The design of the hall in the house and apartment: designer tips 75 photo ideas

Create interior of the hall - a special kind of work. It would seem that this is non-residential premises, so why try to make it special? Despite the unofficial status of the premises, it is an entrance forms a first impression of the house. Her guests see first entering the apartment house. Interior decoration of the hall - not an easy task. Since it is easy to handle only professional designers, the average person still have to work hard. In this article we will discuss the most current design tips for the hall arrangement.

Design Hall photo

This room - a kind of preface to the whole house.

design ideas of the hall in the house

Above the beauty and comfort of this room there is to work hard.

Specificity of the hall in a private home, apartment


  • Specificity of the hall in a private home, apartment
  • The unconventional design of the hall in the apartment
  • The design of the front in the cottage
  • Materials for interior design hallway
  • style dress
  • Furniture: choose the most necessary
  • VIDEO: The interior design of the hall.
  • 50 designs of the hall in the house and apartment:

Hallway in an apartment, private house has some specific features.

Interior Design Hall

In what style to equip the hall to decide the hosts home.

Hall in the house design ideas

One appeals to classic presentable, luxurious option, others like a home, cozy colors.

  1. Deficiency of light. In such areas rarely windows. Natural light almost does not fit. All this requires a competent lighting equipment. Hallway light often use spotlights.
  2. A large cross. In this part of the house, the apartment will always be people. Finishing materials shall be resistant.
  3. Features of the application. In the lobby, it is important to arrange the furniture, do not clutter the space without blocking the passage to other rooms.
lounge in a private house design

This area terrain, and its appearance are including in the selection of resistant, do not quickly wear materials.

lounge in a private home design photos

Risky use cramped hall too "brand" - white, milk, cream color.

The unconventional design of the hall in the apartment

The flat front is usually modest size. The small size makes its own adjustments to the interior arrangement of the process. This space should be used as much as mirror, glass surfaces as possible. Mirrors can hang on the walls, decorated with their stylish frames.

Interior of the hall at home

It is necessary to correctly calculate in advance the location of furniture.

decoration of the hall in a private house

If you take on the role of the designer, then keep in mind that the hall will match the style of the rest of the house.

The glass elements may be present in the decoration of furniture. Bring to the interior of the hall eccentricity can plaster statue. It perfectly accentuate the luxurious modern style. Also decorate this room can be fresh flowers, unusual souvenirs, cups, family photographs, posters.

Interior hallway ideas

Registration should be welcoming and relaxed.

Hall in the house and apartment design photo

Who are in your hall must be willing to go further in a good mood.

The design of the front in the cottage

The cottage is furnished lobby to be an expensive, fashionable style. The luxurious design of the lobby in a private home will support the overall atmosphere. Hallway in a building usually has a medium size. Any difficulties with its design will not arise - there is enough room to accommodate all the necessary items. Your imagination is where to turn.

Design Hall Cottage

Hall in the classic sense - it is a room in a private house with a staircase leading to the second floor.

the interior design of the hall in the house

Hall - not just aesthetic design "room number one", but also a kind of "node" of the house, making a single whole all the other rooms.

On the floor in the lobby is better to lay tile, marble tiles. These materials are resistant enough to have an expensive look. The area near the front door can be decorated with large shrubs in pots, mats. Near the door should be placed convenient hanger, a housekeeper, a stand for umbrellas. Area near the stairs, too, can be decorated with live plants, unusual statues. Huge role to play itself stairs. More precisely - her style. He should be in harmony with the style of the lobby.

decoration of the hall in a private house

If the hall is provided also on the second floor of the house, it is necessary to adapt the style to the same room at the bottom.

design of the lobby in a private house photo ideas

Congestion reception room is absolutely unacceptable, in the lobby is meant a lot of space.

Materials for interior design hallway

The stylish design of the hall in the house, the apartment requires a high-quality finishing materials.

a luxurious lounge in a private house

When dealing with a lounge in the cottage, where there is no need to save on every square meter, it is possible to design it as a comfortable "small living room."

lounge in a private home decoration ideas

Here it is appropriate chair, mirror.

Consider the helpful advice of their choice.

  • For the walls is better to consider the bright colors. It can be muted warm and cool shades. To finish, you can use decorative plaster, liquid wallpaper. Budget option - the usual paint. However, to paint the walls need to be carefully prepared.
  • The best choice for the ceiling will tensile structures. It will last for a long time, it looks quite expensive. For small rooms are choosing glossy ceilings. They are visually increase the height of the hall.
  • The floor should be as strong, reliable. It will have a greater load on a daily basis. For facing is better to use ceramic, tile, stone, natural oak parquet. The color should be dark - it is practically invisible dirt.
    Hall in the house and apartment

    If possible, clean the dust on a daily basis, it is possible to give preference to lighter shades.

style dress

Provence, classic, modern - the most common areas used for decorating the hall.

decoration of the hall in a private house

You can create it in the tradition of the old mansion, adding luxury accents.

classic design of the hall in the apartment

In a small area would need more artistic creativity, but also an interesting solution will be found.

Consider their features in a table form.

Style Features
Provence Romantic, delicate style. Remarkably fit into the interior of a country cottage. Characterized by the use of natural materials, delicate shades. Pieces of furniture for artificially sostarivayut Provence, decorated with lovely details, accessories.
Classic It suggests the predominance of light colors in the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper selected expensive. floor finish should be as simple, practical. Perfect tile, marble tiles. Decorated with stucco design of the room, original lamps, wrought iron elements.
Modern Characterized by simplicity, practicality, high functionality. The interior is dominated by the white color, choose bright accessories. To decorate use pictures, posters, mirrors with unusual forms of illumination.
classic lounge in a private house

The spacious hall can successfully prescribe rich, eye-catching colors and large items of decoration.

Interior of the hall in the apartment

Fans of active lifestyle and contemporary styles will be enjoyed by minimalism - square hall.

Furniture: choose the most necessary

Interior dress should not only be attractive. It plays an important role of its practicality. It also depends on the right choice of furniture. In the hallway require such items: wardrobe, hanger, shoe rack, a comfortable seat, mirror, umbrella stand. This is the minimum. It can be adjusted depending on the needs of each individual family.

design ideas of the hall in the house

Will look unique lamps with shades.

furniture for living room in the apartment

Better set of double doors. Internal - the lighter, outer - darker.

When choosing furniture should pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is better to give preference to natural wood. The style of each object must necessarily conform to the overall atmosphere in the room.

Hall in the house and apartment photos

Practical stand decorated in white or light colors.

Hall in the house and apartment design

The special charm in the foyer hall create exotic plants in large pots or tubs.

VIDEO: The interior design of the hall.

50 designs of the hall in the house and apartment: