Kitchen Design 11 square meters. m: 75 photos of interiors and useful advice

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small area of ​​the kitchen design is not an easy task even for experienced designer. The average area of ​​apartments Russian space is 11 square meters. m. Such a small space with hardly serves as a kitchen and dining room.

Dark curtains in the kitchen area of ​​11 square meters

Plan kitchen area of ​​11 squares need to think carefully, otherwise, despite the decent footage, room can be boring and cramped

Key design features of the kitchen


  • Key design features of the kitchen
  • What to choose?
  • choose the color
  • Video: Review of the kitchen area of ​​11 square meters. m. with sofa
  • Photos of beautiful interiors

kitchen design project includes the following items:

  1. Pre-project analysis.
  2. Creating a space plan with furniture.
  3. Choosing the style of the project.
  4. Selection of furniture, decor, color scheme.
Wood surfaces of kitchen units

To create a kitchen design is important to be creative and love

The first kitchen design step is to create a plan of arrangement of furniture. Will help solve the problem of the analysis of the interior the owner's needs and knowledge of the basic rules of ergonomics.

Scheme kitchen planning area of ​​10 square meters

Plan of arrangement of furniture will not make a mistake in the calculations

Pay attention to the features of the architectural layout of the room itself, namely the location of the door and window openings, their height, presence of niches, closets, ledges, beams in the ceiling.

kitchen space Zoning Technology

The basic principle of the kitchen planning - allocation of certain zones, each designed for its purpose

Kitchen furniture does not occupy the entire area of ​​the room. When buying large kitchen units needed to know in advance whether the room for a full dining group left. Avoid kitchen islands, because under their installation have to take a lot of space.

Plan kitchen in the form of letter P

U-shaped layout creates additional conditions for the rational use of kitchen space

EXAMPLE-row layout in the kitchen area of ​​10 square meters

When the linear regulated kitchen is located along one wall and located opposite the dining area

U-shaped kitchen should be selected if there is a need to cook for a large family, then the length of the working surface is useful. The best choice for a small kitchen is a direct or an L-shaped arrangement of the headset. Permissible use of the bar, it can serve as a dining area, while it is possible to engage in serving or pre-processing of food. We must remember that the minimum width of the bar is about 700-900 mm, otherwise any splashes or drops of food will fall on the floor and kitchen walls.

Corner kitchen layout while taking advantage of the space under the window

T-shaped layout allows to use the angle formed by the longitudinal and end walls, for a working area, and dining arrange on the opposite side

Purple headsets C-shaped layout

Very stylish it looks C-shaped layout, playing the role of kitchen space Zoning

After the plan of arrangement of furniture is ready, it is time to proceed to the choice of cuisine style, the selection of the headset, and the other interior parts.

What to choose?

Kitchen Design 11 square meters. m. dictates certain rules. The designer will have to abandon the large decorative elements, as they are visually heavier space, make it smaller. Banned large drawings. Kitchen furniture should be as concise. The lack of heavy carved decoration items decoration headset will play for the benefit of the interior. Forget all that clutter the kitchen space.

Kitchen design in a mixed style

Interior of modern cuisine often combines classical and minimalism

Should give preference to a kitchen set of Art Nouveau. Good fit furniture style loft. Especially popular among our citizens enjoy high-tech. This style should be selected if it is possible to lay out a round sum for the interior of the kitchen. Its main feature is the combination of high technology and the best finishing materials. The creations of famous designers are used as decoration.

Linear kitchen in high-tech style

Features kitchen in high-tech style - restraint and maximum use of space

Trendy kitchen design in eco-style

Kitchen in Eco style - the breath of the nature of the interior space

Original lamps of wire in the kitchen in the loft

The kitchen in the industrial style

If modern kitchens with their glossy facades have not attracted, then pay attention to the classics. Provence style is perfect for a small-sized kitchen facilities.

Kitchen design in classic style area of ​​10 square meters

Classic kitchen looks expensive, in her sense of aesthetics and quality factor

When designing a kitchen set any of the selected style is necessary to monitor the functional use of every centimeter of space. The height of the upper cabinets of shelves should be selected according to growth housewife. Objects that lie too high, it will be difficult to find. If the person does not reach the upper shelves without a ladder, the headset is not suitable. Some manufacturers of kitchen furniture help to solve this problem by built stairs, or ad hoc mechanisms, lowering top boxes to the desired level. Honestly, these models are very expensive. Their purchase is only available for impoverished populations.

Interior of modern kitchen rococo

Trendy kitchen in the style of "Rococo"

Where there is no opportunity to use cabinets with hinged doors, they can be replaced with open shelves. Dust accumulates in places faster. Therefore, cleaning of open shelves have to spend much more. The same applies to the mirrors, glossy surfaces in dark colors and polished metal texture.

Glossy ceiling in the kitchen of medium size

Glossy surfaces and facades of furniture make the kitchen the most spacious and sunny

Council. If you want to expand the space using reflective surfaces, use them as far away from the cooking area to avoid unnecessary pollution.

Lighting modern kitchen with glossy facades

The easiest way to take care of the kitchen furniture with doors that have a flat surface without any decorating elements

Relief facades kitchen units can deliver a lot of trouble hostess. Because dirt and grease clog in deepening texture. Wash them out is very difficult. Bad idea to use the tile instead of plastic countertops, wood, artificial or natural stone. The seams between the tiles get dirty, coloring foods leave stains on the grout. Coverage of the tiles will be cheaper, but it is not safe from the point of view of hygiene.

choose the color

Selection of colors - one of the key issues of the kitchen design. The choice of the basic palette can affect the degree of illumination of the room.

Interior of modern cuisine in pastel colors

Almost all the pastel colors for creating an attractive image of the kitchen area of ​​10 square meters

  • If the windows facing north toward the light, the room is not enough light. Should choose warm shades or put additional light sources.
  • When your kitchen is well lit with natural light, you can use any color combinations. Although in small spaces is not recommended to use flashy colors on a large scale. Use them as small accents to highlight the most interesting design details.

You can use the idea of ​​totally white kitchen with accentual bright color, such as yellow, blue, pink. Examples of such combinations are many.

Kitchen design with white painted walls

In the kitchen with white walls is light enough natural light

Kitchen apron of colored tiles

Bright kitchen apron - a simple and incredibly effective way to create emphasis in a bright room

Do not be afraid of bright colors. Some people believe that white kitchen - brand, but it is not. On dark surfaces dirt and dust can be seen is much stronger.

Accents black design white kitchen

Any bright interior is easy enough to "dilute" the bright accent

The combination of brown furniture fronts with white kitchen walls

"Classic genre" - brown facades of wood against white walls. Always fashionable and time-tested

The use of pastel colors makes the interior more bright and spacious. A cozy atmosphere will help bring warm gamma. If you are hot and stuffy in your kitchen, you should pay attention to the combination of cool colors. Those who have a little experience in the colors of, let him choose monochrome colors. The main thing to remember is that you can use the three primary colors. To simplify the task, use the ready-made layouts, you can find them on the Internet.

There are instances when a designer expands the room with a small area using a black or very dark colors. For example, the color of the walls or ceiling. This approach has the right to exist when a technician who has a flair. A man with no experience in interior design may not properly implement this technique.

The combination of white and dark facades in kitchen set

Using white facade in the upper tier of boxes and colored in the bottom visually expands the space of the kitchen

The combination of white and blue colors in the design of the kitchen

All shades of blue make a cool atmosphere in the kitchen

Dark apron in the kitchen with white ganiturom

Metered use dark shades to create a need for eye spotlights

kitchen interior in bright colors

For those who love experimenting, fit bright saturated colors

Repair is an issue that should come with responsibility. The kitchen is the most important place in the apartment. Alteration of a failed design of this room is expensive. Should carefully approach to all matters, even if the creation of the project was entrusted to the kitchen specialists. Arm yourself with the necessary knowledge - they will help to get a decent result.

Video: Review of the kitchen area of ​​11 square meters. m. with sofa

Photos of beautiful interiors