A kitchen with a sink near the window - original design solution that is increasingly being used during repairs. This stylish solution found its application both in homes and in private homes and cottages. The sink in the kitchen windowsill will become the center of attention in the room.

Many designers offer innovative solutions kitchen interior.
The design of the kitchen units
The design of the kitchen units
- In a large room
- In a small room
- Corner kitchen
Where to place the sink
- The windowsill
- Near the window
- Between the two windows
- Cons move to the window washing and options to address them
Subtleties transfer cleaning the window
- The algorithm for migrating washing
- Interesting ideas window decoration Wet
- Cleaning of the window in different styles
- VIDEO: Location washing the window - the pros and cons.
- 50 kitchen design options with sink in the window opening:
The most optimal way to use space in a small kitchen - washing plant at the window. Agree, it would be very nice to cook and at the same time to observe what is happening on the street. You can organize a niche directly into the headset, and you can place it in the windowsill. Today we will talk about what has advantages and disadvantages, what are the different design solutions.

One of the popular ideas and ergonomic steel sinks for washing dishes by the window.
In a large room
The design of a large room can be interesting to draw. At the moment, true solution "unfinished repairs" when all the space near the opening is no additional decoration. In this case, an interesting solution would be if the frame is painted in a bright color. If no curtains will be difficult to do, the best option will blinds. If the room is large and some windows, you can consider the option with decorative curtains.

In Europe, such a solution is not uncommon.
Place it directly under the window opening in the house will not be difficult, which is not true of a city apartment. The first problem that you may encounter - it is necessary to extend the water communications. After this it is necessary to position the tabletop, which would imply the installation of washing under the window opening. You can build a whole set near the window opening. Near it is sufficient niche for floriculture.

Washing takes a considerable amount of space in the kitchen, which reduces usually square tabletop.
In a small room
The most optimal solution to deploy elements in a small room along the Boudet. In this case, can be usefully used every centimeter of space.

Sink, united with a window sill, can increase the working area, making the cooking process more comfortable.
If you think everything through to the smallest detail, the window opening, will be the main decoration of the kitchen and its benefits. By using the additional space can increase the working plane. During cooking, you can observe what is happening outside the apartment.

Even if one person does the dishes, the other quite freely be able to use any part of the kitchen units.
Most kitchens slightly elongated shape. In this case it will be expedient to arrange furniture along. Near it can be positioned not only closets, but also sink. At the bottom, you can make a shelf for dishes and small things. The advantage of such an arrangement of furniture is that the battery will be completely closed lockers. Heavily load the kitchen décor is also not necessary.

The proximity to the window allows a longer time do not use artificial lighting.
Corner kitchen
With the right location at the corner kitchen you will be able to achieve visual increasing the space. If the room is a non-standard form, it is advisable to locate it on the part of the window opening, to mask the battery. In the corner portion can be positioned attractive corner cabinet for the kitchen.

Enough to slightly open window while washing dishes, and excess moisture will evaporate much faster.
Note! In the corner portion can be positioned or plasma Cupboards. With the help of design corner kitchen, you can create a comfortable working area, which in appearance resembles a triangle.

During this work, much nicer to look out the window than on a bare wall or rest on his forehead in the locker with the dishes.
Arranging furniture properly, you can save significant space, which is an optimal solution for small kitchens. With the help of wooden furniture can add a room of elegance and make the interior unique. In Europe, for example, such an arrangement has been washing habit and it is difficult to surprise anyone.

In kitchen should be planned so that the height of the table top does not exceed the height of the window sill.
Where to place the sink
The best option will be the location of the sink in front of the window in the kitchen, mounted under the opening. Agree, it's very nice to wash the dishes and watch at this time, what is going on in the yard? Tabletop can thus put himself on the sill or to make an opening in the manufactured only for this it is necessary to make it much more widely.

The sink is better to get as deep as possible to avoid splashing.
The windowsill
A significant advantage is that it saves space. In this case, you get an extra work surface. This is great for the studio, where the kitchen sink with a window aligned with the audience.

Table top should be a plastic or natural stone, or it may swell and deteriorate.
Near the window
Often, when planning the sink near the window opening, make a wide work surface. Thus, the work area becomes broader, it will never be over.

Mounted sink and faucet should not interfere with the opening of the window.
Between the two windows
If you are lucky, and you have in the kitchen, two window openings, the sink can be placed between them. Light in this room much longer, and it says that you can not do a lot of additional fixtures. In addition, under it will be an additional niche for different stuff.

Planning a kitchen with a sink in the window depends on several factors: room size, shape, planned budget, the preferred color scheme.
You can arrange house plants that will receive much more light and moisture. Near the sink can also arrange a greenhouse with spikes.

Cozy and a good solution for a large kitchen space.
Cons move to the window washing and options to address them
Among location disadvantages are the following:
- You must move the water and sewer.
- The wood may start to swell with temperature fluctuations, so it is preferable to use an artificial stone.
- Transferring line, pay attention to the quality of installation. This will give you the duration of use of the system and confidence in the fact that the neighbors you will not be flooding.

Sink deep enough, and by removing the glass as much as possible, which will not allow splashes reach the outskirts of the window.
In addition, you essentially save space, you also make work more comfortable. We are talking about natural light, whereby the need for additional illumination disappears. Especially if before the sink was in the corner of the room, but still under the lockers. The same solution will be much more comfortable.

Modern western kitchen very often complements the sink, located directly under the window.
Washing dishes will be much more pleasant in terms of psychology. After all, every girl will be much easier to switch from daily routine, if the window opening will observe scenic beauty.
Note! Ventilation is another advantage. The water near the window will dry out much faster, which will prevent the swelling of the furniture and the appearance of dampness.
In addition, equipped with workspace, you can create a unique design of the kitchen with a sink near the window, which is still not so common in our country.

This solution is typical for kitchens in flats, and premises in suburban homes.
Subtleties transfer cleaning the window
There are some locations nuances, which we want to tell on. For example, in order to spray water is not scattered throughout the room and work surfaces can use a deep sink to the bottom of that, put a rubber mat that prevents water spray. Great solution is to establish a protective screen, which will take all the spray.

Such a shell would be the center of attention in your room.
Installing it in the window opening, pay attention to which way to open the frame. If it does not get moved to a more convenient location, you may have to be limited to micro-ventilation. In advance, think about whether you enough such ventilation.

Located below the window Sink - a design solution that gathers a lot of positive reviews.
The algorithm for migrating washing
First we need to dismantle the radiators, install floor heating when necessary. Next, the water supplied. Fits worktop, wherein the hole is done. Then, a setting of the mixer and directly connected to the water supply.

If you have a classic window with wooden frames, it is better to be replaced by something more modern.
Interesting ideas window decoration Wet
Sink near the window in the kitchen as in the original photographic solution for most kitchens. In a small apartment this decision will significantly save space. If the sink is located under the window opening itself, and utensils set on the windowsill, then in such a way there is more room for food preparation.

Glazed windows with plastic frames - is the best option for such high humidity conditions.
The house has a solution also has its advantages. In this case, before your eyes will be opened beautiful scenic pictures.
Cleaning of the window in different styles
Increasingly establish sink under the window opening, and at the same time a design solution fits perfectly in a variety of styles.

Sink located under the window, suitable for many dishes.
For example, for the kitchen, made in the style of Provence, a characteristic feature is the use of curtains. Most often they use the sewing fabrics that perfectly breathable and light.
In the loft there is no place sweet prints on the curtains. The windows in this case may be left and at all without decoration. More and more they resemble windows workplace.

Reasonable in this case is to use blinds or curtains.
The minimalist style of curtains to add the task room comfort and convenience. The most common variants of curtains are in minimalist style - blinds, roller blinds, Japanese curtains, roman blinds. The most frequently used such as the colors - blue, white, brown, milky, red or plum.

Print rarely used.
If the room is small, and you are trying to save every cm, such an arrangement would be a reasonable solution. When making food in the same style, you can achieve the original decision and make the kitchen is very similar to the premises of the European magazines. A cook and eat in the beautiful kitchen is much nicer.