At the heart of any insulation work is to find the most efficient insulation. Selection of a low quality material negates all the work done.
Thermal insulation materials, there are many. Some of them are traditional and have been used for a long period, others - innovative - just show up and are gaining popularity.
Isolation K Flex has a high performance, easy to install and is reliable. Let us consider in more detail some of the features of this innovative material.
What is the K Flex?
K-Flex is a high-tech insulation for the pipeline. It is a foamed rubber. This synthetic material, closed cells which lead to a good water resistance of the material.
Rubber itself is available in the form of sheets or tubes of various shapes and diameters. It has a variety of protective or adhesive coating that increase its performance. Rubber elastic material, it can be used for the production of a heater used in industry and construction work.

The insulation material has good resistance to moisture vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. All this thanks to a special cell structure of foamed rubber. Technical specifications of insulation K Flex allow its use for insulation of heating mains in the basements of apartment buildings without additional waterproofing.
Main characteristics of the material:
- Density - 65 - 80 kg / m³
- heat conduction coefficient - 0.032 at -20 ° C and 0.036 at + 20 ° C
- temperature range -70 ° C - + 110 ° C
- Toxicity - contains no freons, asbestos and chlorinated substances;
- vapor permeability - is less than or equal to 0.09 mg / m
- fire safety class - G1
- number of closed cells within the structure - more than 90%
The composition of the material flame retardants are present, which prevents involuntary ignition and spread of fire. Insulation toxicity indicators are quite low, which makes its use safe. Synthetic rubber, of which the insulation has a long lifetime. on material warranty of 20 years or more, which is confirmed by tests carried out.
Features thermal insulation K-Flex and Scope
K-Flex is used for thermal insulation of communications in industrial and social projects. Materials used in isolation:
- sewerage and water supply systems;
- heating (external and intrahouse);
- air conditioning and ventilation apparatus;
- oil and gas pipelines;
- niztotemperaturnyh tubes of refrigeration units.
K-Flex is used on social sites with specific requirements for fire safety. These include schools, kindergartens, hospitals, industrial production, using the harmful substances.

Installation material is performed without the use of additional fasteners and waterproofing. This reduces installation costs and makes it fairly simple.
K Flex materials used due to their technical features:
- low thermal conductivity. This property contributes to product structure (presence of cells), and their small size. The material has optimal proportions of weight and volume;
- long service life;
- steam and water resistance. The material resembles a polyethylene film, which is sometimes used for additional utilities vapor barrier, but somewhat greater thickness. This property prevents oxidation processes on the surface of the pipe;
- ensure that their technical parameters for a long time;
- presence in the flame retardants that prevent the rapid spread of fire;
- product clean, odor free and does not emit harmful substances during operation;
- It has a relatively high cost, but in terms of price-quality insulation is an excellent choice;
- material is sufficiently resilient that it can be used over a wide temperature range (+ 70 ° C to -110 ° C), and provides good adhesion to the surface;
- It stops the development of mold and harmful microorganisms on the pipe surface and is resistant to weather phenomena.
These specifications insulation material greatly simplify the process of installing the material on the hard surfaces make insulation and efficient communications.
Installation of insulation K Flex
Insulation tubes of this material is carried out with the precise requirements:
- should carry out work at an ambient temperature of + 5 ° C
- apply the adhesive to the insulation on the degreased surface;
- clean the insulated communication from dirt, dust and rust.
Purification surface should be intended for this material. In the case of using some kind of improvised means the insulation can not be pasted on all the necessary surface.
Direct mounting of insulation is made in the following sequence:
- Purified on previously defatted dry surface of the pipe and insulation is itself a thin layer of adhesive. Consumption of adhesive - 0.15 liters per 1 sq. m square;
- where, during the glue has hardened, it is diluted with a special cleaner k-flex;
- if you choose a heater with a self-adhesive surface of the above steps can be omitted;
- the adhesive must dry for 3-5 minutes, then make an immediate installation of insulation on the surface of the pipe;
- if the product in the form of a sheet, stacking is carried out such that the upper part of the pipe accounted its middle;
- insulation, a tube, carefully cut and mounted along the pipe.
Mounting materials K-Flex is simple enough, and install it yourself can even a novice in conducting thermal insulation work. Thus it is reliably protected from exposure to cold air. Insulation has the flexibility that allows them to insulate pipes of any configurations.
The acquisition of K Flex insulation and its modifications
Brand insulation K-Flex is manufactured by IK Insulation Group. In its structure there are enterprises of these countries: Turkey, China, India, the US and Russia. All the production are equipped with advanced technologies.
Moscow region is provided with a newly built production plant «Rols K-Flex» is part of the IK Insulation Group. Availability of production facilities near the capital makes it easy enough to get the heater in shopping centers. In the regions, the products K-Flex implement many commercial firms that implement in their areas of thermal insulation materials.

One of the modifications of articles are insulating tubes K-FLEX ST / SK. They have a longitudinal seam is cut with a special glue. This innovative system allows you to more quickly carry out the installation of the product on the surface of the pipes and reduces the cost of acquisition of additional adhesive materials.