Proper rest - the basis of the psychological and physical health and good mood. For proper rest you need a place that will accompany and help relax the entire body. Bedroom, where the interior photos can be selected at the relevant Internet resources must not only be equipped with a comfortable bed, but also have the very relaxing atmosphere.

It is difficult, when the room is so tiny that to squeeze into it, even the most necessary furniture problematic.
Design small bedroom 6 square meters
- Design small bedroom 6 square meters
- style options
- Selection of colors
- Selection of furniture for small bedrooms 6 sq m
- Design ideas bedroom interior 6 sq m with and without balcony
- Making a small bedroom with balcony
Design options for rectangular and square bedrooms 6 sq m
- planning Forms
- VIDEO: How does the master bedroom 6 square meters.
- 50 stylish designs bedrooms 6 sq.m .:
Small bedroom - standard version rooms in Khrushchev. Interior small bedrooms need to carefully consider it to be not only functional but cozy and original.

Build a tiny bedroom in the Khrushchev or a modern apartment - is not easy, but really.
Advantages of the small rooms.
- A small room for easy cleaning.
- The lack of a large number of furniture is not accompanied by the accumulation of dust on surfaces.
- Each piece will have its functional purpose.
- To equip a small bedroom is easier than most.
- Savings in maintenance, materials in a small room costs - minimum.

By planning and zoning small premises should be treated with the utmost seriousness, as well as consider the question of increasing the visual space.
Important! The first step is to determine the location of the bed. Rest of the furniture are arranged after installation.
Design techniques to design a small bedroom.
- Laminate, laid on the diagonal - to visually increase the room.
- Should not hang more than one picture.
- Decor bed lots of pillows - a bad idea.
- Do not place anything in the large number of shelves, only one universal and concise shelf.
- Place a large mirror opposite a window, it will reflect the light, making the room several times lighter and more.

The main problem - the correct selection of the situation, a compact and comfortable at the same time.
style options
Modern style - a laconic furniture without unnecessary decoration. To design a bedroom absence heaped objects and parts - a winning option.

Before you arrange the room, you need to consider all aspects of planning detail.
Distinctive features of the style.
- Decorating the walls and ceiling in light tones: beige, gray, cream.
- Metal, chrome fittings on furniture.
- The emphasis in the form of paintings, vases or lamp.
- LED spotlights.

It is advisable to see a few design options: photographs, diagrams, sketches.
The classic version bedrooms - for connoisseurs of elegant luxury. It's all about taste and individual preferences. If you prefer room 6 sq m in a classic style, proceed as follows.
- Create stucco on the walls, some chandeliers.
- Luxury the decoration of the ceiling in combination with a crystal chandelier in the middle of the room.
- Noble colors: pearl, olive, chocolate, emerald.
- Furniture made of natural wood.

Miniature bedroom 2 x 3 m has its advantages.
Good to know: expensive materials are cheaper synthetic analogues. A modern classic style can be a low cost, than ever before.

Not all people enjoy huge rooms.
Minimalism - the best option for the design of a small and cozy bedroom 6 m² photo examples of which can be found on the Internet. This design decision there is nothing superfluous. Here there are:
- smooth and flat surface;
- chrome fixtures of simple shapes;
- bright, solid color textiles.

A minimum of furniture, soft lighting, skillfully selected decor - all this makes the sleep healthy and relaxed - complete.
Provence - delicate and refined. There is no rough and massive furniture.

It is important to use mostly light, muted colors.
The main characteristics of the style.
- Textiles with embroidery.
- Curtains and drapes made of natural materials, as a rule - flax.
- Wallpaper with floral print.
- Imitation wood coating.

Rational use of every square centimeter of usable area.
Selection of colors
Since bedroom 6 square meters, it is necessary to use all techniques for increasing the visual space. Light colors reflect light, so they are often used for small rooms.

Six square meters - this is quite enough space to withstand the interior in any particular style.
Besides the classic light colors, there are successful color schemes for the bedroom.
- Blue and light blue. According to studies celadon hues has a calming effect on our brain. People in the room with color sleep longer.
- Green. Shades of green evoke positive emotions, awakening man is optimistic and in a good mood.
- Yellow. This color promotes rest and relaxation.
- Silver. Contribute to the rapid activation of the brain in the morning.

Compliance with the requirements of style allows you to get a true masterpiece, and not just a nice furnished room.
This color scheme will also be relevant for child and adolescent bedroom.

That style makes the interior intact and complete.
Selection of furniture for small bedrooms 6 sq m
Find a suitable design of the room, proceed to the interior planning. Decide on the furniture and functional areas, which are located in the bedroom.

Compact concise furniture, discreet set of colors and the careful selection of decorative items suit you.
The bedroom is possible to combine these zones.
- For sleep. Large double bed with orthopedic mattress - great for a good rest.
- For reading. In the corner of the room, you can place a small table with two or one chair.
- leisure area. May include a desk with a comfortable chair.
- To carry out the procedures toilet. Dressing table with mirror and a small pouf can be placed in the space: along the wall next to or opposite the bed.
- Wardrobe. Part of the room in a corner or along a wall can be taken away for storage of clothing, placing it a roomy closet.

The use of neutral colors for spalenki 6 sq. meters is justified.
Design ideas bedroom interior 6 sq m with and without balcony
Create a whole room without balcony possible by combining rooms. If the room has a balcony, is not necessarily demolish walls to merge space. It is enough to remove the window frame and the door. This will greatly increase the square footage.

After removing the partition, it is possible to obtain an excellent extra space for a sofa, sofa or small working table.
The main advantages of association.
- The room will be much more will be a new functional area.
- Additional partitions in the form of window frames will not interfere with the light to enter the room, the room will be much lighter.

The neutral color palette is not limited to the color of "ivory" and shades of beige.
Making a small bedroom with balcony
If you are against joining the balcony and the bedroom has a win-win options that will help equip comfortably both zones.

Cold palette looks better in a room with a window to the south.
- Arrangement of flower greenhouses. Lovers of vegetation and wildlife is possible to equip the green zone on the balcony. There is enough light for a lush and rapid growth of flowering plants.
- A place for relaxation. Along the wall you can put a small sofa with bedside table side. This technique will be even more comfortable if a window facing the street to do a panoramic, to the floor. So, there will be an additional place to retreat for morning coffee in the bedroom.

Right decision - to choose several shades that are well in tune with each other.
Design options for rectangular and square bedrooms 6 sq m
planning Forms
Rectangular. Frequent variant of the room 6 square meters with an interesting design and photo. The peculiarity of this plan - to create the right shape, well-furnished apart. In this room is best to avoid the general furniture. The narrow walls can be expanded with vertical stripes. If on one of these walls placed window, hang curtains with vertical print, and if a blank wall, the corresponding Poquelin wallpaper.

For example, with a white ceiling perfectly combined light brown floors and sand-colored wallpaper.
Important! It is not recommended to place the furniture along the long wall from the beginning to the end, so the space seem even narrower.

As a floor covering can be used laminate parquet, linoleum or carpeting thin smooth-free cloth.
Square. This room, which requires little or no adjustment. The bed can be set in the center, and the rest of the planned furniture - along the perimeter. The size of the bed in a small bedroom necessary to choose a smaller, 150 to 150 - the best option. Too small bed will affect the quality and comfort of sleep. The best solution is if the bedroom furniture in the square will serve several functions: a chair and a bed with a niche for storage, dresser - table.

Compactness, convenience and brevity - these are the three basic requirements for the environment.
Important! When choosing furniture-transformer, make sure that it is combined with other design elements.

When it comes to infant, convertible beds can save space.
Small room - this is not a sentence, there are many modern solutions to how to equip and arrange the room so that it would like to stay and relax after a productive working day.

If desired, you can create a comfortable and stylish interior, even on the tiny area.