The kitchen is 10 square meters in the home series P44: problem with the ventilation duct

In our country there is a lot of the old panel houses, known as P 44. This ten-storey high-rise apartment, which were built 30-40 years ago. Their layout has some features that characterize the presence of the kitchen ventilation duct box. This design is notable for the fact that its shaft wall stands in the kitchen. This arrangement creates a nuisance to tenants when placing of kitchen units and furniture, as well as it steals part of the area without a small, ten square room. Therefore, this article will help you understand the nuances, following which you will be able to equip the kitchen space wisely, harmonious and beautiful.

Slate on the ventilation duct in the kitchen

To equip a kitchen is difficult, but in reality

Brown hanging cabinets kitchen units

The problem of small kitchens that are difficult to place everything you need

Features plan kitchen 10 sq. m. in the houses of series P 44


  • Features plan kitchen 10 sq. m. in the houses of series P 44
  • Selection of kitchen furniture for the houses of series P 44
  • Classic
  • modern
  • yellow accents
  • Video review of the interior of a small kitchen
  • Photo Gallery
    • Options for "harping" ventilation ducts
    • The design of the kitchen area of ​​10 square meters. m

This science, like the interior design of premises designed to enable arrangement of rooms with all existing defects and features. Thanks to it, you can transform almost any oversight of architects and builders.

Niches in the kitchen ventilation duct

Airbox - the main problem of the kitchen in the home series P 44

Speaking of P 44 kitchen design it is worth noting some of the features of registration of premises:

  1. The speaker of the mine ventilation duct creates a visual separation of space.
  2. Selection of furniture, kitchen furniture have to be customized to local conditions, which led to additional cash spending.
  3. By the choice of furniture should be approached wisely, as it should correspond to the size of the room, limited ventilation.
  4. Location of the refrigerator, both the dimensional object will be very difficult, but possible.
  5. The need for decorative finishes of the ventilation duct in accordance with the overall style of the decoration of the kitchen space.
Wooden facades kitchen units

Furniture should be selected multifunction

Attention! It is worth noting that to dismantle this structure is not possible. You can break the air flow through the channel, as well as be liable, up to the administration.

Decor airbox artificial stone

To demolish the wall protrusion is impossible, but you can decorate the original

But not so bad as it seems at first glance. With the proper approach, you will have the original design of the kitchen, and the presence of ventilation ducts will turn invisible.

Selection of kitchen furniture for the houses of series P 44

The presence of the wall projection in the kitchen require you to choose furniture for the kitchen to order. Visit the furniture mall in your city. There's a wide range of options for planning kitchens in different designs.

Black countertop kitchen units

Furniture manufacturers will set any configuration

Note that, with the help of which it is possible to beat the wall ledge. This solution is possible using the following tricks:

  • Shaped workbench with a cutout in the projection size. When this cutout may be either rectangular or round shape.
  • If we talk about the headset, then hanging lockers, order the same cut. This will allow for the effects to hide the box.
  • The lower part of the kitchen runs an open type. This is possible when you buy shelves for pots and pans. A good idea here is to install a decorative corner kitchen design. Here fit all kinds of statues, flower arrangements, photographs, decorated or wicker ware, scenery pictures and so on.
  • set this to the bar, if desired. For her, this place fits the bill perfectly.
Shelves made of MDF on the ventilation duct

Open shelves come in handy for placing kitchen utensils

If the style decision premises allows the airbox perfect paint a contrasting color. This will create favorable zoning premises. Here hang the TV or to decorate the wall decorations elements. It can be the same pictures, dressed beautiful frame, passe-partout framed or mounted shelves, on which the elements of interior decoration decor harmoniously arranged.

Beautiful kitchen interior of 10 squares in the house of series P 44

Ventilation duct can not hide, as originally enter the interior through the decorative masking

Polyurethane columns in the ventilation duct

Airbox is suitable as the basis for original interior composition


"Classic" Kitchen design is well suited for the home series P 44. Combining rigorous harmony, hidden high cost, as well as a clear taste of the owner of style, he will transform the interior of any room. Choose bright colors so they are able to visually enlarge the space of the room.

The floor covering must be done with ceramic tiles light tone. Pay attention to it, because you will often here to wash the floor. no need to choose a clear white, since this coating is very easily soiled. A better idea would be milk, vanilla, and appropriate shades of white. Unless the budget allows, the Spread linoleum. Thanks to its wide choice creates an opportunity to pick up any pattern. Find a pattern that repeats the structure of the ceramic tiles.

Corner suite in the kitchen series P panel building 44

For a small kitchen area of ​​10 squares is better to choose a light color set

Wallcovering perform the combined method, using different finishing materials, as well as different color gamuts. Apron is best to do the same ceramic. The size of each tile is chosen small. Zone gas (electrical) of the plate is properly allocate Color Accent. The same range of beat the projecting ventilation duct.

Set here will suit with white facades lockers. Kitchen area home series P 44, 137, or involves the use of angular headset. This decision should take into account when choosing furniture. Also, when an area of ​​10 square meters of the presence of bulky cabinets can tie up space. Therefore, the angular facades Pick rounded.

Arrangement small kitchen area of ​​10 square meters

On one side of the window snaps built-in refrigerator, the other will house a dining table with comfortable sofas

Built-in appliances in the kitchen set

Convenient drawers under gas oven

"Classic" Kitchen Design accept the presence of the bar. It must combine the elegance, grandeur and rigor inherent in this style.

Ceiling space is made different embodiments. It all depends on the visual load. If the interior is quite richly decorated with ornaments, accents that draw attention to the ceiling space can be left pure white. Ordinary whitewash fit here. If desired, more than decorate a room, the ceiling made a few levels. Using spotlights welcome. To visually enlarge the size of the room, on the ceiling make the central zone of the glass panels. This further reflect light.

Built-in lights in the kitchen ceiling

On the perimeter of the ceiling can be built spotlights

Council. If you purchased a wall cabinet with glass facades, it is beautiful to be installed inside the backlight. At night, this solution looks great.

Backlight kitchen countertops classic headset

Additional lighting is also needed on the working kitchen area


Style "Modern" - a sincere combination of "high tech" with "minimalism". Kitchen, bought in this style, exalt the interior of your kitchen manufacturability, extravagant, frenetic style.

If you want to truly decorate the kitchen space home series P 44 or 137, be sure to consider this type of design. In this case, from the air duct will be over.

Design a small kitchen in a modern style

Of modernity is characterized by glossy facades

The floorings here necessarily choose a ceramic tile. The color scheme is extensive from monochromatic gray, to a combination of primary color with stressing Page bright. "Modern" is an expression of the strict, straight lines. Therefore, the tiles form fit rectangular or square. Laminate and linoleum, are not appropriate.

White kitchen in modern style

Brilliant snow-white kitchen - the best option for a small kitchen

Dark blue set in a modern style

Blue kitchen suitable for the kitchen with windows on the south side of the house

Kitchen set with yellow hanging cabinets

Yellow kitchen looks bold and original

Walls is best to plaster white plaster, but the kitchen apron patterns perform. Fit floral prints. For example, it is possible to arrange the interior of Japanese motifs. The color scheme in this case is white and black (brown) with red color elements. Red plays a role Accent. The plot of the wall space ventilation is painted bright red palette. Not necessarily make the surface smooth. Possible to use wallpaper pattern which resembles a tie on the back of the sofa.

The ceiling is better to make a two-tiered. At the edge of the perimeter of the stage to put the point light sources.

Direct blind in the kitchen in a modern style

Textiles in the Art Nouveau and if used, the minimum

Set buy angular performances. It may be the presence of bright red accents. The furniture is suitable shade of black. Facades necessarily lacquered gloss.

Line set Art Nouveau

If black seems too dark, use a combination of upper cabinets with light green tint

yellow accents

food scheme with ventilation ducts in the home series P 44

Here airbox beaten so that visually it is integral with the furniture set

Roman shades of yellow

The interior is decorated in a bright color palette

Yellow chairs in the interior of the kitchen

Separate interior elements serve as mustard yellow accents

Black TV on a white box

Refrigerator hidden in furniture design and is placed to the window

Fresh flowers on the kitchen table

All furniture is made to order and looks like a single composition

Video review of the interior of a small kitchen

Photo Gallery

Options for "harping" ventilation ducts

The design of the kitchen area of ​​10 square meters. m