Multifunctional interior - the best solution for limited space. This is a relatively new trend in design, and to accept it may not be easy. However, it is worth a try, and believe me, you do not want to return to the standard conservative of indoor options.

For convenience and comfort in the space of one room should be allocated different areas for the living room and bedrooms.
What to consider
- What to consider
- Advantages and disadvantages
- elements zoning
Furniture for the combined space
- Bed, sofa, or ...
- Cabinets and shelves
- Table
- VIDEO: Living room and bedroom in one room.
- 50 variants bedroom-living room design in the same room:
First of all, combining functional zones "opposite" appointments recommended only when necessary. That is, if there is an apartment of modest dimensions, think about how to make these more spacious dimensions without moving walls. The solution is simple - intelligently arrange the right furniture (convertible) and carefully choose finishing materials.

To achieve harmony of the situation to help interesting decorating techniques.
Someone prefers to "solve" the problem of combining using only furniture such as a sofa, which is a slight movement of the hand turns into a bed at night and in the morning, becoming couch again.

At correct calculation in any room can be arranged zones for night rest and reception of visitors.
However, simple at first glance, the decision is fraught with a lot of inconvenience. Firstly, the folding-unfolding bored. Secondly, the constant heavy use mechanisms come into disrepair. And, thirdly, there is such furniture is not cheap, and for the money is quite possible to implement a "long-playing" ideas.

zoning method is selected depending on the financial capacity, floor space.
For example, zoning space. Believe me, it can make even an amateur designer. Just take into account a number of simple but effective tips, thanks to which even a small room can perform two functions: the living room and bedrooms.
First of all, for "duo" is preferable to choose one door room.

Remember that here you not only have to receive visitors, but also relax after an uneasy day.
Bedroom and living room in the same room can not be "equal", one of the chosen major. It is better if the primacy is for living. After all, the day most of the time the room will be used in that capacity.

Much more difficult to distinguish between different zones in a small space.
Despite these various "tasks" of each residential zone, they are made in the same style. If you are a happy owner of a large living space, choose a style based on personal preferences and wishes. If your square footage is modest, prefer minimalism, whose motto is: "Versatility in all."

Style can be seen not only in the decor elements, but also in selected materials, as well as in the colors and shapes.
The sleeping area is better to hide from prying eyes, and separated from the main space of the room. In addition, if the plan allows, put a bed near a window, thanks to this holiday will be quiet, and the appearance of the room - harmonious.
Advantages and disadvantages
First, about the pleasant. Advantages of combining raznofunktsionalnyh space much greater than the disadvantages.

Today, bedroom and living room in one room is one of the most difficult ways to zoning.
- Using zoning reception, a division of space is easy and transparent. No bulky walls and obstacles, there is no feeling of tightness and stiffness.
- Even modest dimensions it is possible to create a cozy corner, private independent space.
- It is possible to accommodate all.
- Every centimeter of space is exploited to good use.
- Typically, the design of the living room and bedrooms, "two in one" is a much more interesting and unusual as compared with the interior of an ordinary apartment.

Often to such a reconciliation is necessary to resort in a space shortage.
Disadvantages of this design decision a bit, but they are.
- When merging is not possible to maximize sound insulation in the bedroom. And for people, especially reacts to sound, it becomes a real problem.
- The bedroom is not fully separated, despite the partition. So if you care about privacy, consider whether to combine in a single space of the living room and bedroom.

Designers say that the room is even an area of 20 square meters. m can be beautiful, and most importantly comfortable.
elements zoning
The most painless and, at the same time, an effective method of separation space. This technique is used with:
- drywall;
- glass partitions;
- podiums;
- screen printing;
- columns;
- furniture.

The main task - to achieve multi-functional space.
Drywall - the most demanded material for space zoning. It is lightweight and its use is not required additional permits. However, it is quite dense and is able to carry a certain load (and not only the meaning!). Plasterboard partitions are easy to install, install them will be able to even a layman. Finally, it attracts budgeted cost and the ability to create a variety of shapes.

Design is obliged to combine all the functions, and the first thing you need to pay attention - this is the zoning of the space.
A large room block the bookcase with books. In this case, the design does not weigh down the space and not "stealing" square footage.
Not to cover natural light, install a glass wall, partition wall, which performs two functions: divide the room and keep the access of light in the far corners of the room.

The full bed is very important for healthy sleep.
Another unusual solution - the wall with double-sided fireplace. The design is set in such a way that, regardless of which part of the room you are in, it is possible to admire the flames of the fireplace.

If we combine the bedroom and living room in one area, you can get a larger room than the organization of a berth, but in a separate small room.
Mobile partitions and screens - this is the easiest option for the bedroom and living room in one room. If desired, they are easily removed or re-installed for separation zones.

The very limited space recommended incomplete or low barrier.
New, but well-forgotten old solution - used for curtains zoning. It's no secret that earlier in the village houses the only way to isolate themselves and create a secluded space, was the use of curtains. Today, this idea is more popular than ever, and for quite understandable reasons:
- easy to manufacture;
- is available at a price;
- bored with the curtains can be replaced with new ones without any difficulty.

One function of the room is bound to be the leader, and depending on it should be located all major and minor.
A cloth is used very different from air chiffon to heavy linen or gabardine. It all depends on what role does this baffle: protects from prying eyes, or effectively decorates interior.

In the design of premises should be tracked only one design style.
Today, designers offer variations not only of horizontal zoning, but also vertical. So in recent years become increasingly popular podiums - elevation, in which is used for storing books, toys, bedding and other necessary things.

Designers are advised to have the sleeping area near the window.
Furniture for the combined space
Compact and functional - this is the motto under which to choose furniture for the living room and bedroom in one room. Buy table - let it be mobile, chairs - folding (so if you want them to be completely removed from the room), a rack for clothes - mobile. Of course, you can buy and the most ordinary furniture, somewhat cumbersome and clumsy, but it will seriously affect the conditions of the room.

The bedroom should not be similar to the checkpoint area, otherwise it can not be the best way impact on the psychological well-being.
Bed, sofa, or ...
Let's get started. You should start with the bed. The first thing that comes to mind - it is a sofa-bed or convertible. And it is, indeed, an ideal solution for small rooms, which accommodate only one bed and one sofa. A small caveat: these beds are not very comfortable (except for the special orthopedic models), so if you're demanding of the facilities is unlikely to suit you this option.

Most often, the width of the partition is equal to the length of the bed or the couch.
Another unusual solution for combined space - folding bed. During the day she "pretends" wardrobe and keeps in its bosom many necessary things, and in the evening, flick of the wrist swings and becomes comfortable beds.

By the way, sleep on these beds is much more convenient than not a sofa bed.
If it is possible to organize a second tier in the room, it is better to arrange a berth there. So it will be able to permanently establish a comfortable bed without spending every night time and effort to transform sofas.
Cabinets and shelves
Sharing the residential areas by means of the rack, there is a great opportunity to resolve the issue with the storage of things.

With a bedroom area is better at the end of the room, so she was not passing, and was supplied with natural light.
Important! Using, make sure that they are securely fastened as a partition cupboards or shelves. Otherwise, the construction could collapse even with a light touch.
The new design combined premises - spinning cabinet. Original and very practical.

Par with the construction details, the designers in the bedroom, the living room advise to apply and visual ways.
It seems that you can come up to the table several functions? As they say, a table - even in Africa the table! However, modern design in addition to the usual "stand" functions are performed a number of tasks. For example, equipped with additional drawers, table turns into a fount of necessary things that should always be at hand. And if the table is equipped with wheels, it becomes a universal self-propelled vehicle, which can be located and next to a sleeping place, and as a table for the guests during the reception.

Located on top of a special pillow, you get a comfortable ottoman - additional seating.
As can be seen, in order to combine such different in their purpose room, as the living room and bedroom, you have to exert a lot of effort. Carefully consider the details and abandon conservative ideas. However, the unusual at first glance, the interior, very soon win your location.

Even in the modest square meters will build stylish and functional space.