If you chose the design of the walls and the ceiling in the hallway, do not forget about the floor finish. He does not just have to comply with the overall interior design solutions, but also be comfortable and functional. Tile and laminate flooring in the hallway, alone or in a duet - a great option.

Modern lined floor is like art.
Tile or laminate
- Tile or laminate
- The combination of materials: advantages and disadvantages
- combining rules
- VIDEO: How to arrange a joint tile and laminate.
- 50 variants of design tiles and laminate flooring in the hallway:
The debate recently about what material to use for floor hallway, becoming hotter. For some tiles in the corridor - is everything. But others believe that the hall should be more warm and comfortable, and therefore, it is the ideal laminate coating.

It is important to choose the right material, for practical reasons.
In fact, both tiles and floor coverings have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the answer to the question: which is better? - it can not be. Tiles are appreciated for durability, aesthetic appearance and ease of care.

The floor covering should be visually appealing, appropriate to fit into the interior style.
Almost the same is said of the laminate, adding that he is also cheaper. But ultimately, it all depends on personal preference: someone like that anymore. Perhaps that is why a compromise - the combination.

This solution is especially true for the hall - places where the floor is most exposed to moisture and contaminants.
The combination of materials: advantages and disadvantages
Repair - a long process and requires mental and physical effort. Therefore, it is desirable, so that the result does not disappoint. Today, a variety of materials available. They differ in color, texture, price. But this diversity is easier to choose an option that meets all the requirements, and is ideal for combining in one form or another.

Today, the approach to the design of the floor more demanding than ever before.
Tile and laminate, at first glance, "polar" material, having nothing to do, are perfectly combined with each other, creating interesting and comfortable options for floor finishes. Tile - cold and stiff, and laminate, on the contrary, warm and "live" material.

The floor covering should be attractive, reliable, easy to maintain and perfectly preserving the beauty of the appearance.
Experts recommend the use of tiles for a particular section of the floor in the hallway, and the rest of the space left under the laminate. And tile, laminate and have a long life and are easy to use - this is the unifying factor, which can not but rejoice.

Tile and laminate flooring look good together, and difficult to pick the best type of material for the hall.
The advantages of combining.
- Practicality and convenience. "Land" tile and cover you have on your own, providing for themselves in the city.

A combination of tile and laminate can be called the golden mean in the floor design.
- Creating a unique interior. After all, since skombiniruete you, nobody will do it.

The combination allows zoned space hallway, promoting the organization of each site.
- The ability to create a single hallway several zones: a dressing room, a place for shoes, wardrobe and so on.

You can beat the lack of usable space, increasing the space visually.
- Laminate cheaper material than the tile, so the combination will save the budget.

cladding process allows for zones with greater maneuverability choose a stronger material, resistant to abrasion and load weight.
- Large choice of colors and textures creates a perfect combination of materials.

Combining the strength to do fashionable floor, nice and homely, simulating a different type of surface.
- Environmentally friendly.

Such a floor will be able to make the interior of their flavor, bringing together disparate objects existing situation.
- Proper combination of modest increases the size of the hall.

A combination of tile and laminate - a combination of reliability, quality and durability.
- The main problem - quality processing of the joint space tiles and laminate.
- Laminate resistant to moisture, in contrast to the tile.
- The complexity of the tile. Usually, it is necessary to entrust a professional masters, can not cope on their own without any special skills.

Both are used by the material quality floor finish. Their combination is bold and fashionable design technique.
However, all the disadvantages are offset by, a surprising result when a combination of dissimilar materials.

It blends harmoniously with the different style of the interior, regardless of the direction, whether it be classical, modern and ethnic.
The connection between the tiles and laminate in the hall is made in different ways.
- Molding. It is a kind of nut. Indispensable when surfaces are slightly different height. Molding is manufactured in straight and curved form, so that fragments of different coatings can be of any shape. Recognized as the highest quality aluminum moldings, but they are not suitable for every interior. Alternatively, the selected plastic or wooden counterparts.
- Cork compensator. One of the best "alignment" of the transition. And the availability of expansion joints of different colors allows you to choose the most suitable option for any surface.
- Fixing butt. This is normally used for small spaces where the use of additional elements "steal" space. This method requires professional skills and very careful approach.
- Construction sealants and foam. Budget and easily implemented option. Only minus is that the later dismantling is not possible. The work will also require accuracy, because the sealant in contact with the surface of its hopeless ruin.

This design is appropriate in rooms of different types: residential apartments, country houses, country houses, offices, studios, production facilities.
combining rules
When choosing a color, consider the following: light colors visually increase the space, dark - conceal it. The ideal color solution for small spaces - white. But as the hall is not the most suitable place for the white variations, choose a beige, light brown or peach shade for a small corridor.

Finish making a boring style interiors executed in a single color, drawing attention to the refinement of design solutions.
With proper combination of floor space in the hallway settling so that the brightest parts of the room will not come into contact with dirty shoes, outer clothing or umbrellas.

This combination is an excellent solution design flooring in any interior.
Large entrance hall - a godsend for designers. It embodied the most daring and unusual ideas. It requires compliance with only one rule: the walls are lighter floor. A bright floor perfectly complements the walls of any light shade.

Both materials are convenient in that they provide an opportunity to perform the trim design features of the premises without problems.
To a combined floor looked well, given the following recommendations.
- Buy a tile and laminate should be at the same time, to see at a glance how the two materials look together. Error even one tone colors will be visible and spoil the overall impression.

Piling of tile and laminate provides a flat surface, so the floor is always impeccable appearance.
- And laminate flooring, ceramic and look better in a neutral color scheme. In addition, if you are not a professional designer, such a choice would be a win-win.

Well thought-out design matters.
- If you crave the contrast, choose a bright shade tile and flooring - neutral.

The process of decorating a floor rather laborious: important calculation of each tile fragment, its location in relation to the planned figure.
By the way, if you consider yourself a lover of warmth and comfort, make the floor in the hallway warm. Today, these technologies are common and do not require major investments. This will compensate for "cold" tile and make the hall a cozy and comfortable.

You should choose water-resistant laminated made of special technology.
So, the choice of material and professional finishing work - a guarantee that your hall is unique in its kind, comfortable and functional. A combination of different materials to make the floor in the hallway, even a small space interesting and creative.

Success of choice is the simultaneous purchase of two materials: it is better to see how they fit together.