eye these layers.
The reinforcing layer is applied to the outer surface of acrylic bathtubs
If the edge is not visible, to determine the presence of reinforcing resins can knock on. Bath, where many layers responds thud.
- The high quality of the product speaks perfectly smooth surface and uniform plastic coloring.
- In the bath should be a solid frame - a structure made of metal, which set the bowl on the basis of the angles, in addition to the frame should be ribs and several reliable supports.
The simplest is a welded frame or team frame of metal profile
- drain system. Considered the highest quality siphons chromed brass. Closing the drain hole may usual way or have semi-closing system.
Qualitative drain system will ensure uninterrupted operation of acrylic baths
Corner tubs take up little space, will become the salvation for the owners of small apartments.

Comfortable corner bathtub popular size 150x150 cm
The size and shape of acrylic baths: varieties and advice on selection
When you select should not forget about the size, so before you buy, it is desirable to assess the possibility of a bathroom, height and complexion of their family members. The stores can be found in all sizes from small to giant. If the bathroom modest size - fit cup 120 * 70 cm, there is a Hot 190 * 120 cm for the royal apartments.

Comfortable accommodation in the bath depends on the length of the bowl and human growth
- The optimum height of the product - 65 cm, in such a bath is easy to climb, and adult and child.
- Internal depth - 40-60 cm. The fine will be chilly and uncomfortable and awkward in a deep, still bath - this is not a swimming pool.
- Length ranging from 150 to 180 cm, then the choice depends on the maximum growth owners.
- Width should also be selected individually, choose a few: from a minimum of 65 cm to 120 cm.
Forms baths can be very fancy, then the choice depends on the originality of the owners and the area of the bathroom. I would like to dabble in a circular or hexagonal bath? Please, as long as it is not blocked the room, creating an inconvenience.

White rectangular bath with rounded corners in the interior Scandinavian

Compact acrylic bowl with red outer wall of the bathroom in the Japanese style

Bath with wavy edges for a modern interior

Bath with elegant bowl in the room Provençal style
Various types of acrylic for making
Allocate a method for manufacturing bathtubs 2: molding and extrusion.
- Bath, obtained by casting more expensive extruded. For its manufacturing high a 100% acrylic, it is pressed and reinforced polyester resins. The surface turns out perfectly smooth, without pores and roughness does not change color and easy to clean.
- Extrusion implies that besides acrylic and reinforcing layer is included in the composition of ABS plastic. This reduces the cost of production, but at the same time affects its quality. The surface may turn yellow with time, less scratch resistant and chemical influences.

Durability acrylic bowl largely depends on the method of its manufacturing
Proper care of acrylic bathtub
To the surface of acrylic baths as long as possible remained glossy and beautiful should properly take care of it.
- Tabu applied to any abrasives: soda, powders, cleaning products, coarse sponge. All of them are easy to scratch the surface in mikrotsarapinki cluttered dirt and the product will lose presentable appearance.
- Acrylic surface wash liquid soap with a soft cloth. In areas with hard water after washing should be wiped dry with a bath, so as not deposited limescale.
- On sale you can find special products for washing of bath, it is applied to the surface and wash off after a few minutes. It is itself dissolves soap plaque and stains, leaving a clean bowl.

Adherence to the basic rules of care will ensure a perfect appearance and long service life of acrylic baths
Not less than lethal weapons acrylic bathtub washed with warm water, acidified with vinegar or citric acid.
Variety of acrylic bathtubs
Acrylic plastic can create products of different shapes. Due to this quality in the baths are possible steps, comfortable armrests and the projections for bath accessories.

Right-hand corner bath compact size 150h70 cm

Stylish acrylic bath with a cup of rectangular shape
Baths are:
- angle;
- round;
- rectangular;
- oval;
- polygonal;
- asymmetric.

Compact sedentary model with glass insert
The more complex the shape, the more likely that use thin plastic.
Rectangular bathtub in traditional style in demand and allows for water treatment in comfort. Corner models are combined well with flexible shower.

Strict bath with clear lines - fit for minimalist
Best acrylic bathtub with shower
Fans of bath and shower were divided into 2 camps. If a similar situation in your family, it is better to choose the model of bath with shower 2 1.
This will allow:
- soak and "soak" for those who like a long time to bathe;
- quickly freshen up in the morning and do not waste time on bath typesetting;
- bathe the baby, wash, wash lapdog;
- arrange for indoor plants rain shower.

Bath with open shower - a place for taking a shower is covered by a small glass partition

Bath with gated shower - a bowl is completely closed and sealed sliding partitions roof
Comparison of the soul and the bathroom does not give a clear advantage to any one nor the other. Professionals are advised to weigh the pros and cons, to be guided in the selection is not an argument, "I liked it", and practical use.
What else you need to know about acrylic baths
Acryl as any polymer dislikes high temperatures. It is not advisable to smoke in the bathroom or leave it not heated curling iron rim. If you have pets (cats, dogs), to prevent scratching of claws on the surface of the bath, it is necessary to buy a special rubber mat on the bottom.

When choosing acrylic sanitary ware carefully examine the surface for irregularities and gaps, the presence of any errors - a reason to abandon the purchase of this model
It is forbidden to pour out in a bath of aggressive chemical compounds (chlorine, paints, etc.), If you are used during repairs in the bathroom to rinse everything in the room will have to break the habit, that accessory is not lost luster and is not covered spots.

The most expensive options offered by Russian, Chinese and Turkish bath manufacturers. Advanced models are equipped with hydro massage and other useful functions
Restore the bath can be independently smeared scratches liquid acrylic composition.