Stretched length space is difficult to draw attractive, practical. This layout is often found in multi-room apartments. Create interior of the long corridor alone possible. However, it will have to use the maximum amount of knowledge, design techniques, skills. Construction of such facilities will take a long time, including training. In this article, we take a closer look at how to "squeeze" the maximum benefit out of the narrow corridor of space.

Long premises with insufficient width - a real challenge, even for professionals.

Is it possible to make such a complex, in terms of design, through-room practical? there is a solution.
Identifying with style
- Identifying with style
- Planning for the narrow space
- Ideas for design
- finishing the ceiling
- Decorating the walls
- finishing the floor
- Visually expand the space
- Lighting
- decorate the interior
- Choosing a wardrobe
- VIDEO: The design of a narrow corridor - how to cheat the space.
- 50 variants of the narrow corridor design:
To design a narrow corridor - not a problem for a professional designer. Just the same person would have to work more. Modern techniques allow concise fashion, even from a small room to make the room functional.

The first step in this regard is the choice of stylistic directions.
Consider the most popular styles in the table.
Style | Features |
Minimalism | Favorite decision today, practical people. Minimalism requires good lighting, the use of light colors in the interior, adding art. Items used a bit - only the most necessary. The emphasis is on the same parts. |
Classic | With this style, you can add luxury to the apartment. For the design of a long corridor to use natural raw materials: safe, natural materials. The color scheme of the walls must be calm, slightly muted. The decor - a laconic, reserved. |
Country | This is one of the cheaper styles. However, it is no less attractive. For a country characterized by the use of simple materials. The color scheme used is warm. The decor should resemble a village. All of this creates a very cozy atmosphere in the hall. |
Provence | This trend is characterized by romanticism, tenderness. Interior is made in pastel colors. The surplus is used floral motifs. The surface of the furniture should be artificially aged. |
East | This is an expensive, trendy eye-catching style. Characterized by the use of luxurious details, curved shapes. The color scheme of the walls bright enough. Furniture - curly, which creates the effect of airiness. |
Planning for the narrow space
Construction of a narrow corridor design is often postponed until the last moment. However, it is a hall of some "business card" of your home. Her first see the guests. The repair process should be to invest a maximum of fantasy, useful skills, add enough funds creative.

If planning a direct corridor in an apartment right, pick up the furniture, walls, ceiling and decoration is not difficult.

Narrow hallway can be increased in volume, well thought through lighting and issued it in the general style to the apartment.
Selecting the appropriate style, you should proceed to the next step - planning. Properly planned out interiors will make it possible to achieve important goals:
- Visually enlarge the space;
- Add functionality;
- Realize the unusual stylistic decisions.

It is important to preserve and functionality of a hallway.
Apartment owners need to plan your own design for a long corridor, breaking it into several zones. The preferred way to do this with the help of a pencil, a piece of paper. Draw a floor plan, mark the location of the conditional furniture, add the basic details. Indicate on the plan every detail. Since the repair process goes much faster.

It is important in the design of a long, narrow hallway to perform competent zoning.
Ideas for design
Add brightness, practicality long hallway will help the following ideas.

Make a narrow corridor wider, and the height can be pulled by opting for lighter tones.
- Replacing conventional doors on sliding. It's great saves space, making the interior a more modern.
- Adding unusual arched openings. In some rooms, the doors can be replaced by an arch. Her appearance, decorations will depend on the style trends. Arch typically constructed using drywall. You can add moldings, interesting lighting.
- Installing closet. Planning includes many apartments at the end of a long corridor a small pantry. There can be fitted with a comfortable, versatile dressing. Built-in pantry closet will greatly relieve the apartment from unnecessary things that add functionality.
- Hanging shelves for the whole length of the wall. The shelves can be closed, open. Open shelves are best suited for accessories, decorations, gifts. In closed, you can place the household items.
- The construction of a multi-level lighting on the wall. With the help of light can adjust the size, the look of the room. Multi-level lighting will also increase the comfort of using shelves, cabinets.

Particular attention to the ceiling light. He can "draw" even the design of the corridor in a dark color.
finishing the ceiling
To create the interior of a narrow corridor should be from the ceiling trim. First you need to determine the color. The color should be lighter-colored walls. This is the main rule. Optimally in a narrow room to use different shades of white. Then you need to choose a finishing material. Today is a great choice of building materials. Budget option - painting. The ceiling is isolated, ground, leveled. Then, a glass fiber web can be glued paintable.

Painted ceiling comfortable with a long roll. This option is inexpensive decoration.
If there are financial opportunities better to prefer Stretch Ceilings. Stretch ceiling has a lot of advantages. He is a very stylish, is a long time, protect the room from flooding. Tensile structures for small rooms should be glossy. This is a great welcome to add height ceiling. Multilevel suspended ceiling make the space wider, more functional.

The ceiling is equipped with additional illumination. It can be used to emphasize certain area.
Decorating the walls
In many ways, the design of a long corridor will depend on the wall finish. They are the background for other interior parts. Choosing the material, it is necessary to take into account these criteria.

To a long hallway in the apartment to make a wide and bulky, it is important to choose the right color and finish of the walls.
- Wear resistance. In the hall there will always be a lot of traffic, dust, dirt. Building material must repel dust, do not absorb dirt and moisture.
- Practicality. The walls sometimes have to wash. The material should be resistant to washing.
- Environmentally friendly. This criterion applies to absolutely every object in the house. Natural finish will not bring harm, will last much longer.
- Reasonable cost. Repair - costly exercise. In order to save the owners can use a cheap, low-quality materials. This is a major mistake. You should buy only high quality, safe building materials.

The price should match the quality.
For the walls are ideal for liquid, washable wallpaper. Washing resistant to water, liquid easy repair in the event of damage. You can buy wallpaper for painting. Then there will be more opportunities in the choice of colors.

Choose bright colors to expand the area and for the lack of windows.
finishing the floor
The maximum load in the long corridor will be provided on the floor. On the floor is worth the heavy furniture, constantly walking people. His wash every day due to the high contamination of footwear, street wear. Therefore, requirements for the flooring are very high. It should be stylish, abrasion resistant, reliable, easy-care process. In the area around the door is better to mount the tile, marble.

This building material easily withstand the daily load, dirt, dust. It is easy to wash with an ordinary soap and water.
In another part of the corridor can be applied more stylish finish. For example, many people choose parquet. This is an expensive option floor finishes. However, he has a lot of positive qualities. Parquet made of natural wood is able to serve for decades. It looks expensive, fits perfectly in virtually any style. If funds are limited on the floor, you can purchase an alternative to the parquet - laminate. Laminate flooring has a stylish appearance, easy to assemble.

The color range of floor covering should be dark. On the dark floor will not be noticeable dirt, dust.
Visually expand the space
Make a narrow room visually be wider rather difficult. However, there are some design tweaks, allowing to achieve a similar result. Let us examine them in detail.

For the entrance area suitable wallpaper with abstract pattern.
- The use of bright colors. The bright colors make the hall air. At the same time they are quite fashionable. Today, designers use almost anywhere pastel colors, bright, cool shades. This color of the walls will be a wonderful refreshing background.
- White glue wallpaper. For some reason, people are afraid of white glue wallpaper in the apartments. They attribute this to their similarity to the hospital walls. However, it is not. With the right approach, white wallpaper can make a very stylish design. On their background looks fine bright parts, accessories, modern furniture.
- Mirrors. Glass, mirror surfaces are indispensable in the interior of the smaller rooms. With their help, you can easily adjust the size in the right direction.
- Bright light + dark floor. Competent lights in combination with a dark floor covering to expand the space visually.
- The dark color of the door. This piece looks great on a light wall of the apartment.

Light colors using the input portion.
Well-planned lighting can drastically transform the design of the narrow corridor. Hallway should be covered along its length. Often, it is devoid of natural light. It has no windows.

Lights are used even in the daytime.
Lighting can be central, point. In this room you need to use two types at the same time. Central lights placed on the wall. They need a few - two or three are usually sufficient. The switch should be placed as close as possible to the front door.

Ceiling lamps must comply with the overall style of the room.
Spot lights can be placed in the most appropriate places. Typically, two of them - in wardrobe, mirror. Lamps can be placed directly into the frame of furniture. If the ceiling is a multi-level, there should also be mounted spotlights.

Arrange the lighting needed by a separate switch.
decorate the interior
- Open walls can decorate photos. Family photo in the frame will be the best decoration. Hang huge paintings in the hallway is not necessary. They are best placed in the living room, bedroom.
- Decorative niche with lighting will look stylish. They can deliver interesting Souvenir. Most importantly - do not overdo it with the number of niches.

Too many shelves reduce the space of the apartment.
- Mirror in the hall to be decorated not only with light. Their shape, the hall design accentuate the original frame. Each style will approach its frame. For example, for the country is better to use a wooden frame. Nouveau style perfectly decorate the metal frame of golden, silver color.
- By finishing the ceiling can add textural patterns. Bright, elegant patterns on a light background will look unusual.

This technique allowed in apartments with high ceilings.
Choosing a wardrobe
Practicality corridor will provide multifunctional furniture. The best choice would be the closet. The cabinet should not greatly encumber the space of the apartment. Fortunately, the current models are compact enough. Another requirement - high capacity. The project to develop a better cabinet together with the designer. Only the landlord knows no shelves, offices needs his family.

Adding unnecessary details in the product is not worth it.
Great attention should be paid to the quality of the furniture. It must be made of durable, reliable material, complemented by a strong accessories. An important requirement to the cabinet is an attractive appearance. Wardrobe will be a central element of the interior. Its design must fully comply with the chosen direction of the hallway. A great solution is to design the door mirror surface.

Large mirrors make the room air.