Do you think that it sounds fantastic? And here and there! And to combine these residential areas by the forces of each. Here are some practical tips.

Combine in a room 17 square meters. m several functional areas has become a routine task for the designers and familiar to many owners of small apartments.
Why combine different areas
- Why combine different areas
zoning space
- methods of zoning
- colors game
- Choosing furniture
- Lighting
- VIDEO: Possible combined bedroom and living room.
- 50 variants of design bedroom-living room 17 sq.m .:
Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a spacious flat, in which each family member assigned a separate room, there is a great room and a comfortable kitchen. For the majority of average citizens - is a pipe dream. However, the modest square footage, you can make the most functional and comfortable to stay. It is no longer a dream but a reality.

It is a spacious room should be comfortable for the reception of guests, to have a seating area and serve as a bedroom.
Equipped with a bedroom a living room of 17 square meters is easy, if you take into account a number of simple guidelines.

Often combined repair room seems an impossible task, and can drive them into a stupor from the landlord.
zoning space
First you need to define the boundaries of zones where the bedroom and start living room, or on the contrary will end. It is better, if it is not on the eye. Draw a diagram, or use the available computer programs for a more visual representation of the future room.

The styling of the room will make the new changes in routine life.
- Although the living room and bedroom have different roles, they have to be decorated in the same style. This is very important, because otherwise combined space will look ridiculous and feel comfortable in this room will not work.
- Select the "leader." One of the areas occupies a large part of the room to determine which zone will dominate.
- Sleeping area, remove the front door. Still, it is a place of rest, and constantly open up the door and visitors will be cruising in the way.
- If you can, put the bed closer to the window. Usually, it is the location of a beneficial effect on the quality of rest.
- Carefully think through the presence and arrangement of furniture. The combined many rooms of furniture should not be. The less furniture, the more comfortable you will feel.

Creating a combined project of the room, give preference to be minimalist.
methods of zoning
Thanks to modern advances, the zoning method is that for each case to choose the most suitable option. Let us consider the most common.

Contrasting interior, simple straight lines, a small amount of furniture, unobtrusive and dull decor.
- Partitions. Wood, glass, drywall and much more - all this is used to create partitions. In some cases, the partition "spliced" with Headboards to securely hide the bed so prying eyes.
- Aquarium. This method of separation will require significant material investments, but the result is worth it. And from the living room and from the bedroom there is the opportunity to enjoy relaxing views.
- Curtains. One of the most common variants due to the reasonable price, ease of installation and replacement capabilities.
- Screens. Actively used at the beginning of the last century, today they are experiencing a rebirth. When you can not only share a room, but also effectively decorate her creative element using this light and mobile design.
- Rack. Opportunity to combine business with pleasure: divide the room and create additional space for storage of different things.

As far as possible - a lot of free space.
colors game
To become apparent boundaries of each zone, it is not necessary to build a "frontier cordons" in the form of massive walls. By means of the walls and the floor of different colors it is possible to clearly define the boundaries of residential areas. In addition, the "play of color" is actively used in the selection of furniture and decorative elements.

Elegant decor, beautiful composition and symmetry of the classical style and perfectly fit into the modern design of the living room-bedroom.
Typically sleeping area is selected more muted colors, rather than for a seating clearance. And be very careful using shades of red, brown and black.

Geometric pattern on the walls would look great with a delicate finish of the room.
If, in your opinion, the design boring, "dilute" its few bright accents - a rug, a painting or a vase.

Using the vertical elements of the decor will help to visually lift the ceiling and increase the space of the room.
Choosing furniture
This is one of the highlights of the project of combining the different zones. The thing is that the zoning room to 17 square meters in the living room and bedroom is very difficult to adapt the usual furniture. Follow two simple rules: first, less furniture - more space, and secondly, do not be afraid to use unusual interior solutions.

It looks spectacular interiors made in eco-style.
For example, give preference to small-sized sofas, armchairs custom sizes or unusual pufu. And also do not forget about the ability to change the color of the space visually, for example, a large sofa White will not look bulky and rough, but his "relative" in dark colors spoil any interior.

Discard the small details of decor in favor of bright accents in the interior.
Get a table-transformer, which can be easily converted from a coffee in the dining room. The combined space and fits perfectly into a glass table.

Use of natural materials (wood, stone, glass, metal) would create a very interesting design that is sure to amaze guests.
Pay special attention to the choice of sleeping place. Not every convertible sofa comfortable to sleep, but this mechanism is not always reliable. So maybe it makes sense to keep an eye on the bed, suitable in size to your sleeping area.

This design of the walls push the space of the room and fill it with humor.
To solve the problem of storage space is limited, you can resort to a little trick. For example, set the closets with mirrored doors. So you decide to question the placement of things and visually enlarge the space due to the reflective surface. Do not neglect the shelves inside the sofas and beds.

As experience shows, they are roomy enough to hide in the depths of his cloak, and bedding.
Finally, use a folding furniture such as a bed, which during the day is usual wardrobe.

Proper zoning allows advantageous to combine two of the interior in the same room.
Or by applying horizontal zoning method, equip the podium under the sleeping area, as a place for storage, books or toys.

Break room into a bedroom and living room can be color, decorative materials, the creation of multi-level ceilings or floors.
Bedroom and living room are considered opposites of lighting design. And if the bedroom is selected ambient lighting, then the living room it is important that the light was enough. How to solve this issue?

When zoning bedroom is better positioned in the far side of the room and closer to the window to keep the intimate space and to provide natural light.
First of all, if the room has a window, let it as a source of natural light, the area will get to sleep.

Project of the interior of the room must withstand the combined unity of color.
Simple solution - hang in the bedroom area extra lamp or a sconce on the wall. If you want something unusual, use LED strips.

Using Wallpaper only in some parts of the walls visually expand the space and enrich the design.
An important detail: chandelier, hanging alone in the middle of the combined space - it's not just a bad idea, but, as the classic tradition of old times! If you like the overhead light, then there are two chandeliers in the middle of the ceiling of each zone. This embodiment is more suitable.

Designers recommend taking as a basis the neutral light shades and complement the interior nice detail and bright not dull decor.
By the way, the correct lighting contributes to the design of the windows. It is better to forget about bulky draperies and multi-layer structures. Prefer bright light curtains, through which natural light can easily penetrate into the room.

Design a bedroom-living room should be created in one color to a living room and a bedroom advantageously complement each other.
Do not forget that today's lighting solutions are able to create unique beauty and comfort interior, rather than just giving light!

If the design of the room evokes nostalgia and drowsiness, you should add a few bright, bold accents.
In the modern interior is unacceptable the presence of only one source of artificial light, sconces, floor lamps and spotlights - all at your disposal. Indeed, thanks to them to create a cozy atmosphere, where you can spend time with friends or to gain strength after the working day.

The main rule when choosing furniture - a sense of proportion, and nothing more.
As can be seen, even on a modest 17 square meters, you can create a unique interior that combines different living areas by purpose. With a little imagination and financial collapses and your home turns into a comfortable safe haven in which you want to return.

A bit of courage, imagination, creativity, skills and effort - and every aspiring home artist can create a unique interior.